• Published 21st Sep 2014
  • 1,093 Views, 4 Comments

Pinkie's Surprise, Surprise Party, Party! - Piquo Pie

It's been five months sinse Rainbow Dash was turned back into a mare, allowing her to obtain her lifelong dream of joining the Wonderbolts. On a related note, Pinkie is throwing a surprise, Surprise Party, party.

  • ...

The Surprise, Surprise Party, Party!

"Alright girls!" cried Pinkie from atop a previously non-existent soapbox now located in the middle of the Golden Oak Library. "I have gathered you here at the library—"

"Pinkie," interrupted Applejack, "we're only a buckin’ length away; you don't need to shout."

"Yeah," added Dash. "You brought us all here, we're paying attention."

"Oh, okay. Anyway," continued Pinkie as she stared at the five bestest friends in the whole wide world that anypony could ever have and they were all Pinkie's forever and ever. "I have a surprise for you all. Here." She pulled out five colorful party invitations, each adorned with the colors and matching cutie mark of her best friends.

"Ooh, a party," said Fluttershy.

"Cool," said Rainbow.

"These are simply lovely invitations, Pinkie," added Rarity as she flipped the card back over to run her frog along the soft suede stickers.

"I was thinking that if I got all of you together then I could do a song and dance again, but Surprise has been keeping me really busy and I'm kind of tired," apologized Pinkie as her hair deflated slightly. "Thank goodness Party hasn't been too much of an issue."

"The surprise and the party," corrected Twilight. Taking a moment to practice hovering, she flew up to the windowsill and carefully placed her card before landing with a large grin.

"What?" asked Pinkie.

"You said 'but surprise,' proper Canternese dictates that you need a definite article before surprise. Hence 'the surprise' and 'the party'," lectured Twilight.

Pinkie cocked her head and stared at Twilight for a long moment before adopting a 'I know something you don't know' cheshire grin. "Nope."

"Nope? What do you mean nope?" asked Twilight indignantly.

"I mean nope. You’re wrong Ms. smarty-fancy-book-learn-ed-pants." Pinkie reached her hoof out to rest on Twilight's shoulder. "But don't worry, nopony's perfect."

Twilight opened her mouth in momentary confusion before shaking her head. "But without a definite article to indicate a specific surprise or a specific party we have to expend extra effort to deduce such a fact, which might be incorrect as you could be talking about surprises and parties in general."

"But Twilight," responded Pinkie with a sudden excessive frown and large, tear filled eyes, "I am talking about Surprise and Party in general. Surprise has really been tuckering me out these last few days, making me run all around the house. Party hasn't really been an issue but another responsibility is one more to deal with on top of baking, cleaning, and foalsitting Pound and Pumpkin."

"Surprises," said Twilight with a raised voice and spread wings, "parties!"

"Please, Twilight," said Pinkie knowingly "I think I know how to say Surprise and Party; I came up with the names myself. Wrote it on a super buro-rat-a-cratic documentary thingy to make it all official and everything."

"What? Pinkie, that doesn't even make any sense. Those words have been around for centuries," said Twilight with assured definitiveness.

“Huh? Ohhh, I see what happened," said Pinkie who’s grin grew as she began bouncing from hoof to hoof. "My bad."

Twilight shook her head. "Wait, you... what?"

Pinkie giggled as she leaned her head into Twilight. "Oh, you'll see when you get to the surprise, Surprise Party, party."

"Gahhh!" groaned Twilight as she began pulling her hair in a fashion very unbecoming of a proper princess.

Rarity lay a gentle hoof upon Twilight's shoulders, pushing Twilight's hoof away from the barbaric massacre of her mane. "Come now darling, this is Pinkie Pie we're talking about. I'm sure it will either all make sense eventually or it's not worth troubling ourselves over. Besides, you’re a princess. You can't be running around with mussy hair, it's unbecoming."

Twilight took in a deep breath. "You’re right, Rarity."

Rarity nodded as she turned to Pinkie. "So, I hear congratulations are in order?"

"Congratulations? For what?" Pinkie tipped her head to the side.

"For what? Why the... oh. Oh! I get it. That's what this party is about, isn't it darling? Oh I'm so sorry. I almost blew it, didn't I?" asked Rarity with a high, worried tone and a hoof over her mouth.

Pinkie's eye's widened. "Who talked?" Her hooves shot to Rarity’s shoulders and began to shake the marshmallow colored mare. "This was going to be the bestest surprise party ever! Everypony was suppose to keep it a secret or it could ruin everything! They Pinkie Promised. Pinkie! Pie! Promised! Who was it!? Who was it!?"

"Darling, Stop!" shouted Rarity, pushing Pinkie away with a hoof. "Nopony told me anything. That's why I didn't realize what was going on. I simply overheard a conversation at the hos— the um... I overheard it while visiting a friend earlier today, at the place... I found the whole situation rather odd, what with you not telling your best friends. I figured that was why you called us here.”

Rarity took a tentative step closer. “I admit I didn't really put two and two together at first. I've been ever so busy, what with both the Boutique and preparing a demonstration for Celestia concerning some discoveries I made while working on my little gem enchantment hobby. The entire royal family will be— Sorry, I didn’t mean to detract from the conversation dear. How very rude of me during such a wondrous occasion. I do apologize and do ever so hope you can forgive me," Rarity finished, holding her forelegs out invitingly.

Pinkie eyed Rarity with a look that sent shivers down her spine.

"I Pinkie Pie Promise no one intentionally told me anything and that I shall not tell a soul until after you make it public. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," said Rarity as she made the appropriate hoof motions.

Pinkie seemed to relax a bit, but still eyed her friend suspiciously, as if Rarity wasn’t telling the whole truth.

"Come on, Pinkie," said Applejack. "I don't know what's goin' on, but Rarity is one of our best friends and she ain’t never done anything to hurt any of us. I believe her and, well, let’s just say me and honesty have an understandin’."

Pinkie's face bore a too-happy smile. "You’re right, AJ. I should trust Rarity, but you just reminded me of one of my best friends who didn't keep her Pinkie Pie promise," she said with a playful smirk.

Applejack gulped. "Hehe, oh yeah. I never did get my just desserts for all that. Sorry Pinkie, I was kind of having a crisis and all."

"It's okay," said Pinkie as her mane finished curling. "You were having an existential crisis and I completely understand. But that doesn't mean you should get completely off the hook. How about you watch the foals, hmmm... next Tuesday for me. I could really use the day off."

Applejack beamed as she opened her forelegs. "Sure Pinkie. Anything for a friend."

Pinkie reached out to hug Applejack. "Friends."

"Hey Pinkie,” said Rainbow as she put down a tub of popcorn. “Thanks for the snack, but it was kind of salty. You wouldn't happen to have any cider?"

"Not on me. I haven't any to drink in months. But I think I had an emergency cider stash behind that copy of Seventy Seven Super Secret Secrets for keeping Super Secret Secrets Secret," said Pinkie as she pointed to the bookshelf behind Rainbow.

"Wait," said Twilight. "Where did you two get a tub of popcorn?"

Dash and Fluttershy looked at each other before turning back to Twilight. "Pinkie Pie,” came the response in tandem before Dash turned to the bookshelf.

"Yeah, Twilight," said Pinkie, "I wouldn't want my friends to get bored and it's not like they really had anything to add to all this drama. Actually I guess Rainbow Dash is technically half responsible, but she didn't know what was going on at the time so I can't really get mad at her for making me the happiest mare in the world."

Twilight had just opened her mouth to ask any number of questions when Rarity placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Just let it go dear."

Twilight jaw hung momentarily as she looked around at her friends. After several more seconds she settled on a pouty, closed mouth.

"Huh," said Rainbow Dash as she turned back around with a fresh bottle of cider in her hoof. "Did somepony say my name?"

"Oh, oh. I did, I did," said Pinkie as she exuberantly jumped around Rainbow.


"And what?"

"What were you talking about?"

"Oh, nothin'," said Pinkie playfully.

Rainbow rolled her eyes before pulling Applejack over into an awkward, half-hug, half-dance, cider raised. "Whatever, so long as me and my mare friend here get to get down at the party, nothing could go wrong."

Applejack laughed as she pushed Rainbow off of her. "Oh, you want to hoedown? Well I guess I could show you a few moves from my days in Manehatten," Applejack finished with a quick two step.

"Oh, a city girl's dance," replied Rainbow as she circled to the left, head down tail raised and flicking tauntingly.

"Darn tootin'," said Applejack with a wink and a tooth flashing grin.

"Well I'm glad to see you two getting along so well," interjected Twilight suddenly from between the two mares. "Back when you were a stallion I was worried that you two wouldn't ever get along quite the same."

"Yeah," chuckled Applejack, "that was a rough couple of weeks. But it all got better once you and Luna turned Rainbow Dash back. Then things just kept gettin' better."

"Yeah," added Rainbow. "It took awhile for me to figure things out after that, but it's been the best decision of my life.”

"Even better than joining the Wonderbolts?" prompted Applejack with a knowing smirk.

Dash laughed. "Totally. But both together is way better than either would be on its own. Like, ten times better."

"Oh, and why's that?" said Applejack.

Rainbow Dash scratched her chin thoughtfully before placing a foreleg around Applejack. "Well, everypony knows how awesome I am and I get to practice with the best. It's pushed me to be ten times better which, I really didn't think was possible at this level, but now I get to return to an awesome, beautiful, simple mare that I can do the easy stuff with. And nothing is going to take that away from me. Eeyup," finished Dash in a poor imitation of Big McIntosh.

"And just what do you mean 'simple mare'?" snapped Applejack as she pulled away.

Rainbow glided on her back in front of Applejack, pleading her case on the way to Pinkie’s party. “AJ, if you haven’t noticed, I’m not the brightest crayon in the box. I mean I would be but… What I'm saying is that you’re like totally perfect for me because you don’t make me think.”

Applejack picked up her pace, stepping around Rainbow Dash while kicking up small clouds of dirt. “So you’re sayin’ you’re lazy, I’m a pleasantly dumb blonde, and you like that I’m not interestin'.”

“Gahh!” yelled Rainbow, completely missing the smiles from Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight.

"I'm telling you AJ, I didn't mean anything by it," pleaded Rainbow as she flew back in front of Applejack.

"Hmph," was the only reply from the indifferent mare, who picked up her pace toward Sugar Cube Corner.

"Oh for the love of—" muttered Rarity. "Rainbow, Applejack is just teasing you. You need to learn to read a mare if you're going to be in a relationship with one."

"Messing with... Dangit AJ!" exclaimed Rainbow with poorly acted indignation. "How could you?! To me, of all ponies. You know how I am with subtlety."

Rarity quickly slid her emergency chaise lounge beneath Rainbow Dash, causing her to fall rather dramatically.

Fluttershy and Twilight shared a small giggle.

Rainbow couldn't help but smile as she played along, flailing aimlessly on the couch. "I mean, like, come on. You've ruined my day. No! My week. Maybe the whole season!" She rolled clear off and back under the couch. "Now how am I ever supposed to fly for the Wonderbolts again? Oh woe is me."

"Alright, alright, Sappy Sally. Next time I'll end the joke after twenty minutes. How ‘bout that?" conceded Applejack with a chuckle.

"How about fifteen and a kiss?" bartered Rainbow as she peaked her head.

"Sounds fair to me," interjected Rarity. "Now get yourself out from under there so we can get inside. This evening air is a bit breezy."

Before Twilight could knock on the door to Sugarcube Corner, a blast was heard from inside and small pieces of confetti slid out from under the door. Knowing what was coming, Twilight stepped back.

"You're here just in time," said Pinkie excitedly as she led her five best friends into the darkened interior of Sugarcube Corner. "Okay we got five minutes and forty two seconds before the rest of the guests arrive, but I think for the surprise, it should just be us at first."

"Okay?" came the simultaneous mutterings of all five other elements.

"Okay then. Hit the lights, Gummy!" yelled Pinkie, moments before being bathed in light.

Rainbow, Fluttershy, turned to look at the dog-sized alligator sitting several feet under the light switch, blinking slowly with his left eye, then his right.

"Pinkie?" asked Applejack.

"Yes Applejack?”

"Why is there a banner congratulating Rainbow Dash on being a new father?"

The others turned from Gummy to the banner that Applejack’s eyes were cemented on.

"Well, let me put it this way," said Pinkie as she reached into her mane. "Dashie, catch!"

Rainbow turned from the banner toward Pinkie, a look of confusion still permeating her face as the filly was placed quickly, but gently, on her forehead.

"Gah!" cried Rainbow.

As Rainbow peeled the filly off of her face she took a look at it: white with a curly blonde mane.

"Uh, hey squirt. Um, what's your name?" asked Rainbow awkwardly.

"Bluh bla ba dabba do vweee!" babbled the happy filly.

"Surprise," said Pinkie with as she turned to the other four slack-jawed ponies. "That's her name. It was a big surprise to me. I found out I was with foals a few months ago and I didn't realize it until I noticed my tummy getting a bit bigger. The doctor said it was really, really, really, really strange because it had only been a few months since estrus and the foals were already getting really, really, really big really, really, really fast. I mean, I was born a month early and was completely fine, though it did take me a while to learn to walk. But that's a story for another time. Anyway, the doctor thinks that my high metabolism and ca-r-azy freaky super awesome Pie family-ness got passed on to the foals so they developed super crazy awesome fast. That's why I haven't seen you girls much; even I was getting tired. But I was so happy," added Pinkie with a ear to ear smile before frowning and crossing her forelegs timidly. "Though I was a bit worried. I mean there was a chance that they wouldn't be healthy," she finished with a less than confident smile.

"So, anyway. Congratulations Dashie, you're a daddy. Daddy Dashie, Dashie daddy," giggled Pinkie awkwardly as she took a tentative step closer to Dash. "Anyway, I know you weren't planning on being a parent when you rutted me with your magical stallion's stallion. I mean, who knew, right? But I'm okay raising Surprise and Party by myself, or letting you have some time with them. I mean it's not like we're a couple or anything,” added Pinkie quickly as she glanced towards a now blank-faced Applejack. “But I would be willing to work out whatever with you and I really, really, don’t want this to affect our friendship." Pinkie turned toward Applejack. “Or ours.”

Silence echoed around the room, with the exception of a particularly giggly blonde filly.

Pinkie switched between looking at Rainbow and her own hooves as she slowly rubbed them together in circles. Applejack turned to see Rainbow, for her part, standing still, blinking. Her mouth was open in a small ‘o’ and her brow wrinkled in confusion.

Applejack couldn’t believe it. First off, it wouldn’t surprise her if Rainbow Dash still didn’t know how foals were made, given the problems Dash had understanding gender differences a few months back. She was also prone to bouts of passion in all forms, even if she was the element of loyalty. If Rainbow did know at the time then AJ couldn’t see her sleeping with Pinkie. If she didn’t then AJ didn’t know what to think. Rainbow hadn’t known about sex back when she was a stallion; a result of parents who just weren’t comfortable talking about such things. Then again, maybe Pinkie didn’t know about sex. Though that didn’t make sense. Surprise was obviously Pinkie’s foal. But she did share a resemblance to Rainbow too, even aside from the wings. The one thing that was certain was that Rainbow Dash had a lot of explaining to do.

Fluttershy spoke first, breaking Applejack’s train of thought. "Um, if this is Surprise, then where's Party?"

"Oh, he's sleeping," said Pinkie as she hesitantly looked away from Applejack and toward her mane. "Wait, let me check." Reaching up to her mane, Pinkie pulled out a bundled up, golden colored colt with straight snow white hair and a devilishly happy grin. "Yup, still sleeping."

"Darling, he is simply adorable," said Rarity as she walked over. "Aw, look at him. You have two beautiful little foals, Pinkie."

"Aww thanks Rarity," beamed Pinkie. "Say, would you mind holding Party while I take the cake out?"

"Would I? Oh I'd simply love to," said Rarity as she eagerly reached out for the young colt. "Oh, I do believe—" Rarity sniffed the air before lifting the colt away with the daintiest of magics and a frown. "Oh yes, you do need a diaper change don't you. Well have no fear, Rarity is here. Pinkie wh—"

"In the foal room," came the interrupting cry from the kitchen.

"Oh of course. Come along Party. Rarity has just the cologne for you, you little heart throb."

"Um, we should go check on Pinkie," said Fluttershy as she put a wing around Twilight.

Twilight looked around in confusion as Fluttershy gently coaxed her toward the Kitchen. "Huh, what?"

"Just come," came the whispered response.

"Oh, okay."

"Well," said Applejack, nostrils flaring. "I think you have some explaining to do, Mr. Wonderbolt."

Rainbow Dash turned, wide-eyed, towards the wrath filled words, holding her front hooves up defensively. "Hey, I have no idea what's going on here. I mean, how could I be the father?"

"Oh really,” pressed Applejack as her brow furrowed. “You don't remember your little seed spreader a few month back.” Applejack fumed as she stepped forward. “I believe what tipped you off was... what was it... oh yeah. Your square blockhead, you... you... blockhead!"

"Hey," interjected Rainbow, leaning forward and thrusting a hoof out in indignation. "That was five months ago... five months! Besides, there was no way I was fertile, it takes weeks for stallions to become fertile."

Applejack’s eyes widened as she took a step back. "Oh. Oh gosh darn... you're right. I, I just. I think I need a minute. I'm gonna go talk to Pinkie and sort this all out." And with that Applejack stepped quickly, head down, into the kitchen.

Dash wiped her brow. "Whew. Glad I dodged that one. Ain't that right, Surprise,” She quickly looked around before beginning to tickle the little filly’s belly. "Who wishes they were the daughter of a Wonderbolt. You do, ah, you do."


Dash continued to play with the filly in private for several moments until she heard a bakery-shaking yell. "Discord did what!?"

"Uh-oh," came Dash's wavering response.

"Blah, un-ooou," echoed the young filly.

"Oh, what a good girl. That's right. Auntie Rainbow Dash is missing something, that happens sometimes. I'm probably in big trouble with your auntie AJ. So, you stay right here, and I'm going to hide on the ceiling where she won’t look cause she’s a silly pony. But I need you to be real quiet or she'll see me."

"Obd-uay," babbled the filly as it began crawling toward a nearby stuffed animal.

"Rainbow Lying Two-Timin’ Dash!" cried Applejack as she stormed into the room. "Pinkie told me everything and... consarnit, now where did that little he-devil go? She even left the baby alone. That irresponsible one-eyed snake in the grass!"

"Hey," called Dash angrily with a furrowed brow from the ceiling. "I may try and avoid a fight with my marefriend, but don't you ever say I abandoned a child." Dash dropped and landed with a fwomp.

"Dash," said Applejack through tightly closed eyes. "You lied to me. You said you didn't sleep with Pinkie."

"No. I said there is no way that this is my foal."

Applejack shoved her head forcefully against Dash’s and stared her directly in the eye "Oh, so you did sleep with Pinkie. You admit it."

Dash stared straight back. "Yes, I slept with Pinkie.”

Applejack shoved again. “Then why didn’t you tell me, Dash!”

Dash pushed back. “It was before I got turned back into a mare and decided I wanted to try to be with you, AJ! Weeks before I figured out how cool you were, and how much you meant to me and stuff. And you know what? It took months before I built up the courage to say what I felt. I stopped having sex before Twilight and Luna fixed me. In fact, I hadn’t even had sex until Zecora taught me about it in the middle of suddenly dealing with a penis. I felt alone and scared. I had these weird feelings, and my face was all squarish and I couldn’t fly straight because my wings were all messed up. And all I could think about when I looked at you was how lucky I was to have someone like you there for me.”

Dash took a breath, backed up, and pressed her hoof into Applejack’s shoulder. “You have no idea how scared I was. I knew you didn’t like me being a guy. And I still didn't know how to say what I was feeling every time I looked at a mare. Then I learned about how amazing it was to follow through with those feelings.” Dash sighed as she looked away. “And, I went a little crazy. I'm sorry if that bothers you but, you know how I am. If I find something I like to do, I become the best I can."

"She sure does," called Pinkie from the Kitchen.

"Pinkie!" cried the two mares. "Not now."

"Sorry," replied Pinkie.

Applejack stared at Dash who was looking down and away in shame and humiliation. Applejack finally broke the silence. "You should have told me that you mated with one of our best friends."

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess I should have,” said Dash a she looked up at the little filly. ”Though if it matters, I didn't really think about it afterwards. It was different when I was a male."

“I’m not so sure!” pressed Applejack.

Dash turned and the two stared each other down. It wasn’t until Applejack noticed a tear forming in one of Rainbow’s eyes that she realized that she had gone too far. “Dash…”

“What!” yelled Dash, nostrils flaring. “You got somethin’ else to say. Say it!”

“I’m, I’m sorry,” Applejack whispered as she backed away from Rainbow. "I didn’t mean ta say it like that. I’m just… Great Horni-toads I'm more worked up than a rattle snake in a bullpen.”

“Horseapples, AJ,” groaned Dash as she rubbed her temple. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before continuing. “Look. I’m not not use to fighting with a special somepony so… Just come here.”

Applejack let out a deep breath as she leaned tentatively into Dash before relaxing and pulling her tighter. "You're right. This was all before we started dating. But you should have told me. I can't be with someone who isn't honest, and not telling me about your past feels like you were hidin’ it from me. But, but I guess the shock at finding out my marefriend is a dad just kinda got to me. Made me feel like you’d cheated on me or somethin’ when you hadn't. Let's just get through tonight and, and we'll see from here.”

Applejack curled her hooves, grabbing Dash tighter. "Ya know, you had a kid, two kids. And you're gonna have more. That’s something we can’t do together. I mean, we can adopt but someday I'll want a little apple seed of my own to grow big and strong. Maybe I was a might bit jealous, or scared. I mean, love is good and all but. Even if all those other mares didn't mean anything to you, they shared something with you that I can't.”

Dash smirked and pulled Applejack’s chin up, giving her a long, slowly deepening kiss.

Applejack pulled away with a satisfied groan, giving Dash one last hug before letting go and poking Dash hard in the shoulder. “Don't you go thinkin’ that that means you get out of couch duty for the rest o' the week."

Dash smirked. "Aww, look at my rodeo star. Sexy, and awesome."

Applejack punched her lightly in the shoulder. "Hey, don't go gettin' sappy on me just yet, partner. You're still going to make this up ta me. I mean seriously, how am I supposed to tell Granny Smith that my marefriend's a pa?"

Dash laughed. "Well, let’s start off with explaining my full name." She struck an action pose, wings flared and holding Applejack close to her protectively. "Rainbow Element-of-Loyalty Dash."

Applejack joined in with a quick laugh before Rainbow stepped over for a quick nuzzle. "I'd never abuse the trust of a friend, not to mention the trust of someone who means as much to me as you."

Applejack leaned up to plant a quick kiss on Dash’s check. "I know, boo. I should have known from the beginning."

"Aw shucks," said Dash pulling away. "I almost freaked out, too. But then I realized that there is no way Surprise and Party could be mine. I mean, according to the books Twilight gave me. It takes time to produce sperm, and then more time to get where it needs to go. So I couldn't have been fertile."

"Nope," said Pinkie as she hopped in with baby two bottles under a foreleg. "They’re yours."

Surprise was just starting to fuss as Rarity brought in Party in a similar state. "Pinkie, I think Party here is— oh excellent timing with the bottles. I'll just curl up and feed the little tikes while you explain things to those two."

"Wow, Rarity, you’re the best," said Pinkie hoofing over the milk. "I didn't expect you to step up like this."

Rarity cooed, smothering the foals with nuzzles before responding. "Well. I had the advantage of knowing in advance. I didn't know Rainbow Dash was the father, of course, but I've taken care of Sweetie since she was young and happened to be ‘in the know,’ as it were. Plus they’re just the cutest little things. Aren't you? Yes you are. Yes you are," cooed Rarity as she smothered the giggling foals with nuzzles.

"I bet your super high tech thingamabobvideomonitoringsystemwhachyamacallitgempowereddodadhickythingy helps with that," said Pinkie smiling completly normally.

Rarity's face dropped dropped into a frown sharply for a split second. "Oh, but of course. I know everything Pinkie. It's only proper for a socialite such as myself. Also I don’t think this is the time or place to discuss my thing-a-mabober, whatever you called it. I want to wait until after I present my research to Celestia."

"If you say so," replied Pinkie before happily bouncing and turning to Applejack and Rainbow. "So anyway, like I was telling Applejack. I was only with you when I could have gotten pregnant. Discord happened to figure it out when he found me in the middle of a chocolate milk binge and decided to help out now that he's our friend. He paused time for me so I could focus on the foals and not miss any birthday parties in Ponyville. Also, bouncing might have been bad for the foals and, frankly, I don’t even notice sometimes. So there ya have it. Rainbow Dash’s first two kids. Party and Surprise. Just like I said at the beginning," added Pinkie as she closed Dash's mouth.

"I don't need anything. I can take care of them myself. I know you’re busy with the Wonderbolts and AJ, and you’re only going to get more busy in the coming months, but if you want, I am more than happy letting you look after them or having a say in things,” Pinkie finished, smiling awkwardly.

Rainbow's jaw slowly dropped back down as silence took firm hold of the room. "Wait, you're serious? I'm... I'm a, father. But I thought I couldn’t, I mean… She said I couldn’t... They're mine?

"Now ya see why I was freaking out Rainbow?" asked Applejack.

"Ye-yeah... Hey, AJ," said Dash turning slowly to her marefriend.

"Yes Rainbow?"

"I-I’m a... I’m a dad."

"Yes Rainbow."

"That means I'm a father," added Dash as she turned to her foals as who were cuddling close to Rarity.

Applejack beamed. "Yes Rainbow."

"Th-that means..." Rainbow's eyes grew wide as she turned to Applejack. "That means that—"

A strong orange leg was placed over Dash's shoulder. "I know, Rainbow."

"No. No you don't. You have no idea. I've... I've ruined everything," whimpered Dash into AJ’s shoulder.

"Shhh, lets just calm down hun'.” said Applejack as rubbed one hoof slowly and deeply over Dash’s shoulder. “I think we need to take a moment, have some punch, and collect ourselves. Becomin’ a pa is a pretty big deal but you’re strong and, and I'm willing ta stick through this with you. Okay?"

"Maybe," replied Dash as she moved her hoof over Applejack's. "Yeah, you’re right. I just need a minute. And some punch. Celestia I need a good punch. I'm gonna go get some punch. Do you want any punch?"

"Nah,” chuckled Applejack. “But I’ll get myself a cupcake."

She gave Dash a peck on the cheek, before they walked across the room to opposite ends of the snack tables. Applejack began to chuckle after a moment. After all, Dash really deserved a good punch. But suddenly finding out she was a father was probably worrying enough.

As Applejack took a moment to gather her thoughts on the way to the cupcakes, she swore she could hear many hooves approaching the door and it reminded her of something... something tickling on the edge of her mind.

"Party's on, everypony!" screamed Pinkie as she took one bounce from the kitchen, past the two lovers walking in the opposite direction, and bucked the front door wide open.

The flood of ponies was spectacular. Every mare had come which meant that every stallion was also in attendance. Soon the room was full of ponies, many of whom were ogling the sign proclaiming Dash's introduction into fatherhood. Most gave Dash their, sometimes confused, congratulations while some, mostly stallions, gave jovial condolences. Applejack chose to distance herself a bit. It was one thing to be there for her marefriend, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t agitated and confused about how she should feel. The whole situation was odder than a flying beaver as far as Applejack was concerned, and she didn’t have a lot of relationship experience to draw on. The strong mix of emotions left her feeling a bit nauseous.

Slowly, however, Applejack noticed a few peculiar behaviors as she looked around the room. Big Macintosh was avoiding Rainbow Dash altogether, which Applejack assumed was because his sister’s marefriend became a father. Applejack would need to have a long talk with him. Lyra and Bon Bon seemed slightly confused when they talked to Dash, but a bit relieved afterwards. Octavia pulled Rainbow aside and had a heated conversation involving a very uncomfortable Vinyl Scratch. Berry Punch seemed to be hitting the punch a little hard for a public gathering and downed two full cups before heading over to give Dash and Pinkie congratulations. Carrot Top also appeared extremely uncomfortable and continuously peeked at Applejack while talking to Dash, before hurrying out of Sugar Cube Corner.

Dash, for her part, was not taking it well. She was awkward and acting almost as reserved as Fluttershy. She even seemed to be hiding in the corner. Applejack expected a show of support from the town to cheer Dash up. But after Carrot Top left, Applejack noticed tears begin to grow in Rainbow’s eyes. Applejack knew Dash could get a little sappy in private but this was a very public area. Perhaps becoming a father had hit her harder than anypony realized.

"Dash, Dash are you okay, hun?"

"AJ?" whispered Rainbow as she fell onto her belly behind a table, hooves on her head.

"Yes, sugar," replied Applejack as she stroked her marefriend’s head.

"I, I need to tell you... An-and it's gonna be kinda hard. Just, please give me a chance to apologize."

Applejack pulled Rainbow Dash into her chest. "Sure as sweets are tasty, hun. This has ta be hard on you. Let's go out back for a moment so it's just you and me."

Dash chuckled mirthlessly as she got up, silently thanking Pinkie for taking that moment to fire off a party cannon to the cheers of the crowd and her two foals.

Taking a breath, Applejack followed Rainbow Dash out the back door. "Okay, Rainbow, love, what wrong?"

"Um. Did ya see how Lyra and Bon Bon came up to me a-and how they seemed, um, uncomfortable?" asked Rainbow as she looked away.

"Yeah," replied Applejack cautiously.

Dash took a deep breath and closed her eyes, scrunching her face as if she expected to be hit. "Well Bon Bon is probably... kind of pregnant."

A moment passed.

Then another.

After a few more seconds Dash slowly opened one eye to find Applejack facing away from her.

"How many?" asked Applejack coldly. "How many harlots did you mount in the week and a half between learning about sex and getting yourself fixed. When you said you didn't want ta make me feel uncomfortable but were really just gettin' it on with any floozy you could get your dirty little hooves on. How many did you risk your career over!"

"Um, let’s see,” muttered Dash as she took a breath and brought her hooves under her. “Th-there was Zecora. Then Pinkie pretty much right after. And um, you know about Bon Bon but I, uh, guess I fooled around with Lyra at the same time. Um, lets see—."

"Do you even remember, Rainbow Dash?!" shouted Applejack as she turned with tears streaming down her face.

"Y-yes." responded the cowering, crying Wonderbolt.

"Then how many?!" demanded Applejack. “How many more? Five, eight, just how many did you mate?!”

"About, I mean... twenty six. A couple of them twice," said Dash without looking up.

Applejack turned and walked away, leaving Rainbow Dash by herself.

"I didn't know," cried Rainbow Dash. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Applejack walked away from Sugar Cube Corner, deaf to Rainbow’s crying. At no point did she ever suspect that her marefriend had so little self respect, and no sense of responsibility. She thought she was special to Rainbow, but maybe Applejack was just another notch under the Wonderbolt’s belt. Even after talking about being open with each other, Rainbow still hadn’t told Applejack that she slept with so many mares.

Applejack didn’t notice Carrot Top stepping out in front of her until Applejack physically bumped into her. As Applejack focused, she noticed Carrot Top’s bloodshot eyes.

"Let me guess," said Applejack. "You had a roll in the hay with that tramp too?"

"Yes," replied Carrot Top quietly, head head high. "And I'm glad, mostly. Even with the other mares that Rainbow slept with."

"Really,” replied Applejack shortly as she turned to walk around Carrot Top. “Well, doesn't that just make you a baker’s dozen."

"Applejack listen,” pressed Carrot Top as she stepped in front of Applejack. “I know we haven't always gotten along but this town needed Rainbow."

Applejack snorted.

"How many mares are there in Ponyville compared to stallions?" asked Carrot Top.

"What does that matter?"

"How many?" asked Carrot Top again.

Applejack sighed. "About three ta four mares per stallion."

"And do you know what that means for single mares?" asked Carrot Top.

Applejack took a moment to stare at Carrot Top. "It means you have ta share a stud.”

Carrot top nodded. "And, most of the stallions in Ponyville are committed to a single Mare. So it’s normal for a few studs that aren’t tied down to sleep around, a lot. And it means that when a stallion, especially a strong, athletic Element of Harmony comes along, all the mares in Ponyville will jump, literally, jump through hoops to rut them, AJ. And Dashie, sorry, Dash was so sweet,” recalled Carrot Top wistfully as she turned away from Applejack’s unblinking stare.

“He, she, didn't just rut us like some sleazy male trying to have a good time. A lot of us hadn't mated before, and while Dash didn't exactly take her time, or know quite what she was doing, she made sure we were ready and she didn't go hard on us. So once we realized that he, she was an open stud and treated us well..." Carrot top stopped, sniffling heavily as a tear ran down her face.

"Buck, look at me. At the time you two weren't dating and a lot of the mares needed, needed— We had to if we wanted kids!" Carrot Top yelled before breaking down into tears and collapsing on the ground.

Applejack stared at Carrot Top before sighing and making her way over to rub her shoulders. "Hey girl, I can't have my friendly competition fall apart mid season on me. What's—?"

"I lost the foal," Carrot Top cried.

"Oh Sugar," consoled Applejack as she lowered herself to hug the crying mare. "That's, that's terrible."

"I'm sorry. I just. I found out yesterday, and..." Carrot Top sniffled as she took a moment to calm herself. "And I thought 'hey a party is just the thing to cheer me up.’ When I found out what was going on, I went to tell Dash. But I knew, I… I wouldn't be able to keep myself from bawling," said Carrot top as she wept.

"I know sugar."

"No. You don't. Applejack, we sought Dash out," Carrot Top pleaded, putting her front hooves on Applejack’s shoulder to shake her weakly.

"We asked her. We thought she would be okay with being a father. And even though she said she probably couldn’t we thought it would be worth a try. And she was so nice about it. We didn't need her to raise our foals. We just needed help making them. I'm sure... I'm sure if she knew she would have ended up with you she would have said no. And if I knew you two would have ended up together I know I would have thought twice. You're a family mare and the most dependable member of the town. Heck the entire town exists because of the Apple family. Most of the mares probably would’ve said no if they thought you two would have ended up together."

Applejack stared at the crying mare before coming to a decision with a long sigh. "Ah heck, Carrot. You look a mess. How about we take a moment an’ head back to the party. We’ll get Rarity to touch you up while I go help Rainbow. I, I think she might need the support right now."

Carrot giggled. “I think the last thing I need right now is to have someone else touch me up.”

Applejack stiffened, immediately letting go of Carrot Top, who giggled again.

“Look, AJ,” said Carrot as they turned back toward Sugar Cube Corner. “This mess with Rainbow Dash, just… Look, give her a second chance okay; she’s athletic, kind, she works hard, she’s hot, and most importantly she’s the Element of Loyalty. You can trust her. Besides, like I said, Ponyville needed a good stud and really, we all know that she didn’t quite understand what was going on.”

Carrot let out a quick, tired laugh that left her with a slight, honest smile. “Guess we can’t call her the toastiest bread in the loaf but hey, nopony’s perfect right.”

Applejack took a long look at Carrot Top before raising an appraising eyebrow. “You cared for her, didn’t you?”

Carrot Top stared forward, unflinching. “A lot of us cared for her, AJ. A lot of us think you’re one lucky mare. Back when you girls were playing super hero, what did you call yourself, Maredowell? Yeah. One of you, an earth pony,” added Carrot Top, “saved several ponies during a construction accident. But Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash saved my brother. She’s saved a lot of brothers. A lot of sisters.”

Carrot Top stopped before turning to Applejack. “Don’t get me wrong, you’ve all saved a lot of ponies. You’re the Elements of Harmony. All of Equestria owes the six of you several times over. But the ponies of Ponyville were being saved by her long before the rest of you. Well, not you. You and your brother are probably the only ones this town respects more than Dash or Princess Twilight. You’ve saved ponies, and this town remembers that. It’s not just hydras and rogue gods. But also children and businesses and stampedes.”

Applejack grinned momentarily before turning back toward the bakery.

Carrot top walked up next to her. “We’re here for you, AJ. We’re here for both of you.”

Applejack smiled, “Common CT, we got us a party ta attend.”

As they walked back behind Sugarcube Corner, Applejack’s ears perked up. Despite the noise from the party, one sound stood out. It was one she'd heard so rarely that she could count the times on her hooves. “Wait here, Carrot. I need ta talk ta Rainbow.”

Carrot Top nodded before moving to sit by the wall.

Applejack took a breath before heading around the corner. Her foresight probably saved her from breaking into tears herself. Rainbow was huddled in a ball between garbage cans. She didn’t even notice when Applejack sat down next to her.

She really didn’t do it on purpose, did she, thought Applejack.

Applejack cooed Rainbow's name softly as she placed a hoof on her shoulder from behind.

“Wha-huh?” cried Rainbow as she jerked away from the touch and fell, painfully, into the trash cans. She blushed and righted herself.

Applejack wanted to find the situation funny. “Calm down, Rainbow, it’s okay. It’s just me.”

“Oh, AJ, um… I’m uh, not going to deny it, you caught me in a bad way. But I’ll bounce back, don’t worry. I mean I wouldn’t want you to worry. I mean, I want you to worry because I hope we can still be friends and we can’t be friends if we don’t worry for each other. Not that I want you to worry, I mean I want you to be happy but—”

“Dash, it’s okay,” interrupted Applejack with a small smile. She gestured next to herself after taking a seat against the gingerbread building. “Look, come here, Hon, we got a lot to talk about.”

Dash paused a moment, as if looking for danger, before slowly walking over to sit several hoof-lengths away.

Applejack rolled her eyes and patted the open space between them. “I said here, Rainbow ‘Loyalty’ Dash.”

Dash reluctantly scooted over, a hopeful look on her face, as Applejack placed a foreleg over her shoulder. “Does this mean we're okay?”

“It means we have a chance ta be okay, boo,” explained Applejack. “Is that okay with you?”

“Me? Heck yeah,” boasted Rainbow. “Why wouldn’t it be okay with me? You’re like, everything I never knew I needed and stuff.”

Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle at Rainbow’s unique attempt to be both proud and romantic at the same time.

“What’s so funny?”


“Hey, this is my first real relationship. Cut a girl some slack!”

“Oh trust me, you’re a real Casahoova, and I love ya for it.”


Applejack shook her head. “Never mind. Look, I haven’t done very many things that I’m ashamed of. Leaving my family for Manehatten, Fightin’ with my pa before he left; but I have ta say, walking away from you would probably top those.”

“Really?” asked Rainbow Dash skeptically.

“Really really, sugar bear. Do you want to know why?”

“Uh, duh?”

Applejack smiled. “Because every other time I made a mistake, I learned from it. But If I walked away from you the only thing I would have learned would be to not trust others, and to not trust myself.”

Rainbow Dash stared at Applejack, unsure of how to proceed. She opened and closed her mouth several times before settling on a profound “huh?”

Applejack continued. “I realized this when, well, I guess when I ran inta Carrot Top. Ya see, even though the Carrots and the Apples have pretty much always been business rivals, we both value a lot of the same things. Carrot’s dad even convinced my pa to marry my ma’ when he got cold hooves. And me 'n Carrot use ta be friends in school. So just now, when she stopped me, she knew how ta set me straight. And do you know what she made me realize?”


“Stallions are different than mares.”

Rainbow Dash slowly adopted a toothy grin before breaking out into a chuckle.

“Hey, I know it's silly, Dash, but I’m trying ta be serious here,” Applejack said with a frown.

Rainbow Dash could only chuckle in response. “Did it involve Stallions having blocky faces and Mares having roundy ones, or did she give you the talk.”

Applejack poked Rainbow playfully in the side. “Ya’ll know what I mean. There are so many single mares but so few stallions. It’s different. I was thinking that my marefriend had been sleeping around and never told me, but that’s not how it was. You were a stallion. A stud. And as stupid as it is, it’s probably a good thing for the town that you went all sex crazy.”

“Wowowo, are you telling me that being easy was a good thing?” asked a now very confused Rainbow Dash.

“Kinda,” explained Applejack slowly. “I mean it’s not good for us, but then I think about all the single mares or female couples that will have foals because of you—mares that might not be able to have foals otherwise.”

“That’s... I…” Rainbow Dash stared blankly ahead unable to finish her thought. “That’s both cool and horribly messed up.”

“How so?” asked Applejack.

“Well, if I was a mare when I slept around, that would make me a, what did Twilight’s book call them… A floozy.”

Applejack laughed. “A what? Dash, you need to stop reading so many books.”

Dash chuckled. “Hey, Twilight recommended it. Besides, if a girl sleeping around is bad thing, then why should it be a good thing for a male. Seems pretty screwed up to me.”

Applejack thought a moment before responding. “Yeah, I guess it does seem pretty messed up now that you mention it. But I think that’s a topic for another day. The point is that you didn’t go around seducing mares just for the sex—”

“Uh, I’ll cut you off right there, AJ, because I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. As a guy it was totally about the sex. It’s why I had sex. But that didn’t mean that I thought less of the mares or anything. I mean— What I’m trying to say is that things seemed different when I had a penis. It was about feeling good and making others feel good. It’s not like us. It wasn’t about being together, being safe and, and cute and stuff. Uhg! Is this making any sense to you? Cause I think I just confused myself.“

Applejack chuckled. “I think so. When you first found out about sex, as a guy at least, it was like having a good cider at the end of a long day. A simple pleasure that was nice to share with others. But with me it’s different. It’s about being closer while… sharing interests is how I’d put it.”

“Yeah,” explained Rainbow enthusiastically, “I mean, I think so. Every time I think back on how I felt, it kind of reminds me of how I feel with you but not quite, ya know. Like, it’s the same but different. Like, the first cider of the season compared to a cider midway through, only with friends or something? Hey stop laughing.”

“I can’t help it, love,” said Applejack as she failed to hold in a snort. “You just make it so easy.”

Rainbow stuck her tongue out.

“Anyway,” added Applejack. “I think we need ta get a bit serious for a moment. I need ta know, was it always just a about a fun time or did you ever feel anything different with those mares?”

Rainbow Dash scratched her chin for a moment before shyly turning to Applejack. “Uh, there was one that was different, but not like us.”

Applejack perked up. “How do ya mean?”

“Promise not to laugh?” asked Rainbow Dash dead seriously.

Applejack grinned. “Nope, but you’re gonna tell me anyway.”

Rainbow dash sighed. “I, I… IsleptwithSpitfire.”

Applejack’s jaw dropped after she took a moment to comprehend what she was hearing. “Ya’ll did what with who now?”

“Look, right after Twilight said she made a breakthrough, and was sure that she could fix me when she worked out some details or something, I got a letter from Spitfire. It said that there was going to be an opening soon and that she needed me to come to see her at the training camp as soon as possible. She was going out of her way to let me know what was coming up because I was her choice pick for a replacement. So, I decided that it was worth the risk. I mean turning her down might’ve hurt my chances more than having had a sex change.”

Dash sighed. “So, I put on the weight suit that Rarity made for me so that I could explain looking like a male. Which ended up causing a lot of problems ‘cause everyone at the Academy was really interested and it drew a lot of attention. Though it might have helped me get the spot, I don’t know.” Dash shrugged.

“Anyway, I showed up and had to explain to Spitfire about the suit. I played it off just like with everypony else, only she was really interested, like wanted-to-try-it-on interested. I couldn’t come up with a good reason why she couldn’t, so I had to explain everything if I didn’t want to end up looking like a total jerk after she stuck her neck out for me. After that she still asked to try it on, since Rarity did make it an actual weight suit. It didn’t fit her at all 'cause it was designed for a guy's build. Then one thing led to another and we ended up having sex,” Rainbow finished casually.

“How does ‘one thing lead to another?’” asked Applejack confused.

“Huh, oh. Um, I think she ended up looking me up and down, and she is really hot,” explained Rainbow Dash. “I mean really, really hot. Like on the cover of Wet Feathers and everything hot. And I didn’t exactly have control over my, um, male parts like males learn. Then I guess she flat out asked me if I wanted to have sex.”

“Wait, isn’t that like a conflict of interest or something?” asked Applejack with sudden worry.

“That’s what I said. I mean, I wanted sex but it wasn’t as important to me as becoming a Wonderbolt. But she told me that she had already given her recommendation and the position wouldn’t put me under her command. I’m guessing that she was bending the rules a little bit, but any excuse right? So, she braced herself on the desk and we had sex right there in her office looking at her gold medals. Then, she invited me to her place and we used a blender and a—”

“Okay Dash,” interrupted a blushing Applejack as she forced Rainbow’s mouth closed with her hoof. “Way too much information there, partner.”

“Oh.” said Rainbow suddenly blushing. “Right. Sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

They sat there in silence for a moment, Rainbow not knowing how to keep from shoving her hoof in her mouth and Applejack contemplating how she hadn’t gotten mad at Rainbow.

“So,” asked Applejack cautiously. “Why was she different?”

Rainbow looked at Applejack with wide eyes and a furrowed brow. “Seriously, like, one of the top ten hottest mares, not to mention the Captain of the Wonderbolts—somepony who I’ve looked up to for half my life—wanted to have sex with me. AJ, it’s not even that it was good, it’s that it was Spitfire. The Spitfire. Like, imagine you liked me like you like me but we hadn’t gone out yet. Then imagine that I come onto you in like, the most romantic sexiest, wet mane and feathers I need you kind of way. Oh, like we did for our three month anniversary. Even if it wasn’t special special, its still a once in a lifetime pony of your dreams special. Like—

Applejack interrupted by pushing into and biting Rainbow's upper lip. he shoved Rainbow back against the trashcan as Dash’s wings flared. After a long moment of making out, with some nibbling and groping being thrown in for good measure, Applejack pulled away from Rainbow, leaving them panting. “I think I get it, boo. It made you feel, validated, almost like becoming a Wonderbolt made you feel?”

Dash nodded as AJ leaned into her. “That’s exactly how it felt. Just, more... personal.”

Dash put a wing around Applejack and pulled her closer. They sat there for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company despite the loud music coming from inside the life-sized gingerbread house behind them.

Applejack was the first to break the silence between them. “So, who else did you sleep with?”

“Huh, oh. You sure you want to know?” asked Dash with reservation. “I mean, you won’t get mad or anything?”

Applejack kept Dash worried as she thought momentarily. “I don’t think so, why? Is there something I should be mad about?”

“I don’t think so, well… maybe,” added Dash hesitantly. “Just, promise you won’t get mad, okay?”

“No, I don’t promise. But I can promise that I’ll hear you out and won’t do anything rash, least 'till tomorrow,” finished Applejack with a wink.

“Heh heh, I guess that fair,” said Rainbow chuckling lightly. “How much do you want to know?”

“Uh,” stumbled Applejack, unsure of the answer herself. “How about you just tell me in order who and why. An’ If I want ta know more I’ll ask.”

“Okay then. Well, I think I mentioned Zecora. She actually explained everything and showed me what to do, although she didn’t expect me to be able to sire a foal. Then Pinkie. I also slept with her again later because she is like, totally crazy in the sack.”

Rainbow managed to catch Applejack’s scowl.

“Not that you wanted to know that or anything, and I totally love you in bed. I mean, in the sack as well,” chuckled Rainbow awkwardly. Applejack rolled her eyes in an obviously overexaggerated manner. “Anyway. Then there was Lyra and Bon Bon. Though I guess only Bon Bon got pregnant.”

“Hold up for a second. How did you end up with both Lyra and Bon Bon?” asked Applejack.

Rainbow laughed. “Actually they ended up with me. I guess Lyra got it in her head that I had actually turned into a male. Heh heh, go figure right, with all her crazy theories she finally got one right. Anyway I guess they wanted to have a foal, but Bon Bon totally didn’t believe her. She still thought it was my new weight suit that made me look like a dude. So Lyra made a bet. If I was a male then they would ask me to sire a foal with Bon Bon who already had a thing for me and wanted to bear a child. But I didn’t know that then. So when they finally asked, I told them the truth. I mean, I got caught off guard and maybe kind of panicked when I thought they knew. Anyway, I’d also feel bad lying to a fan. I’m awesome, but not perfect, and I don’t want people to think I’m perfect, just awesome.”

Applejack rolled her eyes playfully to which Dash stuck her tongue out before responding. “What? You know it’s true.”

“Yeah, yeah. The pinnacle of humility,” teased Applejack.

“What does humidity have to do with anything?” asked Rainbow Dash with a completely straight and serious face.

Applejack facehooved and told Rainbow to continue, barely catching a wink from Dash. “So anyway, Lyra asked about me becoming a male and it took me a second but I decided to tell them. Then Lyra told Bon Bon ‘I told you so’ and did a little dance on her hind legs before giving Bon Bon a big hug. I was kind of surprised that Bon Bon still seemed kind of happy about being wrong, but I’m not exactly the best with that kind of thing.”

Applejack snorted as Dash’s face adorned a small smile. Rainbow Dash continued, deliberatly ignoring her marefriend. “So then Lyra looked at me and said in this really sexy voice ‘I just won a bet, and the bet was you and your, mhm, new addition.’”

Applejack shivered, and with only a bit of embarrassment, locked Dash’s impression away to a very private corner of her mind.

“Needless to say,” continued Dash with a wide grin, “after I realized what she was asking I thought Lyra wanted me to rut her. So I agreed and we went back to their place. Then I found out it was Bon Bon, though I thought it was Bon Bon as well as Lyra at first. They told me they wanted a foal and I mentioned I didn’t think I could but was willing to give it a try. Anyway, we managed to make it a three way and I left.”

It took Applejack a moment to realize Dash was done. “Wait, you just left?”

“Well, yeah. I mean I knew they were an item, and it had been a long night of sex. I think it was Bon Bon’s first time so we started slow, but wow, that Lyra sure knew what she was doing.”

Applejack flushed. “And you didn’t find it weird at all? Two mares find out you were male and just decided to jump your bones?”

“Uh, I'm not sure what you mean, but I think so,” responded Rainbow Dash. “I mean, I am awesome. And I was kind of new to that kind of thing. I mean, I only just found out how good sex was a few hours earlier.”

“Okay, so that’s Lyra and Bon Bon, what about the next one?”

“Oh, that was Carrot Top,” replied Dash quickly. “It was the next day and I went back into town to get some coconut juice. Lyra waved at me while Bon Bon just giggled and blushed like, well, like she just slept with me I guess. Anyway we walked toward each other and I realized Carrot was hiding behind Lyra. Lyra said Carrot had been having a similar problem and they wanted to know if I was interested in mating with her. It was kinda awkward. Anyway, they said it would be her first time too. By then I was glad to have the suit because that thing down there, boy did it have a mind of its own. Anyway I was totally up for another ride and agreed to meet Carrot at her house. So I met her there and did the deed.”

Applejack managed to mostly hold in her emotions. “Rainbow, what do you mean by did the deed? Was it so impersonal for you?

“Um, are you sure you want me to get into this? I mean, I’m not an expert or anything but she didn’t seem disappointed. Or did she say something to you?” ask Dash with sudden unease.

Applejack tensed up for a moment before looking away and replying. “Um, well. She seemed mighty appreciative I guess, I mean for the attempt and all.”

Dash looked at Applejack before visually prodding her on. “Really?”

Applejack began to sweat. “Um, well. The thing is, uh.” Applejack turned to call out. “Carrot, can ya come over here a sec?”

Dash looked sharply toward Applejack before looking back as Carrot Top came around the corner. “How long have you been there?”

Carrot Top paused. “Um, since Applejack told me to wait.”

Applejack put a hoof on Dash’s shoulder. “Calm down, boo. I had her wait until we could talk. Sorry Carrot, I kind of lost track of things. Dash, Carrot, uh, she has somethin’ that she needs to talk to you about.” Applejack turned to Carrot Top. “Do you want some time alone?”

Carrot nervously looked between Dash and Applejack a few times. “No, it’s okay. Dash?”

Dash looked worriedly toward her mare friend as Carrot Top took a breath. “Dash, I mated with you because I wanted a foal. I know you said you couldn’t sire any, but I was still willing to try. Most of the mares that mated with you wanted foals. But I, I lost mine. I found out yesterday.”

The three mares stood facing each other; Rainbow Dash staring, unmoving, Carrot Top sitting, staring at the ground as tears began to slowly make their way following gravity, and Applejack looking between the two.

Carrot top didn’t move. She couldn't be the one to go to Dash, she had asked Dash to sire her foal, and as much as she felt like a failure, she knew that it wasn’t her fault, and it wasn’t Dash’s. If she forced the issue she might hurt her relationship with Dash, and more importantly, Applejack. Applejack was a good mare from a good family; And while Applejack and Dash would never try to hurt Carrot Top if she hurt their relationship, the townsponies weren’t like the Elements. They could get out of hoof over the simplest misunderstanding.

Applejack wanted to step in. Her friend and her marefriend were hurting and she wanted nothing more than to pull them both into a great big hug—to tell them it would be okay and give them the biggest slice of apple pie. But she knew that this wasn't really her business and that Rainbow Dash had to take responsibility for her own damned careless actions. Though Rainbow didn’t seem to be having an easier time of it.

Dash wavered, taking a step toward Carrot, pausing, then taking a few more quick steps and pulling Carrot into a hug, but while looking down toward her belly. She glanced toward Applejack for a split second before closing her eyes and pulling Carrot tighter, comforting her as they both broke down into tears.

After the first long sob from Carrot, Dash raised her head, looking directly into Applejack’s eyes as she began to rock the other mare. She croaked out a short ‘I’m sorry’ before closing her eyes, burying her face in Carrot’s mane.

Applejack stepped forward and joined in the embrace, knowing just how much it hurt to lose family.

Carrot began wailing. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Celestia. Why! Why!”

Dash frowned painfully at Applejack as she held Carrot. At some point she managed to let her voice crack out a few comforting words. “Let it all out, CT. We got time.”

Applejack again locked eyes with Dash. “Ya ain’t done nothin’ wrong sugar. Don’t you go thinking that or I’ll have to knock some sense into you.”

“We, we lost our foal,” said Dash softly. “We didn’t have to do anything wrong. Life’s just unfair sometimes.”

“Hey, they’re back everypony!” Pinkie yelled as Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked in, followed by a meek and teary-eyed but noticeably calmer Carrot Top. “The party is back on!”

Pinkie immediately jumped on top of the nearest table and began performing a cancan to the loud applause of the entirety of Ponyville.

“Uh, yeah,” mumbled Rainbow Dash. “Party’s back on, I guess.”

“Um, fabulous,” chimed Rarity as she approached the three mares. “Glad… to hear it? Oh dear, Carrot Top, your mane seems to be in quite the rebellious state. How about you join me in the powder room and I’ll have you back to looking the beauty in no time.”

Carrot Top wiped one last tear from her eye and smiled at Rarity. “Oh, thank you Rarity, that sounds refreshing. I’ll see you in a bit Rainbow Dash, Applejack. I, uh, really appreciate you two being there for me.”

“Well, she is called Rainbow ‘Loyalty’ Dash,” added Applejack as she lovingly hip-checked Dash, who responded with a bump of her own.

“You two are good ponies,” said Carrot Top with a broad grin before walking off with Rarity. She paused at the doorway and turned back one last time. “You deserve each other, in the best possible way.”

The couple each pulled the other closer and into a quick awkward kiss before giggling happily.

“Well,” said Dash. “I have a lot to make up to AJ for. And if you need me I’ll be there for you, by the way. But, AJ’s cool and gave me another chance. And I don’t lose, so don’t worry,” Dash finished, holding a hoof in the air, wings flared, smiling confidently. “I got this!”

With a smile Applejack poked Dash's raised hoof, causing her to tense and recoil sideways, desperately holding in an undesired laugh. Carrot Top and Rarity giggled at the loving display before leaving. Dash scowled at a snickering Applejack.

Applejack spoke up between two small sets of giggles. “Ah, I think we’ll be fine, boo. Just don’t you go thinking that you’ll ever win a disagreement against me.”

Dash smirked malevolently as she rubbed her hoof against her leg. “That works both ways, tickles.”

“Ohhh,” squealed Pinkie from behind Applejack. “Tickle fight!”

“What, n-Gah!” screamed Applejack.

The entire party, and by extension the entire population of ponyville, turned to look as Pinkie Pie tackled Applejack into the refreshment table, tickling wildly. The airless gasps and laughs of the struggling farm mare were only interrupted when one side of the refreshment table collapsed, sending a chocolate cake with strawberry frosting straight into the face of Rainbow Dash.

With a warrior’s screech Rainbow announced her entrance into the now-frosted tickle match, adding rainbow swirls to the tumbling, pink and orange twister. The newly formed tornado of tickling terror quickly veered into Fluttershy. This added a smattering of adorable helpless squeaks to the tortured and uproarious laughter of the friendship level tickle fight.

Unfortunately—or perhaps fortunately for those forcibly involved—the twisting tickle fight tumbled into a second treat table. With only one leg to stand on, the table collapsed and the participants became covered with punch. Instantly, the squabble was quelled with a tittering of ‘ewws’ and ‘ahhs’, eliciting laughter from the few onlookers who weren’t stunned into silence.

Rarity giggled as she walked up and began cleaning up the mess with a simple tidying spell. “Oh Fluttershy, come here dearie. Are you okay?”

Fluttershy looked around shakily, momentarily studying herself and her surroundings before nodding from behind her pink bangs. “I’m fine. But I better help clean this up.”

“Oh gosh, Fluttershy, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to roll into you,” said Pinkie as she pulled her mellow yellow friend into a close and gentle hug.

“It’s okay Pinkie. I was just startled.”

“Glad ta hear it,” said Applejack as she wrung the punch out of her hat. “Didn’t mean ta get you involved in that.”

Rainbow walked up behind Applejack before shaking herself off, mostly onto Applejack. “Yeah, sorry about that, guess I need to learn some self control.”

Applejack look back with mock hostility. “Ya think.”

Dash answered by licking the punch off of Applejack’s left ear. “Mhhh, nah.”

“Dash!” complained Applejack as she tried to hide a blush.

Dash thrust her chest out proudly, “What, you want to lick me off too?”

As Applejack pulled back to smack Dash in the face with her wet hat, she was interrupted by the approaching giggles of Lyra and Bon Bon.

“Well,” said Bon Bon before clearing her throat and helping to disband the onlookers. “I’m glad you two seem to be getting along. ”Bon Bon shared a quick look with her marefriend. “We were kind of worried about you two.”

“Yeah,” added Lyra. “I mean, you two are really cute together and then it turns out that Dash was fertile when she, um, was a he.”

“Wait,” said Applejack interrupting the conversation by sticking her hoof out. “What do you mean ‘turns out’ she was fertile? Of course Dash was fertile, the entire damn town is pregnant.”

Bon Bon and Lyra looked between themselves and then toward Dash.

Dash shrugged, “We keep getting distracted and stuff so I haven’t been able to tell her the whole story yet.”

“Oh,” said Bon Bon. “Should we, uh, come back?”

Applejack sighed. “Nah, might as well get it all out in the open before somethin’ else comes up.”

Dash, Lyra, and Pinkie shared a giggle, much to the confusion of the others present.

“Right,” said Dash as she regained her composure. “Anyway, the reason I didn’t think I could get mares pregnant was because Zecora said I wasn’t fertile. I thought I mentioned that earlier but it’s been a long day.”

“Yeah,” said Applejack slowly. “Still, you mean to tell me that this whole time I thought you were just a big dumb idiot and here ya are telling me you were told that you weren’t actually fertile?”

Dash placed a hoof dramatically over her heart. “Applejack, you wound me.”

Applejack stomped her foot. “Don’t give me none of that malarkey. Why didn’t you make more of a point of explaining it”

“Well, I kind of did. Or at least I tried to. I mean, remember when we first found out and I thought I couldn’t be the father we talked about how it takes ten months for a foal.” Applejack nodded for Dash to continue. “That was all stuff I first learned from Zecora. I mean she basically taught me how it all works and did some tests and talked about a problem with me not being fertile. She used some word’s I didn’t understand like consenate, conten something like that and pat, pat... patnerdity or something. Anyway then she made some weird nutmeg and vanilla type drink that she called a fert—”

“That doesn’t matter,” interrupted Applejack. “What tests did she do?”

Dash blushed as Bon Bon, Lyra, and the previously unnoticed Pinkie, were quietly joined by the identical Ditzy and Derpy Do. “Well, she tested, my um, my stuff.”

Applejack put her hooves on Dash’s shoulder, shaking her momentarily. “How did she test it Dash, this could be important.”

“Um, you really want ta know, AJ?”

“Yes Dash, I really want to know.”

“Well, first she um, did this thing with her, uh… Well she… Can we just say she took a hooves on approach to getting a sample?”

Suddenly Applejack blushed redder than Big Mac during a summer barbecue. “Uh, yeah.”

Dash sighed gratefully. “Good. Anyway she took the, um, sample and then put it under this microscope thingy and told me that I wasn’t fertile.”

“That’s great,” declared Applejack with big hug. “That means there is no way you could be a father.”

“Actually,” interrupted Derpy with an obliviously happy smile. “I can assure you that Rainbow was fertile. You see, neither myself nor my sister have been with anyone but Rainbow Dash, yet my sister, Ditzy, is pregnant. Right Ditzy?”

“I know how you feel though,” comforted Dash. “It’s still kind of hard to believe.”

Ditzy nodded. “I know. Dash told me that she wasn’t fertile when I asked her to help me become pregnant. But I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try. And she was quite handsome," added Ditzy with a blush. “But I was ever so happy to learn that she was wrong.”

“Wait wait,” interrupted Applejack with smug chuckle as she looked at Dash with a raised eyebrow. “Ditzy, AND Derpy?”

“And Dizzy,” added Ditzy. “Actually she was with all six of my sisters.”

Dash could only blush as Applejack began to laugh. “Six, Dash? You did seven of the Do sisters?”

Lyra and Bon Bon quickly joined in with their own awkward chuckles. Pinkie Pie giggled as she took a sip of a large soda.

“Yeah,” chuckled Derpy. “That happens with a house full of mares in heat. She got all of them pregnant too.”

“WHAT!” came the unanimous reply from the now growing crowd as Rarity, and Fluttershy joined Applejack, Bon Bon, Lyra, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. All eyes quickly turned to Rainbow Dash as a raucous chuckle began emanating from the new father. A chuckle that was echoed by her marefriend.

“Oh come on,” laughed Dash as she began wiping tears away from her eyes. “How can I not laugh. Wait wait, is Daring pregnant as well?”

As Rarity fainted onto her fainting couch, the loud 'consarnit' from Applejack drew the attention of the remaining party guests.

“Uh, maybe we should move them to a more private setting, perhaps outside?” offered Twilight. “Pinkie could you get the door?”

“Absotootiefruitylutly,” came the reply as the door opened seemingly of it’s own accord.

“Thanks,” came the reply as Twilight began levitating Rarity through the door.

“You’re welcome,” came the gravely reply as Gilda stepped through the door into the now silent party. Many ponies took a step back remembering the previous visit from the infamous Gilda.

Gilda, for her part, met the eyes of the ponies, some angry and some scared as they remembered how she had reduced Fluttershy to tears. “Don’t worry, ponies. I’m not here to cause trouble, I just need to speak to my girl here.”

All eyes turned to the slightly blushing blue mare in question as she began to hurriedly push her unconscious floating friend, fainting couch, and mare friend through the door. “Yeah yeah, we can talk outside.”

Gilda rolled her eyes.

“Um, Rainbow,” came a Fluttershy’s timid voice. “Do you want us to come with you?”

Dash quickly zoomed back in and began shoving her remaining friends through the door.

“Dash, girl, tell me ya didn’t?” pleaded Applejack.

Gilda sneared. “What’s your problem, home girl? Got an apple stuck in ya?”

“Hey,” interrupted Rainbow as she placed a possessive hoof around Applejack, “That’s my marefriend.”

Gilda looked between the two, her frown at Rainbow’s aggressive outburst quickly becoming a grin. “Hehe, I see how it is. Lose your penis, lose your balls, huh.”

“Hey,” yelled Fluttershy as she flared her wings. “That is not a very nice thing to say to someone who was once your friend.”

Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight, and a now conscious Rarity all took a place behind Fluttershy, supportive of her in her assertion.

Gilda rolled her eyes. “Look, me and Dash, we go way back. What I said to her wasn’t any worse than what she said to me back then. It’s how we rolled.”

Everypony looked toward Dash who gave an affirmative, slightly embarrassed, nod.

Gilda nodded toward Dash. “Now before you girls get pissy at me I have something that my therapist thinks I need to say.

“Therapist?” came six identically surprised responses.

“Yeah,” growled Gilda as she took a heavy step forward. “A therapist. You got a problem with that?”

The Elements of Harmony all took a step back, shaking their heads.

“Good. Now…” Gilda closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “About what happened the last time I was in town. I’m... sorry.”

The six mares stared at the griffon.

Suddenly Pinkie began to beam as big as she could and bounced over to Gilda, pulling her into a hug that was just a little too tight for her to breath. “Oh, of course we forgive you. Isn’t this great girls?”

“Yeah, but Pinkie,” said Applejack. “You probably shouldn’t hug ‘er ta death.”

“Oh, if you say so,” said Pinkie as she let go of a now-grimacing Gilda.

“Hot hells,” said Gilda, rubbing her neck, then her belly. “Do me a favor, don’t choke me. In fact don’t hug me, or even touch me ever again.“

Pinkie frowned and stepped back. “Okay, sheesh. I was just trying to make up for not giving you a goodbye hug, or a hello hug or a—.”

Applejack stepped forward and placed a hoof over Pinkies mouth. As she scrutinized Gilda up and down, her face slowly began to adopt a frown. “So, Gilda. I couldn’t help but notice that you rubbed your belly. Are you okay? Is there something that we should know?”

Gilda starred harshly at Applejack, much to the confusion of the others—sans Rainbow Dash, who stepped in between the two. “Girls, I think Gilda, AJ, and I need to have a private conversation.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” said Twilight. “If there’s a problem, we're all here for eachother.”

Gilda shrugged as she looked at Dash. “No fur off my paws.”

All eyes looked toward Dash as she rubbed her temples with her front hooves. “It doesn’t matter. Just, make it fast.”

Gilda smirked as she leaned over the other ponies. “Sounds good to me. You see, girls. Back when Rainbow was changed into a stallion we ran into each other in Cloudsdale. And do you know what we did?”

“Oh, oh,” cried Pinkie as she began jumping up and down. “Did you make banana splits? What about rock candy necklaces? Oh, oh, I know. Did you two have sex? I bet it was sex, with lots of screaming.”

“Pinkie!” admonished Rarity. “That is hardly lady—

Gilda’s uproarious laughter swiftly cut off Rarity’s lecture. “You got that one right, Pinks, maybe you aren’t as lame as I thought.”

Pinkie grinned back at Gilda’s happiness. “Well, Dash did basically sleep with anyone she could get her dollywanger in.”

Gilda scratched the bottom of her beak. “Oh, Dash decided to play the stud, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised. You’d have to be barren to not want an Element of Harmony for a mate. And most guys would think she’d be crazy to pass that up. Heck, I’d have to be crazy to pass that up.”

Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie all looked back at Rainbow Dash with surprise. Applejack simply looked down as she pulled her hat a little lower.

Rainbow, for her part, looked down in shame. “It’s true. After I went to see Spitfire, I went to Cloudsdale to visit my parents and confront them about why they never talked with me about sex. I ran into Gilda there and she apologized for the way she’d behaved the last time she was here. She said that she had started going to a there-a-past for anger, whatever that is. Anyway one thing led to another, and with all the new thoughts and feelings I had been having since learning about sex, the idea came up and, well... We had sex. I mean… wait.”

Dash’s head suddenly snapped up and she stared directly into Gilda’s dominating smile before smashing her head into her hoof. “Oh, smite me with a moon damned sun.”

All the ponies recoiled at Dash’s language while Gilda began to laugh, louder than before. “That’s right Dash, my gal pal. I’m pregnant.”

Everypony stared, at Gilda. Almost as if they were expecting more.

“Rainbow mother humping two-timin’ snake in the celestialy damned grass Dash,” said Applejack with rising anger as she turned her head slowly to stare down the cowering, teary eyed father. “One of our best friends, I can understand. Going hump happy all over town? A might bit difficult to swallow. But why in the name of Tartarus did you go and sleep with someone who none of us, not even you, could stand?”

Silence echoed through the town. Even the party had turned off the music as hundreds of ponies shoved their faces up against the windows of Sugarcube Corner.

“Wait," said Gilda, finally breaking the silence. "You mean you were..." She snorted, giving Dash a look. "Nicely done, Loyalty."

“Oh she didn’t cheat on Applejack,” piped up Pinkie Pie helpfully.

Gilda glanced away from the awkward couple to the pony that was, for some reason, bouncing on her back. “Then why is Orange Peel, I mean your orange friend, so pissed?”

“Oh, that's probably because her marefriend got seventeen ponies, a griffon, and a zebra pregnant,” responded Pinkie as she slowly spun in circles to better observe a common butterfly.

“Wait,” said Gilda taking a step back. “Dash got nineteen gals pregnant? Please tell me she said ten seconds flat afterwards.”

“Hmmm,” said Pinkie with a hoof on her chain. “I don’t remember her screaming anything like that.”

“Ah, so you’re one of the ones she knocked up?” asked Gilda. “She did always like the color pink.”

“She does!” exclaimed Pinkie as she began prance in place happily. “Pink’s my favorite color too. Oh, oh. I should go put a pink bow in Surprise’s hair. Be right back.”

As Gilda watched the pink one depart at speeds that made her slightly jealous, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, she saw the purple mare with an unbelievably boring mane. “Yeah, what do ya want, stiff?”

“Sorry,” added Twilight with a small blush. “But I was wondering if you knew anything about hippogriffs and their gestational development? I know I have at least one book on crossbreeding, I can even lend it to you if you want, but I’m curious for some first hoof information?”

“You mean ya wanna know about the tyke in this dyke?” asked Gilda.

All the ponies present reacted. Even Applejack and Rainbow Dash recoiled at the offensive term so casually thrown out by the expecting griffon.

Gilda reacted sharply as the ponies collectively flinched. “Look, I can be a bitch. And I don’t just mean making pathetic ponies cry,” she added leaning in towards Fluttershy and she adopted a mocking tone. “I’m a player, I get in fights, and I have anger problems. I’m also crass as an ass and have balls made of brass. And if you don’t like it then you can fuck off. I don’t care.”

Gilda turned toward Dash. “Anyway, good job, Dash. Sorry to drop this on you but I wanted to tell you that I was happy to see you get into the Wonderbolts. And I guess I wanted to let you know that I was pregnant in case you ever wanted to see the fledgling. And that, at the time, it, uh, felt right. Makin’ amends I mean.”

“Uh,” said Dash. “Thanks. I’d invite you to the party, but I can’t imagine that it would go over well. I know what that eye twitch of yours means, even if you’ve gotten better at hiding it. Honestly I’m surprised you haven’t lost your cool. I’ll make sure to swing by tomorrow, maybe the day after, then we can talk about it. Right now I got a lot ta think about.”

All eyes turned to Gilda. “You don’t have to do that, Dash. We both know it wouldn’t work out between us. Besides, for all the cracks I make, your marefriend doesn’t seem all that lame.”

Applejack sneered. “Glad I meet with your approval.”

“Approval,” snapped Gilda, “has nothing to do with this. If you make Dash happy then that’s what matters.”

Gilda took a few calming breaths. “...eight, nine, ten. Sorry about that.”

Applejack stepped back, a look of surprise on her face. “No problem, I guess I owe you an apology too there. So, uh, sorry about pressing your buttons.”

Gilda brushed off the apology. “Nah, it’s cool. I need practice anyway. After all, I gotta get used ta having a kid now. So... I’ll be seeing you, Dash.”

“See ya,” replied Dash.

As Gilda flew off, Twilight ran after her, but stopped before attempting to take flight. “But I have questions.”

“Twilight,” said Fluttershy as she quietly walked up behind Twilight. “I think Gilda just wants to be left alone.”

Twilight signed. “I guess that makes sense. After all, there have only been a dozen hippogriffs born in Equestria since birth records became a common practice over a thousand years ago. Year ninteen hundred and sixty nine I believe.”

Rarity piped in. “Wasn’t that the year Nightmare Moon was banished?”

Twilight nodded. “Now that I think about it, it was. I wonder if those two things are related. Spike?”

“Yes, Twilight,” called Spike as he ran out from the door to Sugarcube Corner, his face covered with sprinkles.

Twilight turned to walk off into the party. “Take a note to follow up on later.”

“Well,” said Applejack, turning away from her departing friend. “I think me and Rainbow Dash need ta have ourselves a talk. Private like, if y'all don’t mind.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Of course. Come on Pinkie, let’s go.”

“Awww,” cried Pinkie. “But I wanted to see my two best friends talk it out and then get all kissy face.”

“Pinkie,” said Rarity calmly. “It’d probably be easier if they were alone.”

“Okay,” said Pinkie before hopping off with Rarity and Fluttershy.

A few moments later Applejack and Rainbow Dash found themselves alone, awkwardly digging at the ground.

“So,” said Applejack breaking the silence. “Gilda.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled awkwardly. “Yeah, Gilda. Not exactly my proudest moment. But at least we got back in touch. You know, she’s been getting help for her attitude.”

“Y’all mentioned that I think.” Replied Applejack before looking back toward Sugacube Corner. “Huh, seems they finally decided to mind their own business.”

Rainbow looked back. “Yeah. You know, I never thought about it before but, I don’t mind getting all the attention.”

Applejack snorted in earnest laughter. “Ya don’t say.”

“That’s not what I mean,” backtracked Dash, smiling. “I mean. I’ve always wanted to be a Wonderbolt. Ever since I was a little filly. And part of that means being the center of attention, opening up the world to know everything about me. I even learned to revel in it. But you wanted ta be a farm girl. Somepony simple. And I like that about you. You ground me.”

Rainbow Dash looked back toward Applejack and stepped closer, probing Applejack’s personal bubble. “But I never thought about how my need for attention might hurt you. Now that I’m a Wonderbolt, the paparazzi might bother you as much as they bothered Fluttershy when she was a model.”

Applejack put a hoof on Rainbow’s mouth, shushing her. “The difference between me and Fluttershy is, Fluttershy didn’t love what she was doing. She hated it, all of it. And for all your faults, Rainbow ‘Loyalty’ Dash.’” Applejack gave Dash a quick kiss. “I do love you."

Rainbow beamed.

“Though, it also helps that the farm is private property and we could always use the free advertisin’.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “You mean all that?”

Applejack nodded earnestly. “Long as Gila, Pinkie, and Spitfire are the biggest surprises, I suppose you're worth another chance.”

Rainbow nodded quickly before biting her lower lip. “So… you forgive me?”

“Ah heck no,” replied Applejack as she playfully punched Rainbow in the shoulder. “But we can work it out.”

They pulled each other into a mutual hug. They held each other in silence for a long moment before Rainbow broke the silence. “Hey AJ?”


Dash pulled away to look Applejack in the eye. “I’ve been thinking about what you said. About someday wanting your own foal. I know there might not be anything we can do, but for what it’s worth, I couldn’t think of anyone who I’d rather share a foal with.”

Applejack chuckled. “You still thinkin’ about what I said? Shoot, I told you so I could get it outta me. I’m fine now, really, and for all my weepin’ and wailin’ before, it’s something that a lot of mares deal with. Heck if this, us, turns into something permanent we might try to find a stud ourselves.

Rainbow looked away momentarily as she rubbed the back of her head. “Actually, I was thinking. If we do make this, us, permanent then we could see if Twilight and Zecora could, um, change one of us. Just until we’d have a foal of our own.”

Applejack stared at Rainbow, slowing opening her mouth before closing it again. “Rainbow, that’s. That has to be… I don’t honestly know what to say to that.”

“You don’t have to say anything now,” added Rainbow Dash quickly. “I mean, I’m not looking for more foals anytime soon. Like, really not anytime in the near future. But someday, if it’s what you want, it’s an option. I guess, I guess if I have like a ton of kids, I’d want at least one to be from the mare I love, and I’d want to actually, you know, raise them. With you, or something.”

Applejack swallowed hard and squinted to hold back a tear, before shoving Rainbow Dash in the shoulder and falling into her now open embrace. “Ya big lug. Ya done gone and made me cry.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled as she put her forelegs and wings around her marefriend. “Heh. Well, I can’t let my number one gal break down on me. How about we go get ourselves a big tub of ice cream, a good cider, curl up on the couch, and make out like schoolfillies.”

Applejack was torn between laughing and holding in a happy sob.

“I’d say that sounds like my kinda plan. Though,” added Applejack as they finally let go. “Yer still sleeping on the couch until you make it up to me.”

Rainbow grinned. “Well. I guess I’m just going to have to do my best to make you one happy mare.”

Applejack smiled happily. “I’d like that.”

As they leaned in, Dash made sure to let her kiss linger on Applejack’s lower lip in just the right way so that Applejack couldn’t contain a small moan before pulling away.

Author's Note:

Author’s note/RainbowPoke’rap

Zecora, Pinkie, Lyra, Bon Bon.
Carrot Top, Spitfire, Gilda, Cheerilee.
Derpy, Redheart, Trixie, Flur De Le.
Lotus, Daring, Pinkie, Tenderheart
Cheeralee, Scratch, Blinky, Tavi.
Darling, Fleetfoot, Flitter, Blossomforth.
Ditzy, Jubalee, Mod, and Big Mac.

Gotta mate them all,
Gotta mate them all,
Rainbow Dash!

Link to my story about Pinkie learning to walk.

A big thanks to the patience of my readers and to all the people who helped edit/pre-read for me. I wanted to make sure I gave people something worth the wait.

Thanks to alt-tap for always being there to bounce ideas off. He has a excellent sky pirate story you should check out.

Asylum1138 Provided a round of edits and spacks to the face as well. He currently has a rather epic love tale between Twilight and Luna in the works and I happen to be one of the main pre-readers for it.

Bookplayer helped sort out my writing style a bit early on. She was the founder of the AppleDash group and has some steamy romances if you want something better than this.

Ckat_Myla helped me by generally touching up some of my grammer. I also helped her with a few end chapters of her second

DuskWatch was a big help with technical editing for the first half of the fic before life tookover his life. Being ADHD and Dyslexic the Technical aspects of my writing is easily my weak suit.

RavensDagger helped remind me that I tell when I should show by showing me when I told. He has a interesting little Snapple fic that I quite like. In fact, I commissioned it from him.

totallynotabrony, who is not so secretly really a brony, has one of the best military fics I have ever seen. Don’t let the cover art fool you, it’s awesome. He helped point out when I was just a plain idiot.

Xepher was the one who managed to get through the entire story, giving both a full edit and pre-read and easily knocking up the quality by a good %10. He is joining me as the second for the Everfree Northwest writing track for 2015.

Y1 helped with my Gilda. I only had to re-write her section about 5 times before Y1 helped me get it straight. He has an amazing fic that he canceled but that showed a lot of promis. If you want to see gold gilda try it out.
A Long Journey

Comments ( 4 )

It's been 5 months sense



I can't actually find that line.


It's in the short description.


Ah, thank you.

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