• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 4,163 Views, 62 Comments

Her Void Pink - Darkryt Orbinautz

Twilight's been thinking about Pinkie Pie recently. She keeps control of it, afraid of how her friends might react. But circumstances conspire to bring Pinkie closer to her than she's comfortable with . . .

  • ...

Volatile Chemical Reaction, Part 1

What did I do to deserve this?

Twilight was wondering this, asking herself over and over again. Hoping that maybe one of the voices in her head would give an answer. Any answer. Even a poor, ill-thought out one that fell apart in the face of logic. But no, no such revelation.

Twilight's narrowed her eyes, realizing who was at fault for her woes.

Fluttershy! You made the voices in my head shut up!

Most ponies would think that voices in their heads being silenced was a good thing. But a pony doesn't really appreciate what they've got until it's gone. Twilight was certainly having that feeling.

Of course, Fluttershy wasn't really to blame for all of Twilight's problems. It was the businesspony, wasn't it? He was asking Pinkie Pie on a date! Her Pinkie Pie! Her little...cupcake. Hnn. She supposed if she was going to try to blame somepony, she might as well blame Pinkie Pie for...for...for being so beautiful...

All the clarity and cleared thoughts Twilight had received from the thirty minute nap under the waterfall was going to be sapped in two minutes if this businesspony didn't go away.

Pinkie had her lips turned away as she thought over the businesspony's request.

Okay, okay...Twilight took in some deep breaths. Pinkie was going to think about it, and ultimately say no and send the businesspony on his way.

The bell on the entrance to the bakery rang,

Oh...no. Twilight facehooved. Her hopes were about to dashed, she was certain.

A white unicorn that almost resembled a marshmallow darted inside the bakery, whipping her head around like a tiger on the hunt. Rarity.

"Where is he? Where is he!?"

Twilight, of course, knew what she was here for. She was going to try to get the businesspony interested in her dresses. Probably get close to him, and maybe cozy up. Possibly flirt with him, if she thought she could cross that line.

Rarity saw him and smiled to herself. She bounced her curls and strutted towards him with her head held high.

"Hello, sailor!" Rarity greeted. The businesspony turned to face her with confusion.

"Do I...know you?"

"Oh, we've met. I understand if you don't remember me, though. I wasn't that memorable."

"Oh! Oh, yes. You were one of Miss Pie's friends here, weren't you?"

"Yes! So, what are you doing here?" Rarity questioned, curling her eyebrows subtly, but flirtatiously.

"I was asking Miss Pinkie out on a date." The businesspony answered.

"Oh, that's nice...what?" Rarity's eyes went blank, trying to comprehend the businesspony's insane logic as to why he would ask messy Pinkie Pie out. Then she got this other look in her eyes. One Twilight picked up on.

Rarity had better not be thinking what Twilight thought was thinking...

Rarity, if you're going to do what I think you are, I am going to...to...

To what, exactly? Hurt her? That would alienate her from all her friends. Insult her? That would just engage them in a war of words.

"Uh, this may sound strange." Rarity said airily. "But perhaps you'd let me talk to our dear Miss Pinkie before you make any plans?"

The businesspony raised an eyebrow. It was indeed sounding strange. But he nodded and left the building.

"Pinkie Pie, might I make a request?"

Pinkie blinked. "What?"

"Please go out on this date with him!" Rarity exclaimed.

Pinkie and Spike stared blankly, befuddled while Twilight fumed and raged internally. Rarity was doing exactly what Twilight was fearing! She was going to talk Pinkie into going on this date...while, of course, wearing one of Rarity's dresses to impress the Canterlot pony.

"Why?" Pinkie questioned.

"She wants you to be a commercial for her dresses!" Twilight snapped, pounding her hoof into the table.

Everypony stared. Rarity chuckled airily and nervously.

"What? No, no..." Rarity tsked.

Twilight let out an absolutely bestial growl. "Gnrrrr!"

Rarity backed away. "All right, I confess! I want Pinkie to go out with him so he'll see the dress I will make just for the occasion and be impressed!"

Pinkie put her hoof to to her mouth in apprehension, unsure of what to do about the entire situation. On top of that, Spike had noticed Twilight's outburst.

"Are you all right, Twilight?" Spike asked, grabbing Twilight's hoof to support her.

Twilight shook her head. "No, I...I've been worrying so much lately, and now..."

That business pony and Rarity are working together to take Pinkie Pie away from me! Twilight hissed mentally.

"Pinkie, listen to me. You don't have to do anything on this date." Rarity said. "Just go out and eat dinner with him. That's all you have to do."

Twilight narrowed her eyes and growled.

"But-but it's Twilight's Celebratory Week! I'm supposed to spend the rest of today and tomorrow with her, not some-random businesspony so you can advertise your dress!"

Rarity faltered, realizing she had been somewhat disrespectful to Pinkie's customs. Twilight smiled and relaxed a little bit. Pinkie wasn't going to leave her... yet.

"Well, uh..." Rarity stammered, still not ready to give up her ambitions. "Twilight could chaperone!"

Chaperone? Really? That's what Rarity comes up with?

Pinkie scratched her chin. "That might work..."

"Excellent! If you'll come to the Boutique, we'll get started on an excellent new dress for you..."

"Okay...can we finish our cupcakes first, though?"

Rarity nodded, and went outside to see if she could still find the businesspony.

"I haven't agreed to any of this." Twilight Sparkle reminded them before muffling herself with a bite of cupcake. Nom nom nom.

After finishing that, they went back to the Carousel Boutique, where Rarity spirited Pinkie Pie away into the fitting room, masking the both of them behind some sort of fancy over-sized shower curtain. Twilight was left outside to watch while hearing the sounds of of cloth being Rarefied.

"Is the curtain really necessary. Rarity?" Twilight questioned, a little upset that she couldn't see or touch Pinkie Pie.

"Normally, I'd agree with you, darling. But these are special circumstances- hold still!" Rarity answered, having to scold Pinkie mid-sentence.

"I can't help it!" Pinkie yowled. "Being still is boring!"

"Perhaps, but be patient! You DO want this dress to look nice, don't you?"

Don't you mean you want this dress to look nice, Rarity? Twilight thought.

"Done!" Rarity exclaimed with pride at last. Rarity pulled the curtain away, allowing Pinkie in her new dress to be seen by the world.

Twilight's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

It was a very, very nice dress. Nicer than the one Twilight had made for herself.

Black crisscrossing straps were on Pinkie's legs. They reached further up on her hind legs and went further up than on her front ones. Cut cloth like tarps were divided in two on her back, one over her rear and haunches, the other around her neck. The one on her rear reached over her Cutie Mark, covering it slightly, leaving only the strings of the balloons visibly, teasing as just what the strings were connected to. Her mane was braided just, just slightly, and put on the left of her face. Rarity had also seen fit to give Pinkie some black stripes leading to her chest that alternated, revealing her skin, but also covering it. There was one of those, those, uh, neck thingies furled around Pinkie's neck, kinda making her look like a vampire.

It was too much for Twilight to handle. The dress was specifically designed to tease, and it did that job well. Twilight was going to start panting any minute now if she didn't do something.

She dashed for the door, as getting out of the room was the first thought she had.

"Twilight!" Pinkie exclaimed. She jumped off Rarity's pedestal and dashed after Twilight. Before Twilight could escape through the doors of the Carousel Boutique and ruin her own Week, Pinkie tackled her to the ground.

"What's wrong, Twilight?"

Rarity stepped into the room. "Indeed. Do you not like the dress?"

"Uh, um...oooh." Twilight stammered, unable to think with Pinkie Pie lying right on top of her. "Pinkie, could you..."

Take me here and now!

"Maybe get off me?"

"Sure!" Pinkie trawled off Twilight.

Twilight looked at her friends looking down at her. Rarity was still clearly waiting for an answer from Twilight. Pinkie was half-smiling, hoping Twilight was okay.

Twilight sighed. "Can we go home, Pinkie?"

Pinkie nodded. Pinkie gave Twilight her hoof and helped pull her up to her own hooves. The two of them began their trot towards the exit of the Boutique while Rarity waved them off uncertainly, unsure of what just happened.

"Have a nice day...?" The marshmallow muttered, waving her hoof goodbye.

"So, what was that all about, Twilight?" Pinkie asked once they were outside the Boutique. Twilight kept her gaze on the ground, not wanting to look at Pinkie Pie at the moment. Partially because she didn't want to be nearly overcome with lust again. Partially because she didn't want to face the bizarre thing she just did. From an observer's standpoint, she had run out of the room and then didn't explain why she ran out of the room.

"...I don't want to talk about it." Twilight murmured quietly.

"Okie-dokie-lokie." Pinkie said, a note of sadness in her voice. Twilight knew why it was there. Pinkie was sad that she couldn't help Twilight with whatever was troubling the unicorn.

Mustering a great amount of courage, Twilight raised her head up to look at her friend. Pinkie looked back, an oblivious smile on her face. There was a slight shimmer to it, though. A crease in a certain direction that said "You can tell me anything."

"I..." Twilight said, almost ready to confess. To drop the charade, the not-quite-lies, the control, and the masks right then, there, here, now. "...I want to know why you agreed to do this. To go on this date."

Almost, but not quite there yet.

"Oh, well that's easy!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Because if I didn't, that would make Rarity disappointed, and disappointed is way, way WAY too close to sad and-"

"You don't like making ponies sad." Twilight repeated Pinkie's oft-repeated mantra.

"Mm-hm!" Pinkie reassured with an affirmative nod.

The two of them retrieved Spike and headed back to the library, where Twilight Sparkle brushed her teeth and hair and tucked in early. She was going to need a very large amount of sleep to deal with tomorrow...

"Mmmmm..." Twilight moaned once she entered her void. Her sanctuary that had been lost had returned to its proper status. The dreams she had that turned into nightmares she feared. They were so much more preferable to what was waiting for her on the opposite end of tomorrow. She saw the mannequin, standing shyly next to a wheeled stool like the ones doctors use.

Twilight could easily put two and two together. She was a mathematical genius, after all. This was the event at the doctor's where Twilight had to decide whether or not Pinkie could play on the stool or not.

Remembering what had happened at the doctor's in the real world, Twilight trotted up to the mannequin and wrapped her hoof around its.

Like in the doctor's office, Twilight didn't want to let go. But where she hadn't let go of Pinkie's because she didn't want Pinkie to let go. Here, she was holding so tightly because she really, really, really did not want to wake up and face the horror awaiting her tomorrow night.

To face Pinkie going out on a date with that agreeable-enough stallion whom was the face of soulless corporation. What if Pinkie Pie liked him? What if he wooed her? Worse yet, what if the date went well, but the businesspony decided he didn't like Pinkie Pie as much as he thought he did, while Pinkie, in turn, fell for him!? She would be crushed, if that happened!

...As unlikely as it was to. But Twilight needed to be able to prepare for any eventuality, any possibility.

On top of all that, there was her first dream's events to consider. Where the mannequin engaged her in a furious make-out session without her consent. In what sense would that come true? Sure, there was some leeway between what happened in the dream and what happened in real life, but still...would Twilight lose her composure and do that to Pinkie in front of the businesspony to show him Pinkie was hers, not his or anypony else? Would the businesspony do it to Pinkie?

Worse yet, would she do it, not because she wanted to show the businesspony Pinkie was hers...

But because she had finally cracked?

Twilight grunted when she woke up. She didn't want to be up today. Not today. Not this day of all days. If there was something, anything she could do to make this day not happen or- somehow remove herself from it, that would be grand. Maybe she could talk Spike through making a sleeping potion and have him give it to her so she couldn't attend the date. Maybe she could talk him through it to make enchanted, like the princess in the fairy tale, so that she wouldn't wake up until her true love kissed her. (The enchantment would be rigged to make it so that 'true love' meant "Pinkie Pie" of course.)

Hmm...if she did that, there would not be any guarantee Pinkie Pie would be the one to kiss her unless she explicitly told Spike as such.

Perhaps she could find a monster that would turn her into stone long enough for her to miss the date.

Maybe she could revisit her voices' suggestion of taking an entire bottle of medicine and killing herself...no, no. Better idea! Taking a particular combination of medicines which would put her in state of not-quite-death that she could come of once the date was over. Or possibly suffocate herself with her pillow. Or strangle herself with her blanket. Or bury herself under a book fort and asphyxiate herself under its weight. Or maybe, just maybe, she could write the Princess and get a ridiculously long homework assignment that would keep her from going to the date.

...That's actually a fairly good idea. Spike! Where was Spike? SPIKE! Get over here!

"What?" Spike asked, sorely rubbing his newly opened eyes. "Twilight, what time is it?"

Oh... that was a good point. Would Celestia be up by now? Twilight looked outside at the window. The sun was up. Of course! How could Twilight be so stupid? The sun was up, therefore Princess Celestia was up. Celestia raised the sun. How would've the sun rose if Celestia wasn't up!?

Celestia might have been having a problem like Twilight, and asked Luna to raise the sun today so she could sleep in. That was one way. How likely was that, though?

"I want you to write a letter to the Princess, Spike." Twilight said.

"At..." Spike picked up a clock. His weary eyes blinked, and he tossed the clock away. "Whatever time it is!?"

"Yes." Twilight answered without a hint of irony or sarcasm.

"Uggh!" Spike picked up the utensils for writing the letter. "What do you want to say?"

Twilight levitated the tools of Spike's claws. "It's private."

Spike glared. "You've been sending a lot of private letters lately...and if it's private, why did you wake me up!?"

Twilight glared at him imperiously, telling him instantly he was out of line. "I still need you to send it."

Twilight began writing out the letter, spell-checking every word twice individually, then checking punctuation. All while occasionally looking to see Pinkie still asleep on the bed set up for her.

Dear Celestia,

The pony that I mentioned to you in our last correspondence is now going out on a date as a favor to one of my other friends. I've been invited to chaperone, and for a Ponyville custom I don't want to bore you with, I have to stay with the pony. But I don't think I can stand to see her

Twilight glared at her letter. She drew the ink over the word 'her' over and over until it was totally obscured by ink and wrote 'them' instead. Anything she said that could've narrowed down the pony of her affections was unacceptable.

Them with this other pony on a date! Can you help? Maybe send me a long assignment?

Twilight re-read the letter over and over at least three times before deciding it was ambiguous enough while getting her point across. She gave it to Spike, giving the order for him not to read it. Using "Ponyville custom" was an excellent way to refer to her Week Pinkie was celebrating.

A minute later, there was a reply. Twilight snatched it out of the air before Spike could even realize he had belched it out. She unfurled and was incredibly distraught by her mentor's reply.

Wouldn't giving you this assignment mean breaking the custom you mentioned? Or that you would have to take with it you during your chaperoning?

Twilight blinked. She blinked again. She blinked one more time before reading it again and again...and again...and again...and again.

Her own brilliant scheme had been undone by her brilliant way of not revealing what was keeping her tied to Pinkie. D'oh!

Twilight read it one more time. This time, she was so infuriated by it that she used her magic to set aflame and let its ashes fall to the floor.

Spike stared worriedly as the black remnants of the paper fell down. "Are you...okay, Twilight?"

Twilight whipped around to look at him. Her eye twitched. Her tail perked up in a way that was very not perky. She was ready to scream at him and break down there.


"I'm FINE." Twilight hissed at him.

"You sure?" Spike asked.

Twilight grimaced at him.

Neither of them notice Pinkie pop out of her covers, mistaking the smell of the paper burning as somepony starting -and burning- breakfast.

Spike was putting his claws together and smiling forcefully, quite rightfully fearful of whatever Twilight might do because of his idiocy in asking if she was sure she was fine.

"...Come here, Spike." Twilight told him. Spike was hesitant. (Who wouldn't be!?) but complied, approaching Twilight. Twilight wrapped her front leg around him and started petting the scales on his head like a puppy.

"Twilight, what are you doing?" Spike asked. It was a good question, but the answer was obvious, wasn't it?

"I'm petting you, Spike." Twilight answered, with an unnerving stoniness in her tone. Spike could tell she was on the verge of some sort of breakdown. He'd be more at ease knowing which sort, though. If he knew what whether it was a 'The Princess is visiting' or 'I'm about to be late for my homework' type, it'd be easier to safeguard her against herself. "Do you not like being petted?"

"Well, no-" Spike answered, but the instant he formed the consonant, Twilight adjusted her technique, causing him to change his mind. "Yes!" He made an indistinct noise of contentment and buried his head in Twilight's breast.

Twilight continued to glare out the window, her mind incomprehensible to even herself. She continued stroking Spike's scales for a while. Twilight stopped, gave Spike a proper hug, then lifted him up onto her back.

"Spike, could you wrap your tail around the base of mine?" Twilight requested.

"Uh...okay." Spike said, attempting to curl his tail around the base of Twilight's as instructed. He eventually managed.

"Now pull." Twilight instructed.

Spike raised an eyebrow, but did his best to do so. The feeling of Spike's muscular (for his size), cool, scaly reptilian tail pulling directly at the hairs in her Cutie Mark was relaxing to Twilight.

Twilight took in a deep breath and sighed. "Thank you, Spike. You can stop now, if you'd like, but if you want to keep going, it's fine."

"Okay..." Spike eyed the knot of tails, and started experimenting with different ways of looping it.

"So..." Pinkie said after the tension in the room had passed. "Breakfast?"

Twilight looked to Spike. Spike saluted and hopped off her back. "I'm on it!" He scampered down the stairs. Twilight sat down on all fours, admiring Pinkie as she yawned and stretched.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Pinkie asked.

Take you under my bed and stamp MIIINE! on your chest in sparkling beads. Twilight thought.

I want to wake up in the morning with my nose next to yours.

I want us to argue late at night at whose turn is it to wash the dishes.

I want to go to bed, secure in the knowledge your tail will be twisted around mine in a mess.

I want you to not go that date. Forget about Rarity. Rarity doesn't love you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't say that. She does love you...but she doesn't love you the way I do. She won't hold you the way I will. She won't protect you the way I will. She won't...TREAT you the way I will.

"I..." Twilight started. She was ready to shout.


Pinkie stared blankly. But not the way a pony would stare at a friend whose yelled. The way a pony stared at a...CRAZY pony.

"Twilight, why is your mouth open if you're not talking?"

What? Not talking!? But...but...she was so sure she'd yelled that so loud the HEAVENS could have heard her! Why...!?

"Spike!" Twilight shouted, looking for a new topic. Deflecting, as psychologist called it. "Is breakfast ready yet?"

"No!" Spike shouted back with exasperation. "Hold your ponies, Twilight! Geez!"

Twilight frowned, unsure of what her next move should be. Of what it could possibly be.

Twilight and Pinkie laid in the bed, staring at one another with totally different emotions behind their glares. Pinkie's, it was excitement at a brand new day and slight confusion towards Twilight's behavior. Twilight's, a visor, a pair of sunglasses, or lenses trying to hide the emotional whirlwind swirling inside her head. Hiding, that all she wanted to do was just hold Pinkie's hoof and never, ever have to let go. To stop the clock. Not just stop it, but shove a metal pole so far up its gears that its grandchildren clocks (pun not intended) would feel it.

"Breakfast is done!" Spike shouted. Pinkie and Twilight both got off the bed and headed down for some of Spike's pancakes. Pinkie and Spike eat the way they always did. Messily. Like pigs. Or slobs. Happily. Like pigs rolling in mud. Or children. Twilight, however, merely levitated a fork at her pancake, scooping off little bites so tiny in mass and diameter she could barely nibble on them.

"Seriously, Twi." Spike said, noticing Twilight's eating pattern. "If there's something wrong..."

Everything is wrong, Spike.

"Just...tell me, okay? If not me, then Rainbow Dash or Applejack or anypony. We're your friends, but we can't help you if we don't know what's going on."

Twilight merely scraped at her plate. "Thanks, Spike."

The cogs in Twilight's head started turning again, freshly oiled by Spike's suggestion. "You know what? Maybe Applejack can help. We'll drop by after breakfast."

"N'okay." Pinkie agreed through a mouthful of pan-cooked pastry.

After they finished eating- well, after Pinkie and Spike finished eating. It was questionable whether Twilight had even started at all- Twilight went to the bathroom to brush her mane. Pinkie followed, of course. Twilight offered the brush to Pinkie.

Do you want me to do that for you?

No thanks. I got it.

After Pinkie...made motions that could be mistaken for brushing her mane at a distance, Twilight was ready to head to Sweet Apple Acres. She and Pinkie went out, locking the door behind them as they left Spike alone. Twilight maintained her usual trot while Pinkie bounced. They arrived to find Applejack bucking apple trees. Of course. Finding her doing anything else would be tantamount to anarchy.

"Applejack!" Twilight shouted. "Do you have a minute?"

Applejack bucked a tree, shaking the apples on it free and dumping them into the baskets set beside its trunk. "Sure!" Applejack trotted towards them. "Wut can Ah do ya fer?"

"I'm...upset about something." Twilight said vaguely.

"Ya mean tha' date?"

Twilight's eyes widened. How did Applejack-

"Rarity got us all together and told us everythin'." Applejack explained at Twilight's glare. "Now, Ah know it's supposed to be yer week, Twilight. But think of it this way; yer sufferin' a little bit to help Rarity a lot!"

Twilight's eye twitched. A little? A LITTLE!?

Applejack, do you have any IDEA- no, no. Of course you don't. I'd be worried if you did.

But Twilight shook her head. "Thanks, Applejack. I'll see you around...come on, Pinkie." Twilight turned to leave. Pinkie stopped to wave Applejack goodbye before following. Twilight didn't really feel any better from Applejack's words, but at least she had gotten the idea to see her other friends before night fell.
The two advanced onto Fluttershy's cottage, Pinkie not really knowing -or being too concerned- with why they were going to Fluttershy's again already.

Twilight tentatively knocked on the door. Angel opened it, closed it, and then Fluttershy opened again at a crack's width just large enough to see them. "Oh, hello, Twilight. Do you want to go to my oasis again already?"

"No, no." Twilight shook her head.

"Oh...is this about the date?"

Twilight nodded. "I was...hoping you might have something to say, Fluttershy."

"Oh, um..." Fluttershy's eye shifted away. "Well... try to enjoy yourself. I hear the businesspony is paying, and you'll go to one of Ponyville's, um, 'fancy' places, so there's that. That's nice...isn't it?"

Twilight supposed. But what amount of fancy, overpriced food was worth the risk of losing a lo... whatever this was?

"I guess there's that." Twilight turned around, motioning for Pinkie to follow. The two trotted back into the grassy clearing where Rainbow Dash liked hanging out. She wasn't there at first, so they sat down and waited.

Pinkie looked got distracted by the shine of dew on a blade of grass.

Finally, after half an hour, Rainbow Dash flew into view, clearly upset about something. She was muttering curses and other ill words about her boss under her breath. Perhaps now wasn't the best time to ask for emotional advice...

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight said.

"Hmm?" Dash poked her head out from the cloud. "Oh, hey guys. You want to see another trick of mine?"

"As fun as that sounds, Rainbow Dash, I wanted to ask you something." Twilight answered. "About the date?"

Dash scratched her head. "What date?"

Twilight was a little annoyed. Just like Rainbow not to remember being told about the date and its unusual situation. She probably blew it off as "Mushy stuff." and didn't consider it important.

"Never mind." Twilight said before leading Pinkie away.

As the two of them walked, Pinkie was starting to take the hint that Twilight wasn't aware she was giving.

"You don't want to go and chaperone this date, do you, Twilight?" Pinkie asked. A surprisingly sensitive and to-the-point question for her. Twilight was caught a little off-guard, and she had her answer prepped and ready.

No, no, I don't want YOU to go on this date, Pinkie Pie. Twilight clarified in her mind.

"It's not that, Pinkie Pie, it's..." Twilight rolled her eyes. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You keep saying that." Pinkie informed her.

"Well, I DON'T!" Twilight snapped. She put her hoof on her mouth after she realizing she had raised her voice. "I'm sorry, Pinkie, I'm just so stressed out right now..."

"About? OH! You know what? The Cakes have this weird drink they always make me drink when I start experimenting with my fireworks. It tastes funny. I think they call it, like, extra-strength camomile tea, or something."

"Pinkie, I'd rather go back to the library and read a book."


They returned to the library, where Spike greeted Twilight with a letter from the Princess.

To My Most Faithful Student,

I have reviewed the contents of some of your letters recently, and have come to the conclusion that you are having severe emotional distress. I have sent this letter to Spike, enclosed with some crossword puzzles. They should help get your mind off things.

"Oooh!" Twilight squealed with excitement, her previous troubles already forgotten at the mere thought. "Where did you put the puzzles, Spike?"

Spike held them up. "Right here." Twilight took them with her magic and dashed towards the table with a pen ready.

"Let's see..." Twilight scanned over the first puzzle and instantly set to work on it.

Across, three letter word for rodent... Rat.

Down, twelve letter word for insect...grasshopper. Duh.

Across, six letter word for kitchen activity...baking.

Across, eight letter word for deity...Celestia.

Down, nine letter word for robot...automaton.

Across, six letter word for baked good...Pinkie Pie. No, wait! AAAAAAGH!

And she was doing so well at having put that out of her mind.

Twilight looked at the window. It was getting dark. How'd it get dark already? She hadn't done that many parts of the puzzle, had she!?

Looking through them, Twilight could she had done that many. She just hadn't took particular note of all the problems. She did feel a surge of pride that she was just that good, though.

"Twilight!" Pinkie exclaimed. "We need to get dressed for the date!"

Twilight turned around to see Spike handing Pinkie's dress on a hanger, with Twilight's own in his other claw. Pinkie pulled her dress against her chest and looked at Twilight, pleading for her to hurry up. Twilight magicked the dress away from Spike and told him to leave them alone. Of course, he pointed out that they didn't normally wear clothes. So why should he have to leave? Twilight said it didn't have anything to do with that. (Which was completely true, actually.)

Somehow, Pinkie had wormed her way back into her lust-inducing...err, her simultaneously both classy and skimpy...n-no, her-um, her...oh, forget it. Her dress.

Twilight walked over to the other side of her desk for cover and pulled her gray, star-cut dress. As much she wanted to be near Pinkie, putting clothes on right in front of her without anything to obscure herself was still outside of her comfort zone.

The two of them dashed out the door and sprinted at first, but after some distance, they were close enough to the restaurant that they could walk and get there on time.

Well, this is a fine mess we're in.


Why don't you solve all your problems right now and just kiss her?

Twilight furrowed her brow. The voices in her head were back.

Oh! That's funny. You seemed upset when we left yesterday at the Corner.

That's true...still, couldn't you at least say something USEFUL?

Oh! Did you hear that, girls? She wants us to say something useful!




Twilight eventually succumbed to the chorus of laughter inside her head. Haaahaha! Expecting the voices inside her head to offer something useful. Haha!


"Uh, Twilight?"

Twilight snapped her trap shut at the sound of Pinkie's voice. "Um, yes, Pinkie Pie?"

"What are you laughing at?"

"Oh...um..." Twilight mumbled, trying to stall while she thought of an explanation. "I, uh, just remembered a joke I was told!"

"Ooh! Was it funny? I love funny jokes!"

"Um, it's a librarian joke. You wouldn't get it."

"Oh. Okay. The only thing worse than a joke that isn't funny is a joke that you have to explain!" Pinkie merrily said, not taking any issue with Twilight's haphazard explanation.

They were at the restaurant door now...

Well, Twilight thought. This isn't going to be pleasant for me.

"Come on. Let's go inside." Twilight dictated to Pinkie. They entered and found the businesspony waiting at a seat by the desk clerk.

"Ah. Thank you for showing up on time. I...have not always had my dates show when they were supposed to." The askew direction of his eyes suggested that his previous dates had actually stood him up. This garnered him a little sympathy form Twilight. But then she remembered why she was here.

"Please forgive me if I sound rude, but why are you here?" The businesspony asked Twilight.

"I'm here to chaperone." Twilight answered like she had been practicing the line for a play for months on end.

The buisnesspony looked understandably confused. "I was not aware I needed chaperoning."

Twilight put on a rather large smile. "Who said you were the one who needed chaperoning?"

The businesspony's eyes went bug-sized, and he looked at Pinkie like seeing her in a new, more violent and dangerous light.

"What?" Twilight asked at his expression. "Oh...don't worry, she won't hurt you."

The businesspony expression went to one of less concern, but an observant pony could see sighs of nervousness still present.

"So, shall we eat?" The businesspony asked after clearing his throat. They approached the clerk, who checked if they had a reservation. Once the businesspony had established that he did, the clerk led them to a table.

A waiter came up and dropped menus on the table for them. "Do you know what you would like to drink?"

Twilight ordered some sparkling water. The businesspony asked for a dark soda. Pinkie had to skim over to the last page of the menu before asking for a fruit punch. The waited jotted down their orders and told them to think about what they wanted to eat while she got the drinks.

"So, Miss Pie, tell me about yourself." The businesspony said.

"Well, I like making ponies smile, and baking- OH! And siiinging! Don't forget the singing." Pinkie answered. "Anything about myself I missed, Twilight?"

Twilight was confused to as why Pinkie would ask for a second opinion of herself. But she answered while giving the businesspony uncomfortable glances. "You're, uh, very spontaneous."

"There ya go! I'm spontaneous!" Pinkie declared proudly. "Whatever that means!"

The businesspony raised an eyebrow. "Quite. Myself, I..."

He proceeded to go on about his success story. Twilight rested her knee on the table and supported her head with her hoof, not really caring. She zoned out, with only the voices in her head audible.

You know, you really shouldn't hate this businesspony so badly. He's just like you, really: he has a crush on Pinkie that he just can't help. Not his fault you didn't have the confidence to say something before he did-

I do NOT have a crush on Pinkie!

You're right; It's really more of an unhealthy obsession.

"SHUT UP!" Twilight slammed her hoof on the table, causing the silverware to clatter, Pinkie and the businesspony to look at her oddly, and the waiter to hesitate in bringing their drinks.

Twilight used her magic trick to blush to enhance the natural blush she was forming. "Oh, I'm sorry. There was... a fly in my ear."

Before Pinkie or the businesspony could say anything, the waiter rushed over, sympathetic. "Oh, I hear you, girlfriend! A fly in the ear is the WORST! Anyways, here are your drinks." The waiter laid their drinks on the table and pulled her notebook. "Now, what will you have to eat?"

"Some grass Parmesan would be lovely." The businesspony said.

"Grass Parmesan for the gentlecolt." The waiter said. He turned to Pinkie. "You?"

"Uh...this tofu flamagnon sounds good!"

Twilight rushed to keep a mistake from being made. "Oh, you wouldn't like that, Pinkie. Here. Let me recommend something for you." Twilight took the menu (even though she had her own) and dragged her hoof across. "You'd probably like the parfait le trois." Twilight handed the menu back over.

"Okay!" Pinkie said. "You're a Canterlot pony, so I bet you have some experience with this stuff!" Pinkie offered her menu to the waiter. "I'll have what she said."

"Excellent." The waiter turned to Twilight. "You, miss?"

"...Some Alfredo noodles, please."

"Alfredo. Thy will be done!" The waiter said jokingly. "I'll take the rest of your menus, if you don't mind."

The waiter left them, leaving them to chat.

"So, you're from Canterlot as well?" The businesspony asked Twilight.

"Yeah...I live in Ponyville now."

"I see." The businesspony nodded his head. "Pardon, but did you do anything while there?"

"Oh..." Twilight turned her head away. "I did, but I wouldn't want you to feel overwhelmed."

"Oh, no, no." He insisted. "Tell me. I can take it."

Twilight doubted that. He wouldn't suddenly start fretting about himself if he found she was the Princess' student? Unlikely. Twilight knew first hoof- and completely understood, often being on the receiving end- why a pony would be intimated by somepony as high-ranking as "The Princess' Most Faithful Student' and she really didn't want to ruin this night for him. Even if she wanted to burn the place to the ground just because he had asked for the date. Actively sabotaging so she could have Pinkie to herself would be a hollow victory.

"I had a scholarship." Twilight told him.


"Mh-hm. I had to move to Ponyville to continue my studies."

"Oh my. That's saddening."

"Not really. I didn't like having to come here, but after what I experienced...I asked for it." Twilight looked up, remembering her first, most wonderful experience with her friends.

"My mistake." The businesspony said. "Ah. I do believe that is the waiter with our food."

The waiter had indeed returned, carrying a tray of their dishes they ordered. She set them out, saying the names of the dishes aloud and making sure she had gotten who ordered what right.

"I'll leave you to it."

The three of them started eating. Twilight, of course, had the manners to use the correct silverware (dumb restaurants with their fancy multiple silverware. Salad fork, soup spoon...what more did a pony need beyond the basic fork-knife-spoon set-up?)

Pinkie, however, just started pigging out, burying her muzzle into the dish and eating like...well, a big pink pig!

Twilight caught the businesspony staring. "Something wrong, sir?"

"No..." The businesspony answered. "I just wasn't expecting your friend here to have such an appetite, is all. You must be quite hungry."

Pinkie paused, lowering the dish from her muzzle. "No. Just regular hungry. Why ya asking?"

He wasn't asking, Pinkie...

"No reason." The business pony assured her, returning to his own dish.

The proceeding meal was quiet. Nopony said anything. The bussinesspony didn't try to brag or flaunt himself. Or flirt. Though Pinkie's messy eating was starting to attract unwarranted attention from other ponies at the restaurant.

Once they had finished...mmh...Twilight rubbed her belly in satisfaction. The Alfredo here was fantastic, and filling. Anyways, once they were done, the bussinesspony pulled out his checkbook.

"Now, do either of you lovely ladies desire a desert?"

Pinkie stared blankly. "If we wanted a desert, why wouldn't we just go to Sugarcube Corner?"

Now it was the bussinesspony's turned to stare. "I'm sorry?"

"If you want a treat, you go to Sugarcube Corner! Everypony in Ponyville knows that!"

"Pinkie." Twilight said, stepping in by poking her friend in the wither. "He's not in Ponyville, he's just visiting." She turned back to him. "Remember Sugarcube Corner? You tried to buy it? Well, all the ponies are just so friendly it's treated as a serious offense to go to anywhere but there for a desert snack."

"I see..." The businesspony said. He scribbled in his checkbook, and tore the resulting check out and left it on the table. "Well, I presume that means that IF you want a desert, you'll retire to the S-C-C. Would you like me to join you there?"

"No thank you." Twilight said. "No offense, but we don't know you that well, yet."

"Ah! None taken. Understandable." He hopped out of his seat. "Well, provided you have nothing else you need, I'll make my leave now. Perhaps we should do this again sometime."

He took another glimpse of Pinkie's sparkling-clean plate, and her scattered, abandoned, neglected silverware.

"Then again, perhaps not." The bussinesspony muttered quietly, but not so quiet that Twilight couldn't hear. She felt a pressure lift off her heart. "By the way, you two simply must tell where you got those dresses!"

"Rarity's Boutique!" They both answered instantly and quickly, having nearly forgotten that was why they were there in the first place.

"All right. Well, let's go to Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie declared, hopping out of her seat.

"What?" Twilight question, not expecting that. "Why? Do you want a desert, Pinkie?"

"No. Well, yes! But we have another, more important reason to be there!"

Twilight nervously stepped out of her seat. "What's that?"

Pinkie turned to face Twilight an expression that wasn't quite serious Pinkie, but it was on that edge. That precipice.

"It's the last day of your Week, silly."

Twilight's eyebrows shot up her face. She quickly dashed away from her chair, accidentally knocking it over, and rushed to Pinkie's side.

"Well..." Twilight dared to take Pinkie's hoof in hers. "Shall we?"

"We shall!" Pinkie answered enthusiastically, raising her snout in the air, having no problems with Twilight's action.

As they walked out of the restaurant, under the bright, beautiful moonlight, Pinkie got a pensive expression.

"Twilight, can I tell you something?"

"Sure." Twilight replied quietly. Was it going to be what she wanted to hear...?

"I didn't enjoy that date thingy. It wasn't fun."

Oh, YES! YES! Not quite the "I've been infatuated with you" Twilight was hoping for, but it was a close second! An extremely close, encouraging, hope-increasing second! YES!

As they walked from the fancy restaurant towards the Sugarcube Corner, Twilight felt a soft breeze. Under the wind's gusty influence, the flowers and grass swayed hypnotically. Before she even realized it, Twilight was rocking her head to their sweet, floral rhythm, her neck craned, and her tail wrapping around Pinkie's.

"Twilight, what's that for?" Pinkie asked, looking at her tail. She then looked at Twilight and said with all the warmth of a doting mother. "Are you cold? Is the wind getting to you?"

Twilight saw the opportunity for her, and took it with outstretched metal claws. "Yes, Pinkie...the wind is getting to me."

"Aww...here! You cuddle next to me to stay warm!"

Twilight's inner child giggled at her plan having worked. Well, her inner everything, really. She rubbed the side of her neck against Pinkie's and put her head to Pinkie's cheek. "Thanks, Pinkie."

"No problem! Anything for a friend!"

Anything? Are you surrre about that, Pinkie Pie?

They reached Sugarcube Corner, after much walking and having to endure the hypnotizing flowers.

"Oh, hey Pinkie Pie!" Mr. Cake greeted them once they were inside the door while wiping the counter. "We were just about to close up for the night, but we'll more than happy to make something for our extra-special helper!"

"Thanks, Mr. Cake! But you can go on ahead. Me and Twilight are going to stay up late while we wait for her Week to run out."

"The correct phrase is 'Twilight and I.'" Twilight corrected automatically.

"Her...Week?" Mr. Cake questioned. He tossed his hooves up. "Never mind. I don't want to know!" He gave the counter one last precautionary wipe, then dashed for his room.

"Well...It's just us now." Pinkie said.

"Mh-hmm." Twilight said, not comfortable with the idea of being alone with Pinkie. Well, she was elated to be alone with Pinkie. It was what she might've done that her friends would disapprove that made her uncomfortable. A moment ago, she had been comfortable being openly affectionate because of the flowers' influence, but now that she was outside of their reach...

"Well, we're going to just be up til midnight." Pinkie explained. "You want to play a game of Twister to pass the time?"

Twilight's eyes shrunk. She wasn't very flexible, and the Pinkie was able to do all sorts of outlandish cartoonish things...agreeing to a Twister game with her was like...like... a weatherpony leaving a tornado unattended. It just screamed for something terrible to happen.

"No thanks."

"All right, but we're gonna be boooored!" Pinkie warned her.

"I won't be bored, Pinkie." Twilight said. "I have you here."

D'OH! That was just a little more unsubtle than Twilight was okay with...

"Really?" Pinkie raised an eyebrow. "I am that entertaining?"

Twilight turned away, not wanting to risk another slip-up.

"...At times." Twilight told her.


Silence passed over them both.

"Pinkie Pie? I was told the purpose of the Week was so you could get close to me and find out what kind of pony I am." Twilight turned back around. "What...what did you learn?"

"Oh!" Pinkie exclaimed. She looked upwards and starting counting on her hooves, even though they didn't have digits to count on. "You like books. A lot. You're very neat and tidy...sometimes too neat and tidy. You don't like roller coasters. You REALLY don't like when ponies call you crazy, and, um... I think that's it!"

Twilight gave a look, then turned away to look at the Corner's clock. It was ticking slowly, just ever so slowly edging closer and closer to midnight, where her week would be up... as would her unmitigated, unrivaled, unquestioned time together with Pinkie.

Twilight wished she would say something else. Any conversation to make time go faster as the clock tick-tocked away.


Click. Click. Click.

Clank. Click. Click.

Clank. Tick. Tock.

Almost on the midnight numeral now...


The clock had struck midnight. A wooden birdie began popping out of a panel just above the face of the clock. Probably Pinkie Pie's idea.

"Well, that's it." Pinkie said, turning to Twilight. The two started at each other, the shower of moonlight flooding through the window putting an undeniable romantic gesture in the air. Pinkie got off her seat and approached Twilight. "I guess this is goodbye...you know, as far as your Week goes."


"Um, before you leave... uh, the last pony who had a week-"

Cheerilee. Twilight thought to herself.

"Really liked it when it was over. She just exploded with joy I wasn't going to be 'following her around' anymore and... it really makes me happy you didn't do that. So..."

Aw...Twilight knew how sad Pinkie got when a pony didn't like the weird things she did...wait, why was Cheerilee so enthusiastic about helping Twilight with her's? Oh, forget- iiittt..

Pinkie gave Twilight a chaste little kiss on the cheek.

"Bye!" Pinkie waved and walked towards the counter like it was nothing.

Twilight's eyes rolled in their sockets, knocked into a daze.

"...B-bye." Twilight stammered, rubbing the spot where Pinkie kissed. Twilight rubbed her cheek again and turned towards the door. Her steps towards the exit were slow, deliberate and stilted.

It was a chaste, platonic kiss. The kind Rarity gave Fluttershy when they went to the spa. It was quick and unattached.

She tried to push it aside. To push away the little, insignificant kiss aside. But she couldn't. She just...couldn't.

Her eye twitched as she tried to fight off the longings she had kept buried, but that kiss... all those times she had stayed herself when Pinkie was close to her...it was nothing like actually being given a kiss. They had slept in the same bed, and it hadn't evoked the feeling Twilight was getting now. She couldn't keep it inside herself. Compared to the feeling of Pinkie's body sleeping next to hers, that kiss was like the difference between a lid on a trash can be budged versus the lid on a trash can being blown off by a leaf blower.


... Just





You hear that sound? That 'CRINK-CRINK-CRINK' sound? You're probably wondering why that's relevant, aren't you? That's the sound ceramic makes when it breaks! Ceramic like masks. Like the mask Twilight had been wearing. The mask Twilight was wearing that broke just now.

Every single control mechanism she thought of just went flying right out the window. Imagine a very large old machine with dozens of gears and chains and pulleys to make it work. Let's pretend Twilight's controls were that machine.

That little kiss was a like a wrench being tossed into the machine. Each and all of the chains snap, the pulleys crumble, and the gears to grind no more.

"MMmmhhh...!" Twilight grunted. Her hoof was on the doorknob and shaking heavily.

"Uh, Twilight?" Pinkie questioned. "Are you okay?"

Twilight whinnied and twirled around. With lion-like power and speed, she dashed all the way back across the room and pinned Pinkie to the counter beneath her hooves.

"No, Pinkie." Twilight said, heavy breaths weaving in and out of every syllable. "I'm not okay. I've been sooo hungry these last few days."

"Oh. Well, the Cakes have a bunch of treats that I'm sure will care of that!"

Twilight shook her head and realized she needed to clarify. "No, Pinkie. I'm hungry for you."

Pinkie gasped dramatically. "Are you an Evil Enchantress!?"

"Yes- no, wait, what?"

"You said you were hungry for me! It must be because you're a pony-eating Evil Enchantress like we thought Zecora but she really it wasn't! It was you all along!"

Twilight giggled and smiled. "No, Pinkie. That's not what I meant." Twilight leaned down her neck closer to Pinkie's snout. "Let me show you. Please?"

Pinkie seemed uncertain, and she could tell something was up. She was uncomfortable. "Uhh..."

"You remember that game I made up at the picnic before the beginning of the week?" Twilight asked, stroking her hoof across Pinkie's cheeks. "I figured out how the rest of the game goes. Heeeaaaaeeee... I know how it goes, Pinkie."

"Ummm...okay, I guess."

Twilight giggled and raved under her breath a little. Pinkie probably had no idea what she just agreed to. As far as Twilight was concerned, she had just been given full consent to do whatever she wanted.

And this time, she was going to do it. Not like at the doctor's or those times on her own bed. She was going to take it like a foal taking cookie from the cookie jar!

Twilight swooped quickly down on Pinkie to start on her 'consumption'. Stroking Pinkie's mane with her hooves and lips pressed together, Twilight wriggled and writhed her tongue 'til it was in Pinkie's throat. It was a very good thing for Pinkie ponies' tongues were only so large; Twilight, in her current state, would've had no objection to shoving her tongue down her esophagus, if given the opportunity.

Pinkie's mouth tasted so delicious. It had little tidbits of leftover candies Pinkie consumed flavoring it with the most indescribable flavor. Often, Twilight would day-dream about how Pinkie's mouth would taste, imagining any number of mints, caramel chocolates, or candy canes.

The real thing was so much better then anything she could have dreamed.

She rubbed their curved, soft little pony breasts together. Well, Pinkie's was soft. So, so, so very soft. Twilight didn't know how her own chest felt. She didn't need to, at the moment, she just needed to feel Pinkie's on hers.

Although...she would be upset were she to later find out that her own chest felt scraggly, matted or anything else that wasn't a pleasant feeling. She wouldn't have liked to have rubbed her scraggly, unkempt, unpleasant chest onto Pinkie's, if there were the case.

Remembering how much she enjoyed pulling Pinkie's tail with her magic, and Pinkie being on her tail at the doctor's, Twilight curled her tail around the base of Pinkie's and started tugging and jerking.

And just to make sure Pinkie was getting full sensory stimulation, Twilight lifted her back hoof and scratched Pinkie's Cutie Mark. Cutie Marks were not, by themselves, something naughty, but they could be stimulated easily under the correct circumstances.

"Mmmmmmm...mmmmh...mmmh!" Twilight moaned. Weeks and hours spent worrying about her friends' reactions in anxiety and paranoia, all tossed away by being drained into Pinkie's mouth via kiss.

Oh, What would her friends think if they saw the two of them right now?

Better question: Who cares!? This was what Twilight had wanted. She'll worry about it later. Right now, though, this was what she wanted. This is what she dreamed of. Her dream. What she NEEDED.

Oh, sweet release, how I've longed for you!

All the mental barriers she had, broke. All the mental chains she had, snapped. All the mental picket fences she had, set aflame. Gloriously aflame with her lust.

"Mmmm...mmm...mm..MMMMMMmhh...haeee...MMMH!" Twilight started to slow down and back off to catch a breath, but she either recovered quickly or didn't get a full breath, as she went right back to work on Pinkie in a matter of seconds.

Twilight lifted up her back legs and criss-crossed them around Pinkie, tightening around her in a vice-grip as she increased the intensity of her expressed affections. As she was almost ready to quit, the normally neat and tidy Twilight was as sloppy as any of Appejack's pigs, her saliva getting all over Pinkie's cheeks.

It took Twilight a long, tense moment to relax her muscles and finally draw away from Pinkie. She panted quite a bit. Not from physical exhaustion, but from having had so many mental self-restraints removed in such quick succession. "Hhhhaa..."

Twilight stretched her neck, stood up tall, and looked down at Pinkie. "Pinkie, I...over the last couple of weeks, I've been having this indescribable feeling around you, but now, after tonight, after what I just did...I've realized...I'm ready to admit...to you and to myself..."

Twilight lowered her face back into Pinkie's.

"I love you."

Twilight wobbled a little, her eyes rolling.

"Oooh...I feel dizzy..."


Twilight's eyes froze as she came crashing back into reality.

What did I just do? What have I DONE!?

Twilight took a long, long moment to take in Pinkie's expression. It was one of uncertainty and confusion. Perhaps with a hint of embarrassment.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie..." Twilight breathed out her love's name in a shallow, empty, defeated tone. "I'm so sorry, I just...lost control." Twilight rubbed Pinkie's cheek for a moment, but then drew it back after she realized touching was the last thing Pinkie needed right now. "I...I understand if you hate me now, but...please forgive me."

Twilight got off Pinkie and the counter, headed for the door. She didn't notice Pinkie raise up off the counter like a resurrected zombie behind her.

"Um...you know..." Pinkie said.

Twilight looked over her shoulder at her. Pinkie could all too easily see the forming tears, the forming orbs of water, in Twilight's eyes.

"About two days before your week started, Owloyicous came over and told me that you liked me. Was that what he meant?"

Pinkie was rather taken aback by the instant, switch-like change in Twilight's eyes. They went from broken and sad to...something.

"He did, did he?" Twilight questioned. "Well...once I get home, I supposed he and I will have to talk."

Twilight left the Corner at last.

Pinkie rested against the counter, wondering what she did wrong.

What did I do to make Twilight cry like that? I just spent the whole week getting to know her, and I have no idea what caused that! Sure, I don't really know what she did to me just now...with the tongue...and the tail and...but still! She looked like her whole world had just crumbled around her! Hey, 'crumble' rhymes with 'rumble' which sounds like 'rubble' which...err...oh! Someone's coming into the shop! This late at night?

It was Fluttershy. She looked tired.

"Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, um, well..." Fluttershy fell asleep where she stood. Pinkie clapped her hooves together to wake her back up. "OH! Um, did I fall asleep? I'm sorry...anyway, Angel won't lie down to bed, and I was hoping you might have something that I could give to tire him out."

"Okie-dokie-lokie! Let me just reach over the counter here and-"

The door chime rang again. In came a very panicked looking Spike.

"Spike?" Fluttershy said. "I know why I'm here so late, why are you here?"

Spike huffed. "Twilight's...gone...crazy." Spike held up the bundle in his arms- a very burnt and crispy Owloyicous. "She called Owloyicous a tattle-tale and starting blasting everything with her magic! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Oh my!" Fluttershy took the poor animal from Spike's embrace and wrapped it in her own. "Do we know what's making Twilight so upset?"

"I was a little more concerned about making sure I didn't get fried too..." Spike answered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, we should go to talk to Twilight."

"Oh, I don't think that's a good idea, Fluttershy. I really don't think Twilight wants to talk to anyone right now."

"Nonsense." Fluttershy said reassuringly. "Whenever I'm upset, nothing helps me better than having a shoulder to cry on."

A thundering BOOOOM echoed through all, or at least most of, Ponyville that made Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike and everything on a flat surface- the tissue dispensers on the tables, the chairs, the register on the counter- all bounce five feet into the air.

"I don't think Twilight wants to be talked to right now." Fluttershy concluded.

Pinkie looked down and sniffed a little. "Hey, Fluttershy? We keep the treats on the other side of the counter. Help yourself. I need to go to bed."

"Ooh, are you sure? I wouldn't want-"

But Pinkie cut her off by walking up the stairs, intent on going to her room. Once safely inside her room, so pink she could've have camouflaged into it, she buried herself under her covers.

What's wrong with Twilight? What did I do? Does have something to do with...

Pinkie rubbed her cheek. She had forgotten to wash off the saliva on it before tucking in.

Whatever that was. What do you CALL that, anyways?

Pinkie rolled about in her bed, looking at the drool on her hoof. With only the loud rumbling booms of a distraught unicorn to lull her to sleep, she was left awake...

Constantly wondering what she did wrong to make Twilight so sad and teary-eyed.