• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 15,189 Views, 60 Comments

Love Story - Morty

The girl's play a fun game. Rainbow Dash especially likes it.

  • ...

An Innocent Game

Slumber Party Games

A story by Morty

"Ooooh, what fun!" squealed Rarity. "Whatever shall we play next?"

The whole gang was over at Twilight's house for a big slumber party and everypony had high spirits. Pieces from the game Warhorse 20,000 were still scattered about. As usual, Dash was victorious, though Pinkie Pie made it a very close match. Everypony was laying out on their comfy sleeping bags in a circular pattern. The whole " I-should-have-been-asleep-hours-ago-but-I'm-not-so-everything-is-hilarious" effect was in full swing, and everypony was having a blast.

"Hay, I have an idea" said Twilight. "How about a word game?"

"I love word games!" shouted Pinkie Pie. "Is it a game about making up words? I make up words all the time! Just the other day I was telling Applejack about this one word, Cherrychonga. Or was it chimicherry? Or chimicherrychonga?"

"Please Pinkie" Applejack said hastily. "Let's just hear Twi out first."
"Okie dokey lokie" said Pinkie Pie.

"Well" began Twilight. "The game works like this. We form a circle, and we tell a story together, but the catch is that each of us can only say one word per turn. It usually ends up being some silly nonsense, but if you have good teamwork you can be surprised how interesting the stories can get!"

"Sounds cool" said Dash who fluttered her wing playfully at Twilight. Twilight in turn just giggled at the gesture, too tired to be annoyed by it and too clueless to interpret what it actually meant.

"Yeah, let's do it, let's do it!" yelled Pinkie Pie. "I especially like the nonsense part!" she whispered to Twilight, who only shrugged in response.

That's not exactly a whisper worthy secret Twilight thought to herself. To be honest, Twilight did look forward to the secret telling part of the slumber party. According to her guide, telling secrets was an important part of the slumber party dynamic, but all she ever really got were obvious facts from Pinkie Pie or some fashion gossip form Rarity, nothing the book would label as 'juicy'.

"I'm game" said Rarity whimsically.

"So it's decided! We'll play Twi's fancy word game!" said Applejack. "Who gets the first word?"

Rainbow dash was about to speak up, but Twilight intervened.

"Fluttershy, you've been awfully quiet, why don't you go first?" asserted Twilight.

"Um, ok" Fluttershy said cheerfully. It was then decided that Rainbow Dash go second, Rarity would go third, Pinkie Pie fourth, Applejack fifth and Twilight sixth. Twilight took out a quill and some parchment and the game began.

"Once" began Fluttershy.

"There was an awesome pegasus" added Rainbow Dash with a grin.

"Dash you can only say one word" said Twilight with a facehoof.

"Ok fine" said Dash. "Feed me the word again Fluttershy."

"Oh, okay. Once…"

"There" Dash added with slightly less gusto.

"Was" provided Rarity.

"Balloons!" shouted Pinkie as she rattled two noisemakers which seemed to appear out of thin air.

"Uh…consarn it, what's a gal supposed to do with that?" said Applejack as she waved an accusing hoof at Pinkie.

"You could start a new sentence" offered Twilight. "Just say period, then your word."

"Well alright. Period…uh…" struggled Applejack.

"Come on AJ!" goaded Rainbow Dash.

"I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin'! Uh…apples."

"Were" said Twilight.

"Pretty" said Fluttershy.

"Awesome" said Rainbow Dash.

"Period. Gemstones" said Rarity.

"Pie!" shouted Pinkie Pie triumphantly.

"Pinkie!" snapped Rarity. "That doesn't make sense!"

"Sure it does! You never had gemstones pie?" asked Pinkie.

"Well I can't say I ever-" started Rarity.

"Neither have I!" shouted Pinkie. "That's what makes this a fictional story, right Twilight?"

"Well technically she does have a point Rarity" said Twilight.

"Oh fine" said Rarity with a pout. "Continue."

"Was" said Applejack, leaning towards the safe side.

"The" said Twilight.

"Most" added Fluttershy.

"Radical" cried Rainbow Dash.

"Desert" said Rarity.

"EVER!" shouted Pinkie.

"Uh…period. Then uh…Apples?" offered Applejack timidly.

"Again AJ, apples?" asked Rainbow Dash exasperatedly. "Can't you make this story cooler?"

"What's wrong with apples?" asked Applejack defensively.

"Well technically,, the story should focus on continuation" stated Twilight. "As long as the rest of us go somewhere with it, AJ can choose apples again if she wants. Now let's see, my turn right? How about…'are'."

"What" added Fluttershy.

"We" threw in Rainbow Dash, taking Twilight's words to heart.

"Eat" said Rarity

"SNACKS!" yelled Pinkie Pie.

"Alright, I suppose you could have gotten away with pie last time, but honestly Pinkie, that made no sense whatsoever" scoffed Rarity.

"Huh? What are you talking about? I wasn't playing the game. All this talk of apples and gemstone pie has gotten me hungry!" said Pinkie as she rubbed her tummy. "You guys have fun, I'm gonna go whip up some snacks. Hay Twilight, do you have cherries?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Uh…actually I might actually have so-" Twilight began.

"Great! Ok everypony, have fun with the game!" said Pinkie as she darted off to the kitchen. Various dings and crashes sounded from the kitchen, and Twilight thanked Celestia that she had magic to help with the inevitable disaster zone her kitchen turned into whenever Pinkie made snacks.

"Well, I guess we can just skip Pinkie" said Twilight, trying to adjust to Pinkie's random departure. Honestly, why did that even surprise her? "Well this is fine. The game actually works best with fewer ponies. Ok, that would make it…your turn AJ."

"Shucks, again? I mean…yay again! Let's see now, where were we?" asked Applejack.

"Let me just read the whole thing over again" said Twilight, as she magically lifted her quill from the parchment she had in front of her. "We have…'Once there was balloons.'" It should be "were" the egghead mentally noted, but she decided not to bother everypony else with the details.

"Apples were pretty awesome. Gemstones pie was the most radical dessert ever! Apples are what we eat…and that's all we have so far. Okay your turn AJ" said Twilight giddily.

Twilight was so happy playing this game with her friends that she didn't even notice Rainbow Dash staring nervously at her, excitement gleaming in her magenta eyes. Fluttershy caught it though, and blushed deeply. Was tonight the night? Fluttershy wondered.

"Ok, my turn then" said Applejack. "Apples are what we eat…" she said, looking up in thought.

"When" she said decisively.

"We" said Twilight, getting a little annoyed at how she was getting nothing but set up words. But for the sake of the story, she was willing to provide the glue.

"Eat" whispered Fluttershy, her eyes still fixed on Dash.

"When" said Rainbow Dash

"We" added Rarity

"Are" said Applejack.

"With" stated Twilight plainly.

"Um, I uh…" said Fluttershy before she squeaked nervously. She kept looking back and forth from Rainbow Dash to Twilight, blushing heavily. Twilight looked at her with a perplexed expression, when suddenly looks of understanding washed over Rarity and Applejack's faces.
They looked back at Rainbow Dash, who was also blushing, staring dreamily at Twilight. When Twilight looked her way, Rainbow Dash looked down smiling, which confused Twilight even more. Rarity turned to Applejack.

"Do you think-" she whispered inquisitively to Applejack, but was cut off when the orange mare shoved her hoof in Rarity's mouth. Applejack smiled at Twilight nervously.

"Ok, what the hay is going on here!?" exclaimed Twilight.

Rarity stuck out her tongue in disgust, trying to wipe it with her hooves. Applejack was still smiling nervously, and Rainbow Dash still had her eyes firmly fixed on the ground. Finally it was Fluttershy who broke the silence.

"I…I…I think Pinkie might need help in the kitchen. Please don't stop the game on my account!" she said, then let out an awkward fake giggle. Twilight looked at her like she was Pinkie Pie doing calculus, but Fluttershy just zipped off to the kitchen as fast as her little wings could take her.

"Well, that was weird. Anypony know what that was about?" asked Twilight.

"Well" said Rarity, finally satisfied with her thorough tongue brush. "I didn't think it was too unusual, did you Applejack?"

"No siree I didn't see nothing but Fluttershy actin' exactly how I'd reckon she'd act, given the circumstances" Applejack said nervously, trying as hard as she could not to lie.

"Huh? What circumstances? Do you think she didn't like the game?"Twilight asked worriedly.

"Oh no dear I'm sure she loved it, but you know Fluttershy. Always so kind, she was probably dying to lend Pinkie a hoof in the kitch-"

"TONIGHT!? YOU THINK IT'LL BE TONIGHT!?" shouted Pinkie from the kitchen. The sound of dropped (or possibly thrown) pots and pans crashed through from the kitchen, followed by a loud shush from Fluttershy.

"What was that all about? asked a flabbergasted Twilight Sparkle. It was no great secret among Twilight's friends that Dash had been harboring this secret crush for quite some time. Dash was always talking about how 'today was going to be the day' but when push came to shove, her cyan always went crimson and she chickened out. All of Dash's friends had been supportive of her feelings towards Twilight; if anything they were becoming downright impatient with the love-struck mare. The feeling in the air was exciting everypony, except of course for the ever-oblivious Twilight Sparkle.

"Just Pinkie being Pinkie I suppose" said Rarity with her best poker face, trying to cover up the outburst.

"Finally somepony says something that makes sense!" said Twilight with a degree of relief. "But seriously, you guys don't think this game is boring do you?" asked Twilight, who remained oblivious to the myriad of social cues.

"It's..cool" said Dash as she looked up at Twilight. "Really, it is!"

"Are you too warm Dash? you look a little red" questioned Twilight.

"Now, whose turn was it, mine?" Rarity quickly chimed in.

"Actually it was Rai-" started Twilight.

"Oh don't be silly of course it was mine" she said with a giggle. "Let's see…apples are what we eat when we are with…ponies!"

"Who" quickly spat out Applejack.

Twilight eyed each of the three ponies around her, finally getting the feeling something was up.

"We" she said apprehensively.

"Love" said Dash, looking straight at Twilight.

"Oh would you believe that I think I just heard Pinkie spill something in the kitchen!"Applejack piped nervously. "Now don't you worry your pretty little head about it sugarcube I'll get right on that" said Applejack as she too darted off to the kitchen.

That did it. The love thing was heads up enough, but Applejack's quick departure made it even more obvious. Something...strange was definitely going on here. Of course Pinkie Pie spilled something, she's Pinkie Pie! Everypony knew she had been spilling things since the minute she walked in that kitchen; Applejack must have left for some other reason, but what? Twilight blushed slightly and looked at Rainbow Dash in surprise. Could the rainbow mare she so admired actually be trying to send her some kind of signal? The idea seemed so far-fetched, but Twilight couldn't help but wonder-- Could Dash actually like Twilight as…more than just a friend? No, she thought, that was crazy! Apart from the fact that Twilight hadn't a trace of cool about her, they were both mares! She must have just been imagining it…but then why was Dash still looking at her like that? Twilight looked down, unable to match Dash's gaze.

"W-well then, shall we continue the game?" questioned Rarity. "I believe it's my turn again? Let me see, well period of course then…It"

"Is" said Twilight, still looking down.

"Totally" added Rainbow Dash with mock confidence.

"Normal" stated Rarity, putting great emphasis on the word.

"For" said Twilight softly.

"Mares" Rainbow Dash threw in with a smile.

"To" provided Rarity.

Everypony had been acting so odd, and then there was the strange glance she was getting from Rainbow Dash. It looked just like the one Spike gave Rarity. She decided to try a little expirement.

"Like" she whispered, blushing.

"Other" said Rainbow, looking at Rarity and nodding, a nervous smile on her face.

"Mares" stated Rarity proudly. "Would you two excuse me for a moment, I think I heard Applejack calling me."

Twilight was sure Applejack hadn't called her, and then there was the way that last sentence went. She looked at Rainbow Dash, her heart racing.

"I guess it's just you and me now huh?" said Rainbow Dash, her eyes bright, moving opposite to Twilight. Twilight had known the rough and tumble pegasus for years. She couldn't believe this was the same mare who flew right up to a full sized dragon and bucked it in the nose. She looked so…scared, happy but scared.

Twilight just blushed even more. Was this really happening? There was no way this was real, and yet there she was, looking her straight in the eyes with what could only be described as adoration. Twilight felt honored, but was still very confused. Did she feel the same way about Dash? The minutes passed and Twilight was unable to speak or move.

"It's your turn Twi" Rainbow Dash said softly, tenderly breaking the silence.

"Do" she spoke shakily.

"You" said Rainbow Dash, moving a little closer.

"Really" added Twilight nervously, to scared to move away.

"Want" said Dash, moving even closer.

"This…question mark?" asked Twilight, trying to stay true to the rules of the game but messing up slightly in her haze of excitement.

"You're such an egghead" said Dash as she moved in and her lips locked with Twilight's. Sparks flew and firecrackers burst in Twilight's mind; she felt incredible. Without even being conscious of it, her horn glowed brightly and levitated them both. The two hovered there, locked in a passionate kiss until Dash finally broke away and the two plopped to the ground.

The two of them panted, both of them having forgotten to breathe in all the excitement. Twilight knew then and there that she could never come to regret such an enchanting moment. She suddenly saw Rainbow Dash, really saw her for the first time. The calming cyan of her coat, the cute ruffles in her beautiful rainbow streaked mane, and the way the light danced in her pretty magenta eyes. She wanted to holler and scream, to announce to the world that she had just discovered that her special somepony and been gliding right over her head all this time, but she also felt strangely exhausted. It surprised her to discover that she was trembling, and it surprised her even more to see that Dash was trembling too. Finally it was Rainbow Dash that made the first move.

"Twilight?" ventured Dash, her mouth trying as hard as it could to mimic her cocky half smile.

"Y-yes Rainbow Dash?" responded Twilight sheepishly.

"Will you please be…my marefriend?" she said, as she winced and plucked a single feather out from her wing, offering the cyan symbol of affection to Twilight.

Twilight's mind reeled with excitement and confusion. She had no idea what it would be like being Rainbow's marefriend. What did it mean for their friendship? What would everypony else think of two mares being together in that way? Where could this go? Yet, in the midst of all those questions, there was one resounding answer. That kiss had been the most magical moment in the young mare's life, and for her that was really saying something. She was the element of magic after all. She looked back at Rainbow Dash, her stomach churning with butterflies.

"Yes Rainbow…I will be your marefriend" she said softly, using her magic to tuck the feather away in her hair.

The two kissed once again as a collective 'awwww' sounded from the kitchen, and thus marked the beginning of a joy filled future for both the timid unicorn and the awesome pegasus. It was to be a life marked by adventure and excitement, but also difficulty and strife, but none of that would ever really get to them. They would always have each other, and that's all anypony really needs.

Comments ( 60 )

Thank you for not needlessly filling up Applejack's dialogue with "ya'lls" and "ah" instead of "I". I read a story that drove me crazy just from things like that. The story also flows nicely.

I fapped 7 times to this

Chapter ends with "The End"

Story labeled "incomplete"

now I don't know what to think. =S

I liked the story though, and I love the pegasus feather move. Every time that shows up in a story, I get fluffy feelings =3.

You have something against the fandom realizing Applejack's accent in her spoken dialogue? It's just a way for the author to ensure that their work is read in the way they envisioned, and there's nothing wrong with that. Admittedly, some authors like to take it too far, but it's perfectly acceptable for one to replace "I" with "Ah" and so-on.

Yeah, I have no problem embracing a character's mannerisms; you should have read this one story which used "y'all" four times in one sentence.

It was a great story, but a few out of place quotation marks and commas that need to be
Err, fixed.

Cute, and it fits into the show perfectly. Excellent job, guy!

That was so amazing. Great job! :rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile:

D'awwwwww! So cute! You got everyone's character perfectly! :heart::pinkiehappy::pinkiesmile::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh::raritystarry::twilightblush::twilightsheepish::twilightsmile::yay::moustache:


How the hell do I favorite a story!? I can't figure it out! No seriously, somepony tell me how, so I can come back to this and favorite it please?

D'awwww :trollestia:

This is so cute on many levels


Favorite by clicking the star next to the title and thnx :D

Got it, thanks. An oh you're welcome :Dd

D'awww. Sweet story.

My manlyness took a crushing blow. It may not survive much longer

ok time to wash my mind of some of sexual clop (thank god) and have the innocent shipping.
im diving in


Who could dislike such a cute story? :scootangel:

Twilight just blushed even more. Was this really happening? There was no way this was real, and yet there she wa,s looking her straight in the eyes with what could only be described as adoration. Twilight felt honored, but was still very confused. Did she feel the same way about Dash? The minutes passed and Twilight was unable to speak or move.

And yet there she wa,s

I found that reading it and thought I'll point it out in the comments later. (me being my grammar nazi self):rainbowwild: Then I had to find the paragraph for reference but I forgot where it was.:derpytongue2: So I looked for twenty minutes to locate it again:pinkiecrazy:

Erm, cool story bro?
Loved the tale to bits. Keep it up!
EDIT: Didn't mean for shrugpony to be so huge xD


contrary to popular belief, you can still be a badass and think that little ponies are cute.

741921 my eyes + your avatar = BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



That was a cute story. Thumbs up and favourite just for you! :twilightsmile::heart::rainbowlaugh:

This is so perfectly executed I don't even know what to say. I love it!

Who doesn't love a good TwiDash fic? :rainbowkiss::heart::twilightsmile:

So much ADORABLENESS!!!!!!! :fluttershysad::fluttercry: :heart::raritydespair::raritycry:

This was so beautiful :rainbowkiss:
I loved it so much :heart:

Clever usage of the word game. Al round great and sweet fic. :twilightsmile: Well done!

That was adorable. I love it. Thanks for the read!

It's these types of stories that make me D'AAWWWWW like a little filly:heart:

D'awws... too... powerful. Must... punch something... to feel... manly... :twilightsmile:

Another like worthy Twidash. Very well done!

Very clever and heartwarming. Well done!

575767 anti-homosexuals?

Nice Story :twilightsmile:! Would be awesome to see whats going on in the kitchen.

Very nice! Enjoyed the read!

The word game made it really cute.

every level of cute :heart:

so much daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you could give a creeper diabetes
also wooooo 400th upvote

1082515 people who don't like twidash, or in other words "the crazys"

CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!*explodes*

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