• Published 28th May 2013
  • 5,708 Views, 346 Comments

Flu Season - The Fields of Ice

The flu, a simple annoying virus we catch every winter. Something we've come to see as common. However, this misconception will prove to be utterly false for all of Equestria, and maybe the world. For this is the story of the next great pandemic

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Chapter Eight: Symptomatic

Day Fifty Six
Infected: 1.239 Billion
Dead: 678 Million

Spike stepped out of his and Sweetie Belle’s bedroom to see Twilight lying on the living room sofa. The Alicorn sat reading a book. She appeared to be very deep into the story, but when a board beneath Spike’s foot creaked, her attention refocused. She smiled to him and moved over.

Spike took a seat next to her. “What are you reading?”

Twilight closed the leather book and sat it down next to her. “Oh, some romance novel Fluttershy had lying around.”

He raised an eyebrow. “A romance novel? I thought that was more Rarity’s thing.”

Twilight smiled. “While I may appear cold as stone, I do actually have a soft side.”

Spike’s expression suddenly went very grim as a thought crossed his mind. “I hope Applebloom and Applejack will be okay.”

Twilight leaned forward. “Spike, we just helped them burry their brother in the backyard. I think it’ll be a little while before they’re all smiles.”

Spike nodded. “You think that we should go talk to them?”

“I don’t know. Applejack did seem pretty pissed at Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle.”

The dragon shook his head. “I said we. As in you and me.”

Twilight took on a surprised expression. “Oh, I just assumed that Sweetie Belle would come too… Either way, I think we should give it some time.” Twilight then smiled faintly. “But I do think just the two of us visiting them is a good idea.”

Spike returned the smile. “Hey listen, I’m sorry I haven’t been talking to you all that much.”

“It’s okay, Spike. After all, things haven’t exactly calmed down enough to have a conversation.”

“That’s not what I mean. I’m talking about since Sweetie Belle and I…” Spike trailed off as Twilight rested a hoof onto his shoulder.

“You’re married, so it’s only natural that you wouldn’t talk to me as much. And I don’t blame you for that.”

He looked down. “Still, I could have been there for you more.”

“Well, if you’re so regretful, why don’t you make it up to me?”

Spike looked up, a little confused. “What do you mean?”

“I just have a feeling that we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other and we should probably start spending that time together. For starters, I was about to go on a walk, and was wondering if you’d like to come with me.”

Spike nodded and stood. “Sure I would, just let me get my coat.”

Twilight smiled. “Great.”

As Spike walked over to the coat rack, he could hear his bed creak. He assumed it was just Sweetie Belle wondering where he was. He had just finished adorning his jacket and began reaching for his respirator when he looked up to Sweetie Belle. “Hey, Twilight and I…” He trailed off and his blood ran cold.

Sweetie Belle was barely able to stand, propping herself against the wall, her fur was drenched in sweat, and her eyes were bloodshot. “Spike, I…” She trailed off before tumbling to the floor.

Spike just stood there, unable to move or react. It was as though every joint in his body had suddenly welded together. All the while, Twilight darted past him to her face mask and adorned it as she rushed to Sweetie Belle’s side.

‘This can’t be happening. THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!’

Suddenly, Spike sprang into action as if he’d been hit with a sudden jolt of electricity. He raced over to Sweetie Belle’s side and helped Twilight carry her. The two laid her down on his bed, and once again Spike just stared. Seeing her in such a helpless and pitiful state just did something to him. Nothing had ever affected him quite like this.

Realizing that her friend would be of no use to her in his current state of shock, Twilight ran to Fluttershy’s room and over to her bed. She began shaking her until she finally awoke.

“Get up! Get up!” Twilight screamed.

The Pegasus’ eyes fluttered open as she adjusted to consciousness. “Wha...”

“Sweetie Belle’s sick!”

Those words nearly made Fluttershy hurl herself out of bed. “What!?”

“Get your suits and whatever you have to treat this. Come on!”

“Okay! Okay!” replied Fluttershy as she went over to her closet. Inside was a box of suits similar to the one she first stepped outside in, another contained latex hoof covers, and, the last one, P100 respirators. She went about gathering two of each before throwing half to Twilight.

The two mares suited up and were about to leave when Fluttershy said “Oh, I almost forgot.” She then went back into her closet and took a pair of goggles as well as an IR thermometer. As she trotted past twilight, she handed her one of the goggles.

The two mares went right past Spike and got to work. Fluttershy started by taking her temperature, and Twilight by changing the sheets.

The small beep of the thermometer was followed by a loud “Damn it!”

“It’s 102.8” said Fluttershy.

“Okay” replied Twilight. “I’ll go get some water and add two thousand milligrams of vitamin D, but if you have some Tamiflu you aren’t telling us about, I’d be happy to get that too.”

“Unfortunately, no.”

Fluttershy then went over to Spike, who was still unresponsive. “Spike,” she said calmly. “I know you’re freaking out, but I need you to go get a wet rag from the bathroom. Make sure it’s cold. Can you do that?”

Spike took a moment, but finally nodded. As he walked out, he passed Twilight, who was carrying a glass of water in her magic. She sat down next to the unicorn and gently propped up her head. Sweetie Belle seemed pretty bad off, but was still somewhat responsive.

“Hey, I’m going to need you to drink this, okay?” she asked warmly.

Sweetie Belle nodded, and Twilight brought the glass to her lips. She was hardly able to get the first few sips down without coughing.

“It’s okay, don’t try to rush it.”

She nodded again and began to drink. Twilight was glad she didn’t add too much water because even an ounce was appearing to be difficult. She continued to repeat this process until all the water was gone.

Twilight smiled as she took the last sips. “Good. That’s very good.”

She then looked up to see Spike behind her, a damp cloth in his hand. “Come here,” demanded Twilight.

Spike sat down on the bed with her and brought the cloth to his wife’s forehead.

“Just keep dabbing like that, okay?”

Spike nodded.

“Twilight, could you come here for a second?” asked Fluttershy from the hallway.

Twilight stood and went over to the mare. “What is it?”

The Pegasus looked down, not wanting to say what she had to. “Twilight, I’m going to begin sealing up this room and the hallway with plastic, and I’m going to need your help.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course, it’s the only way to quarantine her.”

Fluttershy continued to avert her gaze. “Twilight, I need your help convincing Spike to leave.”

Twilight now understood her friend’s hesitation. “I see.”

“I’ll start gathering supplies.” And with that she turned and began down the hall.

The Alicorn slowly approached Spike before placing a hoof on his shoulder and taking a seat.

“I don’t understand,” began Spike, “She was just fine yesterday.”

Twilight nodded. “The black flu is fast. You could be fine one day and sick the next.”

He began to tear up. “What are we going to do, Twilight? I can’t lose her.”

She sighed sadly. “I know, Spike. I know… Listen, I’m going to need you to come with me.”

Spike looked confused. “What for?”

“We need to quarantine her, and we don’t want you to get sick.”

“You mean you want me to stay away from her?”

Twilight avoided eye contact. “It’s the only way. Please Spike, I know you love her, but I don’t want you to get sick. Do you understand?”

Spike stood. “How do you know I’m not sick too?”

“We don’t, but if you stay in here with her, you will be.”

“I’m not leaving her, Twilight. If something happens and I’m not there…”

“Spike,” Sweetie Belle said weakly. “Please, listen to her.” A tear began to roll down her cheek. “I-I don’t want you to see me like this.”

Spike slid his arm beneath her and gently lifted her up. “Sweetie, I can’t.”

“Please, if I got you sick I couldn’t live with myself. Please go.” By now, both were crying. Even Twilight couldn’t hold back a tear or two.

“Spike…” said Sweetie Belle.

“What is it?”

“I just want you to know I love you, and don’t you ever forget that. I’ll always love you.”

Spike began to cry heavier. “Don’t you dare start talking like that. I’m going to make sure you get better, you hear me?”

“Spike, please I don’t…” she trailed off as her eyes began to close.

“Sweetie Belle? What is it?! Wake up!” he yelled.

“Spike, we need to go,” pleaded Twilight.

Just then, an idea occurred to Spike. He wasn’t about to leave the mare he loved, and this would make sure of it. Slowly, he began to lean forward.

“Spike don’t!” screamed Twilight as she reached for him.

It was too late. Spike pressed his lips to Sweetie Belle’s for a solid five seconds. If this flu was going to take her from him, he wanted it to take him down with her.

Twilight began to sob. “You son of a bitch!”

He looked up to Twilight, his face soaked with tears. “I’m sorry, but I can’t lose her.”

The Alicorn turned and galloped out of the room. She ripped off her gloves and masks as she bolted for the door to Fluttershy’s cottage.


Fluttershy had just finished taping up the last sheets of plastic. She made sure that Spike and Sweetie Belle would still have access to the bathroom, but nothing else. She and Twilight would have to bring them food and clothing.

As she laid her roll of duct tape on the counter, she caught sight of Twilight sitting on the steps outside. She sighed as she began taking of her mask and gloves, on her way over to her. She stepped outside, but when the door opened, she didn’t look up. Fluttershy took a seat beside her and put a foreleg around her. Twilight wrapped her into an embrace and continued crying.

“Twilight, I promise I’ll do everything I can to help them.”

This caused Twilight’s crying to ease up, but only slightly. “W-We were going to go for a walk this morning. We even talked about how we were going to spend more time together… That’s all shit now!”

Fluttershy pulled her in a little closer. “He’ll be okay, and so will Sweetie Belle. You can’t give up on them.”

“He sure gave up on me! Did he even stop and think what losing him would do to me! Fuck no! He doesn’t give a damn about me!”

“Twilight, he does care about you. He loves you.”

“Yeah right! He cares about me so much that he wants to kill himself to get away from me!”

Fluttershy stood. “No! He cares about you, do you understand? Now get up.”

Twilight looked confused. “What? Why?”

“You’re coming with me to see him!”

She turned away. “Fuck no!”

Fluttershy was beginning to get angry. “Yes, because if this really is the end for him would you like to spend it crying on the ground like a little bitch or at his side!? Because if you stay like this, you will regret it for the rest of your life!”

Twilight was completely shocked, and honestly a little scared. “Okay, I’ll go,” she replied as she stood.

Slowly the two began to trot towards the plastic sheets. When they got there, they found Spike sitting in the hall next to the plastic. Twilight wiped her tears and took a seat.

“Twilight, I…” Spike trailed off as he looked over to see Twilight looking into his eyes with still unfallen tears clinging to them.

“You don’t want to lose Sweetie Belle, well…” a tear rolled down her cheek. “I don’t want to lose you. Did you even consider that?”

Spike began to cry as well. “I’m sorry.”

Twilight nodded as she continued to cry. She then looked to Spike and lifted her hoof to the plastic. Spike carefully lifted his hand and placed it atop her hoof.

Author's Note:

This chapter really only focuses on how quickly an unexpectedly one can become infected with influenza. Also, the panic surrounding a member of the household becoming infected.

Though the primary point I'm trying to get across is containment. If someone becomes infected, you should quickly quarantine that person with whatever you have at hand. And remember to close the air vents and if possible cover them with plastic. However, the quarantined person may leave their window open as long as it's not too cold or if there aren't people less than 10 feet away from it. And please, don't suffocate your patient.

But to be honest, this chapter was mostly intended to pull some heart strings.