• Published 26th May 2013
  • 1,663 Views, 52 Comments

Battle Ready - D101 Reviews

Battle Ready is a unicorn from a strange land, fleeing to Equestria to escape some unknown tragedy and seeking a better life. His past however, doesn't quite want to leave him alone. (Anthro ponies)

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Chapter Twenty Four: Into the Shadows

Chapter Twenty Four: Into the Shadows

Applejack swung her hammer in large, heavy strokes. The blunt weapon, while cumbersome, was effective in rendering enemies crippled and in pain, where they would either be finished off by other Warhorse attackers, or trampled underfoot by their own comrades. There was blood on the heavy handed weapon surprisingly, a testament to the power Applejack had in her swings. She debated switching to her broad sword, which kept slapping against her thigh, but she decided against it. Switching weapons in the middle of battle didn't seem like the best thing to do without practice. Sure she had practised a whole bunch of things with Juggernaut, but none of them in an actual battle scenario, where even one mistake could get her killed.

While these thoughts were going on in her head, her body continued to twist and turn, pummel and destroy, working almost entirely on autopilot. While she may have had but a week's training, Juggernaut himself had said that Applejack was a natural born warrior. Applejack had been slightly scared by that thought but let it slide. This was a one off. This was for Twilight.

Remembering the reason she was fighting caused her to put even more force behind her swings. She drew her arms back and swung the hammer like a baseball bat at one of the monsters before her. The creature looked at her and ducked a little too late. The blunt weight of Applejack's hammer caught his head with ease. There was a tearing cracking noise and, too Applejack's horror and amazement, it came clean from his shoulders, rocketing into the sky where it hit some unfortunate pegasus.

"Damnant," whistled Juggernaut in her ear. "Remind me never to get on your bad side Apple."

"Yes sir," Applejack grunted, ignoring Juggernaut's new nickname for her, knocking another monster down for the count.

Juggernaut smiled as he crushed the skull of another beast under the strength of his bare hands, before using the body as a club to bash his enemies back, as he drew his battle axe from his back, using powerful, heavy chops to cut the monsters cleanly in tow.

"How's it looking from up there Sky?" he asked.

The pegasus swooped in low, dagger flashing evilly as landed, spinning like a top, her wings splayed out and the blades at the tips slicing through armour and flesh like butter. She threw a few throwing knives with ease and accuracy, the blades sinking between the eyes of her targets. She turned to Juggernaut before she took off again.

"It's a cake walk," she smiled.

"Don't get cocky General," came a voice in her ear. "We're still in Phase One. This is the warm-up."

"Yes Commander," Sky agreed.

From his position at the edge of the battle, Arson and Battle stood at the head of the unicorns forces. The unicorn segment of Battle's army was not as large as either the pegasus or earth pony side of things. This however, was because the unicorns were the most destructive. The magic that Warhorse unicorns tapped into was old and powerful. They used even the most simplistic of spells to the most effective degree in combat. They were easily the most powerful force Battle had to command.

A third unicorn approached Battle. A lean, slight unicorn with dark a dark black mane and silver eyes. His amour was the same black as the rest of the warhorse armies, and styled similar to Rarity's. His Cutie Mark was a dagger, crossed over a crescent moon.

"Commander," said the pony, saluting.

"Merciless," Battle nodded, smiling. He looked at the armies of Wrath. They had certainly been cut down to size that was for certain. Nearly two thirds were gone, and his forces were laying them down faster than Wrath could spawn them. He smiled.

"Alright Sky, Juggernaut," he said. "It's time to stand back."

Sky looked to Battle and nodded. She dived down the the battlefield and grabbed Juggernaut under the armpits, lifting him to the air. All around them, the pegasus soldiers were doing the same. Applejack looked up as Dash came down to air lift her out of harms way.

Battle tilted his head to Arson slightly.

"Everyone out of the way?" he asked.

"Affirmative sire," Sky replied. "All clear for you to reign hell."

He smirked and nodded. Arson stepped forwards, his horn glowing a fiery red light as his hands were wreathed in flames. He raised one hand and snapped his fingers. An explosion the size of Ponyville sent creatures flying everywhere in charred and burnt chunks. Battle turned to his left to look at his General and smiled before looking forward.

"No mercy," he snarled, drawing his sword from his hip.

"Merciless is my name remember sir?" the unicorn to his right chuckled.

Battle didn't answer verbally, instead charging forwards. Arson and Merciless followed, Arson drawing a flaming whip, Merciless a long, black scythe. The other unicorn forces followed at a slower pace, knowing just how much damage Battle alone could do, let alone with Arson and Merciless.

Arson cracked his whip, fire lancing out from where it stuck against the air and evaporating an entire line of soldiers. Merciless threw his scythe one handed, sending it spiralling towards the forces of Wrath. It sliced through them like a knife through butter, before arcing back around like a boomerang and landing in Merciless' hand once more. Battle gave a roar of blood-lust leaping into the air, higher than a pegasus taking flight, eyes glowing silver as he dropped into the middle of the monstrous ranks.

Once there he sent a bolt of powerful magic out, so strong that it vaporized anything it touched. He spun around, the blade hidden in his wrist appearing in a glint of light and a flash of red as it cut through the neck of a monster with ease, sending blood everywhere. An explosion to his left reminded him of Arson's presence as he heard the crack of his whip. He smiled darkly as he saw another monster being thrown into the air before it was pierced on a spear of darkness thrown by Merciless.

Battle reared up as his as he could before brining his fist down to the icy ground. The force of the blow caused the wind to hold and huge, gaping cracks to appear in the icy ground, swallowing Wrath's creatures up as they plunged into the shadows below. Battle straightened up and thrust his hand out, eyes crackling silver. Bolts of white lightning flickered from his fingertips, frying all they touched.

This was battle... this was war... this was where Battle belonged. No restrictions, no limits. Nothing whatsoever to hold him back. Within a few short moments he, his General and his Major General had completely decimated what little remained of Wrath's army.

The few that remained looked nervous.

A moment later they dissipated in a flash of shadows rising to the skies and into the open doors of the Gates of Wrath. Battle's eyes narrowed.

"Here it comes," Battle muttered. "Get ready for Phase Two."

In the darkness beyond the gateway there came a deep growl.

"Here comes the beast..."

A single clawed foot emerged from the shadows. From beyond the darkness emerged the Beast that Wrath had become. Battle scowled at the sight of it. It was like some sort of half-breed between a dragon and a pony. A large, bestial creature with heavy black scales and lizard like forelegs with long gleaming golden claws. Its hind legs and flank were coated in course black hair. Its face was just as hideous as Battle remembered. Those scalene eyes, that scaly face and the hatred in the way it moved its head. This was the monster that had terrorized the land the walked on for so very long, the one who had brought about the ice that covered it and froze its heart.

But Battle was only concerned with one thing. The fact that this monster had caused the death of ten thousand good ponies he had known. Not all of them as closely as the others but still. They had been his friends. Their deaths were this creature's fault as much as his own.

"That's Wrath?" Arson asked approaching Battle's side.

"That is the Beast Within," Battle replied. "Wrath is still in his tomb."

"So we have to get past him to get at Wrath?" Merciless reasoned as Sky landed beside them, Juggernaut reaching their side too.

"Sounds like fun," Juggernaut growled.

"Easy General," Merciless reminded. "This is why Phase Two was put into effect, remember?"

"Yeah... Phase Two..." Battle murmured.

"Are you all right Commander?" Sky asked.

"Trying really hard not to charge that thing, that's all," Battle muttered.

"Why would you charge it? What happened to Phase Two?" Arson asked.

"Phase Two can kiss my flank for all I care," Battle growled. "I just want to eat him!"

"Easy there Battle," said a voice as a hand clasped on his shoulder. He didn't have to turn to see it was Shining standing there. "We need to stick to the plan."

Battle took a deep breath in through his nose before nodding. He turned to Shining and the nine warriors he had picked to follow him into the Tomb of Wrath. Hammer had copied the armour of Equestria exactly, even down to the enchantment's placed upon it, making each soldier look identical, being a pure white warrior with no Cutie Mark.

"Yes, of course," Battle said. "This is not our battle. Not anymore." He looked to the Beast as it crawled nearer, before turning to his armies.

"Warriors of Warhorse!" he called, pointing to the Beast. "This monstrosity is your target! Make sure it doesn't get up again!"

"Armies of Equestria!" Shining roared. "Do not let this creature live another day! Put it to rest for the sisters of the Sun and Moon!"

Both armies roared their agreement. Battle turned back to the Beast as Dash landed beside him, still carrying Applejack. A slightly more nervous Fluttershy landed the other side, holding Rarity. Completing the group of twenty came Pinkie Pie in a blur of her usual pink flourish. Battle locked his eyes onto the dark portal beyond the monster.

"Let's go," he said.

Battle raced ahead, keeping low so as not to attract the attention of the Beast. He needn't have worried. The Beast was far too preoccupied with the some thirteen thousand warriors that were charging towards it. It didn't take long for them to reach the edge of the ice fields and arrive at the glacier face, though sometimes someone would glance back to see what was happening on the battlefield. Battle was one of those who looked most often. He knew his army was powerful, but the last time they had fought this beast, no one had come back. He had been the last warrior to return.

He shook those thoughts from his head. They had taken precautions this time. Their armour was better, their soldiers tougher and their weapons stronger. The Beast did not stand a chance.

The Gates of Wrath loomed before them. Battle looked into the darkness beyond. It was almost impenetrable.

"What are these markings?" Shining asked, looking at the gates themselves. "The symbols are ancient but the magic that created them is newer." He eyed them closely. "And... are they drawn in blood?"

"Best I could do at the time," Battle said simply, hand curling up as he felt a ghostly throb of pain from the scar upon it.

Shining looked at him.

"You drew these?" Shining whispered.

"My failed attempt to seal him away," Battle replied, drawing his sword. "No more though. We end this now."

And he stepped into the shadows.