• Published 19th May 2013
  • 848 Views, 6 Comments

The Elements of a Reunion - The Incredible Werekitty

After a chance meeting at a convention, Applejack is feeling down. Maybe her special somepony, Philanthropy; her best friend, Rarity; and Rarity's special somepony, Calico Bolt can help with that.

  • ...

The Element of Preparation

It was a lovely summer afternoon and the airship “The Alnage” moved lazily through the beautiful blue skies of Equestria. Rarity stood on the deck, looking out at the landscape below as the vessel moved slowly homeward from Canterlot. She looked down and seeing the recognisable shape of her birthplace Ponyville, sighed. She had come so far in the last few years, truly achieving her dreams of becoming a famous fashion designer, joining the social elite and marrying for love as much for social status.

She had it all... so why was she feeling so blue upon seeing her old hometown?

She had just met Applejack for the first time in years a few months ago at the Great Equestria Agricultural Convention. They reconnected, caught up, bragged about their husbands and facehoofed at the revelation that their significant others looked oh-SO-familiar when placed side by side. She giggled at that in retrospect. As Philanthropy said “No harm, no foul” so they accepted it as “One of those things” and moved on rather quickly.

“Hey, now, Button, ain’t that your old stompin’ grounds, down there?” Calico asked.

She looked over at the love of her life, Calico Bolt and smiled as she looked into his emerald green eyes.

“Actually, yes it is, Darling. Oh look how little it’s changed, but if Ponyville ever had a strong suit it was it’s resistance to surrender it’s small-town charm in the face of... well... anything. Beasts, insanity, mad gods and plagues of Pinkie Pies; Ponyville has shaken off the effects of everything a pony could throw at it, like an ill-fitting saddle blanket.” she sighed and smirked knowingly to nopony in particular. “I am loath to admit it but I actually miss those days... chaos or not Ponyville was never dull.”

“Well a healthy dose of good ole fashioned small-town charm wouldn’t go amiss, Button. ‘Specially after one o’ those fancy shmancy Canterlot shindigs,” Calico said with a gusty sigh. “Hey, button, wanna stop fer a spell? Check in with Applejack and Phil?”

It took her a moment to process what he was saying. Bless his honest heart and straightforward way of getting right to the point. But still...

“Oh we couldn’t. We’re so busy these days what with your dealing with the mothworm infestations on the cotton farms and my meetings with your investors and... We simply COULDN’T... could we?” Those last two words came out a little more pleading than she had consciously intended but it simply didn’t matter. She knew they could. What was the point in having your own airship if you couldn’t have the captain rechart their destinations?

“Ah don’t see why not, Button,” Calico said with a smile. “Might be good to enjoy a little break from high society, an’ all to reconnect.”

She made a show of looking like he had twisted her hoof and clicked her tongue for added effect.

“Oh... so be it darling. You’re quite right... it would be remiss of me not to visit Ponyville once in awhile and see what time has done to it and the ponies... and visit old friends.”

“Would be nice to see Phil, an’ A. J. gain. Right nice folks, those two,” Calico said, as they descended.

The Parade grounds made a decent landing area, and as Rarity and Calico disembarked, leaving the mooring of the vessel to their able-bodied crew she was surprised to see a rather young gray mare with blond hair, glasses and the Mayor’s Chain of Office galloping towards them. She slowed to a stop and smiled what Rarity recognized as a well-practiced picture-perfect smile.

“Good afternoon Sir and Madam. Welcome to Ponyville, home of friendship and community as well as... OH!” The pony double-taked as her rehearsed speech fell apart after getting a good look at whom she was saying it to. “Rarity? Oh it really IS you, isn't it? Don’t you recognize me? It’s me... Dinky. Dinky Hooves.”

“Dinky?” she asked, remembering a fidgeting little bundle of unicorn that would be brought into her shop on occasion by the local mailmare Derpy. She smiled at the memory and gave the young mare... or should that be MAYOR?... a friendly hug. “DINKY! Please forgive me for not recognising you right away. Oh just look at you... all grown up into such a pretty thing. (Has it truly been that long?) So you’re Mayor now? That’s astounding!”

“You know the mayor, Rarity?” Calico uttered, sounding surprised. “Well now, ain’t that somethin’.”

“Well... Ponyville may not be a SMALL small town but some ponies are harder to forget than others,” Rarity asserted with a smile.

The mayor giggled and nodded. “Mom certainly is like that. She’s still a mailmare in good standing, I make certain her union dues are all caught up, she gets paid and that she keeps her route done. Guess that counts as nepotism but a daughter’s gotta keep up with what her mother is up to. So what brings you to Ponyville?”

“Mostly nostalgia, and visiting some old friends. Would you be able to tell us where Philanthropy’s tea shop may be?”

“Phil? OH! You must know he’s Applejack’s husband, then.”

“Of course we do, ma’am. Met Phil, an’ A.J. at the big ole Agricultural shindig. Thought it’d be nice to stop by, an’ see how they were, an’ check out Rarity’s old stompin’ grounds. Kinda nice to see where mah Button came from, truth be told,” Calico said with a smile. “This seems like a right nice lil place.”

“Why thank you very much. We certainly do our best. Let me see... best route to ‘To a Tea’. Hmm... head down the main street but take a left at Quills and Sofas over to Second Street. You should find it right there at the intersection. Rarity closed her eyes, and tried to recall the directions. Something about that location seemed a bit familiar.

“You know the way, Button?” Calico asked with a smile. “Would be real nice to check in with ole Phil.”

“Oh yes. Yes I’m oriented once again, thank you love. And thank YOU Dinky. I appreciate how readily you came out here to greet total strangers to town, even if we were not strangers.”

“Oh not a problem Rarity. Really. One of Ponyville’s greatest periods began with a pony coming down from the sky. Right in that very field as well. It would be remiss of me not to be ready to greet a new one, wouldn't it?”

“A pony comin’ down from tha sky?” Calico asked, raising an eyebrow. “Ya know somethin’ about that, Button?”

“Oh that! That would have been the day that Twilight Sparkle came to town.” she answered as she led her husband into her old home town. “Came in by Pegasus drawn chariot and stayed for... quite some time. You know that I am very proud to say that I knew Twilight before she gained plumage.”

“You knew Princess Twilight before she became a princess, huh? How ‘bout that,” Calico mused, as they trotted through town. The stallion had to stop and stare for a moment, though, at a garishly pink building, that looked edible. “Button? Am Ah seein’ things, or is that a gingerbread house?”

“Oh! So THAT’S why the directions sounded so familiar... it’s kitty corner to Sugarcube Corner.” She laughed. “This is where Pinkie Pie apprenticed back in the day. I hope it’s still in the Cake family’s ownership. They truly were dedicated Bakers and marvelous hosts.”

“Huh. Kinda convenient, don’t cha think? Grab a snack at tha bakery, an’ then go an’ get somethin’ to drink,” Calico said gesturing from the lavish bakery to the rather simple tea shop, its sign announcing that it did things ‘To A Tea’.

“To a Tea? Oh dear... I didn’t notice that until now. Such a terrible... ur... terribly clever pun and yet... For some reason one can see Philanthropy operating it. Can you not?”

“Well... It sorta describes how he does things, now don’t it?”

“You are once again correct dearest. Come. Let us see if we can surprise him.”

The married couple moved to the Teashop admiring the very tasteful design. Next to the eccentric design of Sugarcube Corner most buildings would look drab, But To A Tea rolled with the rather plain looking design and made it quaint. The red building had light green shingles and shutters on the windows with apple-shaped holes cut into them. It had a nice patio surrounded with small sapling apple trees and tables and chairs formed from old apple cider barrels and painted the same green as the trim. Ponies came and went with ease, usually (as Calico had surmised) grabbing something from the bakery and sitting down to enjoy it with a beverage at the teashop. Several servers were hard at work bringing out drinks to the patrons, and they spotted Philanthropy himself stepping out with a cask of cider floating before him. He set it down at a table with what looked like several rowdy Cloudsdale flight school colts. Phil produced a hatchet from somewhere and with a flourish, bust open the top of the cider barrel to a rousing cheer from the colts. They dipped their steins into it and saluted the unicorn, who returned the favor with a gracious bow.

“Howdy, there, Phil,” Calico said as he and Rarity trotted up to the shop.

“Why Calico! Rarity! How wonderful to see you!” Phil said beaming. “What brings you to my fine establishment?”

“We jus’ dropped in to have a look-see at Button’s ole stompin’ grounds,” Calico said with a grin. “Right nice lil place, I have t’ say.”

“Why thank you. I have to admit that my best feature is Location, Location, Location. The Cakes, the couple who run the bakery over there, and I have an understanding. they don’t mind my beverages finding their way into their shop, and I don’t mind their product appearing on the tables at mine. It’s a good business relationship. It wasn't always this apple-themed though.” he said motioning to the furnishings. “It was just once I married into the family that I felt... obligated to be proud to be an Apple. Which I am of course, just being proud PUBLICLY is more of what I meant.”

“Oh of course, darling. However you have the most exquisite taste, and have made this establishment so wonderfully quaint and charming,” Rarity said beaming.

“Thank you, Miss Rarity. Your candor is MOST refreshing. Oh! I’m being a bad host, come inside and we can talk over a drink or two.”

“That sounds wonderful, Phil,” Rarity said with a smile.

“I’m all for that,” Calico said with a grin, as they trotted inside.

The interior of the shop was surprisingly spacious, tables, chairs and a counter had all been laid out just right to allow for a comfortable flow of traffic. One table next to the counter had already been vacated and Phil allowed his guests to be seated while he made a few hoof gestures to the four ponies who tended to the other customers.

Calico Bolt began to clear his throat to make his order when Phil stopped him.

“Well Ah’d like a...”

“No.. wait... allow me.” Philanthropy looked at Calico Bolt, his horn flickering with an amethyst-hued flame for a moment, and his eyes doing the same. A moment later he repeated the action with Rarity and then turned quickly and moved behind the counter. Containers were pried open, measuring spoons scooping various materials into a bowl where they were mixed... and then the strangest thing. From under the counter came a beat-up old tin coffee pot that had obviously seen better days. Water was poured into it, followed by the mix and then placed on the stove. Rarity marveled at how fluid all of these actions were, how natural he appeared doing it all as if it were easy as breathing. He prepared Rarity’s tea while waiting for the pot to perk and by the time he had the hot water and tea settled on the table, the Coffee Pot was shuddering from the boiling water within.

Calico stared as the second-hoof looking pot was brought to his table with a plain green mug with a red apple on it and dark brew was poured into it. He sniffed cautiously then picked it up and tasted it carefully so as not to burn himself and his eyebrows lifted in surprise.

“This, is jest like the coffee m’daddy used to make when he was getting ready to go out into the fields. How’d you...?”

“It’s a manifestation of my special talent, Calico. I have this gift to know just what it is that a pony needs, even if they think they want something else. Besides... you seem like the sort of colt who would enjoy a good strong cup of coffee over a cup of tea.”

“Well, sir, Ah do believe you’ve done up mah beverage, use’n the phrase you’ve used as tha name of your establishment, ‘To A TEA’.”

Taking the teacup before her with her magic, Rarity lifted it to her nose and inhaled the tempting scent of Jasmine and honey wafting from it. She was genuinely impressed. She not only enjoyed this particular combination but it had fond memories of her youth attached. She smiled and sipped at it, savoring the overall experience.

Philanthropy sat down across from Rarity and Calico with a smile while one of his servers placed a tall fizzy drink before him. They looked at it quizzically and he laughed.

“Oh, do you truly believe that simply because I run a tea shop that all I drink is tea? My dear friends, while I love tea, I enjoy the occasional carbonated lemon fizzy.”

“Well I ain’t gonna look twice at cha for wantin’ somethin’ different,” Calico said with a nod.

“I appreciate it. Even Applejack enjoys the occasional diversion from apple products. I believe the expression is... everything in moderation, including moderation.”

“Sounds good to me, Darling,” Rarity said with a grin. “Now... How has dear Applejack been?”

Philanthropy's eyes closed a moment and he took a deep breath. “Physically, she’s very well. Still managing the farm and even has a few new farmhooves to help make up in the horsepower department. How she is faring psychologically is another matter. That is to say she seems fine most of the time, however at times when I come home to the orchard I find her standing on the edge of the property staring out across at the Everfree Forest. When I ask her what she’s looking at she just says ‘It all started there.’ Rather enigmatic, but I believe I know what she means.”

“Oh... Oh dear. She’s remembering how we all became such good friends,” Rarity said with a smile. “I must have brought up some memories. It’s been so long... I wonder how they are all doing?”

“Well... most of the others have parted ways. I know that Miss Dash is a featured Flier with the Wonderbolts and now has the rank to back it up. Miss Pie has created a veritable one-pony industry to supply all sorts of celebratory events. Our very own Princess Twilight Sparkle has been on a constant goodwill tour of Equestria for the past few years... The only pony I can say is within easy visiting range would be Miss Fluttershy. She still manages the region’s veterinary and animal management site. She has however wound up with a number of apprentices so she has a great deal more personal time these days. Often stops by for a cup of tea on friday. She’s slowly working her way through my blends, giving each a fair chance in turn. Sometimes I see her speaking to a strange unicorn pony with a goatee who... well, the antics he brings are genuinely chaotic but always interesting.”

“Ah. That would be Discord. Interesting how he’s adopted a ponysona. I guess he’s keeping a low profile,” Rarity said with a chuckle. “Nice to see they’re still friends, though.”

“It’s always good to see her out. I remember her long ago as just this shy pony who barely spoke to anypony. Now she’s... well still rather sedate but greets pones, speaks to them on any animals they have and is a good part of the social community. I suspect her friendship with you and Applejack and the others have helped her greatly.”

“That’s good to know, darling. Hm... Oh! I-DEEEE-ah!”

Phil’s eyebrows raised at the sudden three-note tone of her statement. “Would you care to share it with the rest of us, Mrs Rarity?”

“Well, our darling Applejack is missing her closest friends, so it only makes sense to have a reunion, wouldn't you think?” Rarity asked.

“Huh. Now that there is a mighty fine idea, my lil button,” Calico said chuckling.

“Oh! I agree wholeheartedly! The easiest to get to come would no doubt be Miss Pinkie Pie. I have one of her business cards. Miss Fluttershy is the easiest to contact of course, I could just walk over on my way home. Rainbow Dash and the princess will prove a little tricky.”

“Does y’all’s post office have any dragons on staff? I know Princess Twilight had a treaty all done up with tha dragon lands, so...” Calico asked.

“I’m not certain. I could check with the postmaster on that one. If not I could always bribe her with a basket of muffins for fast accurate delivery.”

“Tha Mayor’s mom, right?” Calico said, chuckling. “She sorta greeted us when we landed.”

“Oh yes. Mayor Dinky is a very dedicated civil servant. She may be young but she is honest, hard-working and above all naturally enthusiastic about the job. Traits she no doubt has gotten from her mother. Although I suspect she may have had a hoof in her mother becoming the postmaster for Ponyville, nopony can say that she hasn’t earned it. Hmm... Perhaps we should just send Princess Twilight Sparkle’s letter to the Palace. I’m certain they have great experience in forwarding the royal mail to strange locations. There is also a chance they may have a better idea where the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony is than we would.”

“All right. The palace is bound to have some dragons on staff,” Rarity observed, then chuckled. “Ah, I remember having to write a friendship report to Princess Celestia, when I was younger.”

“Really? And here I thought my wife was the only one other than Princess Twilight who did that. Alright then. I am wholeheartedly for this project. Probably will do the lot of them good to see one another. But... let’s keep AJ in the dark about this, shall we? I think a surprise party will be just the thing to shock her from her slump.”

“Philanthropy, darling, at one point, we all had to write to Princess Celestia, if we learned something about Friendship,” Rarity said with a smile. “Though... I think you’re right. Oh! And I’m sure Pinkie Pie would LOVE to do the catering, and planning.”

“Pinkie Pie’s Party Planning Posse is definitely one of the best.”

“Oh dear, she just had to alliterate, didn't she?” Rarity uttered, chuckling to herself.

Philanthropy levitated a Rolodex over to the table and plucked out a bright pink business card and gave it to Rarity. “Wait until you read her tagline.”

Rarity took the card, and read: “Pinkie Pie's Party Planning Posse: Catering, Prestidigitation, Balloon Sculpting, Decorating and more. Phone Us and the Party is Practically Planned to Perfection.”

“Oh. Of course. Well that’s rather clever of her to offer such a full service er... service,” Rarity said, chuckling at the slogan. “So shall we begin? Phil, do you think your venue will be large enough?”

“Well As long as it’s a fairly private party.. yes. Yes It would be. I don’t think my patrons will be put out for an evening. Now let me think... we’re going to need a date for this. How about Three weeks from now?”

“Well that would most certainly give the most far flung of us some travel time... And give Calico and I a chance to settle things with our businesses, before returning... I wish we could stay a bit longer.”

“Well, to be honest it was wonderful that you visited so spur-of-the-moment. Perhaps you should drop by the farm for a half hour just so AJ doesn't feel TOO bad for missing you? Mmm?” Philanthropy suggested.

“Good idea, Phil,” Rarity chuckled.

“Sounds good t’ me,” Calico said with a broad grin.

“And of course, SURPRISE party is the idea. Yes?”

“Of course, darling, mum’s the word.”

“ Wouldn't be much of a ‘surprise party’ ifin’ we went an’ told her.”

Author's Note:

You wanted it, you got it. A sequel to Significant Others. I hope you all enjoy. It's not going to be as long as the Sour Grapes Chronicles, but there may be some fairly long chapters. Enjoy.

Comments ( 4 )

waiting fo rmore! love the story so far.

My predictions for pairs
Pinkie will have a brash rainbow Pegasus who loves to prank
Dashie will have a timid yellow Pegasus partner
Fluttershy will have a pink erratic earth pony
And I know twilight already has a celestia clone colt but I think it would work if she had a certain BBBFF-like colt in her life

2628505 I think Fluttershy is going out with Discord though I could be wrong about that

Loving this one as much as the prequel great stories glad I stumbled upon them

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