• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 696 Views, 5 Comments

The Pony Beast - HareTrinity

The ancient darkness of Canterlot, its terrible secret. This is her story.

  • ...

998 years later

"Where did you get this?"

The young colt flinched at his elder's yell, "In th-the courtyard, ma'am! A school filly s-said it's a new version, that b-bookshops throughout the land will have had deliveries...!"

Many Sisterhood members had yet to arrive at the emergency meeting, either busy with jobs or out enjoying the sun. Unfortunately, those gathered were coming to realise, it seemed likely that the rest of their day would be spent in this windowless council chamber. The book now being passed around the room's tables had grave implications.

One of the members present gasped sharply as she read the page, "Why would they DO this?"

The elder shook her head, "An honest mistake, or an attempt to add suspense perhaps? Most ponies these days don't think that the Mare in the Moon sealing story is real, let alone know when it happened... And all this is now besides the point, we MUST get rid of these books...!"

"It'll attract too much attention! Were that to happen it could backfire!"

Another member spoke, "At least the ones in the kingdom?"

The elder nodded, "Yes, we'll go with that... You three, I need a backup plan, and... Where is the princess now?"

"I think she's with that Twilight filly..."

Groans came from many of those gathered.

It had been an accident; Celestia had been expected to head straight back to the palace. At first the Sisterhood had thought her distracted by the Sonic Rainboom that lit up the sky for a dazzling moment that day, but it was not to be; a dragon's head had burst through the roof of an exam hall. Celestia had gone to investigate and met Twilight Sparkle, a fangirl with a talent for magic and, instantly taken with her, their princess had on the spot made the filly her "protégée". After finally retrieving their princess the Sisterhood had soon heard more than enough about "Twilight the protégée" as their god-like being bounced around the castle telling the news to anyone who would listen. The Sisterhood had planned for any protégés to be Sisterhood members and this slip in protocol on top of the letting Celestia befriend an outsider was... Embarrassing at the very least. The guard was tightened after that day.

"That bookworm... I can see where this is going..."

The elder sighed, the same thoughts not far from her mind, "We must try... Still, let us further discuss our backup plan..."

She pushed aside the book that had been brought in for the Sisterhood to read. Open on the subject of the Mare in the Moon, its page ending with this:

"Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape and bring about night time eternal."

Some months later an unusually tall pony was trotting confidently into the castle. She was a dark brown pegasus, her mane done up in a tight bun and her tail in a short braid, their pale grey colour the only hint of her age without one getting close enough to see the wrinkles on her face. She wore a yellow woollen shawl that was a little soggy due to the rainy weather that dark-skied day. Still, head held high she had primly trotted straight past the guards before they had chance to stop her. She ignored their commands for her to "halt" and continued on her way at a brisk pace. Arguing over who would take the blame the guards, not used to physically restraining the elderly, uneasily started to give chase. They were relieved to be quickly interrupted by a commanding officer who reassured them that Mrs Weather Shine was to be expected.

It wasn't until she was well within the castle that she was actually stopped by somepony.

"You there, are you here to help with the carpet?"

At these words Mrs Weather Shine stopped. She was close to her destination now, running a little late on account of the weather, yet had no intention of letting herself be addressed in such a manner. She turned, narrowing her eyes, and glared through her half-moon spectacles at the stallion who had spoken, "Excuse me?"

The youth, a white unicorn with light amber hair, rolled his eyes, "Oh PLEASE, don't tell me you're deaf? An old nag like you dressed in nothing but a tatty shawl, you MUST be here to help clean that old rug."

The pegasus pony stifled a grimace as she realised he was indeed talking to her. As she didn't comment, however, the stallion apparently took it as his cue to boast...

"It's very expensive, you know. Made by zebras."

Another pause. He narrowed his eyes.

"Don't think you'll get chance to run off with it either, we'll b-"

"You're a Nephew aren't you."

The white unicorn eyed her suspiciously, "What of it?"

"I could spot your type a mile away. Not initiated, probably not intending to be, not in fact DOING anything, just living off mummy and daddy's wealth. How do you expect to learn about the world, to do anything worthwhile? What do you contribute in any way to anypony?" The pegasus stamped down a hoof and snorted. "You will refer to me as Madam Weather Shine and I'm here to meet the Aunt."

The young stallion's eyes widened as he realised his mistake, "You? Y-you're here to meet the Sisterhood? You mean...? Oh, please, M-Ms Wea-!"


"-Madam Weather Shine, let us talk this over! If my mother knew that I'd spoke-"

"I will tell whichever pony whatever I please. If you're going to stammer like a foal all day then get OUT of my sight to do it."

The stallion spluttered out gibberish for a moment before turning tail and galloping away from the angry mare. She spat, muttering to herself as she continued on her way to the Sisterhood's council chamber.

The room was large and lit only by a small lantern on one of the tables. Alone at this table was a pale green unicorn pony, Aunt Parsley; current elder of the Canterlot Sisterhood. She was staring at the table's surface, deep in thought, her eyes full of sadness. Hoping her friend's sadness didn't relate to her being slightly late for their reunion Mrs Weather Shine cleared her throat as she headed into the room.

Aunt Parsley looked up at the sound and, smiling warmly, went to greet her friend.

"It has been too long, Shiner..."

"Indeed it has... And here you are, finally the elder of the Sisterhood! I thought Aunt Song Heart would NEVER leave her title...!"

The unicorn smiled sadly, "I do not think she would have were the situation not so dire..."

"Threw it off onto you once she foresaw bad times, hm? Ah, that clever old mare... Still, I assume that the Sisterhood aren't all as bad as the Nephew I met on my way here?"

"Who do you- oh. You've met Prince then. Honestly, that colt... I wish I'd never let that Hoity Toity character onto the grounds! Though I suppose most of his models don't let it go to their heads quite so quickly... Yes, that Nephew's good for publicity but bad for our reputation and the Sisterhood would prefer a little less of both. Which brings me to the matter at hoof..."

"Indeed. What part do I play in all this, Parsley?"

"You know I cannot say much, Shiner... But it concerns your schools, we're looking for somepony to perform a... Rather unique role, should the time arise. And it must be kept quiet."

Mrs Weather Shine nodded, "I'm listening..."