• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 1,416 Views, 16 Comments

Princestians - Buob

An OC meets Mane 6 and finds they're like the ponies in her old town

  • ...


Windy ducked into an alleyway when she was sure neither Pinkie Pie nor Twilight Sparkle were looking. Before she could go anywhere, she heard a faint voice behind her.

“Um, are you alright?”

Windy whirled around to find a yellow pegasus looking at her from behind her pink mane.

“What do you care?” Windy snapped. The yellow pegasus seemed to shrink back.

“N-no offense...I just...you looked upset...and...I wanted to help.”

“Speak up, I didn’t hear that last part.”

“Sorry. I said that I just wanted to help.” Windy groaned, if anything, the yellow pegasus had gotten quieter.

“Oh, come on; Out with it! Sheesh, are you always this quiet?”

The pegasus winced, and closing her eyes shouted out (though still rather quietly, maybe it qualified as a shout to her), “I just wanted to help!” Then, seemingly shocked by the sound of her own voice, the timid pegasus recoiled and said, “Oh goodness! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to shout...” She was almost to the verge of apologetic tears when Windy interrupted.

“No, please don’t cry, I’m just in a bad mood is all. You can try to help if you like.”

“Really?” the pegasus sniffed and immediately brightened. The change was so dramatic that Windy took an impulsive step back.

“Ye-yeah, maybe you can help me. If you’d like that is.”

“Oh, yes! I would!” said the pegasus. A little too enthusiastically, thought Windy. So she changed the subject.

“Uh, what’s your name, anyway?” said Windy, taking another step back and bumping into the wall, dislodging some dust. She sneezed.

“Celestia bless you!” said the pegasus, not noticing Windy’s wince at the mention of Celestia. “My name’s Fluttershy. What’s yours?”


“Ooh, that’s a nice name.”

Windy grimaced as she remembered some of the teasing she had gotten as a philly because of her name. Fluttershy saw her grimace.

“What’s wrong? Is it your wound? You have some blood on your nose.”

“No, it was nothing. Forget about it.” Windy wiped the blood away. “So, are you always this quiet?”

“Most of the time. However, even Celestia knows I can be loud when I want to be. Uh...Windy? Are you okay?”

Windy’s face had gone pale as the connotations of the pegasus’ words hit her. Not another one! Are all the ponies in this town crazy? She looked around frantically.

“So sorry,” Windy gasped out, edging back along the wall, “but I just remembered that I left my hat in the oven. Got-to-go-bye!”

As Windy cantered away, Fluttershy looked confusedly after her and said to nobody in particular, “W...was it something I said?”

Unknown to her, it was.

Windy got past the corner and sprinted out of any of these crazy ponies’ view. Unsure exactly where to go, she darted behind a fancy looking building. Seeing she was safe, she started counting how many ponies she had met that she knew were Princestians. It was pretty obvious that Pinkie Pie was a Princestian, and that yellow pegasus....Fluttershy...she seemed to be a Princestian too. She wasn’t too sure about that one purple unicorn, whose name Windy had forgotten, but she had the feeling that she may be one of them too. It was especially suspicious that she had a dragon with her....

Now that she had everypony sorted out, she turned to see the purple unicorn entering a house, presumably her own. Waiting for the door to close, Windy hurried over and peeked in the window. She gasped in surprise to see that the walls were covered with books. The purple unicorn inside turned to the window and Windy ducked. Unsure if the other equine had seen her or not, Windy waited for about 5 minutes then peeked in again. The room was empty.


“OMIGOSH!” Windy jumped in the air, frightened. She whirled around to see the unicorn. “What?!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just saw you out here and was wondering if you wanted to come in.”

Shocked and a little confused, Windy stayed silent. Realizing that she had been asked a question, she shook her head to clear it, then seriously thought about the offer.

“Well, okay.” She said, defeated.

“Come on then.”

Windy followed the purple unicorn inside. When the unicorn shut the door, the silence was broken.

“I’m sorry but I never really caught your name earlier.”

“It’s Windy.”

The unicorn looked outside, still not knowing that Windy was stating her name, not the current weather conditions.

“It doesn’t look windy...”

“No, my name is Windy.”

Realization dawned on the unicorn’s face.

“Oooooh, okay. That makes sense.”

“Yeah. Now what’s your name?”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m the librarian and number one student to Princess Celestia.”

Windy winced and looked at the door. It was closed, and it looked like it wouldn’t open easily. She was stuck. Twilight didn’t seem to notice her discomfort.

“'Number one student to Celestia, huh? So, you think you’re high and mighty?”

Twilight was clearly shocked at the automatic 180 Windy had pulled.

“Um, what?”

“You think you’re high and mighty because you know the Princess? Heh, does she speak to you, have small conversations with you?”

“Yes, on occasion.”

Windy felt sick.

“Yeah, fat chance.”

“Uh, Windy? What’s wrong?”

Windy walked towards the door and opened it.

“Everything. Let me just ask you a question. Did you deliver a letter to a pony in Canterlot about a year or two ago?”

"I deliver quite a few letters. You'd need to be more specific."

"In that case, did you tell him about Celestia?"

"Um, I go up to a lot of ponies and tell them I have a letter to them from The Princess. I really don't see how this matters."

"Fine, never mind."

Windy slammed the door shut and walked out, almost running into Fluttershy.

“Get out of my way!”


Fluttershy moved to the side and Windy walked past her. Not caring where she would go, she walked towards a forest. It was still midday, so there was enough light to see where she was going. She just needed to cool off a bit. Had she not been so angry, she would have heard Fluttershy say, “That’s the scary part of the Everfree Forest.”

End of Chapter

Author's Note:

Some edits, changes to incorporate later chapters, etc.