• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 1,709 Views, 43 Comments

Purity Corruption - TheBlox

The tale of a young unicorn with a pure heart who's life turns upside down to pursue vengeance.

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Castle Massacre

Within the halls at Canterlot’s castle, a couple of imperial guards soldiered back and forth down the extension of the hallway. The room was silent, and the clattering of their armoured boots clanked with each trotting step on the tiled floor. One of the white unicorn stallions turned to the stain-glass window to his left, and saw an incoming white figure in the distance.

“What’s this?” he turned his body to face the window and stepped up to it, “A pony?”

The other guard stopped to look through another window himself, and saw the pony coming in fast. “What in Equestria? What’s a pegasus doing way up here?”

His soldier friend winced to attempt to get a better look, “I think I can see a horn, too…”

“An alicorn?” The other guard raised a brow, “Is that Celestia flying out there?”

“It can’t be Celestia, she’s in the castle, isn’t she?”

The other stallion turned to his friend, “Well, yeah, that’s what I thought. But if she’s in the castle, then who is that—” Suddenly the pony in the distance came crashing through the window like a bullet, and shattered the stain-glass into thousands of tiny pieces, ramming straight into the guard, and she pinned him into the wall.

WHERE’S THE PRINCESS?!” She screamed face to face with the unicorn guard, who was trembling and wide-eyed.

The other guard galloped toward her, “Hey! Get off of him!”

Altruise lifted the pony in her grip in a golden aura of magic, and she turned to the oncoming guard while he was stuck in place. She growled furiously and galloped for the unicorn charging her. The frowning guard’s horn glowed, and he launched a bright blue fireball at her. Altruise rolled under the oncoming fireball, and in mid-roll, she caught the fireball in a golden aura. “HYEAAAH!!” She rolled back up to her feet continuing her gallop, and the fireball made a full U-turn, and it fired back toward the guard. The guard went wide-eyed and hit the brakes in surprise. Altruise charged straight into him head first, with an explosion from her horn on impact, and he rocketed down the hall, sliding across the tile floor. Ramming against the double-doors to a stop, his fireball came down after him and struck him with an energetic explosion, which also burst the door open. When the smoke cleared, the guard lied on the tile floor, dead.

With that guard out of the way, she turned back to the other one stuck in her levitation grip. “Now!” She yelled, and pulled the unicorn toward her, stopping him inches from her furious face, “WHERE IS SHE?!

“P-put me down.” The guard panicked, wide-eyed with his hooves flailing through the air like a helpless ragdoll.

“AAAGH!!” Altruise screamed impatiently, and hurled the guard through a stain-glass window, shattering it into pieces. She held the trembling unicorn just out the window, with a mile drop below him.

“P-please, d-don’t drop me…”

Altruise shook him a few times to snap him into attention, “TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!!

Just then, another two royal guards rushed into the room from the door that had been broken down. They gasped at the dead guard on the floor, and then looked up at Altruise with frowns. “HALT!”

The mare turned to them with piercing eyes, “Come any closer and I’ll drop him!!”

The two guards went wide-eyed and stopped in their tracks.

Somepony is going to tell me where the Princess is.” She declared, lurking back and forth between the guards, “And I won’t stop until I find her!”

“Easy now, let him back inside.” One of the other guards tried to calm her fury.

NO!!” Altruise screamed, “Tell me where Celestia is!!”

“We are not permitted to give that information.” The guard declared. Altruise winced at that, and after a long stare back at him, she dropped the unicorn out the window, and he fell screaming to his death. “NO!” The guard took a leap toward a window, watching the guard fall to Equestria’s floor.

“What is the meaning of this?!” The other guard shouted, and galloped toward her, “That is enough!”

Altruise growled at the incoming unicorn, and her horn sparked furiously. Standing in battle formation, she wasted no time, and a magical force erupted from her horn that echoed through the room; all of the windows down the hallway shattered into pieces, startling the charging guard, making him stop in his tracks. The ground was shaking, and the walls began to crackle.

“What are you doing?” The guard panicked, backing away while his eyes trailed throughout the crackling room.

“In a few seconds, this room will disintegrate and you’ll both fall through the floor!!” Altruise yelled in a threatening voice, “Tell me where Celestia is!!”

“Wait, stop!” The floor beneath the guards began to crumble apart, and chunks of the floor began falling to Equestria below. Looking beneath their hooves, they could see the drop under them; they stumbled around on the crumbling floor, frantically trying to avoid the collapsing crevices.

Altruise quickly flew up to the guard, and stopped in front of him to glare into his eyes with menacing gritted teeth, and her furious eyes gave a fearful feeling in his gut. “Well?” She cringed, “WHERE IS SHE?!” The ground shook again, and more of the floor crumbled. Suddenly a chunk of the floor directly under the guard’s hoof gave way, and he fell through the cracks, and grabbed onto the floor on his way down, holding himself up with his hind legs dangling more than a mile in the air.

He hyperventilated, kicking his hooves to try and help himself back up. Turning his head, he saw the long drop beneath him, and gulped. “H-help me!”

The other guard was still trying to avoid the cracks, and to his misfortune, he stepped through a large gap in the floor, and dropped through the floor like a rock, plunging to Equestria below. “AAAAAAH!!

The dangling guard watched his friend fall with wide-eyes, and he trailed his eyes back up to the blue eyes of the mare above him, who glared down at him with rage. “Help me back up!” He pleaded.

Altruise just stood tall, watching him struggle to keep himself from falling, dangling by his front hooves and kicking his hind legs frantically. “Are you going to tell me where the Princess is?”


The mare lifted her front hooves, and was about to slam them down onto the floor to crumble the only support the guard had to hang onto.


Altruise slammed her front hooves mercilessly, and the floor gave way, and the stallion fell below. “AAAAAAAHH—?!” To his surprise, he stopped falling as he was captured in a golden glowing aura. “W…wha?”

The winged mare floated down to his elevation, and flapped her faux wings, hovering directly in front of him with a frown.

“OKAY!” The guard sobbed, “I’ll tell you where she is!!” He pleaded and wept, “Please! Just don’t drop me!”

“Okay then WHERE IS SHE?!” Altruise screamed again.

Raising a trembling hoof, the guard pointed up to a tall part of the castle. Altruise turned to look up at the tower, and squinted her eyes, she jet toward the tower.

“WAIT—” The aura around the guard vanished, and he dropped below. “NO! AAAAAAAHHH!!!!”

Ignoring the cries of the guard behind her, Altruise had her mind set on one thing, and cared nothing for anything or anypony else. Flying up to the peak of the tower, she flew into the stain-glass window, and shattered through it, landing on the tiled floor in battle formation.

It appeared to be a royal bedroom of white and purple colours; glancing left and right, she found the room empty. “GAAAAH!!!” Altruise shrieked, and searched the room, kicking things over, “THAT LIAR!!” She flipped the purple bed over, and it crashed into the wall, landing upside-down. “WHERE IS SHE?!” She growled loudly and galloped for the doorway. Bursting through the door, she found herself at the top of a spiral staircase that lead down the tower. Furiously, she trotted down the stairs.

When she got to the bottom of the torch-lit staircase, she found herself face to face with another door, which she kicked open with ease. On the other side of the door were two other guards facing right in front of her.

“HALT!” They ordered with strong voices, standing prepared for battle. Altruise looked at the guard to the left, then back to the other guard. Her eyes squinted, and she activated a spell, which casted a glowing ball of magic to appear in between the two stallions. They turned to look at the spark between them, curiously; too late to realize what was happening, the spark exploded loudly, and sent them flying into the walls on either side of the room. The walls crackled on impact, and they collapsed to the floor, motionless. Altruise furrowed her eyes and carried on, galloping down the hall, leaving the guards behind her.

She reached the door at the end of the hall, and burst it open with an eruption of magic. Charging into the next room, she found herself in a larger room with a banquet table in the center. Glancing left and right, she found this room to be empty as well.

Suddenly from the other side of the room, the double-doors opened up, and Celestia stepped in through the door into the room, glancing left and right. “Now what in Equestria is all that racket!?” She muttered to herself, before she looked ahead into the eyes of the furious mare on the other side of the room.

Altruise stood there, almost frozen in hate. “Celestia…” She growled through her throat.

“What is the meaning of this?” The Princess frowned, “Who are you, and what are you doing in my castle?”

“AAAAAH!!” Altruise leapt onto the banquet table and galloped across it toward her, knocking dishes over on her way across. Celestia went wide-eyed, and as Altruise lunged off the table to ram into her, the alicorn thrust her wings, dodging off to the side. The unicorn of faux wings landed on her hooves and skid to a stop on the tile floor, quickly turning to Celestia with a powerful glowing horn.

“Stop this right now!!” Celestia challenged the unicorn, arching over with a glowing horn herself.

“What’re you gonna do, Princess? Gonna send me to the moon?” Altruise snarled, teleporting out of sight. Celestia raised her head and glanced from left to right. Objects in the room all surrounded with a golden aura, and Altruise’s hateful laughter was heard echoing in the room, as dishes, cutlery and chairs all launched toward the Princess.

Projectiles slammed into her, shattering on contact with her into pieces. She galloped out of the way, but more projectiles continued launching into her, pelting her, smashing her.

When the projectiles all stopped flying, the entire banquet table lifted off the floor, and Altruise with a glowing horn stood beneath it. “DIE!!!” With a growl, she hurled the table into Celestia, which plowed her into the wall; the table crackled into splinters, and the Princess fell to the floor, though it didn’t take her long to get back up to her hooves.

Altruise lunged toward her with a powerful flap of her wings, and collided with the Princess, smashing straight through the stone wall. They rolled across the floor in the next room as dust and debris trailed along with them, and Celestia shoved Altruise off of her with an explosion of magic.

The unicorn of faux wings flipped through the air after she flung off of her, and leveled herself off, flapping her wings. Angrily, she looked below to Celestia. Glancing left and right, the room they were in had six guards, all galloping in her direction. One of the guards approached Celestia, and helped her to her hooves.

“Princess Celestia, let’s get you to safety.” The guard suggested. Celestia nodded, and followed the guard out of the room.

“NO!!” Altruise screamed, flying after them, when a blue fireball struck her from below. The explosion on impact sent her flipping through the air, and she collapsed into the ground, but quickly got back up, and stood angrily toward the other five guards who were charging at her.

“Leave the Princess alone!” One of them snarled.

“Does she really make you ponies do all the work?” Altruise spat, “That coward!”

The guards all ran around her in a circle, cornering her in the center. Altruise slowly turned to the guards surrounding her. Rolling her eyes, she sparked her horn of magic. “Any pony who gets in my way won’t be shown mercy!!” She growled, and from her horn a radius of powerful magic erupted, sending the five armoured guards flying across the room like ragdolls into the walls around them. With them out of the way, she galloped toward the exit the Princess took.

Rushing in through the next hallway, a wall of guards galloped in her direction. There were maybe twenty guards in all; half of them were unicorns, the other half were pegasi flying overhead.

“Stop right there!!” The unicorn guard in the front yelled.

Altruise didn’t even flinch at the sight of the oncoming guards, and she continued galloping with a glowing horn in their direction. Shrieking menacingly, her horn erupted a powerful blast of magic that shook and crackled the room, smashing every window in sight, and every single guard fell to the floor at the same time like a bunch of bugs that were just sprayed by a can of raid. Altruise kept running passed them, and attempted to plow through the next door, which appeared to be locked. Rolling he eyes, she stood back, and burst it open with a forceful eruption of magic that sent the door flipping off its hinges.

Celestia!! I’ll find you!!” She screamed, and her voice echoed through the castle and back to her. Galloping through this next room, something caught her eye through a stain-glass window. Trotting up to it, she glared through it. In the distance she saw the Princess flying away with a couple of pegasi guards toward another part of the castle. They entered through a door on a balcony.

Furrowing her eyes, Altruise stepped back, and lunged forth, smashing through the window. Flapping her wings, she flew up toward that room. Landing her hooves on the balcony, she trotted angrily up to the door, and lowering her head, her horn glowed of menacing magic.

* * * * *

“Princess, you should be safe in here.” One of the two pegasus guards exclaimed to her.

“I appreciate your concerns for my wellbeing, but I am more concerned about the rest of you.” Celestia declared.

Suddenly they heard a loud crash at the door, and the entire room shook. Wide-eyes, they all backed away from the door, and heard Altruise screaming on the other side. Another crash, and the door burst open with the mare on the other side of the door in battle formation. She angrily marched into the room, staring furiously into the eyes of Celestia with gritting teeth.

“Go.” Celestia ordered the guards, eyes on Altruise.

“But Princess, what about you??”

“Leave me!” The Princess turned to the guards, “I will not allow another soul die for me here!”

“But.” The pegasi looked at each other, and with a sigh they nodded. Flapping their wings, they flew around the edges of the room, and exit behind Altruise, staying as far away from her as they could.

Celestia frowned at the mare, “Who are you?” She demanded.

Altruise marched toward her with fury, “Just an old friend.”

The Princess took a quick glance at the side of her flank to witness no cutie mark. She looked back up into the eyes of the mare, and backed away as Altruise stepped closer. “What reason do you have for being here?”

“Revenge.” Altruise replied with cold simplicity, “You will pay for my parents’ death.”

Celestia squinted her eyes, “You look familiar.”

“So it’s all coming back to you now is it?” The angry unicorn spat, “You’re a coward, Celestia. If it wasn’t for you and your ridiculous training, I would’ve been strong enough to stop what had happened!” She raised her voice as angry tears escaped her eyes, “And because of you, I was too weak to do anything to stop him before he killed my parents!!” She clenched her eyes shut, putting a hoof on her head as she screamed, “It’s your fault!!

“Training?” Celestia raised a brow, and then slowly, her eyes went from confused, and turned into wide-eyed realization. “Altruise…?”

Altruise laughed at her answer, and her wide tearful eyes glared at the Princess with piercing anger. “So you remember!” She cackled furiously.

“What happened to you?” Celestia asked her with concern, “Altruise, this isn’t you. Not at all.” She shook her head in denial; she couldn’t possibly be speaking to the same Altruise she once knew, “What happened to your cutie mark?”

Altruise blinked at that, and turned to her flank. She was so carried away with her thoughts on vengeance, she didn’t even realize it was gone.

“You’ve forgotten who you are.” Celestia pitifully exclaimed.

The blank-flank unicorn frowned at that, and she turned to the Princess. “And how could you have ever known who I was?!” She screamed at her, “You turned me into a weak, helpless little foal!!”

“What? No, I was training you to become the way you wanted to be! You wanted your magic tamed so you wouldn’t hurt another pony.”

“NO!!!” Altruise shrieked, and her horn glowed, “You shouldn’t have tamed it!! Or my parents would still be alive!!!”

“Wait, Altruise! Stop what you’re doing!” Celestia demanded.

“MAKE ME!” Altruise growled, and the room began to crackle from her magic.

“Altruise, calm down.” Celestia tried taming her, and Altruise just frowned at that.

“STOP IT! YOU’RE DOING IT AGAIN!!” Altruise shrieked, and galloped toward her, “DON’T MESS WITH MY LIFE!!”

Celestia went wide-eyed and backed away, “Altr—AH!!” Altruise crashed into her, and an explosion of magic sent her flying into the wall behind her. Altruise marched up to her, her horn glowing again.

“Altruise, please.” Celestia stood to her hooves, wide-eyed in deep concern.

“You’re such a coward, Celestia.” Altruise frowned at her, “You’ve always used the ponies around you to assist you in every battle ever fought. And thanks to you, several guards back there are dead.”

“W-why would you do that??” Celestia went wide-eyed and tears flowed from her eyes.

“Doesn’t feel good to lose the ponies you care about, does it?”

“Stop it!” Celestia held back her tears, trying to be strong. “At least hear what I have to tell you!”

Altruise briefly paused, and frowned, awaiting her explanation.

“Altruise, I-I didn’t even know you were alive!”

Altruise raised a brow at that, “What the heck are you talking about?” She winced, “How can the goddess of the sun not know I was still alive all this time?!”

“I tried using my tracing magic to locate you when I found Trottingham up in flames.” Celestia explained frantically, “I came to get you that following Monday morning like I had promised so I could take you to school, but I found the town up in smoke.” She sighed, “I scanned the area for survivors with my tracing magic, and I found only a few alive, who I took back with me to Canterlot. But I didn’t find you.”

“So you just immediately assumed I was dead.”

“What else was I supposed to think?” Celestia frantically muttered, “The survivors I did find, they told me what happened. About Nebulous, about how he returned to Trottingham and destroyed everything. How he murdered everypony—”

“Wait, what?!” Altruise cut her off after acknowledging the word ‘returned’. “He was there once before?! You knew about him and you did nothing about him the first time?!”

“I-I…” Celestia stepped back a few times, “Yes, he was. And I did try to stop him the first time. But he got away, and he seemed to repel my tracing magic when I tried to locate him. I hadn’t heard from him since that day, until he came back and destroyed Trottingham.”

“When did you first encounter Nebulous?”

Celestia winced, “The day you were born.”

Altruise’s eyes widened a little, and she backed away, trying to piece the puzzle together. “My parents fought him off to protect me.” She winced, glancing to the left staring blankly into space, “They knew… They knew he’d come back…” Her eyes widened, “That’s why they had that bomb shelter in their basement. They knew about Nebulous.”

“We all did.” Celestia exclaimed. “You were too young back then; we thought it was best you didn’t know.”

Altruise’s eyes widened, “So you all knew about this?” She frowned. “And nopony ever told me?!”

“You were young!” Celestia raised her voice.

“If I knew he was going to come back, maybe I would’ve been able to prepare for him!!” Altruise shrieked, and her horn sparked of angry magic, “You want to see what you’ve held me back from all this time?!”

The room began to crackle and shake, and the Princess glanced at her surroundings, startled. “Altruise, what are you doing?”

“If you hadn’t tamed me, if I still had that powerful magic from the very beginning when Nebulous came back, I could’ve saved my parents!!” Altruise yelled, “And if I knew he was coming back, if you trained me to fight instead of tame me until I could barely summon clouds any more, I could’ve stood up to him and fought him!!”

“At that age?” Celestia winced, “You were seven!”

AAAAAAAH SHUT UP!!” Altruise screamed and her horn sparked of golden magic, and the walls around them cracked and split.

“What are you doing to my castle?! Stop this at once!”

Celestia looked out through the open door, and her eyes widened. The clouds in the distant background were moving downward. Which meant one thing; they were moving upward.

“Altruise what are you doing?!” Celestia galloped to a window and looked outside. Her entire castle was surrounding by Altruise’s golden aura, and it was all being lifted into the air. “Altruise!! No!! Stop!!”

“SEE MY POTENTIAL?!” Altruise yelled, “I could’ve stopped him!! My parents could’ve been alive!! And Trottingham could’ve been spared of its destruction!!”

Celestia turned back to the mare, “Stop, please! You don’t know what you’re doing!”

“AAAAAAAH!!!” Altruise cringed from the pain she was experiencing in her horn from the intense magic she was casting.

“Altruise that’s enough!!”

The walls continued to split and crumble, and the cracks spread all across the floors, walls and ceilings. Celestia looked back outside, and saw that the entirety of her castle was being ripped into chunks while they were all being lifted into the air.

“AAAAH!!!” Altruise growled, and the pillars in the room all came crashing down, while parts of the ceiling fell to the floor, piece by piece. The room rumbled and shook horrendously, so much so that Celestia had to brace her legs, yet could still barely keep herself on her hooves.

Suddenly a pillar off to the side in the room cracked at the base, and fell down on top of the Princess by pure dumb luck. “AAH!!—” With an echoing crackle in the shaking room, she screamed in pain; her left wing had been crushed underneath the pillar. Pinned to the floor, she kicked her legs, and using her horn’s magic, she levitated the pillar off of her wing, and tossed it off to the side. “MY WING!” She cried, curling on the floor.

Altruise watched the Princess struggle, and she grinned. “Now THIS aught to make things interesting!” She said in a cold, gritting voice. Tensing her legs, she activated another spell. Her horn glowed, and a humming sound echoed throughout the room, and a transparent sphere erupted from her horn that passed through the walls. Celestia looked out of the window wide-eyed, and found her castle was now surrounded by a golden barrier, and she felt a sharp pinch in her horn.

“W-what??” Celestia stood to her hooves, holding her left wing close to her as she sauntered to the window. “W-what is that??”

“I learned this spell from a unique spell book. Doubt you would’ve ever taught me this, Princess.” Altruise gritted her teeth, “Anypony within the perimeter of this barrier is unable to use a teleportation spell.”

Celestia went wide-eyed, and she turned to Altruise in time to see her spread her wings. “What are you doing?”

Altruise frowned, and backed away from her. “By the time you escape the destruction of your castle, Princess, everypony in Canterlot will be dead.” She winced at her, “Because of you I had to watch all of my friends and family die! Let’s see how you like it!” With that, she quickly turned to the door, and flew off with a powerful thrust, exiting from the balcony on the tower.

“ALTRUISE, WAIT!!” Celestia galloped to the exit, and lifted off to fly after her. “GAAHH!!” She shrieked and fell back to the ground, sliding into the balcony’s railing. “My wing…” She whimpered, slowly standing up. Peering over the edge of her balcony, she saw her castle floating around her in thousands of chunks, torn apart, and orbiting around as if weightless. Looking down, without the ability to fly or teleport at this moment, she felt very uneasy. “Ohh no…”

Looking at her surroundings, Celestia tried devising a plan to escape. Using her telekinetic magic, she tried moving some of the pieces of loose debris floating around closer to her so she could create her own bridge to the next room, which was further ahead and at a lower altitude. The only way she could get out of this mess is if she could make it to the ground, which was not an easy task without taking the fall.

After she moved a series of broken chunks from the castle to create her own bridge, she started hopping across the floating debris. It was tricky, and she almost slipped off a couple of times, but she made it to the next available room. The walls in this room were splitting and floating apart.

In this next room contained a spiral staircase in the center, which lead to upper and lower parts of the castle; the top half however was torn off and floating around overhead. She ran to the stairs and looked down into the stairwell. This spiral staircase was currently floating at an angle and had no walls around it.

Feeling uneasy about going down this insecure stairwell, it was pretty clear that she had no other options. She started climbing down the stairs, feeling gravity trying to pull her to the one side it was tilted. Below she could see that the base of the stairs had no end; it was cut off. Lower and off to the side she could see the next available room floating there.

Below the staircase, Celestia noticed a floating pillar slowly spinning around. Using her magic, she caught the pillar with a levitation spell and straightened it out, pulling it directly below the end of the stairs and aligning it with the next room’s door, making another bridge with it. She climbed down the rest of the stars and walked across the pillar that lead her to the next room.

This room was basically empty. She rushed over to the only exit on the other side of the room, which was merely another death drop out the door which had been torn off. Looking below, there were no other rooms for her to reach; just a bunch of debris floating around in the air.

Celestia’s only chance at this point was to make stairs of her own. Collecting whatever she could from the floating debris, she levitated the chunks over to the door, making platforms for her to jump down onto. She collected enough floating material to make the stair case reach the ground.

She started jumping down onto the floating platforms one after the other, trying to be careful not to slip and fall. Her wings would do no good in saving her from that if she did.

It took lots of concentration and balance to safely get to the bottom, and her hooves were getting tired from taking so many jumps. She was about fifteen feet from the ground before she stepped on a fragile platform that cracked at the side, and she slipped over the ledge.

“AAAH!” Celestia grabbed onto the platform with her front hooves and tried pulling herself up. She attempted to use her wings by flapping them to give herself more thrust to push herself up easier, but the sharp pain in her left wing when she tried using it distracted her and she slipped. She plummeted to the ground from this height and tried landing on her hooves, which her legs gave in and she fell over to her side.

Breathing heavily, she laid there for a bit before trying to get back up again. She tried lifting herself up after a moment of regaining her breath, and looked above her. She was saddened at the sight of her castle floating there in thousands of torn chunks above her.

Altruise suddenly appeared beside her and looked up at the sight too.

“Fascinating isn’t it?” The twisted unicorn exclaimed to the Princess. “Look what I could’ve been able to do all those years ago.”

“This isn’t funny… Please stop.” Celestia whimpered in despair.

“Stop? I could do that…” Altruise snickered and looked back up at the levitating destruction, “Sure you want me to let go of all that? Somepony in the castle might get hurt…”

Celestia’s eyes widened and she looked back up at the ruined castle in the sky, and stood up in a panic with the realization that there were still ponies in there. “Altruise, please, what’re you trying to prove?”

The chunks of the castle suddenly started to slowly float away from over their heads, and over to the city that was built next to the castle.

“Altruise…” Celestia gasped, seeing where this was all going, “Please, don’t…” she frantically turned to the psychotic unicorn in a battle stance, “Stop it!”

“I wouldn’t do that, Princess. Attacking me might make me lose my concentration on what I’m all carrying, and I might drop everything on all those helpless Canterlot ponies…”

“Altruise!” Celestia yelled at her, looking down at the city. The ponies were all frantic about the floating castle, running around in a panic.

She turned back to Altruise and screamed at her again. “STOP IT!”

Altruise turned her head to look at Celestia with a cold, frightening grin. She shrugged, and her illuminating horn suddenly went dim. “Alright.”

Celestia saw Altruise’s horn cancel her spell, and she quickly looked back to the city with a deep sinking feeling in her heart. Her pupils dilated at the horror; time felt like it slowed down as she watched her castle crash down onto the city, piece by piece, until the city was buried under her castle remains. A big cloud of dust took over the city after the loud crashing of the debris.

“NOO!!” The Princess shrieked, running in the direction of the destruction. There was nothing that could be done; Canterlot was completely destroyed. Her legs weakened from her sorrows, and she collapsed into the ground in sadness.

“WHY?!” The Princess cried, “What can you hope to gain over all this?!”

“Just as much as you, Princess.” Altruise exclaimed coldly, “So how does it feel?” She walked around the Princess in a circle, staring down at her with her squinting eyes, “Lonely feeling, isn’t it?”

Celestia looked up at her, frowning in tears. She stood up with a growl, and her horn began to spark.

“Getting mad are we?” Altruise tensed her legs, and fired a black fireball point blank into Celestia. It exploded on impact with the Princess, and she rolled across the ground, and came to a stop against a rock. Limply, she tried standing up, and turned to the approaching angry unicorn.

“I-I’m sorry, okay?” Celestia whimpered. “For whatever it is I did, I’m sorry.”

“Oh, so you’re sorry now.” Altruise rolled her eyes, and frowned back at the alicorn, “You know why you’re apologizing?” She gritted her teeth, “It’s because I’ve become a threat to you now, and there’s nothing you are able to do to stop me but plead for your life.”

“Altruise, please. You don’t realize what you’re doing.”

Altruise ignored her, and from her horn she launched another black fireball that struck the Princess again, which exploded and sent her rolling across the ground further away from her. The unicorn galloped after her with a glowing horn preparing to launch another one. “When I’m through with you I’m going to leave you with nothing!!”

Celestia quickly, but painfully stood back up and her eyes dilated when Altruise fired another fireball at her. Just before it struck her, she rolled out of the way, and though the explosion the fireball caused against the ground sent her rolling across the dirt like a ragdoll. Coughing, she stood back up, and turned back to Altruise. Frowning, she tensed her legs, preparing herself to fight back.

“Hahaha, now the Princess wants to play!” Altruise grinned.

The alicorn turned her head, devising a plan of action. The edge of Altruise’s golden anti-teleportation sphere was not far off; it was a mere sprint away from where she stood. Looking back at the unicorn, she quickly made an escape, galloping as hard as she could toward the edge of the barrier.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going, huh?!” Altruise shouted at her, launching another black fireball at her. It struck the Princess in the back, and exploded on contact.

“AAAGH!!” Celestia screamed and was sent rolling across the ground again in pain, and passed through the barrier as she tumbled across the soot. Altruise galloped after her, and Celestia weakly stood back up, seeing the incoming unicorn. Through a last ditch panic, now that she was outside of the anti-teleportation barrier, Celestia activated her horn, preparing for a teleportation spell.

“No you don’t!!” Altruise shrieked angrily, and galloped to her as hard as she could, “You’re not GETTING AWAY FROM ME!!!”

The very moment the Princess had teleported, Altruise leapt into her and collided with her, which caught her in Celestia’s teleportation. Both of them vanished out of sight in a blinding flash of light.

* * * * *