• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 1,783 Views, 33 Comments

I Always Wanted to be Like You (Rewritten) - Cheezy805

Scootaloo has always been a huge fan of Rainbow Dash, but how will she react where her hero is lost?

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Chapter 3

I Always Wanted to be Like You – Part 3

As Scootaloo walked out of the clinic, she could think of nothing but what lay in store for her. She was already making plans on when and where she would train, whether or not she would need a trainer, and how she would get the bits to pay for one. I don’t need a trainer. What’ll they do? Shout at me a whole heap and not much more. No, I’ll just have to do this alone.

She hopped onto her scooter and buckled her helmet. Somepony was calling her name, but she ignored them. Scootaloo took off down the street building speed then snapped her wings straight, attempting to keep them extended against the wind. The unused muscles began to burn faster than she had thought. That just means they’re getting stronger! No pain, no gain, that’s what the adults say, right? Dash… this is for you.


Scootaloo had been training solidly for six months. She had barely spoken to anypony at all, except when taking breaks-however short-and when travelling home. She had long since abandoned her scooter, missing it out of nostalgia more than anything else for a time, but eventually was rid of it. When she mentioned not wanting to get rid of it Applebloom had jumped at the opportunity to get her friend back, offering a permanent spot in the Sweet Apple Acres barn. Scootaloo thanked her for the offer, but Applebloom was saddened to find that Scootaloo now spent even less time on the ground.

Scootaloo still lived in Ponyville. As part of her training she had begun to fly to Cloudsdale every morning and back in the afternoons. Being a mere two miles, she had made a personal task of making the flight in ten minutes or less. If she didn’t make it, she would go and fly the distance again and again until successful, whether or not it meant nearly dropping from the sky in sheer exhaustion.

Her friends were worried. Scootaloo’s actions were almost like depression, but instead of sadness and lack of sense of self-worth, she seemed to have nothing but determination for her training, even if it killed her.

After five months, she had joined the Junior Flight Academy in Cloudsdale. That was her best bet for getting into the Junior Speedsters. Impress someone at the Academy and they’ll come find me. After being at the Academy for a month she had become one of the best flyers in the class. The coach went on about her natural skill and wouldn’t hear a word of it when she tried to tell him it wasn’t. Scootaloo continued training harder than any other in the Academy just so she could achieve her goal.

Within her first month of training Scootaloo had found her mark. The first time she made the ten minute flight to Cloudsdale she felt a small burning on her flank and turned to see a cutie mark much like Rainbow Dash’s own. The cloud had a faint grey tinge to it and the thunder was the same shade of purple as her mane, though it was otherwise identical.

There were only two better flyers than her. The first was a young, cocky, brown colt. He was convinced that he would be the best flyer to ever graduate the academy simply because he had acquired his cutie mark-a shooting star-first of anyone else. The other, had grown to become Scootaloo’s friend, was named Jecht. Her cutie mark was a fireball and her coat was as pure and blue as the sky. She was the niece of Spitfire of the Wonderbolts, and had the fiery mane to prove it. Her dream in life was to take after her auntie and father who had both been Wonderbolts.

Jecht was surprisingly small for her age, though her body was perfectly formed for speed; wings preened to perfection, thin flanked, surprisingly flexible, and her mane seemed to flatten itself to lessen wind resistance when she flew. She would often gross Scootaloo out by stretching a hoof back behind her and bending her wings to unnatural angles, then letting them spring back.

Jecht’s father, Firebolt, had been the original trainer of the Wonderbolts before his arthritis had set in. He was still able to fly, but not well. Firebolt had trained Jecht whenever she wanted help, but had not forced her to train as so many other parent might have. He wanted his daughter to make her own choices.

Scootaloo and Jecht were drawn together by a common interest of striving to do their best in school and later life. Jecht, with her family’s connections, could have secured a place in any flight-related academy or club, but had chosen not to do so until she deemed herself good enough. It was this that kept her down in the Academy with Scootaloo until they were both ready to move on. Scootaloo couldn’t help but respect her friend for waiting behind until she was good enough to move on.

More than that, Scootaloo saw something else in Jecht. She showed loyalty to those close to her. When Scootaloo looked at Jecht, she saw Rainbow Dash.


Applejack still visited Rainbow daily, but the rest of her friends had settled down to a visit roughly once a week whenever they could make it. Twilight optimised this best, making for a two hour visit every Saturday from ten in the morning until midday.

Pinkie Pie had nearly been banned from the hospital when she tried to wake up Rainbow Dash with a party. She had somehow found a way to get confetti and balloons into the air vents, along with sticking streamers around the ceiling. When her friends arrived the party decorations went off and music started, waking up every patient except Dash, and scaring one of the senior residents. Pinkie’s friends scolded her, but they knew deep down that she was only trying to help.

Rarity knew she wouldn’t be able to awaken Dash, so she went for the next best thing: trying to liven up the room a little bit. She put up one of Dash’s “ghastly” Wonderbolts posters on the wall and brought in a vase of flowers every week. She literally hoof-made and fired a new clay vase every week, painting it herself and stocking it with fresh flowers from the local botanist, Roseluck.

Applejack began to donate as many apples as the farm could spare in the hopes that if the hospital spent less money in food they could focus more attention on curing Rainbow Dash. Big Macintosh had tried to explain that that wasn’t the way hospitals worked, and began to explain how a monthly budget works only to be berated for "using them fancy mathematics to muddy the issue."

Twilight researched all she could, even requesting books from Canterlot, but nothing could help. All of the books said the same thing: ‘If a pony is to wake up from a coma, they will do it in their own time,’ before going into details about how to avoid bedsores. This only proved to make Twilight’s mood worse about the whole ordeal. The doctor that Princess Celestia had sent in had said the exact same thing, except he had at least been able to use magic to speed the healing of Rainbow’s broken leg and fractured wing.

Scootaloo had visited twice since she had left that day six months ago. When she came in, she just sat and watched Rainbow Dash, every so often muttering things like ‘I will do it,’ and ‘I’m making progress. Please get better soon.’ Applejack left Scootaloo alone on the few occasions she had come in. She made excuses about having work to do at the farm, but Scootaloo knew better, and she couldn’t be more grateful.

After Dash’s broken bones were fixed, the doctors saw no improvements in her condition. They had once offered to unplug the life support system, but her friends wouldn’t let them do anything of the sort.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had broken up completely. Not long after Scootaloo left she had received her cutie mark. Applebloom eventually convinced Sweetie Belle to try singing publicly and she had agreed. After giving an unbelievable performance of a song of her own composition a mark appeared on her flank in the form of a silver musical note. Applebloom gave up on searching for her mark and started learning how to buck apples properly, taking on bigger chores at the farm.

In her dream world, Dash had regained the ability to use her wings and legs to almost normal levels. She couldn’t do her aerial tricks, but with nopony around to show off to, there was no point to begin with.

Rainbow Dash was drifting off more and more. Her friends still visited her world, though they never interacted with her. If they tried to talk to her it became a one-sided conversation. She couldn’t talk to or touch them. They were completely transparent; oblivious to her movements. The bullies from her junior flight class came to visit once. She contented herself by bucking through their faces a few times, but with no solidity, she gave up and accepted their apologies.

Rainbow’s heart was slowing down. The hospital records showed a slow decline in heart rate. After two months her heart rate was down to half normal speed, and at six months it dropped below a quarter; fifteen beats per minute. The doctors were giving up hope.


One Year Later


Scootaloo had been training with Jecht, as usual, when the stallion arrived. He said he was the coach of the Junior Speedsters and that the teacher at the Academy had mentioned just how advanced these two young mares were. He offered them a chance to be a part of the Junior Speedsters and, without a second thought, they both accepted.

Scootaloo moved in with Jecht. She was like a sister to the young mare; the sister she never had. Jecht’s father was delighted for her to move in, accepting her as a foster daughter. Scootaloo was thrilled to finally have a family. She had been alone for almost as long as she could remember, and having a family again was more than she could have ever hoped for.

Scootaloo was still absolutely devoted to her training. She was only ever seen at the race track or sleeping; sometimes both. Jecht couldn’t possibly keep up with Scootaloo’s level of skill, but Scootaloo still didn’t have any plans of moving up without her friend. She didn’t honestly know where she would be moving to from this point. The Junior Speedsters were as high as you could get before going professional. She decided to pay another visit to Rainbow Dash before her first training session with her new flight team.

Jecht mentioned how she wanted to meed Scootaloo’s hero, and Scootaloo was more than happy to have her friend along on the trip back to her old home town. Dash had been her whole reason for her meeting Jecht; it seemed more than right to invite Jecht along to see her.

Jecht and Scootaloo both set off early the next morning for Ponyville to see Rainbow Dash in the hospital.


They hardly had time to set down on the ground in Ponyville before Scootaloo was hug-tackled by her old friends Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.

‘Gawt’cha! Y’ can’t fly away now!’

‘Don’t struggle, you big chicken! We haven’t seen you in so long!’

Jecht laughed as Scootaloo continued to struggle under her old friends. Applebloom looked up to see Jecht for the first time and jumped off of Scootaloo, almost immediately followed by Sweetie Belle.

‘Ooh, this your marefriend?’ chided Applebloom

‘Actually, no. This is my friend, Jecht. Y’know, like a fighter jet? We’ve been training together for months now.’

‘Hiya!’ put in Jecht

‘If you say so,’ said Sweetie Belle, a sly smirk coming across her face.

‘Nothing like that is going on, Sweetie Belle.’ Scootaloo’s eyes narrowed slightly as she glared at her old friend.

‘I’m only teasing. Don’t you remember when we used to make jokes? You haven’t forgotten what a joke is have you?’

‘No, I do, I just don’t remember those kinds of jokes going on. What’s new with you two, anyway?’

‘Ah got my cutie mark! It’s an apple seed, y’see?’ She turned to show off an image of a brown seed on her flank.
‘Applejack thinks it means Ah’m the spark o’ new life or somethin’, but I dunno. I’m the best at plantin’ stuff, anyway.’

‘Rarity’s trying to get me in contact with a record company from Canterlot. I don’t think I’m that good as singing, but she won’t let up, so I guess I’ll humour her.’

Dictionary.’ Jecht looked at Scootaloo, confused at the out of place comment. ‘It’s an old joke, I’ll tell you later.’

‘Alrighty then.’

‘Anyway, we were heading to the clinic?’

‘Yessum. Come on down th’other side o’ town, they moved her to the long stay ward a while ago. They wanted to move her to Manehattan, but we said “no way is we losin’ a friend like Rainbow! We want her to stay here,” 'nd that was it. They moved her over that-a-way’ she pointed her head south.

The four young mares set off through town, Jecht and Scootaloo collecting glances from young bucks. Scootaloo knew she should feel offended at the way they were ogling at her, but she was secretly proud… until Jecht shoved her over and started laughing.


‘Hey, somepony had to do it! Even Pegasi aren’t allowed to live with their heads in the clouds.’

Scootaloo got back to her hooves and waited until Jecht wasn’t watching to shove her back.



‘Oh really?’

‘Yeah, really!’

Jecht picked herself up off the ground and ran at Scootaloo, tripping over when Scootaloo leapt into the air.

‘What’s the matter? I thought you were faster than that!’

Jecht bared her teeth, attempting to cover a smile. She launched herself into the air after Scootaloo, both pulling off complex aerial moves in attempts to gain higher ground and shove each other. Scootaloo pulled in tightly, gliding backwards over the top of Jecht, and lightly poked her between the joints of her wings. Jecht gasped and fell a full twelve feet to the ground.

‘Jecht! Are you okay? Oh Celestia, I’m sorry!’

‘Come here… Scootaloo…’ She sat back up on the ground, gasping deeply.

Scootaloo landed quickly and walked over, fearing she had more than just winded her friend.

‘YOU’RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT, FILLY!’ Jecht jumped up and flew at Scootaloo, taking her by surprise and knocking her over. They rolled over each other twice before coming to rest, laughing.

Applebloom leaned in close to Sweetie Belle. ‘Are y’ sure they ain’t… y’know… t’gether?’

‘I don’t even know.’


They arrived at the long-stay ward and were directed to the right room, entering together. The new room seemed more homely than Rainbow’s old one. There were paintings by famous artists on the walls and several books on a nearby desk collecting dust.

Rainbow had nowhere near as many machines attached to her as the last time Scootaloo had visited. In the old hospital, Rainbow had at least two cables attached to every limb, but here she had only an IV drip in her right foreleg and a heart monitor patch on her left, completed with a small mask for supplying oxygen to the mare. Her mane had lost all of its natural lustre and even seemed to be somewhat greying, and her coat was nowhere near the vibrant shade of blue that it used to be.

‘Hey girls. ‘Been a long time since Ah’ve seen y’all t’gether like this,’ came the familiar voice of Applejack from the corner of the room.

‘Applejack! Uhh, hi. I didn’t see you there. Err, no, this isn’t my marefriend. I see that assumption runs in the family,’ Scootaloo said with a backwards glance at Applebloom who shrugged. ‘This is Jecht. She’s a friend of mine. We’re here to see Dash.’

‘Well it’s good t’ see yer alive and well. It’s been too long. More’n a year since I last saw yeh. Ye grew up so fast…’

Applejack seemed tired, sitting there. She had rushed her chores every single day to try to make it into town and be with Rainbow Dash. Applebloom admired her sister’s loyalty, but worried for her health. More than once had Applejack almost injured herself seriously by trying to rush chores. On one occasion, Applejack had been trapped under a stack of hay bales that she didn’t stack properly and had to wait for an hour before Big Macintosh found her in the barn.

‘Well, ah should be getting’ back t’ th’ farm. Big Macintosh’ll be wantin’ some help since you’re takin’ the day off, Applebloom. Yeh sure are lucky, y’know. Yer one day off is the one day Scootaloo comes t’ town.’

‘Yeah, ain’t that right, big sister? Ah’ll seeya at home later.’

Applejack stood and cantered out of the room, only pausing to give Scootaloo a quick, friendly hug.

Scootaloo walked to the bedside, Jecht standing back in the doorway.

‘Uh, hi, Rainbow Dash. I haven’t seen you in more than a year. Sorry, I guess. Well… I’ve been training like you told me to. I joined the Junior Flight Academy shortly after leaving Ponyville- oh yeah, and I moved to Cloudsdale, too… I graduated top of the year, second-fastest of any pony, ever, right after you. Oh, and I’m in the Junior Speedsters now, just like you were.’

A tear began to roll, down her face. Her voice, however, remained level and unbroken.

‘I wish you could see how far I’ve come. It was all for you. Rainbow Dash, you’re my hero. I-I…’ she broke off and sat in silence while more tears rolled down her muzzle.

Jecht came and stepped up to the bed to better look at Rainbow Dash.

‘Hi, Rainbow Dash. I’m Jecht, Scootaloo’s new sister. I’m very happy to meet you,’ she said. Jecht knew there was no point in talking to a pony this far under, but she did it more for Scootaloo’s sake than anything. ‘I see why she strives so hard to do her best. I’ll make sure to keep her in check for you, okay? She needs a friend to watch over here.’ She then leant against Scootaloo’s neck to give the young orange mare some comfort.

‘Thank you,’ whispered Scootaloo.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other and began to whisper.

‘Are y’ absotively sure they ain’t t’gether? I mean… well, look!’

‘That’s not a word, Applebloom... and I’m still not sure, but I suppose there was a point when we both did that with our sisters, and Scootaloo’s never had a sister before. Just don’t say anyth- uh-oh.’

Scootaloo had heard faint muttering and turned around to see two guilty looking faces. She suddenly realised how the scene must appear to her old friends. She had been talking to a comatose pony and now was now nuzzling somepony she had claimed to be nothing more than a friend.

She turned to Dash and quietly said ‘It’s all been for you’, then turned back and walked out of the room again, Jecht not far behind.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle glanced one final time back to Dash and left behind Scootaloo and Jecht.

They spent the rest of the day meeting and greeting all of her old friends and acquaintances from Ponyville. Pinkie was literally bouncing off the walls with excitement when Scootaloo got there, and she wasn’t able to leave until an hour had passed and they were carrying a tray of free cupcakes each that Pinkie Pie had insisted they take.

A few ponies were wary of Jecht when they found out she was related to Spitfire of the Wonderbolts, but they respected Scootaloo’s choice in friends and held their tongues. Fluttershy had held her tongue more out of nervousness at meeting a new pony than anything else.

By 4PM that afternoon, they had reacquainted everypony from Scootaloo’s old life, and decided to take a break together down at her favourite childhood spot. She had once found a small river a few hundred yards into the forest and had since then visited it at least once a week until she had left Ponyville. She suspected the magic of the forest was at play, as despite it being the middle of the day, stars were clearly visible between the few breaks in tree branches overhead.

When the day was nearly over, Scootaloo and Jecht headed home to Cloudsdale, still with a few cupcakes wrapped up in their saddlebags.

‘Thank you, Scootaloo.’

‘Huh? What for?’

‘For letting me meet your old friends… and Rainbow Dash.’

‘Aw, come on, don’t get all sappy on me!’

‘Don’t make me knock you out the sky.’

‘I thought it was me who did that?’

‘Who did what? Got knocked out the sky?’ Jecht swung in dangerously close to Scootaloo, but instead of shoving her again, she lightly nudged her foreleg, offering a friendly smile.

‘Thank you, Jecht.’


‘For being such a good friend. I needed you today.’

They flew the rest of the trip in silence, arriving back home just as the sun dipped under the horizon.


Growing numbers of competitors were arriving in Cloudsdale. Word of the undefeatable duo was spreading fast, and they were more than happy to race anypony who went up against them. Their coach had put them both into the highest class the Speedsters had at their disposal, yet they still rose together to the top. Jecht had finally caught up to Scootaloo’s skill level again, and Scootaloo couldn’t be happier to have a friendly face by her side. With Jecht racing alongside her, nopony stood a chance against either of them.

Finally, Scootaloo began to enter official competitions. She lost nearly every one of them until Jecht joined in, too. With the added familial competition, she began to win half of competitions; the other half being won by Jecht. It was a rare occurrence that anypony beat either of them, let alone both.

They entered more and more advanced competitions, including some aerobatics ones, just to see how they could go. They both failed superbly in the Single Aerobatics competitions, but in Duo Competitions, they blew the rest out of the air. They were always perfectly synchronised, even through their more complex moves, never missing a beat of their wings, and always coming home with an award to show for their efforts.

At last, the Wonderbolts themselves came to Cloudsdale. They were scheduled to be touring around the eastern borders of Equestria, but had organised for a short trip to Cloudsdale to investigate the rumours.

This was what two years of training and competitions had boiled down to. In order to achieve her life goal, Scootaloo had to surpass Rainbow Dash. She had to become a Wonderbolt.