• Published 19th May 2013
  • 1,454 Views, 37 Comments

Tidbits of Mast and Sail - Habanc

Ye 'Ole Collection of Ships

  • ...

"Wait... what?"

Author's Note:

This a prompt written for the TwiLuna Prompt Tag Collab.

There. Here's my one saucy story for the year, time to go back to sadfics and fluff.

Prompt: "Wait... what?"

Twilight and Luna shoved open the doors of Watering Hole Tavern, stumbling out into the dying street traffic of Canterlot. Their regalia discarded, they made somewhat unrecognizable ponies in the shroud of darkness. However, their mouths betrayed their stealth.

"Oh my gosh, yessssss," Twilight squealed, holding onto Luna's neck as they staggered down the sidewalk. "We totally should, like, like, yes."

Luna looked over at her, grinning like a drunk fool. ...Wait. Nevertheless, she slurred in ye olde butchered Equestrian all the same. "Twilight, tis thou... thou art the true genius of this most grand idea."

Twilight unhooked one of her forehooves and jammed it in Luna's mouth. "No no no, stop. I will not– I will not have that kind of tone, young missy." She decomposed into a fit of giggles, to which Luna couldn't help but join in with. "You are not going to speak Middle Equestrian. You hear me? Princess Luna is no snooty relic! She's speaking High Modern Equestrian! She's a strong, proud, beautiful mare!" She finished the last two words with a cry, throwing a hoof up into the air. Ponies nearby stared and gawked, but neither of them minded.

Luna smiled at her. "Wait... what?"

Twilight, still latched onto Luna with a hoof by her neck, spun in front of her. Placing her hooves on the alicorn's shoulders, she swayed but ultimately stood upright. Her mane was dappled over her eyes, which she shook away as she drew her face close to Luna's. "Listen to me, you. You are perfect, and nopony– NOPONY can say different. Because I said so. And what I say is right, because I'm, I'm a motherbucking Princess."

Luna snickered at her. "But Twilight, aren't we all Princesses?"

"Shush!" Twilight shook her head with as much stern steel as a nun with a yard stick. "Listen to me. You are..." Twilight remained silent for a moment, eyes studying Luna. She frowned. "...You are sooo pretty. Just look at you. Your mane is sooo pretty. Like, why can't I be as pretty as you?"

Luna tried to look at herself, but a hoof pulled her back to face Twilight.

"Look, so what if ponies sleep during the night, you don't! You do whatever the buck you want, you hear me!? What I'm trying to say is, you don't have to take anypony's crap! You... you raise the moon! Who else does that?" Twilight's voice rose high up into the sky. "You can probably pick up the entire palace with your magic!"

"I don't know–"

"You banished Discord! Like, that is pretty bucking awesome!"

"But didn't you–"

Twilight frowned again. "And your flanks are perfect. Like, why? How? Hoowwwwww do you do it? They're so toned and I bet they're firm and," she broke off into a sigh. "I just want to touch them, y'know?"

Luna smiled, too preoccupied to notice the heat flaring on her cheeks, among other places. "Wait... what?"

Twilight spun around Luna, giving her a heart slap on the rump. "Onward!" she proclaimed, pointing her hoof to the stars. "Onward to the palace, and uh... Civilization!"

Luna, now recovering, swaggered beside her. "Civilization?"

"Yeah!" Twilight cried. "Just like... like that song we heard back inside!"

Luna giggled, before belting out:

"The beating of a millions drums,"

"Duh duh, dunna duh duh!" Twilight added.

"The fire of a million guns,"

"Duh duh, dunna duh duh!"

"The mother of a million suns!"

"Duh duh, dunna duh duh!"

Twilight leaned close to Luna as they joined together on the street, with every eye on them:



Steamy breath whispered into her ear, "C'mere, you."

Twilight toppled onto Luna, driving them both onto the night-sky bed. Before Luna could so much as move, lips were pressed on hers, forcing her down. The lunar mare could hardly believe it, but she wasn't in a position to complain. She kissed back, weaving her hooves through Twilight's mane.

Their desperate making-out was interrupted by quick gasps for air, hot breath running down Luna's neck. Twilight was hungry, and with alcohol or without, Luna secretly admitted that she had no problem with whatever plans the librarian-cum-royalty had for her.

"Okay okay okay," Twilight giggled as she pulled away. "Can I just say how long I've been waiting for this?"

Luna's tongue lolled out like a dork. "For what?"

"You," Twilight claimed, running her hooves down Luna's side and stroking the base of her wings. She giggled again as Luna spasmed beneath her.

"Hah, hah..." Luna's vision rolled around the room before resettling on Twilight. "Wwhhat do you want with me?"

"Everything," Twilight purred, continuing her hooves along Luna's wings and to her flanks.

Luna could hardly contain herself. "Oh, by the stars..."

Outside the palace, on the high spire of a tower, Luna's window appeared pitch black. Then, in the blink of an eye, it flashed magenta.

"Twilight? What– what did you do?"

She giggled. "I just added another member to our party."

"Wait... what?"