• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 3,837 Views, 94 Comments

Halo Derpy Grunts of Equestria - Grazy Polomare

What happens when three stranded grunts find themselves on Equestria?

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Chapter 11: YapYap's Last Hurrah



Maybe it wasn't really falling, just flying.

No. It was definitely falling.

Maybe falling with style?

If style involved certain death.

Yapyap Jr. was never one to fear death. He had seen it before, in many shapes and forms. He had seen friends, brothers, and comrades of all denominations fall prey to the great predator that was death. From the cold chill on his home planet that took the slightest soul, to the anti-tank round that reduced a battalion to cinders in ten seconds flat.

Death had always been with YapYap, and yet it never preyed upon him. Why it never did, was a question he asked himself several times. But alas, his answer always came up short. What was the Covenant if Death hadn't been a part of it? What was his life worth if out of an entire cruise...only him and two others survived. Why did Death always take someone, but never him?

Well, he supposed Death finally grew bored of his antics and allowed itself to finally indulge in his eminent demise. Closing his eyes, the cyan figure of Rainbow Dash growing ever smaller, he made a small prayer that the Deacon on the ship would sometimes say.

I may be optimistic. But that's okay.

Our race may be enslaved. But I am free.

And if death wishes my demise.

Then let it be.

For there is faith within me.

Yapyap could see the rocks below, closing his eyes to await the fate that would overtake him. Scenes of his life flashed before his eyes. He recalled the date of his birth, and then his induction to the military.

He had met a love that he would talk to across the fence of the training facility, but alas that too came to an end when the Blue Death took her from him.

As it turned out, his life was not filled with ups and downs, but only downs. He had survived total annihilation by the smallest of possibilities, a possibility he was sure was impossible.

“Well, I hate life, so gooooooodddd riiiiiddd—aaa…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”

A purple blur suddenly whooshed past the grunt, and before Yapyap could object, it had tightened a grip onto his lower torso, heaving him upwards as the small rocks below grew smaller by the second.

The cloth-like feeling made the grunt squirm, but alas he was overpowered as the “thing” merely tightened its iron-like hold.

“Wha-what are you?”

Yapyap stopped to stare at the creature before him. It was equine in shape, with a purple piece of apparel he recognized as a hat, but the equine’s face was covered by some piece of cloth with two blue goggle-like eye-holes to see through. YapYap could only gape blindly at the creature as he was lifted to the safety of the ledge.

Once they reached the top, however, the pony unceremoniously dropped YapYap onto the grass, causing the grunt to glare in the thing’s general direction.


Looking up, he spotted Yapflip and Flipyap dashing down the hill, arms spread in a wide “C” as to strangle the grunt in a bear hug. Well, at least Yapyap thought it was a bear hug until the two grunts nearly suffocated him with an iron press.

“I thought you were a goner,” Flipyap sobbed, “don’t ever do something like that to us again ok?”

Yapyap grinned at the two grunts, relieved to see they hadn’t been injured. “You can count your scrub grubs I won’t be doing a stunt like that again.”

Rainbow Dash landed a few feet from the trio, eyes darted at the mysterious figure hovering over them. By this time, Yapyap had caught her stare and finally got a good look at his savior.

The equine had a mare’s body, with a dark purple cape and wide-brimmed hat. Her face was covered by a dark blue cloth with two eye-holes to see out of. Connecting the cape to the leather jumpsuit was a large emblem with an “M” emblazoned with fierce pride.

“Mare-Do –Well?” Rainbow Dash murmured, “But…how…I thought you guys said you’d-“

But before anyone could do anything, the mare jumped over the grunts and into the woods, vanishing from sight within a few seconds.

Yapyap had time to only blink before Yapflip decided to ask the question that was on all three of their minds.

“And just who the hell was that?”

The cyan Pegasus grew red as her eyes thinned to slits, “That was Mare-Do-Well. She was the temporary hero of Ponyville till I discovered that it was just some of my friends pulling a prank. However, I was sure they had destroyed the suits. Nopony could have…”

“Perhaps it’s not your friends,” Flipyap suggested, eyes focused on the forest,” perhaps she’s someone new. Someone who’s using it against you.”

“And why would you suggest that?” Rainbow Dash hissed, “it’s not like she’s trying to make a comeback. Maybe Twilight or Pinkie thought I wasn’t going to be enough for you guys and decided to hop in at the last minute to save the day.”

“Well,” Yapyap murmured, “she did save my skin.”

Rainbow turned her gaze from the forest to the grunt, eyes red with malice, “And while I’m thankful to her for saving you, she could have done it without the disguise!”

“Maybe she’s scared,” reflected Yapflip, “sometimes grunts get scared, ponies get scared too?”

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment before answering, “I suppose you’re right. Perhaps she didn’t think she wanted me to brag about it to her, especially after what happened last time…”

“Well I don’t know about you guys,” Yapflip interrupted, “but we’re kinda without a ravine to cross so that means the trail is gone! And I think now would be a good time to go-“

But the Pegasus held the grunt back, her magenta eyes locking with his. “Are you saying you’re chicken Yapflip?”

“Chicken!?” Yapflip cried incredulously, “CHICKEN! I AM NO COWARD RAINBOW DASH!”

Then getting up, he turned to his fellow grunts, “Let’s find Fluttershy and kick some booty!”

(Several hours later)

“I think my booty needs a rest…” Flipyap groaned.

The “way” around the ravine turned out to be through a cluster of hills, cliffs, and streams. The forest canopy was a labyrinth of vines, branches and leaves with no solution and no entrance. Soon, even the grand Pegasus Rainbow Dash had to reduced herself to walking among the trio of gray, sweating aliens.

They had finished plowing over the great plains and were now nearing the other side of the ravine, which was just after the cluster of small brown hills that formed the border between the plains and the edge of the red rock ravine. As they approached the end of the cluster of hills, Yapflip decided to make small talk with Yapyap.

“Hey Yapyap, did you ever…errr…talk to your uncle?”

Yapyap seemed to freeze for a second, paralyzed by the words spoken through his comrade’s respirator.

“A bit, why?”

“Before I was taken away,” Yapflip began, “ My father said that he once fought with Yapyap, but that it had been a long time, he old now but he would talk highly of your uncle.”

“I never really knew that grunt, “Yapyap sighed, “he never visited that much.”

“He died on the ring right?”

Yapyap slowly nodded his noggin before gazing back at the stragglers they were leaving behind. Flipyap was barely keeping pace with Rainbow Dash following closely behind, mostly out of spite for the grunt. After all, while the pull of gravity was similar, there was some minor differences that took time to get use to.

Seeing as the topic of his uncle was disturbing Yapyap, Yapflip decided to change the subject to the mysterious mare that had saved his life. “What was it like to be saved by that masked horsy-thing?”

“Like a blanket gripping your backpack,” Yapyap explained, “she was very silent too, I never heard her till she was right next to me.”

“Pretty swift if you think how she went invisible in the forest.”

What are you two talking about?” Rainbow Dash barked, eyes glaring at both grunts. By now, she had caught up with the pair and must have been listening intently on their conversation.

“Well,” Yapflip began, “just…Mare Do Well?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash huffed, “well she ain’t nothing compared to the hero you’re traveling with.” Then as an added measure, she puffed her chest.

“Hey guys,” Flipyap called out, “I think I found the tracks!”

Sure enough, the ground below was riddled with hoofmarks indicating that there was a good chance their pegasus friend had been here before. As they followed the tracks, little did they know that a dark shadow among the trees was following close behind. A shadow with a wide-brimmed hat and cape.

The Valiant Crusader was a super-carrier of immense capabilities. The head of its own fleet, the ship was used among other ships to fight off the human menace, although allegiance was beginning to turn the tides. The Covenant was losing support, and the rumors of rebellion were breaking out.

With the new Jiralhanae in place, many elites feared their positions would be next. Right now they were orbiting Balaho, ready to strike if the Prophets gave the word. But sooner or later, the crew would be forced to make a choice.

The trail had ended into the mouth of a large cave, whose dark interior seemed to beg the group to enter inside. However, the groan and grumble of rocks sliding against sheer walls and the fact that there was a squirrel skull casted off a few yards away.

Whatever this thing was, it was bad. Slowly, the trio took a deep breath.

And stepped inside.

Author's Note:

Very sorry about being dead for over who knows how long. I've been caught up and haven't had time to really work on this as much as I would have liked to. Thanks to all whop continued to stay and I wish I could have made a longer chapter.