• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th

Flicka Ravenhide

Comments ( 956 )

This is gonna be some seriously good stuff. I can tell already.

i must read this.
screw everything else.

I'm going to love this.
Please let the next chapter come soon. :twilightsmile:

Twilight as Luna's right hoof? accepted

You've piqued my interest, Flicka. Please do continue this.

How could Twilight leave an impression in stone? You'd think that stone would hold its shape for many decades before even beginning to show wear, let alone an impression. Unless it's a kind of stone that's more like a cushion. Also

Undoubtedly the Monarch was still awake, pouring over papers and other important documents.

The correct term here is poring. I can just imagine Luna with a pitcher of water and the papers now.

2586220 Yea, knew something did not look right there, even if I could not pinpoint it. Also, concerning the bench, even standard park benches will eventually begin to show the outlines of many people sitting in the same spot year after year. However, I do agree that it seems a little oddly worded.

2585008 Glad you enjoy it so far.

2585958 Hope I can deliver!

2585972 Thanks!

2586201 Most certainly!


2586818 Most standard park benches, as far as I know, use wooden slats. Those are a bit more believable for leaving an impression than stone. Still, I look forward to more chapters. If you want to use an OC of mine, go on ahead. There are 3 to choose from, each a different species.

*golf clap* Bravo. Just as amazing as always. I can't wait for the next chapter of this and Unity.

I give you mustaches. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

2586952 Actually, I thought about including Technia at some point, as I also plan another appearance of my Flicka. I'd just not gotten to the point to ask you yet.

2586962 Then it's a good thing that's out of the way.

Speaking of Valkyries, here's one.

This updated literally like five minutes after I Favorited it. Coincidence? Probably. But I still can't help the feeling that I had something to do with it...

Anyway, this story is really good, keep it up!

Write on,

congrats on the Feature.

my favorite was about that long before the update too. :rainbowkiss:

Do you mean Medic corps? You keep using corpse, which when associated with medics doesn't inspire
hope in these particular doctors. :twilightblush:

Good story though, keep going

Corps not corpse. A corpse is a dead body whereas a corps is a formation of people.

Enjoying the story Flicka just like I do your other one.

2587397 Yea, just caught that about a minute before your correction. For some stupid reason I kept automatically adding the "e".

2587404 Fixed, again. Stupid me kept automatically wanting to add an "e".

Also, should have update to Unity soon, now that I am back in my zone.


Heh, I have a similar problem with spelling shop. I keep trying to write shoppe for some reason.

:yay::yay::yay: Yay! New chapter!

I'm loving this, it's whole reversed military Equestria!

But wait, where's Celestia?:trollestia:

2587436 Ah, that would be telling, wouldn't it? A little Hint. Re-read the last few lines of the long description. Does that give you enough of a hint? :rainbowwild:

THANK YOU for another good story line on this site:pinkiehappy: yes there ARE other good stories on this site but seriously CAN you ever have to many good stories? some may say yes, I say no not really:rainbowwild:

2587523 Aw shucks, its only just starting out yet!

I liked this for the most part. However, it was a little odd to see Twilight an orphan AND friends with the rest of the mane 6. I also wasn't sure who the mane 6 were in this. Were they also orphans? Former orphans? Just friends that Twilight knew from outside?

Asides from that I rather enjoyed this tale. :twilightsmile:

Well, this chapter answers where Rarity went. I was 1/3 tempted to go right to the comments and ask that, but the other 4/6 beat that temptation.

I need to asses Twilight

I did not know that an alternate term for Plot in the plural was a verb. I believe you meant assess. If you highlight, right click, and select "search Google". You'll see what I mean.

Error aside, this was another spectacular chapter. I look forward to more.

wonderful! you have offically won my eternal thanks for writing such an awesome story!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

The magic bit seems a tad cliche in some ways, but I'll hold off on the judgement until I see where it goes. Personally I think of magic as independent of categorization, except by how it is used. This is kind of interesting, but I feel like I need to read something else first because it's not clear what's with this orphan business? Unless all orphans in Canterlot receive the same treatment, calling them Wards might make more sense and maybe be slightly more appropriate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_(law)). The same may go for the rest of how your Equestria works.

I'm guessing it's confusing, because you say it more like 'core'. And a corpse is a body, technically, though specifically a dead one.

2587661 I thought I had made this clear when I referred to the rest of the Mane 6 as "fellow Orphans", but maybe there are a few places it is not entirely clear? The general idea was that "fellow Orphans need to stick together". And while they are not as yet super close friends, they are certainly friends enough to be called as such.

2587804 Will be fixed.

2587836 I actually thought long and hard exactly what to call them, as all Orphans in Canterlot are supposed to receive the same treatment. their parents died in service to the Crown, so the least the Crown can do is make sure their child is at least given a chance at a decent future. And normally I do not bother to categorize magic at all, but I decided I really wanted to experiment a bit in this fic.

EDIT: However, I do think Ward does sound a bit better. I might have to go back and make some changes.


So, this mystery romance...

Is it going to be awesome and be Twilight and Luna? Or is it going to be a 'oh, damn' moment when it ends up being someone else?

Glad to see another story from ya.

EDIT - and wow, 26 groups? Any other ones it's not in yet?

2587914 Honestly, I had planned on TwiDash. I know, I know, its rather old, but I'm a complete sucker for that ship. I thought the fact that Dash is a bit more impulsive and rash in this 'verse (if that is even possible) would also be interesting.

I had originally thought TwiLuna, but there are so many fics out there that have Twilight start learning from Luna and then they become romantic partners. I don't want to feel like I'm just going with the norm :twilightsheepish:

Just two points really... the 1st one is why does Twilight only have those two choices? Either a Master or marriage? I'm sure there's a reason, I just didn't feel like that explanation was very clear. Though, seeing as how we can often think there are only X options missing many of the others that are right in front of us this is a minor note.

Next is Rarity. I was just a little confused as to where exactly she stands with Luna. Is she also a personal apprentice of Luna or does she just work closely with Luna? I felt like that could have been clearer. However, again I felt this was a smaller complaint.

Otherwise I felt this was a good chapter. :twilightsmile:

Excellent! Bust mostly, I'm thrilled you updated so quickly. I hope this is a trend you plan on keeping with. :pinkiehappy:


-5 points for TwiDash, and another -10 for almost doing TwiLuna, then not doing it. Just saying. Got the TwiDash in Unity already, was hoping you'd go for the TwiLuna for something different.

And now, when I read the story itself, I'll leave some constructive criticism for you.

And oh, you really should reconsider the romance pairing, just sayin. All that's been on the site the last couple of weeks are TwiDash's it seems, you should totally do what they haven't been... TwiLuna.

EDIT - forgot to mention, grading on a 10 point scale. :p


well fuck, another Twidash? was expecting a Twiluna by the tags... I'm out!


Easy there, easy. Its still rather up in the air. This fic was originally designed just to be an experiment, just something for me to stretch my writing limbs with. I was not expecting it to take off like it has. Who knows, maybe I'll surprise you all!

Okay, well best of luck with the categorized magic.

I think the confusion Treilacl was dealing with has to do with how they seem to be at least as good friends as in canon. Now, maybe canon makes the friendship seem too casual, but it's possible (my speculation here) that you could be letting your knowledge of the show and how those characters behave with each other bleed in. Especially since we rarely see the mane six apart from each other after the first episode.

So this is sort of a semi-Lunaverse? Cool


Nice AU! Great world building so far, have a :scootangel: and a couple of:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:'s.

Well the world building is good and the magic system intrigues me. Not so hot on forced romance but whatever.

I wonder if you can tow the line between making Twi powerful without being invincible and boring.

Nicely done. Good to see some solid plot and well crafted writing in the feature box. People like you are what keep my faith in our fandom up.

so this ranty comment is mostly to explain my downvote, as I don't downvote without explaining. and get my rage at being cheated out of a story that I was looking forward to out of my system. However, you choose to write whatever pairing you want regardless of how I feel. I"d vastly perfer Twiluna, but whatever.

I'll kick off with this. I hate Twidash. I hate it so fucking much. I love Twiluna. Its really the only pairing I'll read. I read tags to avoid Twidash and other pairings, and find Twilunas. I"m VERY picky about what I read. This crosses a lot of things off my potential reading list. I'm fine with that. Move on, find something else to read, whatever.

What I'm NOT fine with is improper tags. Normally, I'd just look at the tags on something like this and move on, no downvotes, no ranty comments that probably look bad, but you've thrown this in "I just want a comment", so whatever. when I first noticed this, I put it in my read later because of the tags and potential Twiluna and wariness because it could be TwilightxOC. But I was still looking forward to reading it eventually. Then it gets thrown in Twilight Sparkle's Twilight x Main Six folder. Its at this point I go "what the fuck." There's no Main Six tags... Why is that even in there? So I travel on in to the comments, notice you're going to go Twidash, drop my comment, then downvote for improper tagging, as that's one of the few things I allow myself to downvote without reading the story over.

And just cause I hate this assumption, I've only ever seen 3 Twiluna's (The Dark Apprentice, In Dreams, Do You Believe in Magic) actually have the teacher/student aspect of the relationship be a major thing, and two of them managed to catch my interest, and both got over 700 likes each despite that, because they did something new with it. Meanwhile, I've seen way too damn many Twidash come through, as it is easily the pairing with the most stories, 3 or 4 of which were in the feature box these last few days.

TL;DR: this story is improperly tagged so I'm downvoting you for it.

If it hits the Twiluna group, I'll probably check it out. However, till then, as I said, I'm out.


If that is the case case,I'm going to give you this advice right now:

Write what you think is best.

Of course,take all the grammar,proofreading and general writing advices,that's always good,but when it comes to something as a pairing,it must be what YOU like.Don't let other readers preferences let the course of the whole thing just because of the minor risk of losing a few readers.You are presenting your ideas,your story to us,not the other way around.

I've seen some examples here and they never ended good.

>TL;DR: this story is improperly tagged so I'm downvoting you for it.

Aren't you exaggerating a little bit about that?

This is a bit nit-picky, but why in the hell is Applejack in an orphanage? She has a massive extended family who are caring, kind, and supportive of the entire rest of the family. There's very few roadblocks between adopting a relative, so Applejack shouldn't be there at all. Unless of course you're saying that adoption straight up isn't an option, in which case this world is pretty damn dark, considering the kids appear to be getting funneled directly into a job.

Also, you need to be careful with tenses- there was a lot of past-present skipping, and it became awkward to read.

The "Archmage" fic came to mind when you described Night magic, as well as Twilight being expected to learn all types of magic, but that's not too hard to write off as coincidence, given the premise of the fic.

The only thing that caught in my brain while reading was Luna's statement that "they are equals." A student/protege is by definition not equal, as the teacher/master is still superior to them in knowlege, plus this is Princess Luna, arguably the highest authority in the land. She may WANT a friend, but it seems a bit contrived to have her declare them equals on day zero. That's the sort of relationship that should develop over time as Twilight learns and grows.

Nevertheless, I'm fairly certain I haven't seen this take on the "Luna is the remaining sister" alternate universe concept. Twilight and her friends are technically already friends. I will be interested to see how they're brought together, as well as more detail on the world building that you're attempting. I shall continue to watch!


The TL;DR? Not in the slightest. The second and fourth paragraph? Probably. They veer into personal opinion, one in which I was sure would prompt a comment much like this one. However, I take tags very seriously. If I run across a story that has what I believe are improper tags, such as leaving half of the main romance pair out of them, I will downvote them. Simple as that. If in the future he goes Twiluna or TwilightxOC, then the downvote was wrong and I will correct it as such.

And I agree with the first part of the comment. I was worried I'd come off being a bit bullyish about the pairing, but as I said in the opening paragraph: He should write what he thinks is best. However, in return, I will exercise my right to NOT read it AND I will express my displeasure that the main pairing isn't properly tagged.

Twilight Sparkle. Personal protege of Princess Luna. Who is being very win and very Luna.

There aren't enough squees in the entire world.

2588559 Yea, I'll have to fix the tenses. And trust me, as forgetful as I am, I've not forgotten any little detail about anypony's family-- even if I've not gotten to them yet. Seeing as how Twilight's House is as big and influential as it is, she should have some relatives too, yes? Trust me when I say families will eventually play a part in this tale.

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