• Published 18th May 2013
  • 4,020 Views, 99 Comments

Twilight - P3RROHAMBRE

Equestria's favorite serial killer. Adaptation of Dexter

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Cutting The Cord

“Would that be everything Miss Sparkle?”

Her eyes scanned over the dull blue chariot that sat idle and she went over her mental checklist. Small bags were loaded onto the back compartment of the chariot. They had her science equipment, her books, and even some articles of clothing for special occasions. She had all the basics of any normal pony.

But her heart cared not for them.

Instead, her eyes were transfixed on a black case with a silver lock on it, buried beneath all her other stuff. It was this case that her heart belonged to for it held her sacred tools of her rituals and sacrifices. Her posthumus friends, knives and saws, and her special plastic were all held within.

But wasn’t this risky? Could somepony make the mistake of somehow finding its contents?

The lavender mare wasn’t worried about this. Her mother had promised she would take care of the preparations and she did just that. The chariot had been provided and Celestia personally helped Twilight pack her questionable items.

Besides, no pony in their right mind was going to search through Twilight’s stuff. They didn’t want to risk incurring any kind of anger of the one who watched over her.

“Yes,” she answered with a gentle smile, “I believe that’s everything.”

The dark grey stallion dawned in Celestia's golden armor nodded.

“Very well Miss Sparkle. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna should be here shortly to send you on your way.”

Twilight nodded, knowing full well what the plan was.

Celestia had some business to take care of with her sister concerning Fleur Di Lis, but she didn’t know exactly what. Her mother never really discussed anything when it was something between her and Luna.

Undoubtedly though, it was also Celestia’s way of keeping her sister asking any questions about Twilight’s departure.

“If there is anything else that you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will be returning to my post within the Grand Hall if you need anything more.”

“I appreciate the offer,” Twilight replied.

The guard gave a small bow of his head in acknowledgment and took his leave, leaving Twilight alone with a packed chariot and her thoughts.


She didn’t mind other ponies company. She couldn’t mind. It was a piece of her act and the appearance of normalcy demanded it, but she treasured her moments that she had alone. It gave her time to think and what not.

Her eyes went back over to the chariot. It sat quietly on a small lifted platform attached to the balcony she stood upon while several royal guards that sat next to it talked among themselves with a few laughs here and there, seemingly enjoying their time outside while they waited for their orders.

The bright sun and small light breeze was pleasant, and the birds chirped to each other in their joyful melodies.

All in all, it was a beautiful day, one that could lift the spirits of anypony that was down and out and fill them with happiness.

But this was not so for her.

Her dark passenger was restless within her and she couldn’t focus on the beauty around her and nor did she want to. The laughing and birds that sounded around her only made her fur stand on edge and fill her stomach with anxiety and wanting.

Her craving to kill was torturous within her.

She turned her gaze away from the stallions and went over to the balcony to see if somehow a different view would distract herself from the cravings and desires of having some pony on her table.

The balcony attached to the main tower of the castle stood high above the royal city of Canterlot, giving the lavender mare a complete view of it. She could see ponies walking about the cobblestone sidewalks, all consumed by their own responsibilities and what not.

She could see Joe’s Bakery, a favorite of hers, a few shops selling flowers and souvenirs, and even some performers on the sidewalks trying to make a quick bit from the privileged and wealthy, but seeing such a sight did nothing to avert her thoughts.

Instead of seeing a magnificent view of Canterlot, all she saw was oppurtunity. She wondered, of all the ponies she could see from the balcony, how many deserved her table? How many more friends could she have? How many more should she have?

I hope mother is right about Ponyville.

Ponyville sounded like a good idea, but was it? Twilight couldn’t help but ponder it.

Yes, she would be free from the eyes of Luna and her lapdog, but she wouldn’t have access to the resources she had now. Her code demanded that she needed infallible proof of any prospective pony for her table before she could kill them, lest make the mistake of killing an innocent.

How was she supposed to abide by that if she wasn’t next to the ones that unwittingly provided it for her? Her mind pondered this and many other questions with it, but she quickly realized what she was doing and halted her rampant thoughts.

She said she would take care of everything. I shouldn’t doubt her.

She had no reason to doubt Celestia. She had taken her in, taught her how to control her urges to kill, and gave her a chance at having as much as a normal life as she could with them. Princess Celestia was the only pony that knew what she was and accepted her, and Twilight was not going to fill herself with doubt over one who had never given her any reason to.

“I’m getting myself too worked up,” she said to herself, attempting to calm her mind, “It’s just a change of scenery is all.”

“And one well needed,” an all too familiar voice said.


Startled, Twilight quickly turned around from the scene of Canterlot and it’s citizens to meet the teal eyes of Princess Luna.

“Princess Luna,” Twilight greeted calmly, hiding her surprise , “I didn’t even notice you were behind me.”

“Forgive me if I startled you Twilight,” Luna said with a small laugh, “I probably should’ve greeted you more properly than that.”

Yeah, that would’ve been nice.

“Not at all,” she lied, “I was just enjoying the view before I had to leave.”

You have no idea.

And Luna didn’t.

It was ironic in a way. The very pony that ruled out justice to others and seemingly had an insight to see a pony’s very soul couldn’t see what was in front of her. Like anypony else that knew Twilight, Luna simply saw her as the scholar that was going to one day ‘think herself to death.’

“I guess nothing gets by you,” Twilight said, “I’m just a bit nervous about living somewhere new.”

“Quite understandable. It can be quite hard to leave a place that you lived in for most of your life.”

Twilight wasn’t sure if it was her attachment to Canterlot itself, but she couldn’t fully disagree with the alicorn. It was hard to leave a place that provided so much for her. A loving mother, a home that any mare or stallion would kill to live in, and plenty of blood slides.

“Yeah, but mother says it will help my studies, and I can’t really pass up on an opportunity like that so it’s for the best.”

“You’ve always been one for your studies Twilight and I admire that. I sometimes wish my student had the same kind of commitment as you,” Luna said as she went over to her and began looking over the balcony herself.

Hm, she’s complimenting me. Guess she found out about Trixie losing that file.

It was rare for Luna to give out compliments, but when she did, it was only because she was disappointed with something or somepony. Honestly, Twilight was a bit surprised that she was even out here with her. Luna’s work demanded much of her, let alone being responsible for the night, and it was only on occasion that the alicorn actually came out to converse with others.

“I’m sure she does Princess Luna,” Twilight said, trying to help her nemesis out a bit while she laughed inside, “But she does try her best to please you.”

And that she did.

Though she and Trixie didn’t get along, Twilight couldn’t really fault her. She loved what she did and Twilight considered her as one of the few ponies that actually cared for Canterlot and getting criminals off the street.

It was just unfortunate that they were on the opposite sides of the spectrum. One that was bound by law and a flawed system while the other was free, bypassing procedure and giving the ones that escaped it what they deserved; wrapped up in neat little trash bags in bits and pieces.

“Tis’ true Twilight,” Luna agreed as she made eye contact with the mare, “But enough of this small talk. You must be wondering why I’m here in the first place without my sister, yes?”

Yeah that would be nice.

“I was kind of wondering,” Twilight replied, “I was told that you and my mother would both come to see me off.”

It was a question that needed to be answered. Twilight did notice that Celestia wasn’t with her, but she wasn’t going to be rude about it either. She still had to keep in mind that this was not her friend, but the one she had to keep free of suspicion of her.

The last thing she needed was Luna to get suspicious and start putting things together. It was unfortunate for anypony to be hunted personally by Luna, seeing that most didn’t make it back to Canterlot to tell about it.

If one was pursued by her, it was an automatic death sentence. Nevertheless, it was rare for this to happen.

“That was the plan, but unfortunately something has come up for me so I decided to come early to bid my farewell.”

Twilight raised her brow.

“What do you mean? Has another case come up?”

Luna nodded her head.


The unicorn’s curiosity was piqued. She hadn’t heard of anything going on in Canterlot recently with the exception of Fleur.

“Did something happen here? I thought you and Trixie were trying to focus on getting Fleur?”

Luna sighed, seemingly frustrated to hear Fleur’s name.

“Yes, well, Fleur was our priority until my dear Trixie lost her file...”

Twilight couldn’t help but laugh inside again.

“...but this new case is much more serious to me than Fleur.”

“What’s going on then?”

Luna went silent for a moment but answered.

“You’re not the only one that will have to leave Canterlot Twilight.”

Oh no. Please don’t tell me…

Immediately Twilight’s mind went to Trixie. Was Luna going to send Trixie away? Worse, was she going to do the same thing as her mother and send her to Ponyville?

“What do you mean? Are you referring to Trixie?”

Luna gave a look of confusion.

“Lulamoon? Why would I send her away? I’m going to need her here in my absence.”


Twilight’s mind began to race and her words left her mouth faster than she could comprehend them.

“Absence? You’re leaving Canterlot??” she asked with sincere curiosity.

Luna nodded.

“Yes. My aid has been requested by Princess Cadence concerning a spree of killings that’s been going on for a few weeks now.”

Princess Cadence? Haven’t heard that name for awhile.

She didn’t know the princess on a personal level, but that definitely wasn’t to say that she didn’t
know the husband.

Or at least did.

Quite a few years back, Cadence’s husband, Sombra, had a knack for torturing ponies and selling mares to the Griffon Empire to be used for their own twisted sexual pleasures, which in time was later found out that once the buyers had their fun, they would dispose of their playthings.

What was worse was that Cadence loved and adored Sombra and had no clue of what he was doing behind closed curtains.

The only reason that Twilight stumbled upon such a secret was due to Celestia. During this time, trade was big between the Crystal and Griffon kingdoms, but that trade was severed when one of the boats mysteriously sunk. It was retrieved and what was found sent a shock throughout Equestria. A cargo crate was found on the seafloor and it was filled with dead mares who had been put in cages and their mouths sewn shut.

Of course, it wasn’t a shock to Twilight that ponies were capable of such evil. She just thought it was a blessing that the cargo full of mares drowned instead of what was coming to them.

After some investigation from both Twilight and Celestia’s efforts, her mother gave her the task of disposing Sombra while she handled the politics and what not of the situation.

And so she did, putting the Crystal Empire on notice and making known the dark deeds of their king. Unfortunately, it left Cadence broken. It shattered her heart and soon after, the Crystal Kingdom’s only ruler fell into a state of silence.

Thus, it was surprising to hear from Luna that Cadence had asked for her help after several years of seclusion.

“Well that certainly doesn't sound good,” Twilight said, now wishing Celestia had chosen the Crystal Kingdom instead of Ponyville. At least there she could already find a pony that needed to be killed.

Luna chuckled at such an obvious statement.

“Certainly not, but I can’t refuse. Besides, I see this as a good opportunity for Trixie to learn a few things herself and for me to see how well she can handle things when I’m away.”

That sounded good to Twilight. Luna would be busy in the Crystal Kingdom while Trixie’s hooves would be full with Canterlot’s problems. That would give her more breathing room while she was in Ponyville doing her own work.

“But I’ve already stayed too long and said too much as is,” Luna continued, “ I simply came her to give you have my best wishes Twilight Sparkle. My sister said that you will be continuing your studies of magic there. I hope your studies there will prove fruitful for you and though I’m not her, know that I also care for you as if you were my own student. If you ever need anything, you are more than welcomed to send a letter to me.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile at hearing that. It wasn’t because she was happy for the offer, especially from a princess who was feared for her judgements upon the convicted, but because she was amused that Luna thought she somehow could help her.

Unless you have a few spare scalpels and bone saws, I don’t think I will be needing anything from you.

“Thanks,” Twilight said with her usual fake smile, “I certainly will if I need to.”

Luna nodded happily.

“Good. Now I must be off and-”

But the alicorn was interrupted by another.

“Leaving already little sister?”

Both Twilight and Luna turned around to see Celestia, adorned in her regular royal attire with a gentle smile on her face.

“I’m afraid so sister, and I apologize for not letting you know after you had spoken to me. I had just been asked for assistance from Cadence concerning some murders that have been going on,” Luna said as she went over to her older sibling, “I figured I would say bye to Twilight before she left was all.”

Celestia looked over to Twilight for a moment. Twilight met her eyes and knew what she was curious about and simply shook her head, letting her know that Luna wasn’t on to them and their plan.

The alicorn brought her attention back to her sister.

“It’s quite alright Luna. I just figured you were busy was all since I couldn’t find you within your chambers.”

“And again I apologize, but it was at the last minute and I really must be going dear sister. It’s a two day flight to the Crystal Kingdom and if I want any hope in finding out who is going around killing Cadence’s subjects, I need to get there as soon as possible.”

Celestia nodded, as she was not one to hold up Luna from her work.

“I understand. Be safe Luna.”

Luna simply nodded in response and looked back over to Twilight.

“Take care Twilight Sparkle. I hope to hear from you sometime.”

“As do I Princess Luna.” she replied, “Good luck with your investigation.”

And please, take your time.

With that, Luna spread her wings and pushed off into the air. Celestia went over to her beloved daughter as they both looked on and watched as the Princess of the Night flew in the sky until she disappeared over the horizon.

“You know mother,” Twilight began, “You could always send me to the Crystal Kingodm instead of Ponyville. Luna might need some help.”

Celestia brought her gaze upon her with a playful smirk.

“Are you having doubts about Ponyville Twilight?”

Twilight deadpanned inside. Celestia could see right through her statement and knew it stemmed from her doubt from earlier.

“It’s not that I’m doubting you mother,” Twilight clarified, “Just. . .what if your idea doesn't work? What if Ponyville can’t satisfy my. . .urges?”

Twilight didn’t know if this was her real worry or not, but the craving to kill compelled her mind to think such a thing.

“If I didn’t think it could, I wouldn’t be sending you there,” Celestia replied without hesitation.

“I know but-”

“Enough Twilight,” Celestia interrupted and lowered her voice as she lowered her head to meet Twilight’s eyes on her level, “Stop doubting. I know this is new for you, especially since you will be on your own now, but you have learned well. Just abide by The Code and everything will be fine.”

Maybe that was it.

Maybe the prospect of finally being on her own without Celestia’s guidance made her uneasy. After all, she was the only one she could talk to sincerely without having to put on an act.

“But what about you? How will I talk to you if I need advice? How am I supposed to even follow The Code when I won’t have access-”

Once again the mare was silenced, only this time with a golden hoof to her mouth.

“Twilight, the purpose of sending you to Ponyville is not only for your protection, but also to teach you how to be on your own, even with your urges. It will be awhile before we can see each other again, but as I said earlier while we were packing your items, I have taken care of everything for you when you get there.”

Her hoof went to Twilight’s cheek and pulled her in closer as she spoke even more quietly.

“My last piece of advice to you as I don’t have much time to stay.”

She listened carefully.

“Don’t just act normal Twilight. Make friends, get to know ponies. It will be essential to your survival there.”

Twilight nodded, taking in her words.

“I will mother.”

Celestia smiled gently and without warning, Twilight felt a foreleg wrap around her and bring her in toward the alicorn, making the unicorn freeze from such an alien gesture.

“Stay safe Twilight. Remember that I love you and will always love you. You are my daughter and nothing will change that.”

“I know,” Twilight simply answered as she stood frozen.

It wasn’t often that Celestia hugged her, but it always felt eerie to Twilight. It was something about the gesture of hugging that made her feel awkward, but she didn’t know why.

Celestia backed away and regained her normal tone in her voice.

“Very well then. Let’s not waste anymore time then.”

The alicorn looked over to the group of guards that were still talking among one another, oblivious to the two.

“Guards!” she commanded.

Immediately the group of pegasi heard their ruler and halted their bickering and flew off the platform and landed in front of her and wasted no time in bowing to their regal.
“How may we serve you Princess Celestia?” they all said in unison.

“My daughter needs transport to Ponyville. Make sure she gets there safe and sound.”

“Yes Princess Celestia,” they said in unison once more. They wasted no time and went back to the packed chariot and began putting on their harnesses, preparing for flight.

Celestia brought her attention back to Twilight and stared into her purple eyes, seemingly as if she was trying to admire them for the last time. Twilight simply stared back, wondering if what she saw in Celestia’s eyes was admiration and pride, or maybe sadness and worry.

Nothing was said for a few minutes, as if neither wanted to be that one to say that it was time to go. Eventually, Celestia spoke up.

“The chariot is ready. It’s time for you to go Twilight.”

The mare nodded and said nothing more. She believed in Celestia and her doubts were quelled about her idea.

Besides, what more could she say?

She went over to the chariot and climbed onto the seat, plopping her rump on it. She turned her head and took one last look at Celestia. The alicorn waved her hoof and Twilight raised hers, doing the same.

She might’ve been a monster, incapable of real genuine feeling, but she was about to leave the only one that accepted her for what she was.

Celestia was the the only one who actually cared for her, knowing the dark secrets she kept. Who was she supposed to go to now? Who would be there to listen to her and comfort her?

It didn’t matter anymore though.

AS the chariot started lifting, the realization was setting in more and more for Twilight. She was going to truly be alone for the first time in her life. Everything would be on her.

She knew she was not only just going to have to make herself believable to the ponies of Ponyville, but make it a reality also.

And so, she began ascending into the air and watched as the image of her beloved mother became smaller and smaller until the whites of the clouds obscured her view. Canterlot was gone under the sea of blue and there was no turning back. This was the start of her new life and her chance to meet new ponies and deceive them.

Her survival depended on it.

Comments ( 26 )

I guess next time the real story begins eh?


It has. You just won't realize it till later.

I knew keeping this on my favorites list was a good idea. She'll need to be careful while in Ponyville, it's so much smaller Canterlot. More close knit that disappearances would be more noticeable. Add into the fact she'll need tools which will probably be pretty hard to obtain considering it's a small town instead of a bustling center like Canterlot, info on who's who, and somewhere to dispose the bodies.


Glad you're enjoying it.

I've been squirming so much. For one, because Twilight is a murderous sociopath and I love those, and two because of Celestia's passive tolerance for her actions. That's been the most interesting aspect for me; Celestia groomed a serial killer.

But now she's off to Ponyville. I can't say I really know what's going to happen next. This should be exciting.

this chp gets 4 out of 5 :pinkiehappy:

boy oh boy, i sure hope these come out faster! i'm very intrigued as to how this is all going to play out.

I agree with this.:twilightsmile:

loved it, feels just like a Dexter episode especially with the music playing

I must say I've been looking forward to this for a while and you most certainly did not disappoint.
Keep up the good work

Nice to see this story back on it's hooves again. Also will we be meeting the rest of the mane 6 as Dexter like killers as well?

This does feel like a lovely blend of pony and Dexter.

And somehow I expect Cadance to be the CE killer.

I like it. Some mistakes (such as your overuse of 'and whatnot') but I am a huge Dexter fan, so I really like where this is going. You do it well. I hope this updates soon!


I'm expecting Shining Armor, given the parallels it would create between this and Dexter.


It happens and what not

This just keeps on getting better and better. :twilightsmile:

Bravo, simply bravo. :yay:

Simply awesome

Nice story. :pinkiesmile: I hope it updates!

If this story is not updated soon, I'm afraid I'm going to have to hunt you down with a syringe and scalpel... :pinkiecrazy:

This story is not on hiatus. Can this be the slowest writing of all time? Or can it be that the author simply forgot to put it on hiatus and is having massive writer's block?

6634789 It's been over 3 years. We can safely say it's dead.

*One year later* I look forward to reading how you use the further elements from Dexter that you've set up here; that's not even including the amazing setup of Trixie=Doakes! I can't wait to see what happens next!

I feel like it’s dead unless a chapter pops out of nowhere.

Reads description and checks last update *OOOOF*

LOVE the concept!
Hope this intriguing piece of literature is't dead!!

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