• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 2,006 Views, 27 Comments

The Joy of Magic - ray10k

Twilight wants to figure out the Pinky sense. Pinky is happy to help.

  • ...

Chapter 3: vendere et loquentes

When she returned from her short break, Twilight found Pinkie pulling the trays full of muffins out of the oven.

“Well, Twi, they look delicious! Now, I am afraid my story will have to wait until later today, because the store is opening soon. But don’t worry, the Cakes take over at eleven hundred hours, so then I can tell you all about my adventures against the Spanish armada!” Pinkie said as she walked over to the front of the store and put the muffins in a few waiting baskets, ready to be sold.

Twilight watched her walk back to the kitchen, silently hoping she could escape before the lunch break. “Erm, Pinkie, would you mind much if I-”

Pinkie suddenly appeared in front of Twilight, even though Twilight would swear that the pink blur was busy with the oven not a second before. “You want to open the store? Sure, go ahead! The door is open already, so all you have to do is turn over the ‘closed’ sign, so the ponies outside can see that we are open!”

Startled by Pinkie’s sudden appearance, Twilight needed a moment before her thoughts were organized enough once more to reply. “Actually, that was not what I wanted to ask. What I was trying to say was if you-”

“You want to help selling? Sure, I’ll need to bake some more stuff in a few hours anyway, and by then the first rush of the morning will be over, so-”


“Yes, Twilight?”

“Would you mind if I go and have my break alone? I, er, I need to do a few things at the library, and I think that by the time I’m done, we’d probably have to get back to work, so we really wouldn’t have much time to hang out.”

Pinkie blinked a few times. “But Twilight, can’t you do that thing tomorrow? I mean, we’ll be hanging out at the library tomorrow anyway, so maybe we can do that thing together!”

“No Pinkie, I’m sorry, but I have to do this today.”

For a moment, Pinkie’s mane seemed to deflate a little, but a moment later her hair returned to its usual poofiness. “Ooh, I know! I can come with you! Then we can do that thing together, and even have enough time for lunch!”

Twilight at this point was desperately trying to come up with a new excuse, but at that moment the bell on the door rang, signaling the first customer of the day.

“Good morning, Pinkie,” the brown Earth pony stallion with the hourglass cutiemark said as he walked through the door.

“Hey Doc! How are you today?” Pinkie said from her new position behind the counter. Again, Twilight would swear she hadn’t moved and, in fact, wouldn’t have had enough time to cross that distance. “Shall I get you the usual? We got blueberry muffins today, so I’m sure Derpy will like those, and of course some cupcakes with the apple frosting you like so much.”

‘Doc’ chuckled at Pinkie’s enthusiasm. “Actually, I’d like the usual, plus two loaves of bread and half a dozen cupcakes. Derpy and I will be going on a quick trip soon, so I’m gathering some extra supplies.”

Pinkie seemed to consider the stallion’s words for a moment. “A quick trip hmm? Last time, you left for months, and came back muttering something about vortexes and dimensional stabilizers, so let me grab a few extra things. Next thing you know, you’ll be gone for a year!”

The brown Earth pony rubbed his neck with a foreleg, seemingly a little embarrassed. “That was one time, and besides, this time we are going by train. Much lower chances of trouble that way.”

Pinkie nodded, and then turned her attention to Twilight. “Ok, can you grab what he asked for?”

Twilight, still a bit frustrated at her failed attempt to arrange some non-Pinkie time, nodded before she grabbed a paper bag in her magic, and carefully floated the requested items into it before hoofing them back to the pink party pony.

Pinkie gave another short giggle, before swapping the bag with the Doctor’s bits. “Have a nice trip! Ooh, and bring some souvenirs, like seashells or snow globes or one of those funny pepper and salt shakers! And I’d love to hear your stories when you get back, they are always amazing!”

The stallion nodded, putting the bag on his back. “Sure will, miss Pinkie. Now then, off I go!”

Twilight looked after the brown Earth pony, before focusing her attention on Pinkie once more. “Aaanyhow, as I was saying, I do think that it would be best if I do that thing in the library alone. I mean, Spike will help me, and I’m sure that if you come along, you’ll just get bored.”

Pinkie thought it over for a moment, and then started to laugh. “Oh silly Twilight, I’ll be haning out with a good friend! No way it will be boring!”

Twilight facehoofed. “Ok Pinkie, you win. Feel free to come along.”

“Ok. Now, get ready, because the Doctor is usually first, but absolutely NEVER last!”

As if on cue, a group of ponies walked into the store, quickly forming a neat line in front of Pinkie’s counter.

“Told you. Now, can you help me pack the orders?”


A little later, the flow of ponies had slowed down to a trickle, giving Pinkie and Twilight a little more time to complete each order. Twilight used that time to prepare a new bag and just waited for Pinkie to request the next order.

Pinkie on the other hand, used her time mostly to have a short chat with each of the customers, slightly confusing Twilight. Part of the confusion was directed at Pinkie wasting time talking, rather than making sure the line would be cleared as fast as possible, but by far most of the confusion stemmed from the sheer number of ponies Pinkie spoke to, and how she seemed to know just what was going on in their lives. Twilight could hardly believe any one pony could know so much about so many other ponies, but Pinkie was doing it somehow.

“I’d like three cupcakes, and a small cake for around one o clock, please,” the mint green Unicorn in front of the counter said.

“Oh, almost forgot about your upcoming anniversary! Anyhow, I’ll have it ready by then, Pinkie promise!” Pinkie said, before turning to Twilight. “Hey Twi, can you take over for a minute?”

Twilight dropped the (thankfully empty) bag she had readied for the order, and turned to Pinkie with a startled expression on her face. “T-take over? Err, I really don’t think that-”

Pinkie popped up behind her, and forcefully pushed Twilight behind the counter. “Don’t worry, Twi! I only need a minute to get the cake started, and then I’ll be back. Besides, it was your turn to handle the sales anyway!” She cheerfully said as she hopped through the door to the kitchen.

Twilight stood frozen for a few moments, trying to think of a way out of the situation, before turning to face the Unicorn, an awkward smile on her face. “S-so, what can I get you, miss...?”

“Lyra Heartstrings, but please, call me Lyra,” the Unicorn replied with a gentle smile. “Just three cupcakes please.”

“Ok, one moment,” Twilight said as she rapidly grabbed the requested confectionary items. “That will be six bits please.”

Lyra backed away a little, apparently startled by something. “Whoa, no need to rush, hon!”

Twilight gave her a puzzled glance. “Sorry, did you say something?”

Lyra chuckled a little. “First day on the job, hm? Don’t worry. As I said, there is no need to rush. Most of the time, Pinkie just chats a little with whoever comes.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at this. “But there are ponies waiting in line. It would be rude to keep them waiting any longer than needed.”

This time, Lyra acted a bit confused at the lavender mare’s response. “Rude? Don’t worry about that, hon. Everypony knows about it, and it is actually quite an enjoyable way to start the day. So, what is your name?”

Twilight silently hoped Pinkie would be done soon, and took a mental note to be a lot more hesitant to accept any future offers of working at Sugarcube Corner. “Twilight Sparkle.”

The mint-green Unicorn didn’t respond right away, instead looking as if she expected Twilight to continue talking. “So... How long have you known Pinkie?” She said at length, somewhat awkwardly.

Twilight wondered about the Unicorn’s tone for a moment, before she replied. “Umm, for about four months now. Ever since the Summer Sun Celebration.”

Again, the Unicorn in front of the counter looked as if she expected Twilight to continue, making her somewhat uncomfortable.

“Four months? Er, how do you like Ponyville so far?”

Twilight perked up a little. “Oh, it is a great town! I mean, I have five wonderful friends now, none of which I would have made if I never moved here!”

Lyra looked a little awkward at the lavender mare’s comment. “Five friends you say? In four months?”

“Well, actually I made them on my first day here, but yes,” Twilight replied with a smile.

Lyra looked awkward for a few more moments, before she grabbed her bag. “Well, ok. See you again I suppose.”

“Goodbye! Next pony please.” Twilight responded, thoroughly confused at the green mare’s apparent embarrassment.


The next few customers proceeded in much the same way, Twilight first rapidly completing the order, the pony in front of the counter telling her to slow down, a short, strangely awkward conversation, followed by the customer grabbing their bag before leaving as Twilight called for the next customer.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Twilight got more confused and frustrated. why are they all acting like this? Am I doing anything wrong? Besides, why are they all so rude to tell me to slow down? Nopony I know likes waiting, right? So, why are they all but demanding I slow everything down?

Twilight was interrupted from her musings by Pinkie returning from the kitchen. “Ok, the cake is in the oven! So, how did it go?” Pinkie said as she bounced over to the counter behind which Twilight was just wrapping up another customer’s order.

“Very strange. I mean, I try to keep things going smoothly, but everypony keeps on telling me to slow down. And they all start asking me stuff, like ‘what’s your name?’ or ‘Where are you from’, and when I respond, they get all embarrassed before they just grab their bag and leave.”

Pinkie gave Twilight a very confused look, tilting her head. “Well, duh? They just want to chat, I mean, what else is a bakery for?”

Twilight shied away a little, growing more confused by the moment. “Umm... For buying... bread?”

Pinkie shook her head.

“Muffins then?”

Again, Pinkie’s head went left-to-right-and-back-again.


Pinkie’s head became a blur for a moment, before she stopped and looked Twilight in the eye with a big, goofy grin on her face. “No, silly filly, you can get all those at the market as well, or you can make them at home.”

Twilight was starting to grow frustrated once more, the behavior of the pink pony getting on her nerves as it often did. “Then what is it? What answer are you looking for?!”

Pinkie suddenly jumped back, as music started to play, seemingly from everywhere at once.

Twilight, please listen to what I say,
Just sit right there, don’t go away,
I’ll sing this for you, I won’t get loud,
But listen up, This is what a baker’s all about!

Pinkie jumped on top of the counter, standing on her hind legs while holding a short cane in her forelegs, while a hat landed on top of her head.

Early every morning you see,
Everypony wakes up all grumpy!
Now, for this grump there is a cure,
And any good baker knows it for sure!

Twilight backed away, as the rest of the customers joined Pinkie in the chorus of the song.

It doesn’t matter, if you are hungry or cold,
Whether you’re a filly, a colt, young or old,
For that little morning cheer, there is but one place to be,
Where you’re always welcome, cause you see,
Because a Baker is everypony’s friend,
Because a Baker is Always your friend!

As the chorus ended, Twilight tried to sneak out of the door, only to be pushed back in as Pinkie came dancing through it.

Now, to cheer a town is no mean feat,
But Twilight dear, don’t just admit defeat!
You too can be a spring of morning cheer,
Just relax, Twilight my dear,

Again, the entire shop resounded with all ponies present (minus Twilight) joining Pinkie in the chorus.

It doesn’t matter, if you are hungry or cold,
Whether you’re a filly, a colt, young or old,
For that little morning cheer, there is but one place to be,
Where you’re always welcome, cause you see,
Because a Baker is everypony’s friend,
Because a Baker is Always your friend!

Pinkie slid forward on her knees, stopping in front of Twilight.

And with that, Twilight my dear,
This song ends, but have no fear!
For come high tide, or the day’s eternal end,
Never forget, a Baker is always your friend!

At this point, Twilight was confused and, quite honestly, a little frightened at the sudden display. “I- you- how? What? I don’t even?”

Pinkie looked at Twilight, the hat still on her pink poofy mane. “Like I said, a Baker is everypony’s friend. Really, that is all there is to it!”

Twilight’s thoughts were still going a thousand miles per hour, when the Cakes appeared in the store. “Pinkie, dear, it is eleven o clock! Time for your break!” Mrs. Cake said as she walked to the counter.

Twilight snapped out of her stupor. Lunch time. Finally. ”Well then, Pinkie, I’ll see you in an hour then?”

Pinkie giggled. “Oh Twilight, you silly filly! Have you forgotten we would get lunch, together?”

A few hairs of Twilight’s mane jumped out of order with the rest. This was going to be a long day indeed.

Ray10k here.
So, I learned something today.
Anyhow, and again, do not hesitate to tell me how I can improve my writing.

chapter title: Selling and talking.