• Published 16th Jun 2013
  • 857 Views, 13 Comments

A Little Shock - Dreamgirl

The prince and princess get quite a shock

  • ...

It's Time

During the next 7 months Luna's hormones went out of control she was happy, sad, hot, cold, she was...HUGE. She was also demanding and you would think Lightning Spark would be tired of it all but he knew that the babies depended on Luna so she should be able to depend on him. Luna even yelled at Lightning to stop breathing down her neck...even though he was on the other side of the room. She was okay during her baby shower, friends of her sisters student sent some gifts; Rarity made the most adorable baby clothes for both a boy and a girl, and (If U saw the episode Suited For Success, u know that Fluttershy has, as Apple Jack put it, a freaky knowledge of sewing) Fluttershy made two of the sweetest little baby blankets and a couple pairs of booties; they were tiny and adorable and both Luna and Lightning loved them. One night Luna and Lightning Spark were asleep, Luna had snuggled up close to Lightning and he was holding her hand; Luna started feeling uncomfortable. She rolled off her husbands chest and stared sweating and panting, Luna then felt a sharp pain in her stomach and woke up with a painful yelp. This caused Lightning to wake up "Luna, is it time?!?"

"Yeah" Luna said in pain

"Oh man, how are we gonna get you to the doctor you can barely move?!"

"You...are gonna...have...to carry me"

Without another word Lightning scooped Luna up and flew down to the infirmary. He burst through the doors and landed right in front of a nurse "Luna's in labor, we need a doctor"

The nurse led Lightning to a private room, she told him that the doctor would be there soon and she helped Luna change into a hospital gown. Lightning Spark was acting as Luna's breathing coach and refused to leave her side for any reason. Luna's eyes shut tight "OHH Lightning...another contraction" Lightning held her hand as she let out short breaths and a total of several Ow's

"That was bad one wasn't it?"

"Yep, this is your fault I hate you"

Lightning signed and reached over to stroke his wife's hair "Don't worry Luna, everything is going to be fine"

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you"

"It's okay" Lightning picked up a damp sponge and dabbed it on Luna's forehead. After a few more minuets the nurse came in, examined Luna and said she was almost completely dilated. The nurse then brought Luna into the delivery room, gave her an epidural, and hooked her up to a machine that monitors her contractions. "Alright princess it won't be long now" the nurse said and she left Lightning and Luna alone. Luna smiled at Lightning "I'm so glad your here with me"

"I wouldn't miss this for the world"

After a few more minuets the doctor came in and said Luna was fully dilated and that the twins were ready to be born.

"Okay princess ready...now...push"

40 Minuets Later

Lightning Spark was sitting on the edge of the bed with Luna, each of them cradled a blanket-wrapped bundle. They were quite until Lightning broke the silence "Luna honey you were wonderful, I'm so proud of you" he kissed Luna on the side of her head "I love you Luna"

"I love you too Lightning"

"I can't believe I'm the father of a handsome baby boy and a beautiful baby girl; you know...they have your nose"

"And your cute smile"

The twins had red hair like their father, but ends of the girls hair was blue. Each of the twins had a birth mark of a lightning bolt with a small star under it on their cheek. Lightning Spark and Luna looked at the baby they were holding "Hi I'm your daddy" Lightning said softly

"And I'm your mommy"

"Luna can you believe it were parents" Lightning Spark said looking up from the infant

"Hey how we doing so far dad?"

"I think they dig us" Lightning joked and Luna giggled

"What should we name them?" Luna asked

"Well...for a boy you know what name I've always liked" Lightning Spark said



"I love that, Prince Rider" Luna said with a smile

"Now what about our little girl?"

"Well I've always wanted to have a daughter named Ayla"

Lightning smiled and he started to tear up a little "That's a pretty name, so it's settled Prince Rider and Princess Ayla"

"I just love them so much, thanks for making me a mommy"

"Thanks for making me a daddy"

"Lightning, I'm a little scared, how are we supposed to keep these tiny things safe?"

"Don't worry Luna, you have maternal instincts, you'll know what to do; and I'll be their to help you"

Luna and Lightning, and their beloved, newly named, new born children all soon fell asleep. Lightning Spark and Luna couldn't be happier, they were a family now with two children they couldn't love more; and they were happily married. They loved each other from the first day they met, they love each other now, and they'll love each other forever; and now they were two more to love.

Author's Note:

Sorry this was a short chapter I ran out of ideas

Comments ( 10 )

The length of the chapter does not matter. This story is beautiful.:yay:

3072511 oh thank u :twilightsmile:, that's so sweet :heart:

AWWWWWWW!!1!!1!!!:rainbowkiss: It's so cute!!!!! Moar!!!!!!!!!! If that's okay with you

3393453 *giggle* maybe I'll write another sequel

4171783 that was actually a reference from the show "Friends"

*One quick search and viewing later.*
:rainbowderp:Oh! I was actually laughing at the fact of irony that will follow if she did have all of Canterlot.

So... Adorable... * Fells off the chair. *

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