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Strange New World

After the smoke cleared, Othic ran out of cover calling out to Sgt Jackson. He was standing less than 2 feet away from the humvee when the rocket hit. There was a slim chance that he would’ve survived but he needed to find out.

“Cpl what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Shouted Captain Steel.

“Sgt. Jackson was right next to the humvee when it hit!” It was when Othic said those words the Captain’s eyes grew wide.

Cpl Othic viewed his Sgt. as a father figure. He never really had one growing up so it was nice to be able to experience what it was like. And seeing that rocket hit with Jackson right next to it made him fear for the worst.

“Sgt Jackson! Sgt are you out there?!” Othic was getting frantic. He lost his mother when he was a child but now losing what felt like a father to him was beyond disheartening.

Everyone searched for a good 15 minutes but found no trace of Sgt Jackson. Everyone quit, except for Othic. Pvt Smith walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Othic it’s time you stopped. He’s gone.” Othic shoved him away.

“No he isn’t! He’s still out there!” Othic shouted. “Sgt Jackson! Jackson!” Othic’s voice was shaking. Tears were welling up in his eyes which he fought hard to control but lost. Smith walked to him and pulled him in for a hug. Othic objected at first but felt defeated and gave in. Smith walked him back to the convoy.

Once there, he overheard Captain Steel radio in, "Overlord this is Captian Steel do you copy?”

“Roger that Captain.”

“Overlord we have 7 wounded and one critical who need an emergency med-evac. Request permission to return to base to rearm and regroup.”

“Green light you are clear to return to base.”

“We have two KIA: PFC Jack Richmond…” He paused and hesitated for a moment, “and Sgt Paul Jackson.”

“Copy all Captain, Overlord out.”

Captain Steel turned to Cpl Othic whose eye were red from tears. “I’m sorry son, but I have to radio in he’s KIA. We didn’t find his body.” He put his hand on his shoulders and turned to assess the rest of the casualties. Othic took off his helmet, sat down and sobbed. He was one of the toughest Marines in his Company, but losing someone as close as a father as Jackson was unbearable.


Jackson awoke with a bright warm sun overhead. Birds were chirping and he could hear what sounded like a small river which was unusual because birds weren’t heard around Afghanistan. He tried to get up but a pounding in his head made him stop.

Ah dammit! What the hell happened? All I remember is a bright light and then darkness. Jackson thought to himself. He then was able to sit up but the pounding in his head returned. He put his hand to his head. But what touched his head wasn’t a hand. Jackson looked at what used to be his hand, but in place of that was a hoof. His heart started to beat faster as he looked at the rest of his body. What he discovered he couldn’t understand: he was a pony. He was still wearing his full combat gear. His knee shields were still hooked, his helmet was still buckled on, and his M4 was slung around his shoulders hanging at his sides. Something didn’t make sense here. How could he be a pony? He remembered his company being ambushed but couldn’t remember a thing after that.

With all these thoughts going through his mind at once, his head started to pound even harder. He proceeded to try and walk over to the stream that was nearby. It was difficult trying to walk on all four legs but after a few steps he got the hang of it. When he reached the small bank, he removed the strap of his helmet and set it aside. Turning slightly, he and noticed a pair of wings at his side. He didn’t know what he did but suddenly they stretched out at full span. “Wow, how the hell did this happen?” All these thoughts weren’t making his head feel better so with that, Jackson shoved his head under the water. It was nice and cool to the skin which helped suppress his pounding migraine. After taking a few sips out of the stream and with the migraine reduced to just a minor headache, Jackson walked around to get his bearings. He was on the edge of a forest he didn’t recognize. He obviously wasn’t in Afghanistan. But then he remembered his compass. After taking it out of his pack, he became confused as to what was wrong with it. It was constantly spinning around and wasn’t stopping. The gravitational field here couldn’t be that strong. “Piece of junk.” Jackson said as he set back in his pack. He looked up and noticed there was a trail. “Huh, well that’s convenient. Maybe this will lead me to a civilization and they can enlighten on where the hell I am.”

After following the trail for a good 15 minutes, Jackson could hear the sound of a small town just over the hill. He ran up to the top and he was right. There was a small town and right near the right side was a windmill. And to the left on the outskirts was a farm that looked like it was growing apples. “Well that’s weird. I don’t know any place that grows apples in the Middle East. Maybe I’m not even there at all.” Jackson shifted around and began his descent down the hill.

Jackson was about 200 meters when he started sprinting to the town. But what he noticed next was nothing he expected. There, walking around the town, were other ponies.

“What the fu… What the hell is going on here?!” Jackson shouted. The residence seemed to hear as they were staring in his general direction. He began walking into the town cautiously not knowing if they were hostile. A little pony poked her mother and asked, “Mommy, mommy. What’s that pegasus wearing?” She quickly swooped him up and galloped away. Maybe my gear has them freaked out? But he proceeded deeper in the town. Every one of them was staring at him. They he wasn’t from around here but they never seen any pony wear clothing like that.
He didn’t know what, but felt as if something was pulling him. He couldn’t control where he was walking. In front of him was a tree home that said ‘Ponyville Library’ out front. He stopped out front the door and knocked. A few seconds later a purple aura surrounded the door and it opened. A small lavender coated unicorn took a few steps to greet the guest although her eyes were closed as she spoke. “Welcome to Ponyville Public Library, can I assist you…” Her eyes opened and noticed the stallion standing before her. Her ears drooped and eyes wide while taking a few steps back. From her reaction, she was deeply afraid of what this unknown stallion might do

“Hey don’t worry I’m not gonna hurt you, I… wait, we speak the same language?!”


It was a beautiful day out in San Diego California with the sun shining and the air nice and fresh. Everyone seemed to be taking advantage of the nice weather. All accept for Mrs. Jessica Ann Jackson. Her husband left 3 months ago for a tour of duty in Afghanistan and ever since she found out about his deployment, she worried for him and her unborn child. She worried something might happen to him and that their daughter would grow up without a father. It scared her to death but today should be different. She just fed her daughter Brianna and put her down for a nap and had a few hours to herself. She decided to get caught up in her reading.

She heard outside a car screeching to a stop. A few seconds later the doorbell rang. Setting down her book, she answered the door and was caught off guard when standing outside were 2 Marines in formal uniform and a minister standing next to them.

“Excuse me ma’am I’m Major Holden, are you Jessica Jackson?”

“Uh yeah I am. Is everything alright?” She replied. She was now starting to shake and her pulse began to quicken.

“Ma’am I regret to inform you that your husband, Sgt. Paul Jackson has been killed in action.”

Her eyes grew wide and tears flew out from her eyes down her cheeks and she fell to the floor. Then the other Marine walked in and kneeled down beside her. He looked as if he was going to burst in tears.

“Ma’am I’m Cpl James Othic. I understand this is hard for you, but I want you to know that Paul was the best damn Marine any of us had the honor to serve with. He gave his life saving our entire platoon and did so with honor and dignity. He is gone, but his spirit lives within all of us and giving us strength to keep going.” After Othic finished his sentenced, tears flew down his face. Mrs. Jackson looked up to him and wrapped her arms around him and both sat there and cried.