• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,401 Views, 21 Comments

Adventures in Foalsitting: Ponyville - ApexSixtail

The Cutie Mark Crusaders try to earn their Foalsitting Cutie Marks.

  • ...

The best laid plans of mice and ponies

When Apple Bloom finally got home, she trudged into the kitchen where her grandmother was making supper.

"My word, you've got a longer face than I do. What's troublin' ya, little bit?"

"It's nothin'," Apple Bloom sighed.

"Now don't give me that. Somethin's got ya down in the dumps. Now out with it," Granny Smith commanded her granddaughter.

"It's just...Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell signed us up to watch Twinkle Star tomorrow night."

"Twinkle Star, ain't that the little filly Twilight Sparkle showed up with a couple of weeks ago? Always did think that there was more a-going on with that mare than she let on. At least now we know where her slight off tick came from." Granny chuckled until she looked at her granddaughter again. "Look now, I know that watching this little filly ain't what you were looking to do tomorrow night, but at least your friends will be there. That's gotta count for somethin', don't ya think?"

"I guess so." Some of the mumble had left Apple Bloom's voice.

"I know so. Now go get washed up. Big Mac will be in soon and supper's almost ready."

The next day, with a good night's sleep to steel her about the task that she was being drug into that evening, Apple Bloom trotted towards the school house with more confidence than she had the previous day.

That confidence faltered slightly as she approached her friends and fellow crusaders. The reason it faltered was the look they were giving her as she neared them.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Apple Bloom asked her friends.

"Hey, Apple Bloom," the other two fillies squeaked together.

"What's the matter, girls? You're not having second thoughts about tonight, are ya?"

"He he, about that," Scootaloo half-chuckled nervously.

"We're sorry, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Bell moaned.

"Sorry, about what?" Apple Bloom asked with concern.

"I forgot that my parents were taking me to Cloudsdale this afternoon for a doctor's appointment," Scootaloo sighed.

"Seriously, today?" Apple Bloom questioned. Scootaloo just slowly nodded her head.

Turning to Sweetie Bell, "At least you're gonna be with me."


"Not you too!" Apple Bloom moaned

"Monthly family dinner," Sweetie Bell chuckled out.

"And you can't get out of it because?"

"I just can't, OK."

"So let me get this strait, tonight went from the two of you dragging me into this to now I have to watch her alone?" Both Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo found very interesting pieces of dirt to look at. "Fine, but after tonight we have to have a talk about how much say we all have in the decisions this group makes." After saying her piece, Apple Bloom turned around and stomped into the school house.

Apple Bloom was thankful that she sat up towards the front of the class. That made ignoring her fellow crusaders that much easier. A little guilt crept up in her when a little after lunch, Cheerilee told Scootaloo that she was excused from class to go to her appointment. Guilt turned back into anger when she caught the apologetic look Scootaloo gave her. After the door had shut and Cheerilee had resumed teaching, the guilt returned in force like a dam had burst.

At the end of the day, Apple Bloom quickly ran out of the school and on towards home. Not because she didn't want to talk to anypony, like a certain white unicorn with a purple and pink mane even though she did have a very flimsy excuse for not helping her babysit tonight, but because she had to rush to get her choirs done before she headed over to the library to begin her duties as a babysitter.

The young filly had never gotten her chores done that fast in her young life. She couldn't take all the credit, though; Granny Smith had taken pity on her and had gotten Big Macintosh to help her out. She had wanted to refuse, since she knew that Big Mac would be calling in this favor at some point, but in the end she relented because she knew that she would never get her choirs done in time otherwise. After they were done, she quickly cleaned herself up and had a quick bite to eat that Granny Smith made special for her. Then she set off for the library and the responsibility she hadn't wanted but got stuck with.

At five minutes to six, figuring it was better to be early than late, Apple Bloom knocked on the door to the library. The door opened to reveal Twilight. "Oh hello Apple Bloom, you're early. Where are Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo? I thought you girls would be coming together."

Apple Bloom took a moment to clear her throat before answering Twilight, "They ain't comin'."

"They aren't? What happened?" Twilight asked with concern.

"Scootaloo had some sort of doctor's appointment up in Cloudsdale, and apparently Sweetie Bell had a family obligation she couldn't get out of," Apple Bloom said with a sigh at the first part, then a slight growl at the second part.

"Oh, Apple Bloom, I'm sorry. I know you weren't the most enthused about the prospect of watching Twinkle Star tonight. If you would like, I suppose I could arrange for something at the last-"

"No! Despite my friends backing out, I was raised that if I give my word about something, then I darn well better live up to it."

"Thank you, Apple Bloom. That's very responsible of you," Twilight said as she stepped out of the way and allowed Apple Bloom to enter the library. "You know, there might even be a report to Princess Celestia about peer pressure and responsibility," Twilight called over her shoulder as she climbed up the stairs to the apartment.

"Twinkle Star, your sitter for the evening is here," Twilight called out as they reached the top of the stairs." The little filly came trotting out of her room, but pulled up short when she saw it was just Apple Bloom.

"I thought all three were going to watch me tonight," Twinkle Star said with more curiosity than disappointment.

"Sorry kiddo, but you're stuck with just me."

"That will be fine, won't it Twinkle Star?" Twilight asked her daughter.

"Oh, yes," Twinkle Star agreed as she vigorously nodded her head.

With that being settled, Twilight led Apple Bloom into the library and up to her apartment upstairs. Twilight went over the information that Apple Bloom would need for the night, things like when Twinkle Star normally ate supper and when she had to go to bed. Apple Bloom stopped Twilight as she was about to list off all the ponies that she could contact if an emergency should arise, but she reassured her that she already knew most of the ponies in town as well as the town's layout.

"Relax, Twilight. I'm sure the girls can handle Twinkle just fine," Star Shine said as he descended the stairs. Once he reached the bottom and looked around the room, he amended, "Or girl. I thought you said there were three of them?"

"The others bailed on me," Apple Bloom answered for Twilight.

"No matter, I'm sure Apple Bloom will be just fine. She is responsible enough to have a list of chores at the farm that she does without reminder or help except for today when Big Mac had to help her so she could get them done to be here by six o'clock."

After a second, Apple Bloom realized something, "How in the hay could you know that Big Mac helped me with chores today?"

"Yes," Twilight turned towards the stallion, "How do you know so much about"

"Would you look at the time, we best be going Twilight. Trust me you don't want to keep Walking Stick waiting." Star Shine said as he quickly turned Twilight around and pushed her out the door to the chariot that had just landing outside of the library.

Apple Bloom and Twinkle Star stepped outside to wave goodbye to Twinkle Stars parents as the chariot took off for Canterlot.

"Well, that was abrupt," Apple Bloom said to herself.

"You can say that again," Twinkle Star replied anyway, still waving at the receding chariot.

"Should have know Twilight's daughter would already know a word like abrupt."

"Mommy says that it is important to expand my vocabulary every day." Twinkle Star enunciated each word carefully.

Apple Bloom looked down at the little filly, "Twilight Sparkle definitely is your mother."

"Yea, but I still like ta have fun just like any normal filly my age."

"Well, come on, kiddo, I guess we best be moseying back into the library then."

"Do ya have ta call me kiddo?" Twinkle Star said as she started to follow Apple Bloom into the tree.

"Then what do ya want me to call you?"

"Well, my friends all call me Twink."

"Then Twink it is. So, Twink, we have some time before you have to start getting ready for bed, and since you're in kindergarten, I'm guessin' ya don't have any homework."

"At least none from school."Twinkle Star replied, rolling her eyes.

"Ya mean your ma gives you homework," Apple Bloom questioned.

"Well, more like practicing my magic control. She said something about not turning Grandma and Grandpa into plants, whatever that means." Apple Bloom giggled remembering Twilight's tale about when she had gotten her cutie mark. Twinkle Star just looked at her funny. "I'm just remembering something your ma told me about." Twinkle Star, apparently satisfied with the explanation, shrugged her shoulders and walked over to a bookshelf.

Apple Bloom chuckled as she witnessed this, "Goin' to pick out a book to read?"

"Nope," Twinkle said as her horn started to glow, "I wanna play a board game." Her magic wrapped around a box and it flew of the shelf and on to the table in the center of the room.

Apple Bloom looked at the box and chuckled, "Sorry? I was worried it might be a game like scrabble."

"I don't like to play scrabble. It's too hard against mommy, and too easy against everypony else."

Apple Bloom chuckled, and then said, "Well alright, let's get this game started." She said as she opened the box and started setting up the game.

Two games of Sorry and a quick supper later, Twinkle Star let out a big yawn. "Ah guess it's time for you to go to bed," Apple Bloom said as she started picking up the game and putting it back into the box. Twinkle Star nodded but started to help Apple Bloom pick up the game. As they finished putting the game away and Twinkle Star started heading for the stairs to the bedrooms, the door flew open and an orange blur shot through it.

"Apple Bloom, I'm glad I found you!" Scootaloo exclaimed as she came to a stop.

"Scootaloo, what are you doing here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No time to explain, Sweetie Bell's in trouble!"