• Published 24th May 2013
  • 1,797 Views, 43 Comments

Out of Style - Vv_-Carnelian-_vV

After everypony getting tired of Rarity's fashion style, and her not being able to get clients, Rarity is forced to file bankruptcy and has to move out with Sweetie Bell and sell her home and belongings.

  • ...

Chapter Three

Rarity woke up to the glowing rays of the rising sun and chirping birds that filled the air of the crisp morning of the brand new day. She smiled knowing that today was the start of a new life for her and she wanted to make it the best that she could. She looked to the other side of the bed that she slept in the previous night and found that her Applejack was missing and in her place was a piece of neatly-folded paper. Rarity took it in her hooves and opened it to read its contents.

Dear Rarity,

I apologize for not being there for you when you wake up, but I wanted you to get some much needed rest after Sweetie Belle told me that you haven't been sleeping for the last few nights. When you wake up, come down into the kitchen and grab some grub with the rest of us. Also, Granny will show you what you will need to do around the farm after you drop off the girls at school.

With all the care,
Your Marefriend,
Your confused bearer of the Element of Honesty,
P.S.- We need to talk about that tonight...

Rarity smiled at the small piece of paper. It was nice knowing that Applejack had feelings for her in return for her own after all these years, not to mention that she technically shared a room with her new marefriend. Applejack did have a point though, they needed to talk to make sure that last night wasn't a spur of the moment thing. Deciding that she should probably get out of bed and start her first day on Sweet Apple Acres, Rarity got out of bed after folding the note from Applejack and placing in on the nightstand. She trotted down the stairs while using her magic to get rid of any grogginess that may of been on her body. On the way down she debated on if she should style her mane or keep it flat, in the end she decided that she would just have it all on one side flat and simple since Applejack thought that Rarity looked pretty with it simple. After reaching the bottom of the stairs she made a right turn into the kitchen and dining area. She saw on the table not only a buffet of apple-related breakfast foods, but the apple family and her little sister enjoying it while deep in a conversation about the love lives of the two crusader's at the table.

"Applebloom! Why did you have to tell them I have a crush on Scootaloo!?" yelled a white filly with a face as red as any apple on Applejack's orchard, it became even redder and her eyes widened when she noticed that her older sister Rarity was standing right behind the others and heard what she just said. Although Rarity was surprised, she didn't had any negative feelings against Sweetie Belle. Would she not be a hypocrite if she scolded her sister for the same thing that related between her and Applejack? Instead, in order to encourage the young unicorn, Rarity gave a supporting smile and said the one thing that the young filly wasn't expecting,

"Really? My little sister has found somepony she likes? Oh, marvelous! When do you plan on telling her?" inquired the former seamstress, or was it housekeeper now? Oh details, but still, it was a matter she would discuss with her cowpony later.

"W-wait, you mean your okay with me..." Sweetie Belle started.

"Liking mares? Yes, I am. Why do you ask?" Sweetie Belle stared in disbelief at her sister's words. She had expected some kind of tantrum or lecture about mares liking stallions and vice-versa; but here they were at the dinner table, Talking about Sweetie Belles crush, and Rarity was perfectly happy about it. She noticed Rarity taking her seat at the table and giving Applejack a wink, which in turn made Applejack blush wildly. Sweetie Belle wasn't sure yet but...

"Wait, sis, do you like other mares?" asked the crusader. In response, Rarity looked back towards Applejack with a raised eyebrow as if asking a question. She noticed that the apple farmer closed her eyes and nodded, after which Rarity pulled her in closer and went in for a passionate kiss quite to Applejack's and the others surprise. Pulling away from the kiss, Rarity turned back to her little sister who was gawking in a not-so-naïve blush as the young fillies mind was making her see unwanted images.

"I do believe that answers your question, does it not dear sister? Now hurry up, if memory serves me correctly it's Tuesday and you and Applebloom have school today," Rarity spoke in a casual tone while Applejack fainted unto the ground with a dopey look a on her face. "Applejack? Are you okay darling?"


Rarity, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle had just pasted the main gate to Sweet Apple Arces and began heading to the schoolhouse that was around a half a mile away. Meanwhile, Rarity was being asked questions by the two fillies about her relationship with Applejack.

"So how long have you two been going out?" asked Applebloom.

"Technically we've never went on a date yet, we kind of became a... uh... 'item' last night," responded Rarity.

"How long have the two of you had feelings for each other?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well, I'm not too sure about Applejack, but I think about around five years for me." replied the unicorn once again.

"Have you two done anything-" Started Applebloom before she was cut off by Rarity, who was more than aware of what she was going to ask.

"Look! Here we are! You two better hurry I'm sure the two of you don't want to be late," said the lightly-blushing unicorn. Ignoring the fact that Rarity had evaded their question, the crusaders waved to the new 'housekeeper' as Applejack and Rarity had agreed on after breakfast as the two fillies got ready for school. Rarity took pride in the new title, it gave her a renewed sense of purpose. On her way back to the farm, she heard several hoof steps approaching her. She turned towards the sound and realized it was coming from her and Applejack's friends, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash who at the time was wearing a suit of purple armor with Twilight's cutie mark on her chest. Which caused several looks towards her in confusion. Rainbow Dash groaned when she realized what they were staring at and explained in a annoyed tone.

"Ugh... I'm Twiley's- err... Twilight's captain of the guard... But that's not the point! Twilight and I got your letter! You're bankrupted!? We could've helped you know!" She was trying to be taken seriously but Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle a little bit, before catching herself and meekly apologizing.

Rarity tried to carefully explain the situation to her friends, "Yes I know, but I couldn't take any money. If I did, it wouldn't be enough to cover all of the bills and payments that I needed to cover, so I had to file bankruptcy and sell my home-" she was then interrupted by Pinkie who came up to her face. Fluttershy was taken aback due to the speed of the pink blur that was Pinkie.


Rarity sighed, she was going to have to explain to the three of them on her way back to Sweet Apple Arces... "Rainbow, did Twilight come with you?" she asked.

"No, she's busy with a Princess Tribunal... Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to be able to explain to everypony I sent a letter to in one go while I head back to Sweet Apple Acres. Do you mind if we do that?" She asked the others, which they shook their heads meaning that they didn't mind at all. She motioned for them to follow her and preceded to explain to them everything behind her backstory for the last five years.

Author's Note:

Okay, I tried to flesh this one out a bit more than what I had when a finished it. I have to admit it wasn't MUCH but still it is better with the few things that I switched out. Also, I think I would like a group decision from those following this story. Just put in your vote in a message to me (if you so choose,) of which option you would prefer best:

1) Rarity starts to find different gems on the farm and uses them to help earn extra money for the Apple family.
2) Sweetie Belle is forced to go to a foster-home because Rarity forgot to fill out the proper paperwork.
3) Glittershot returns to Ponyville and is unlucky enough to be followed by her brothers Flim and Flam.
4) Rarity finds out she is pregnant because of -SPOILERS-.

I will not expose the results if you choose to participate for those who wish to be surprised. Also, if you want a OC to have a cameo in the story just send me a message and we shall work something out. (details, backstory, personality, etc.)

I also have to say that there is a code in the following line:
"I've been rude introducing needed gigs, you open up great literary inspirations to totally eccentric responsibilities so heads-up opportunity takers!"

Guess my motivators! GUESS! (also that's what I call followers of this story now. Read chapter 2 AN to understand...