• Published 12th May 2013
  • 1,692 Views, 63 Comments

The Awakening: The Last Hope - Icudeadnow

Earth had been destroyed... they searched for a new home.

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Chapter 2: Stranger and Stranger Still

Twilight just could not believe her eyes... here before her stood an alien from another world. They seemed very advanced as well, which was frightening due to the fact that they probably had more aliens in space above Equestria. They could take over this planet at any time if they so wished. Thank Celestia that they were friendly, otherwise it might not have turned out to be the greatest moment of ponykind. They looked at each other for the longest time, not knowing what to say.

"So... are there any more of you around here that I should know about?" John asked, obviously nervous and not entirely sure if she was friendly or not. If there was indeed an intelligent civilization here on this planet, that could mean some serious leverage and assistance from the locals if they decided to ally with us. They really couldn't just move on to the next hospitable planet since they would most likely break down and all die slowly due to lack of oxygen from loss of power. An ark was only meant to last for 50 years without any extra power source.

"I don't know if I should tell you that... do you promise not to hurt any of my friends?" Twilight asked nervously, unsure of wether or not she could actually trust him. For all she knew, he was just leading her on to get closer to them and then strike when they least expected it.

"I understand where your coming from there. And no I won't hurt them... and neither will they." John said, indicating the other 5 aliens that had somehow snuck up on her as well. The confusion was evident on her face and John chuckled.

"We are trained to be invisible when on a scouting mission. You think this is big armor? Wait until you see a juggernaught. Those guys are fucking huge and badass." John said, trying to make a joke with her to ease her down from her wary state. Suprisingly, she looked shocked at what he had said, which only served to confuse him.

"You should really not swear. It is not very civil." Twilight said with a disapproving tone. John quickly apologized and asked again if she had any friends around that they needed to know about. She still was not sure if she could tell them that or not but decided that to make this work she had to take a few risks here and there.

"Yes I have a friend hiding in the bushes up on that hill." Twilight said, hoping she wasn't making any mistakes. The other marines had been confused by the entire situation and all they could do was stand there and look intimidating. John looked towards the hill Twilight was talking about and asked if he could meet her friend. She said yes and they made the trek back up the hill and reached Spike.

"Hey Spike, I want you to meet John! And his friends..." Twilight said withe excitement. Spike poked his head up over the bushes and took a quick look at John. John looked right back at him with a warm, friendly smile. He looked at Twilight and then back at Spike.

"Wait... is he your pet? Or do you have two intelligent races on this planet?" John said, unsure of why they looked completely different.

"HEY! I am not her pet! Spike said, offended at the notion of him, a noble dragon, reduced to beng a common pet. John just chuckled and apologized and that he didn't know. Twilight just pointed her disapproving glare at Spike, who lost his courage at this point.

"Sorry..." Spike mumbled, "I'm her asisstant though!" John raised an eyebrow and smiled amusingly. This thing must be a child by the way it is acting. He wasn't quite sure before since he had never seen one of these creatures before. It felt amazing to be back on a planet again. The last time he had been on a planet was two years ago. They had found a planet that could have sustained the human race, but it was controlled by an extremely hostile civilization. After fighting for a year, the humans had decided to just up and leave so they wouldn't have to fight.

"Can I ask what you two are? I mean, that would be some pretty useful information to know..." John asked Twilight and Spike.

"Well... I am what you would call a pony or a unicorn, whichever you prefer and Spike is a baby dragon." Twilight informed him. This had completely suprised John as he had only read of dragons and unicorns in fairy tale books.

"Now... if I may ask John... what are you?" Twilight asked, letting her curiosity take over. Twilight watched John look at his friends, who had strangely not said anything yet.

John looked back at Twilight and said. "I am called a human being, although human is good enough." Twilight had never heard of a human before... they were aliens after all. After about fifteen minutes of talking, John finally introduced the other marines to her.

"The one with the blood red armor is Corporal Jenkins." Jenkins nodded his head towards Spike and Twilight, still not saying a word the entire time.

"The smallest one is our sniper and recon trooper, Private Carter" said John as he indicated the smallest human there. He was all black with a red stripe down his helmet. He too never said a word the entire time, which made her uneasy. He nodded to her as well, only adding to her nervousness. John introduced the other three as, Private Rodriguez, Corporal Hernandez, and Private Smith. Rodriguez was wearing blue armor that wasn't as big as rest of the humans' armor. He was, apparently an engineer according to John. Hernandez was wearing black armor and a red cross on both of her shoulders. She was identified as the medic of this little team. Smith was the one wearing white armor and was identified as the pilot of the big metal thing Twilight and Spike saw coming down.

"So, you wanna show us around? Give us the grand tour?" John asked Twilight, who snapped her head in his direction in suprise.

"Uhhh.. sure, I could do that." Twilight said, getting a hold of her bearings. She was just extremely confused as to why his other friends weren't talking at all. They set off across the wide, green field, making their way towards the dirt path that was only now coming into view. Spike kept on looking at the others, who all but refused to acknowledge he was even there at all.

Spike gained enough courage to say, although courage was a bit of an overstatement to say in the least,"Uhhh... umm... hi... My name is Spike... although you already know that... stupid... stupid." One of the soldiers looked down at Spike, who could now be identified as Hernandez, pointed to her helmet and shook her head. John looked back at the awkward, one sided conversation behind him.

"I think they can be considered as friendlies now, marines." John said, which resulted in a few breaths of relief and started talking amongst each other. Spike and Twilight exchanged a few confused glances between each other. John looked back, from his fellow marines to Twilight and noticed their confusion, which was evident.

"In the event of an alien encounter, the one who is in charge has to do all the talking. They would be considered traitors to the UPGF had they talked." John explained, which only brought a much deeper look of confusion onto Twilight's face, "When we encounter and alien race the lower ranked soldiers have to keep quiet so the highest ranking officer can... asses the situation, making sure the chances that peace between the two races will be higher. Right now, all we need is allies." Realization hit Twilight's face and she looked back at Spike who still was confused by the entire thing.

Twilight spoke towards Spike,"It's to make sure that others won't mess up the diplomacy." Finally realization came onto his face. Twilight just chuckled softly and continued walking along the field. They had finally made it to the dirt path and could now see Fluttershy's house, which they had bypassed earlier to go see what the metal thing in the sky was.

John had finally spoken up, breaking the awkward silence as they walked along the dirt path, getting closer to Fluttershy's house. "So... don't you think it is a little strange we speak the same language? I mean the odds of that are next to impossible." Twilight, through her suprise and excitement at making first contact with and intelligent lifeform from another planet had never thought about that. This made her pause in thought, then looked rather suprised.

"You're right... that is very strange. You don't think our races somehow met awhile back maybe?" Twilight said, and then went on to mumble to herself, "Or maybe a dimensional rift through time and space is linked between our two worlds, making this a parallel... to their reality. Only small differences it would seem though..." John just looked at her like she was on meth.

She looked at him and grinned sheepishly, which was met with a chuckle. They finally made it to Fluttershy's house and Twilight went up to the door and rapped on it several times with the flat side of her hoof. They waited for about eight minutes and still nothing. Twilight looke in through one of the windows and the yellow mare was nowhere to be found.

"She must not be home... well you want to go into town?" Twilight asked John, who agreed to this and they set off going further down the road. The entire time the marines had been talking but not directly. They were on a private comm, discussing wether or not to trust these new creatures.

Carter said throught the private comms, "Shit... you think they're leadin' us into a trap?" The others exchanged a few glances, indicating that this had been on all of their minds. They really did not want another event like when they found that other planet, which had been inhabited by a much more advanced race than them and were a whole lot more violent and agressive. They had barely got the Leviathon out and into the jump to lightspeed close to getting shot down. A few weeks of battle and they had decided that it was best to just move on and hope for a miracle planet to appear again.

"Well... it seems that this pony and, what I can only assume to be a lizard of some sorts are friendly. They look like they couldn't even hurt a fly." The one thing that had survived the Zarul invasion were the insects that had made their way onboard the ship, making nests ad reproducing through the years. The one thing that could have survived besides humans and it had to be fucking flys.

"Well, either way stay frosty marines. We are the only scouting group deployed ad we need to survive at least three days to get a decent report in." John said, making sure his authority had not been forgotten. They exchanged another brief glances with each other and kept quiet on the private comms.

Talking on normal comms, John said, "Say Twilight... how long until we get there? I need to know the approximate distance between your town and the ship." This was only because they didn't want to have to go a great distance when retreating back to the ship if the shit hit the fan. Fluttershy's house was a speck in the distace and they finally had made their way to the entrance of the town. The marines looked around at the cheap technology, which looked to be about... tech tier 2. The humans were at a staggering tech tier 7, which they had been at a tech tier 6 when they left earth.

The buildings around them were colorful and cheery, which the marines were not used to. Everywhere around them, ponies stopped and stared in awe and shock at the strangers that had walked in town. Twilight didn't seem to notice and continued to lead them towards Sugarcube Corner.

"Well... welcome to Ponyville! The best town I have ever had the privilege to live in!" Twilight said, cheerfully, still not sure if it was a good idea to bring these aliens to town where they could kill dozens of ponies if they truly wanted to.

The marines were tense the entire time. watching the corners, making sure nothing popped out at them. They had been trained to never let their guard down unless they were sure nothing was going to attack. The ponies kept on staring at them, which only made the marines even more uneasy. What had been a bustling street full of chatter and various noises, was about as quiet as a dead man in a coffin buried underneath the ground in a graveyard.

Twilight now noticed the strange looks towards the marines and said, "Ponies of Ponyville! These are aliens from another world and have come to make peace with our race!" The ponies around them started to murmur to each other and caused Twilight to laugh nervously. Spike had been quiet the entire time, stealing glances at the armored creatures, which Twilight had noticed a little earlier down the road. A few ponies from the crowd broke the silence with questions and other words. Things like, "Where are you from?" or, "Are you friendly?" John couldn't handle all the questions and asked, through private comms, for his marines to help answer a lot of the questions.

The crowd of ponies were stunned when they heard them speaking Equestrian. This only fueld their questions even further and the marines were at a loss of what to do. heir training had never prepared them for this kind of thing, even though it was simple. Twilight had noticed their uneasiness and decided to put a stop to this.

"HEY!!!" Twilight practically screamed, attracting the attention of everypony including Spike who was fidgeting with his claws and Twilight went on to say calmy, "They must have had a long and exhausting journey here and are probably hungry. So could you please wait with the questions until they are ready?" The ponies around reluctantly agreed and went off to go do whatever it was that they were doing before the aliens came in. They still gave the aliens weird looks here and there, although it was a a lot better than being barraged with hundreds of questions.

They finally reached sugarcube corner and Twilight looked around nervously for Pinkie Pie, who normally prowled the streets, looking for her next party victim. The marines had noticed her strange, sudden nervousness and this made them feel this way.

"So... uhh... are you hungry?" Twilight asked the John and the marines. The marines looked towards John, but you could tell they were.

"Come on boss, just a little nibble." Rodriguez said. John looked at his fellow marines and back to Twilight. They had a mission to do, but this was basically it. They needed to learn all that they could in three days without dying.

Finally, John caved in and replied to Twilight, "Well... okay but just a quick bite and then it is back to the mission at hand." Twilight grinned and led them inside the cupcake and cake store. They walked towards the counter towards a very suprised blue pony. John noticed something coming at him at full speeds and whirled its way before it latched onto his waist and wouldn't let go. All he saw was a flash of pink fur and a lot of giggling before he went down the ground with a thud. The other marines brought their weapons up, but didn't fire, scared that they would hit the sergeant. It seemd that things were about to turn quite violent at any moment now. A marine was known for his courage and ferocity in battle. The pink furry creature did not stand a chance...

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will make the next one a little longer...tops 5k a minimum of 4k.
