• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Wednesday


Let ideas and all speech be free. I will respect your ideas, your characters, your ponies. Feel free to ask me anything!


Pony gender swap story, some of the names I didn't make, some of them I had to make, I couldn't really find a lot about the gender-bent stuff so I just said to hay with it. Enjoy.

Since leaving Gallopolis, Dusk Shine has learned a lot about friendship and magic from his friends in Ponyburg. There's always more to learn, however and he's about to explore another subject he never considered studying before: dating.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 39 )

This was a great guydea!
*waves arms hysterically*

Your spell checkers definitely goofed up a few of your sentences their, but def looking forward to more!

Ahh assumed you used an auto spellcheck to correct things. You had just a few he/she's mixed about. Also isn't Rarity counter supposed to be Elusive, rather than Exclusive?

2619272 I don't know. But I like the name Exclusive better, Elusive sounds to me like he's trying to hide or nor get caught, to me it implies pursuit which doesn't fit well, especially for a guy. So I think Exclusive fits better, it's similar to Rarity and also I'm a journalist:pinkiehappy: so it fits my style.

Hmm "Elusive" is... canon in a way for Rule 63 Rarity.

True, but Elusive being a dress maker, does imply some form of pursuit, such as the pursuit of his dreams, which there are many of, and it foes fit better towards his traits, as well as the fact that Barbs would find him difficult to obtain yet pursues hopelessly anyway.
Exclusive merely makes the named one sound snobbish or aloof in a sense, or singled out, to each their own though, don't see what journalism has to do with it :O

2619471 You bring up a couple good points and they're all true BUT...
Elusive and Rarity just don't mesh. Rarity I would say implies being lucky enough to find something but not necessarily a fervent chase. Like a rare occurrence somepony came across. And exclusive doesn't seem snobbish to me for some reason. Those two extra letters just make it sound better. And as far as journalism goes, the term "ecxculsive" has an entirely new meaning to me, something specific, unique... a rare occurence. Truly, a rarity.

2619559 Rarity, can also mean hard to find, same with Elusive
the only real R63 name that doesn't mesh is Fluttershy's

2619780 Hard to find because it's being evasive... not necessarily uncommon or rare. It's more difficult to catch than difficult to find. That subtle difference combined with me just thinking Exclusive sounds a little bit better was enough for me to change it.

2619804 I would like to say Exclusive sounds egotistical, although considering this is R63 Rarity... Ya it does work :twilightsmile:

In regards to the feedback the three of you have provided, I've given the name Elusive a second look. While I still think Exclusive is a better full name, I see how I can make Elusive work now and will update the story accordingly. I'll write the whole thing with the 'canonically correct' name and see how it sounds. If we don't like it(that's you and me, I consider my own opinion and yours) then I can always change it later.


That's fine :ajsmug: and I gotta read this as soon as I finish another story i'm reading,which should be in about 2-3 more days :pinkiecrazy: depending on how fast I read.

2620907 Take your time, I'm almost ready to post Star Trek.


Ok and hmm...

If you like The Conversion Bureau Series,then you might like this,since this is what i'm reading currently.


2621312 I have kind of a confession to make. I don't really read fanfiction, I just write it. Right now anyway. I've read parts of a couple of Shadow's stories but only skimmed. I did find parts I liked though. That's the reason I only have 2 favorites: I'm really busy and if I'm going to spend time, I'd rather spend it writing than reading. Also why I don't blog. Do you know where I could find like a summary though so I could make sure I'm not accidentally stealing anything?


I see,and a Summary? not that I know of,sorry.

It's certainly interesting how the dynamic changes with the gender-flip. While I actually sort of CAN picture Rainbow Dash singing about going to help Twilight get laid, I certainly don't imagine Rarity being so willing to help. :rainbowwild::duck:

2671299 Why, of course not! She's a lady, it's only too certain and Elusive is equally that of a gentlecolt. Which is why it's such a surprise to Dusk that he does happen to be so enthusiastic at such a barbaric pursuit. Perhaps he thinks his friend's lack of experience with the opposite sex merits a more direct approach? Being a fashion designer is about more than just looking good for yourself, you know. Many times, there's another motive involved to getting dressed up and Lusi would be more than aware of it... like a dark side he hides. Maybe Rarity has similar secrets in her own backroom... yeah but this is a kid's show so nothing I just said is valid.

When you add sex to anything in MLP, it drastically changes the dynamic. It's just out of place no matter what scenario you put it in so I figured why not guyland? So imagine the attitude of the entire show raised to a more teenage-level and I think the personalities fit better. Would you agree?

Finally got around to reading this and I love it so far :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

and then rainbow blitz gets the shock of his life the next morning.

Dusk Shine will get laid... but then, which R63 mare will he end up with?

Considering some of the designs I've seen for a gender-swapped Discord, is it weird that I think her hitting on Dusk is kinda hot? :rainbowwild: Of course, he's still got plenty of reasons to be turning tail and vamoosing, so I won't hold it against him. Fun scene, and I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of folksy dating advice Dusk might get from the Apples. Especially if he happens across Big Red (I forget, is that the name you're using for r63 Big Mac?) taking a refreshing soak in a pond or something before meeting up with his friend.

2788158 It's all weird. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Yes, Big Red is Big Mac version female. And she is red adorableness.

Dusk and Disarray, do it!!! :pinkiecrazy:

2788661 What, am I shipping now? If you want me to write about it, I shall. If you want me to write your version, I will. But mine comes first, I'll make some alternate chapters for yours and then we can all compare. It'll be fun.
Is it canon?
Is it fanon?


:pinkiecrazy: a very Brilliant IDEA! :pinkiecrazy:
It would be interesting to see all the possible alternate females Dusk ends up with. Somehow, that idea matches your story greatly.

2788691 I'm going to warn you, I have NEVER shipped. I have NO INTEREST in shipping at all. I don't read shipfics, I hardly read at all. I just write. But I'm a brony writer damn it and if it involves colorful ponies, I'll write about it. So here's a couple new ship ideas and possible names, you choose which ones you like, maybe tell me what you want and we'll work it in. You're on Barro's Story Bus, tell me where you want to go and we're off.
Sample Destinations:
... and I've literally just realized that these are names for gay ships. Oh well. Where to mac?

2790909 Um... I accidentally replied to me, so could you read the comment please? It was supposed to be to you.


Calm down, I'm not forcing you to ship, but as you say, best you finish the story as you see fit first before you go with shipping and alternates.

2790990 Oh I'm not nervous and you're not forcing me! This is just exciting and I want to make sure it's done to the very best it can be!


Yes, and the idea for the story is about Dusk dating and finding love with a mare.

That lone thunder cloud....i got a feeling it's gonna come back later

Okay, first, Elusive is NOT a gentlecolt at all if he sleeps around like that. Second, I'm not sure if I like where the character development is heading because it seems like everypony so far besides Dusk is a pimp. Third....DID BLITZ JUST BREAK THE FOURTH WALL!?

It was a bit hard to get into but this chapter was funny as hell, i would love to see Dusk just seduce every mare with his awkwardness Make it SO!

"So, now I know the REAL reason you guys didn't believe me when I first said my sister's fiancé was evil. You all were too busy thinking with your-"
"Calm down, Dusk this story's still rated Everyone," Blitz commented as Dusk was speaking.
"Oooh, nice save."
"-to listen to me! And because of that, my sister nearly married King Cocoon instead of Prince Amir Amore and Gallopolis was almost conquered by changlings!" The purple pony snorted angrily as he stood.

Nice headcanon on your part about the Remane Five not believing Dusk about Fake Amir. Very nice.

Dusk looked over his shoulder at the creature. "So you can tell whenever somepony's arguing now? Is that supposed to be canon or something?"

Another fourth wall joke? Bubble Berry needs to get on that action!

Ponyburg? Big red?? Short tailed spiraling space??????
Whaaaaaaaaaaa??? :unsuresweetie:

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