• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 1,565 Views, 10 Comments

A Wishing Star - Fluffy Fraggle

Pinkie Pie has run off into the depths of the Everfree to find a cure for her dying sister, alone. Unwilling to lose one of her closest friends, Twilight takes it upon herself to venture into the forest and find her, before it’s too late.

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Chapter 2

Oh please don’t let it be true, I pleaded with myself as I ran for Sugarcube Corner with Inkie right on my tail.

I threw the front door open and ran up the stairs to Pinkie’s room. I flicked on the main light, hoping to see her sleeping away in the comforts in of her bed, her head nestled in her pillow.

There was no pony beneath the covers, no snoring, no innocent little murmers. The peppy pony I knew was nowhere to be seen.

“No.” I told myself. “No, this isn’t happening!”

Inkie walked in shortly as I began searching through the room, trying to find any evidence of her absence. Eventually, I found the clues that proved my fears.

Her saddlebag. I had been in Pinkie’s room several times before in the past, and I knew that she kept it hanging on the back of her chair whenever she wasn’t using it. It was gone. One of the sheets of her bed had also vanished.

“Do you know when she left?” I asked Inkie.

She shook her head. “It must have been during the night. I heard her up and about some time in the middle of the night, but I didn’t think anything of it. She barely talked to me when we got back to the bakery. All she did was worry about our sister. She even tried to convince me to go with her to the gorge.”

“What did you say to her?”

“I tried to convince her that it was no use but she wouldn’t listen. She just got mad at me and marched up to her room, slamming the door behind her. That was the last I saw of her.” She gulped. “Twilight...I think she’s gone after the flowers.”

My heart was racing. My hooves were getting sweaty just thinking about the whole ordeal. Not just because Pinkie could be in great danger right now, but because this was all partly my fault. I should have realized that she would do this. Oh who am I kidding? I saw this coming! But I just told myself not to worry about it. Now she was in Everfree, alone, with no pony to help her.

I looked out Pinkie’s bedroom window. The early morning sky was showing the first signs of color as the princess rose the sun. I knew I had to send a letter to Celestia telling her about Pinkie’s venture, but I didn’t know how long it would be before she would reply to it. She had been busy with her tiding’s in Canterlot and communication with her had been slow over the last few days. I couldn’t rely on her support. I was alone, but I knew what I had to do.

“Inkie, could you do me a favor please?” I finally asked, turning to face the young mare.

She looked at me surprised. “Uh... sure. What is it?”

“I need you to look after Spike for me while I’m gone. I don’t want to leave him on his own.” I said as I headed towards the door.

Inkie just gawked at me. “W...what?” What do you mean? Where are you going?”

“Pinkie needs help...” I called back as I walked out the door. “And I’m going after her!”

We left Sugarcube Corner and headed back to the library. Inkie kept asking if she could come with me in search for her sister but I insisted that she stay behind. Not only did I want her to keep Spike company, but I wanted her to stay behind for Blinkie. Coma or no coma, she needed somepony close to watch over her. Plus, Inkie had told me that she knew little about the forest. The trip to Ponyville yesterday was only the third time she had ventured into it. With one pony lost and another extremely ill, I didn’t want to see another member of her family in danger.

When we got home, I wrote out a short but thorough list for Inkie, giving her everything she needed to know about taking care of the library and Spike. She took it and quietly began reading it over while I crept upstairs to the bedroom.

Despite the disturbance earlier that morning, Spike was still sound asleep. I could hear him snoring away, his blanket raising and lowering with his chest. As soft as a mouse I grabbed my own saddlebag and laid it on the bed, the purple star on the side illuminating against the white cloth.

I began to fill it up with some of my bedding, mainly a light blanket for warmth in case the evenings were cool and a small pillow. I had never spent a night in the Everfree Forest. I had hoped I never would. Where would I sleep? How can I make sure I’m safe? Perhaps I could spend the night in a tree or if I was lucky, an abandoned cave. The thought was unnerving and I shuddered, but I knew there was no way around it. Even if I had a packable tent to bring along the extra baggage would have just slowed me down more. I had to be light weight if I wanted to catch up with Pinkie.

I packed up a few more odd bits here and there, just for comfort: A couple pairs of warm socks, my light rain coat, and my night vision goggles which had been given to me by Pinkie Pie herself. It was kind of ironic that I would be using her own birthday present to find her.

That was it for the bedroom. Everything else I would need was downstairs. I looked back at Spike, the baby dragon safe and secure in his bed, wondering what he was dreaming about.

I quietly snuck over to his bed and knelt down, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. He mumbled a little and turned in his sleep, pressing his face down into the pillow. I smiled and whispered. “Don’t worry buddy, I’ll be okay.”

Inkie was looking out the window when I came downstairs. She turned when she heard the wooden floor creak under the pressure of my hooves.

“I read the list twice. I can handle everything while you’re gone.” She reassured me.

I nodded approvingly. “Thank you Inkie. I hope it’s not too much to ask for.”

She shook her head. “You’re bringing back my sister. It’s the least I can do.” She gulped. “Do you think you can find her? The Everfree is huge! She might not know where she’s going.”

“Don’t worry Inkie. I’ll find her, no matter what.” I would be lying if I said I wasn’t positive about that fact. Inkie was right about one thing, the forest was enormous. It was one of the largest regions of Equestria, and virtually uninhabited with the exception of a few residents here and there such as Zecora. Plus, I wasn’t sure where Pinkie could be right now. Did she even bring a compass or map with her? She could be anywhere!

The first rays of sunlight were starting to peek their way through the windows as the fiery orb rose higher into the sky, spilling brilliant streaks of gold and orange into the library. It wouldn’t be long ‘till Spike started to stir. I wanted to be out of here before he woke up. I knew he would resent this move on my part.

I went to my desk and started searching through the drawers, pulling out a few items here and there that I knew would certainly come in handy on the trip.

A map of the Everfree given to me by Zecora, my lucky compass, a personal medical kit given to me by Fluttershy, a flashlight, a small bottle of iodine, and a couple of books on Equestrian fauna.

Closing the drawers shut I walked into the kitchen and prepared my food supplies for the journey. I had no idea how many days I would be gone; it could be one or two, or even six. One way or the other, I had to be prepared.

As I opened the fridge Inkie walked into the room, her head cocked to the side. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

I thought for a moment. Between Blinkie and Spike she was going to have enough on her hooves to deal with anyways. I was more than grateful for her support. Then I remembered.

“Go to my desk and open the top drawer. You’ll find some scrolls and an ink jar. Place them on top of the desk next to my quills. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

She didn’t say anything. She just simply nodded before heading back into the living room while I turned my attention back to the kitchen.

A few minutes later the remaining room in my saddlebag was stuffed to the brim with food and water including a few daffodil sandwiches, some bottles of clean water, some apples, and a small bag of cookies. Not a lot, but it would have to do for now. There were plenty of fruits in the Everfree that I could use if my supplies started running low. I would just have to make sure to refer to my fauna book to check if they were safe enough to eat.

I found Inkie next to the desk waiting for me, the scroll laid out flat on the table top and a jar of fresh ink ready to go. I placed my saddlebag on the floor before gently grasping one of my quills with my magic. I began to write, the tip briskly scribbling along the surface of the parchment.

Dear Princess Celestia,

If you read my letter from yesterday evening then you are aware of Pinkie Pie’s sister. I am afraid to inform you that the situation has taken a startling turn.

Pinkie Pie, in desperation, has run off towards Ghastly Gorge to retrieve the ingredients for the cure during the night. She is all alone and I fear that her journey will be disastrous.

With that in mind, I will not idly stand by while one of my closest friends in Ponyville risks her life. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to find her. Inkie will be taking care of Spike and Ponyville’s library in the meantime.

If you manage to read this letter soon, please send Inkie a message as well as whatever aid you can. I just hope that we’re not too late.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

I set the quill back down in the ink and neatly rolled up the scroll, tying it with one of my mailing ribbons. I turned to Inkie.

“When Spike wakes up, tell him to send this to Princess Celestia. She needs to know.” I instructed her.

Inkie’s eyes widened. “The Princess?” She stuttered. I nodded. A great sparkle of hope glimmered in her eyes.

“Oh please tell me she can help us! She could find Pinkie right?”

I sighed. “I honestly don’t know Inkie. Celestia’s been really busy these days. It’s been hard for her to even read my letters. If she responds then she will assist us to no end, but I’m not counting on anything.” I placed the scroll on the desk. “For right now, we’re on our own.”

I lit up my horn and levitated my saddlebag off the floor, throwing the strap around my body. Inkie watched as I prepared to leave.

“What should I tell Spike when he wakes up?” Inkie asked.

“The only thing you can tell him; the truth.” I instructed.

Inkie nodded. A few quiet seconds passed by, the only sound in the library was the ticking of the living room clock. Then suddenly, Inkie leapt forward and wrapped her forelegs around me. I swore her hug was nearly as tight as Pinkie’s, although it felt more controlled.

“Please bring her back Twilight!” she said between sobs.

I returned the embrace. “I will. She’s going to be safe.”

She pulled away. “You promise?”

“I Pinkie Promise.” I did the gestures. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” I paused before the last word, making sure not to completely poke my eye out on the final stage of the promise, a tactic I’d learned from making the promise many times in the past.

Inkie smiled. “Be careful out there.”

“I will Inkie.” With that I began to head for the front door, pulling it open with my magic. By now the Equestrian sun was clearly peeking out over the horizon, flooding the landscape in light. The early morning birds were already out, their pleasant songs resounding throughout the town.

I took one last look behind me at the library. Inkie was standing in the doorway, watching as I slowly walked away from the treehouse.

“Good luck Twilight!”

That was the last thing I heard from her that day. Before long the library was out of sight and I was walking through Ponyville. Despite the daylight, most of the residents were still inside, either sleeping in or just now waking up to prepare for the morning. Spike would be up soon. It wouldn’t be long till he learns from Inkie of my absence, of the peril I was about to place myself in. I knew he would be scared, but I also knew he was strong. He would pull through it, I know he would.

A few minutes later and Ponyville was behind me, the shops and houses merely small blocks in the distance over the next hill. Up ahead of me was the edge of the Everfree. Despite the shine of the morning sun, the inside of the Everfree still seemed eerily dark, a strange world separate from the rest of Equestria. I always remember how Applejack had described it during that first long night in Ponyville. Unnatural.

I gulped as I came to a stop at the outer thicket of the woods. For several long seconds I just stared into the forest. I turned my head and took one last look at Ponyville in the distance before returning my attention to the forest.

This is it.

I clenched my eyes closed and counted down to myself.

“3... 2...1!”

Snapping my eyes open, I bounded into the woods, bracing myself for whatever dangers I may come across along the way.

There was no turning back.

Comments ( 5 )

this story is total awesomeness


Thank you! In my opinion it still has some tweaking that needs to be done. :pinkiehappy:

So more when?


Someone put this in the wrong shipping group of Applejack x Pinkie Pie. You might want to see about getting that corrected to target the audience for which it is intended.

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