• Published 13th May 2013
  • 2,023 Views, 29 Comments

Lyra's Big Idea - AstroStar

When her idea for 'Equestria Girls' gets rejected, Lyra takes matters into her own hooves.

  • ...

The Reaction

"YOU DID WHAT?!?" Lyra screamed in disbelief.

"It was an accident," Derpy tried to explain. "I didn't mean for it to happen."

The green unicorn was beside herself. Just barely an hour ago, she had let Derpy deliver the finished 'Equestria Girls' movie to the library. And now, she has an unexpected visit from the googly-eyed pegasus at her place telling her that the movie had been delivered straight to Hasbro instead.

"I can't believe this! How could you even think about playing with that machine in the first place? Why weren't you thinking down there?!?" Lyra yelled.

Derpy cowered in fear. "I'm... I'm sorry!"

"You.... YOU...."

Lyra's expression tensed up, ready to berate Derpy for the blunder. However, as much as Lyra wanted to yell at the pegasus, she could only just sigh. It was just an unfortunate turn of events, she decided, and it looked as if Derpy was already beating herself up hard for her error, so it wouldn't be worth it to pile on the pegasus' misery by being angry at her too. Besides, Derpy wasn't the biggest thing on her mind after all. It was the simple fact that Hasbro had her movie.

"It's all right Derpy. I understand. I'm sorry I almost lost my temper," Lyra said.

"You mean, you're not mad?" Derpy asked in disbelief.

"Actually right now, I'm more nervous than mad," Lyra admitted.

"You are?"

"Derpy, Hasbro has my movie! HASBRO!!! I'm not ready to handle Hasbro! I was barely ready to handle Pinkie and her friends!"

"Well, maybe they'll like it. You never know, Lyra." Derpy tried to smile to make Lyra feel better.

"And what if they don't like it! Actually, scratch that. I KNOW they won't like it!"

"And how do you know that?"

"Because there's still a million things wrong with the movie! That's why I wanted Pinkie's opinion first! I wanted this to be absolutely perfect before I went to Hasbro, just like the actual show."

Lyra's reasoning got Derpy thinking. "You know Lyra, the show might be good but it's definitely not perfect."

Lyra gasped at the blasphemous thought. "How can you say that?"

"Well if you really think about it, there are a lot of problems that still exist in the finished episodes," Derpy explained herself.

"Name one!"

"Ok. Uh... so remember when Twilight went crazy trying to get a friendship report in on time?"

"Yeah, I think everyone remembers that!"

"Well, couldn't she have just wrote a report saying that there was nothing to report that week? Or just summarized her other reports like she did in 'Baby Cakes'?"

"Well uh... she wasn't really thinking clearly, remember? She must not have considered those options." Lyra replied.

"Ok then..." Derpy continued. "Remember when Fluttershy asked Spike to take care of Angel? Well, who was watching all her other animals?"

"Erm... she probably asked for extra help for the cottage, or something."

"And how come nopony went to the Rodeo to cheer for Applejack in 'The Last Roundup' while everypony made it to Cloudsdale to cheer Rainbow Dash in the Best Young Flyers competition?"

Lyra hesitated. "Well, they probably just..."

"And how did the Equestria Games went to the Crystal Empire anyway? The inspector's own experience was miserable and she just gave it to them anyway after talking to ONE PONY!!!"

"When you put it that way..."

"And how come Bon-Bon said she never heard of Rarity in 'Green Isn't Your Color'? Hadn't she ever been to Carousel Boutique before?"

"I... never really thought of that...."

"And did Celestia REALLY need Twilight and the others to liven up the Gala in the first place? If she knew that it was always boring, wouldn't she have tried to liven it up herself a long time ago?"

"Maybe she did, but..."

"And does anypony find it unfair that Applejack and Apple Bloom are allowed to compete in the Sisterhooves Social race in the first place when the whole thing is pretty much doing the chores they do every single day?"

"Ok Derpy, I think you made your point..."

"And how come Cheerilee didn't have better oversight on the Free Foal Press when it was starting to be distributed OUTSIDE of Ponyville?"

"Derpy, you can stop now..."

"Oh and don't even get me started about the Mare-Do-Well thing!"


Lyra's shout was enough to bring Derpy's rant to a premature end.

"Ok, I get it. The show's not perfect. But it's still very good despite all that. Trust me, it was very hard to try to emulate what they do week in and week out for 'Equestria Girls'."

"I saw the whole thing, remember? I think you did a very good job. And I'm sure everypony else who helped you thought so too!"

"Thanks Derpy," Lyra smiled. "I just hope Hasbro thinks the same way too, and I really hope Pinkie and the others understand that this was an accident."

"I'll explain everything to her when they get back from their vacation. It was my fault it got submitted like that... after all." Derpy wasn't able to hold in her yawn. She began to make her way to the door. "I need to get back home soon. It's getting kinda late."

"Ok Derpy. Goodnight." Lyra waved to the departing pegasus.

"Goodnight Lyra, and don't worry. Everything's going to be just fine!" Derpy said as she left the room.

Lyra fell backwards onto her bed in exhaustion. She laid in bed for a few seconds before Derpy flew her door open again.

"Wait! I have one more!" Derpy suddenly announced.

Lyra sighed. "Go ahead."

Derpy inhaled. "If Applejack is supposed to be the 'loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies', shouldn't she be the element of loyalty instead of Rainbow Dash?"

"All done?" Lyra asked.

"All done! Goodnight!" Derpy smiled and slammed the door shut.

Lyra breathed deeply as she was once again alone in her room. She stared up at the ceiling as her mind raced with several thoughts simultaneously. What does Hasbro think of the movie? How soon will it take them to get back to them? Is the movie really that good enough? Was she sure everything got handled in a way that would meet everyone's expectations? What would Pinkie say/do if she found out that all this happened behind their backs? Could Derpy really explain everything to them? Lyra had so many questions at the moment but sadly had no answers to ease her mind. She was past the point of no return with the movie being submitted.

Eventually, Lyra realized that she had no control over what Hasbro might do, so it wouldn't make sense to worry herself about it. Besides, Derpy had a point. Despite a few hiccups here and there, she was satisfied with the way 'Equestria Girls' came out overall. The question now was will others think that when they see the movie themselves.

~~Two Weeks Later...~~

"Ah! Home sweet home!" Pinkie shouted as she trotted into Sugarcube Corner, relieved that the long trek back from Las Pegasus was over. Her other five friends, with the addition of a tag-along baby dragon, were quick to follow Pinkie into the candy shop.

"Hey Pinkie, do you mind if we rest our hooves up here for a bit?" Twilight asked.

"I got dibs on the ice cream!!!" Spike shouted, making a beeline towards the kitchen.

Pinkie laughed at Spike and his sweet tooth. "You know, I wasn’t really planning a We’re-Back-From-Our-Vacation party, but what do you girls say we just go on ahead and have it anyway?"

"Sweet!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "I could squeeze in one more party from this trip!"

Applejack arched an eyebrow in confusion. "You sure 'bout that, Rainbow? Ah would think you would have been worn out back there in Las Pegasus when ya..."

"HEY!" Rainbow Dash cut her off. "What happens in Las Pegasus, stays in Las Pegasus!"

"That may be so, but I think you have to reconsider any event that winds up involving the police," Rarity pointed out.

"That slot machine had it coming!" Rainbow Dash argued. "Besides, that was child's play considering what Fluttershy was doing with..."

"A-HEM!!!" Fluttershy cleared her throat to catch Rainbow's attention. The cyan pegasus turned her head and was met with the Stare.

"Uh... then again what happens in Las Pegasus, stays in Las Pegasus." Rainbow Dash smiled nervously, which prompted a defiant nod from Fluttershy.

"Well, at any rate, I think that vacation was just what the doctor ordered for all of us, especially after what happened during the finale," Rarity said. "We really should take another vacation sooner rather than later!"

"As much as I would like to, I really need to get back with Princess Celestia soon," Twilight said apologetically. "I've still got some princess lessons I need to get done."

"And speaking of that, we also need to start gearing up to make new episodes too," Pinkie reminded everyone. "We're going to be super busy with the show this year, so we need to rest up so we'll be ready to go this winter!"

"That reminds me Pinkie," Applejack spoke up. "Do you know why Hasbro sent us that letter yesterday saying that the show's delayed until the winter? Don't we usually start up in the fall?"

Pinkie shrugged. "I honestly don't know why, but it gives us more time to get the show done, so I'm not complaining!" Pinkie did find it odd that letter Spike burped up from HQ said that the premiere of season 4 would be delayed.

"I wonder why Hasbro did that anyway," Fluttershy thought out loud. "Are we being pushed aside for something else?"

"Why would Hasbro do that?" Rarity argued. "We're one of Hasbro's hottest properties, and we're one of the highest rated shows on the Hub!"

"It still seems kinda fishy that they would just bump us like that on such short notice," Applejack said. "Ah hope they tell us whats going on at least."

"Uhh… Oh...." The six ponies were quick to notice a groaning voice coming from the kitchen. They all went over to find the voice belonged to Spike, and he was clutching his stomach in pain.

"Are you all right Spike?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"My... stomach…" the baby dragon grunted in pain.

"I told you not to eat too much ice cream Spike!" Twilight frowned.

Spike shook his head. "It’s not that… I think it’s a…"

Without any further warning, Spike let out a burp that rattled through the entire building. The six ponies had to protect themselves as a brilliant green fire emerged from the small dragon. A few short moments later, that fire materialized into a large brown package.

"Whoa! Spike, are you ok?" Rainbow Dash asked the exhausted dragon assistant.

"I'm fine. But Twilight... promise me you'll send your Hearth's Warming Eve gifts the old fashioned way." Spike groaned, getting back to his feet after being floored by the magical delivery.

The six ponies proceeded to inspect the unexpected delivery.

"Were you expecting a package Twilight?" Applejack asked.

Twilight shook her head. "No. I never even ordered anything."

Rainbow Dash was quick to see the box had a familiar corporate logo on its side. "Hey guys! It’s from Hasbro!"

The announcement left Pinkie terribly confused. "What? But we weren’t expecting anything from HQ. At least not like this!"

"Maybe they sent us new designs for the upcoming season," Rarity guessed.

"Hey look! There's a letter on the top of the box," Fluttershy noticed the attached envelope on the package.

Twilight took the envelope with her magic and opened it. She proceeded to read the letter out lout to everypony.

"From Hasbro, This package that we sent you contains all the elements, treatments, posters, and other promotional materials related to your upcoming... movie?" Twilight's face twisted in confusion, as did everyone else in the room.

"Wait. Movie? What movie?!?" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"I don’t know, but that’s what it says in the letter!" Twilight replied.

"But, we never did a movie!" Fluttershy noted.

"Spike, you sent the letter to Hasbro telling them we weren't doing the movie, right?" Pinkie asked urgently.

Spike quickly nodded. "I did! And Twilight was there to double check that it got sent!"

"So how in tarnation did they think we were doin’ a movie?" Applejack asked.

"There’s more to the letter, girls." Twilight said. She continued reading the letter. "We are thrilled that you changed your mind over the prospect of doing a movie and we promise that we will do our best on our end to ensure the success of the new 'Equestria Girls' line."

"Equestria Girls?!?" Rarity shouted in alarm.

"Oh no…" Fluttershy uncharacteristically groaned.

"How did Hasbro find out about that?!?" Pinkie shrieked in fear.

"Probably from the one pony who thought this was a good idea," Applejack hypothesized.

Rainbow Dash facehoofed as she realized who Applejack was alluding to. "Lyra, you idiot!"

"Spike, get a parchment and quill ready!" Pinkie urgently instructed. "We have to write Hasbro back right now and tell them that we’re not doing this!!!"

"Girls…" Twilight interjected. "If I’m reading this letter right, I think the movie is already finished."

Pinkie did a double take. "WHAT?!? HOW?!?"

Twilight responded by reading more of the letter. "Enclosed in the package is the final submitted copy of the “My Little Pony: Equestria Girls” movie. We will give it a special release in theaters before the full release on home video later this summer."

"Hey! Maybe we can win an Oscar!" Spike grinned. He was immediately surrounded by six frowning ponies.

"Or not," Spike corrected himself.

Pinkie shook her head in disbelief as she tried to figure out just how this turn of events could have happened. "This doesn't make any sense. We haven’t done any filming since Twilight’s Coronation. How did they even get this done without us anyway?"

"Well, maybe the movie doesn’t star us," Fluttershy tried to explain.

"You mean Lyra just went ahead a made the movie with other ponies instead of us?" Applejack theorized.

Rarity scratched her chin in deep thought. "That would make sense, but then why would she submit it directly to Hasbro then? Why not show us the movie first?"

"Maybe she was too afraid after we said no the first time," Fluttershy guessed.

"More importantly, who the heck did Lyra get to star in this train wreck?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

Twilight began using her magic to open the package. "Well it seems like there's a lot of stuff in here, so we can find out what Lyra came up with. I'm just curious to know exactly who she picked to star in..."

Twilight froze as she took her first peak inside the package.

"What is it, Twilight?" Pinkie asked as she noticed the purple alicorn's expression tensed significantly.

"Girls? I think you all need to take a look at this," Twilight said, her eyes locked on the contents of the package in shock.

Curious, the others slowly approached Twilight to take a peek inside the box. They all let out a shocked gasp when they took a gander at what Twilight was looking at. At the very top of the box was a purple poster which read 'My Little Pony: Equestria Girls! Coming Soon!', the familiar pink franchise logo now rendered in purple. However, what really caught everyone's eyes were the six human figures with surprisingly varied skin colors. Everypony was quick to recognize the purple-skinned human as Twilight from Lyra's earlier presentation. They were also quick to recognize who the other five girls in the picture were supposed to represent.

"That’s us!!!" Fluttershy shrieked.

"It looks like us, but dear heavens! What did they DO to us?!?" Rarity stood stunned.

"THAT’S supposed to be me?!?" Applejack shouted, pointing straight the orange-skinned cowgirl in the picture. "Ah look like Ah’ve never even SEEN a farm before, never mind working on one!!!"

"How could this have happened? We never approved any of this!" Pinkie's head was lost in confusion. How could anypony do any of this without them noticing? And how could anypony turn her and her friends into this? Pinkie found herself getting angrier the longer she stared at the promotional poster.

Rainbow Dash cringed as she took a look at her Equestria Girls counterpart. "Why am I wearing lipstick? Did anyone get the memo that I don’t do makeup if I can help it? And what is that supposed to be on our cheeks?"

"I... think that's our cutie marks," Twilight observed.

Rainbow did a double take when she confirmed that the tattoo marks on the human's cheeks were indeed their cutie marks. "Seriously? My war face in “Dragonshy” was a better ‘Cutie Mark’!!! I can’t believe this. That… thing is not Rainbow Dash. Heck, Lady Rainbow was a closer Rainbow Dash than this!!!!"

"Well, can somepony explain to me why all of our hair is going all the way to the floor?" Rarity spoke up. "Did they really have to incorporate our manes AND tails here? I'm fairly certain human hair does not work that way. It would take forever to wash that thing anyway..."

Spike was still utterly confused. "I don't get it. We were in Las Pegasus this whole time, right? How can you guys be in this if we never filmed it?" the dragon asked.

Twilight was quick to come up with an answer. "Lyra must have gotten Chrysalis and the Changelings help for this!"

"But how did she get this over to Hasbro then?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Does it even matter how, RD?" Applejack sighed in defeat. "The fact of the matter is she got it made, she somehow got it to Hasbro, and now Hasbro gonna release it."

"Not if I can help it!" Pinkie Pie shouted angrily. She grabbed the poster and started to make her way towards her room. "I'm putting a stop to this! None of this can ever get out! I need to get in touch with Hasbro. It’s an emergency! I’m sure they'll…"

"Pinkie!!!" Twilight shouted, stunning the angry earth pony quiet. "The letter says that production is already underway on the DVDs and the release dates are finalized."

"Well then we'll go straight to Celestia! Maybe she can still reach out to Lauren and..."

"You know just as well as I do that not even Princess Celestia can overturn a decision by Hasbro," Twilight pointed out.

"In that case we're just going to have to stop this ourselves!"

"You want us to go over Hasbro's head?" Twilight asked. "I'm sorry Pinkie, but there's nothing we can do."

Pinkie Pie stared at her friends in stunned disbelief as they all silently agreed with Twilight. "I can't believe this! You mean to say that you girls are just going to sit there and let this... thing get released."

Twilight sighed. "Pinkie, we're not thrilled about this either, but Hasbro made their decision. This is out of our hooves now."

"Out of our hooves? Out of our hooves!?!" Pinkie shouted, holding the accursed poster in her arm. The girls were stunned to see that Pinkie's colors began to dull as she got increasingly angry. "So will it be out of our hooves when the fans blame us for this mess? Will it be out of our hooves when this 'movie' destroys everything we built for the past three years? Will it be out of our hooves if this is the reason why the fans leave us and our entire world disappears?!?"

"Hold on Pinkie, you're jumping to conclusions!" Rarity warned. "You can't get so worked up over pure speculation!"

Fluttershy try to speak up. "Besides, Lauren said that the fans love us so much that we'll never vanish like that."

"Oh don't be so naive, Fluttershy!" Pinkie snarled, making the shy pegasus cower in fear. "You think the fans would want to have anything to do with us after this? You haven't seen how mean they can get."

"I thought you said that fans will be fans, Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"That's still no excuse to give them mindless crap like this!"

"All right Pinkie, that's enough!" Applejack shouted, trying to calm the furious earth pony down. "You really can't get yourself this worked up about it!"

"It's not just that," Pinkie leered. "There's something else much worse that happened here. It's bad enough that Lyra created this abomination, but that pales in comparison to the bigger crime."

"And just what was that?" the cowpony asked.

Pinkie's voice reached a low menacing tone. "I trusted Lyra. And she broke that trust."

Everypony cringed. They all remembered what Pinkie always said about violating a friend's trust.

Pinkie turned around and began to trot out of Sugarcube Corner in silent fury. "Excuse me everypony. I need to have a little one-on-one with Lyra about this."

The remaining ponies plus one dragon turned to each other in silence, desperately trying to find a way to stop Pinkie.

"Um... maybe we should go with you too, Pinkie." Twilight said nervously.

"You girls stay here. I'll be fine." Pinkie never broke stride. She didn't even bother turning back to reply.

Twilight shook her head. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you go alone if you're going to be this..."


Everyone recoiled in horror as Pinkie screamed back to them. Her mane flattened in anger as she lashed out. Her voice seemed to have taken on a demonic pitch as well. Still fuming and gritting her teeth, Pinkie stormed out of Sugarcube Corner, slamming the door behind her so hard that it jolted several wall-mounted pictures to fall onto the floor. The remaining friends stood stunned frozen for several moments at what they had just witnessed. Fluttershy in particular was cowering on the floor, covering her eyes.

"Did... that just happen?" Spike asked.

"It happened," Applejack replied.

"Just for the record, if Pinkie starts serving mint green cupcakes tomorrow, I'm outta here!" Rainbow Dash commented.

"I... think Pinkie Pie needs some space right now," Twilight observed. "I don't think it will be wise for us to intervene with her acting like that."

"Yeah... good idea..." Rarity smiled nervously.

"Is it over?" Fluttershy squeaked.

Applejack picked Fluttershy up from the ground. "Yeah, it's all over now."

Fluttershy breathed a huge sigh of relief. "I'm sorry everypony, but that was just too scary."

Twilight laughed nervously. "Trust me Fluttershy. You weren't alone."

"Well, so much for a stress-free hiatus," Rainbow Dash groaned.

"At the very least, we didn't have to go through the stress of making the movie," Rarity pointed out.

"That's true," Applejack nodded. "But now we have this 'Equestria Girls' thing on our hooves, what are we supposed to make of it?"

"Well we still have the package, so let's see what else Hasbro sent us," Twilight suggested.

"Would it even matter?" Rainbow Dash said. "It's gonna take a miracle to save this train wreck!"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Even if you despise this, the movie still depicts us, Rainbow. The least we could do is see exactly what it entails."

"Rarity's right. We should give it a fair chance," Fluttershy chimed in.

Applejack shrugged. "Ah'm still not convinced mahself, but we might as well take a look to see what's up with all this."

Twilight nodded. "I agree, too. Spike, can you check what else is in the box?"

"Hold on, let me see," Spike said. He went over to the package and began to unpack some of its contents.

"Hmm... packing peanuts... more posters... hey, here's a movie guide book Twilight!" Spike shouted. He tossed the manual over to the alicorn. Twilight took a good look at the purple book and it's cover image. Her eyebrow arched in confusion as she scrutinized the image.

"Huh, this design is actually different than the poster," Twilight noticed. "Look, we don't have wings like we did in the other one."

Everyone gathered to see the image Twilight was talking about. Indeed, this cover image featured a humanized version of the Mane 6 as before, but this design didn't have the wings, cheek marks, and long hair like the other version. This design seemed to mirror their own normal looks more faithfully than the last one.

"I guess it's a little bit better," Rainbow Dash conceded. "At least we don't have our cutie marks on our cheeks in this one."

Applejack scratched the back of her head. "All right, Ah'm confused. Which design are they using again?"

"I guess the poster was just promotional," Twilight hypothesized. "This is the what the movie will really look like."

"How come the promo stuff never matches the real thing?" Spike wondered to himself.

"Well, it is a closer match to our pony selves than the other one," Rarity opined. "I could actually live with this."

"Even with the skin colors?" Rainbow Dash argued. "I don't think humans are supposed to have purple skin."

"Well I don't think horses in the human world are supposed to have purple fur. What's your point?" Twilight countered.

"Point taken."

Fluttershy meanwhile couldn't take her eyes off the picture's setting. "Are we supposed to be in high school in this?" she asked.

"I guess so," Applejack replied.

Rainbow Dash groaned. "Now I KNOW this is gonna suck!"

"How is that supposed to work?" Rarity wondered. "We're full grown mares who have adult responsibilities."

"That's because we're ponies who grew up in Equestria," Applejack pointed out. "Wherever this thing takes place, its pretty obvious that it works differently from Equestria."

Fluttershy decided to speak up. "You also need to remember who our target audience is. Even though the bronies are our biggest fans, we're still mainly aimed for little girls, and little girls wouldn't be able to relate to us as full grown human adults. We ourselves may be grown up, but we're still trying to figure things out. Human adults don't have that excuse in their society, so we'd come across as incredibly weak characters in a true human adult situations. Us being in high school makes us just young enough to make mistakes and learn from them, but just old enough to be responsible for our actions."

"Wow, nice analysis Fluttershy!" Twilight grinned.

"Heh, adult situations..." Rainbow Dash snickered to herself. She was quickly silenced by an annoyed Applejack, smacking her head in disgust. Fluttershy blushed.

"Well," the yellow pegasus continued, "I'm just trying to say that we shouldn't just go ahead and dismiss the whole thing if we haven't seen it. We should really give this a chance."

"Lyra did produce this behind our backs," Rarity reminded her.

"But it looks like she poured all her energy into this," Fluttershy argued.

"You have a point there," Applejack agreed. "Ya gotta admire her effort. Even when we all said no, Lyra just turned around and did all this. Ah'm honestly impressed. She at least deserves our respect for that. Ya know what, Ah'll give this a chance!" she decided.

Rarity simply shrugged. "I'm just curious as to how in Equestria this all pans out, and how she tries to fit this into the main show, if at all."

"Me too," Twilight nodded. "Besides, I'm the main character in this. How can I not give this a chance?"

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, didn't join in on her friend's good will. "Well... I still think this is gonna suck. I mean, doing the high school thing is so cliched."

"So... you're not going to give it a chance?" Fluttershy asked sadly.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "I'll watch it, but I'm definitely NOT looking forward to this. This is just so way out there from what we normally do."

"I don't know about you, but I’m just glad I’m not a part of this," Spike smiled.

"I guess you lucked out, Spike," Twilight said as she continued to leaf through the manual. "I don’t even know you would fit in to this…" Twilight froze as she noticed something in the book.

"Oh," she said in stunned realization.

"Twilight? What is that?" Spike asked curiously.

"Nothing!!!" Twilight smiled innocently as she slammed the book shut.

A sense of dread began to wash over the dragon assistant. "It has something to do with me, doesn’t it?"

"I have no idea what you’re talking about!" Twilight lied. Her face scrunched up as she tried desperately to cover up her lie. Her eyes shifted a couple of times as she wondered if they knew she was lying. Applejack sighed. She knew what that look meant.

"How bad is it Twi?" the farmer asked.

Twilight sighed in defeat and opened the book to the offending page. "See for yourself."

The ponies gathered to see what Twilight was talking about. Rarity and Fluttershy's eyes shrunk in shock when they saw it. Applejack facehoofed in embarrassment. Rainbow Dash snickered and then doubled over in laughter.

The anticipation was starting to get to Spike. "What did they do to me?"

"Um, maybe you shouldn’t see this Spike," Rarity suggested.

"Tell me!" Spike insisted.

Fluttershy tried to put it nicely. "You’re… small..."

"What? I’m Twilight’s little brother?" the young dragon asked.

"No you’re not," Rainbow Dash laughed. "But you are her... best friend!!!" the laughter only grew louder, prompting another quick slap from a certain orange earth pony.

"Remember Spike," Twilight warned, "Dragons don't exist in the human world, and it looks like they still wanted you on board as my companion. So they had to re-imagine you in a human setting which..."

"Quit stalling and show me!!!" Spike yelled.

Twilight closed her eyes, preparing for the worst, and turned the book over to Spike, revealing to the baby dragon his Equestria Girls counterpart. A green and purple puppy.

Spike blinked. "I’m a dog? I’m a DOG?!?!?"

He grabbed the book and stared at the picture in shock. "SHE MADE ME A DOG?!?" he shouted angrily.

"You're a cute dog," Fluttershy tried to offer.

Spike continued to stare at the picture in disbelief. He started to shake as his rage began to boil over.

"Uh Spike, you ok?" Twilight tried to ask.

"GrrrRRRRRR..." Spike growled. Everypony began to step back as his anger was increasing like a tea kettle screaming at a higher and higher pitch.

"Twilight?" Rarity asked. "Is Spike about to do what Pinkie just did back there?"

"DUCK AND COVER!!!" Twilight shouted, sending the five ponies scrambling for safety from the steaming dragon.

Outside, random ponies nearby were stunned to see Sugarcube Corner explode in a fit of dragon rage.