• Published 15th Feb 2012
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Two Truths and a Skye - MyLittlePonyTales

A good Roleplay sometimes makes a good story.

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Chapter 3

Thank you...Skye, was it?”

Skye stood back up, and shook himself off, settling his feathers back into place, and looked down the path for a moment before turning his gaze back to the Princess.

Now able to see his real form, Luna began the story that Skye had asked for. Skye's ears swung forward to listen as she spoke. “About what happened that night...It's....complicated...That night is one of the few things I remember, unfortunately....I don't....I don't like to talk about it...” Silence persisted between them, as Luna thought about the fact that this creature treated her...normal. Even after finding out who she was, what she had been and done...None of it seemed to matter. It was strange, and yet...pleasant.

“Something happened. A spell went wrong...I was trying out something new....And...something got out.” She paused, staring off, recalling what had transpired all those hundreds of years ago. She shuddered.

“Maybe it was a demon of some sort...I just know that I couldn't control it. Celestia didn't know any better. It had a hold on me, my body, my mind, my memories....There wasn't anything I could do.”
“I was banished, trapped for a thousand years....in more ways than one. I should never have tried what I did, but I...I was curious. If I could have imagined what would happen...” she trailed off once again, but only for a moment. Skye nodded here and there as the details began to come out.

“The Elements of Harmony finally released me...I hope. The physical part of Nightmare Moon was destroyed, but...she might still be around. That's why I'm afraid to take my rightful place as a ruler. I could screw things up again. I just...I don't know..."

He mulled this over, looking thoughtful as the conversation played back in his head. It definitely sounded as if she'd had bottled this up for a while, and needed to share it with...anyone, someone who would listen. And he was patient, not saying anything until she had finished speaking.

"That definitely sounds complicated. I'm sure there's more details than you're ready to share with me just yet, but you definitely sound like you've needed someone to share this with for a while now. You can always come to me, Princess, you're always welcome here, if you need someone to speak to. My ledge is up there, and I can usually be found there unless I'm elsewhere for something." he paused for a moment, looking back down the path again, ever watchful. "We can't all be blamed for our mistakes, as long as we learn something from them. From the sound of things, you merely made a mistake. Granted, it was a mistake that could have had terrible repercussions, but such is life. I think Princess Celestia felt at the time it was the best thing to do what she did, but even she surely feels remorse for what she did."

Thank you, Skye. You are a very wise and kind Peryton. I would like to believe you about Celestia, but....she has not yet approached me about it. She acts as though nothing happened...and yet, nothing did...to her.”

At her comment at his wisdom, Skye chuckled. "Ah, I'm not so wise. I've had many years to ponder things, and some of them are like a puzzle. The right pieces fall into place if you look at them long enough. True wisdom comes from knowing the philosophy, and knowing when to act on it. I make my own mistakes all the time. I'm just here to help. I may not always be right, but I'll never purposefully steer you wrong.”

Skye circled around her, nosing several stones from the path that had collected from various travelers, and picked up a few stray branches as well. Luna watched as Skye slowly moved around her.

You know, I used to tell you stories when you were up there. None of them were as fantastic a tale as the Elements of Harmony, mostly the musings of a young fawn exploring his imagination. Maybe with this release, you will be free to explore yours. A great ruler learns as well as rules, but even Celestia has wishes." he paused, now on the other side of Luna. "What do you wish for most, Princess?"

Luna looked surprised at his last question. “You ask a question that one would think it would be easy to answer...and yet, I cannot. There is nothing that I want now...there is nothing I deserve.

Skye pondered this, scrunching his face for a moment, before relaxing in a smile. "It's okay, not everyone knows what they wish for in life. Some find their wishes, some never do, it's a matter of deciding what makes you happy.”

Luna thought for a moment. “My only wish, I suppose, would be for things to have never changed. For Nightmare Moon to have never existed.”

Skye thought about her last comment, and sat on the path once more, digging a little furrow in the soil near the side. "You wish Nightmare Moon to have never existed. But have you thought about what might have happened if she had not? Maybe a thousand years of solitude changed your sister from what she was then to what she is now. She might not have been as kind and benevolent a ruler. Nopony ever gets what they feel they deserve, yet every action they take has their consequences and benefits. You've come here tonight. Had you never come, you might never have met me, and we might never have talked. You'll leave here tonight with the memory of our conversation and it will change you. How, I can't say, but I hope it's for the better, just as it has changed me. I can't grant your wishes, that's beyond me. But I can help you find your dreams."

Luna paused before she spoke. “I know that you mean well Skye...but did I have to bear punishment in order for my sister to better herself? I did not gain anything from this. I only lost.”

Skye continued. "A thousand years is a long time. Has it been that long already? As for Celestia, you realize how much she's gone through, these past thousand years. You've admitted yourself that she might have much on her plate. Maybe this is why she hasn't approached you. Yet, has she given sign, of any kind, of trying to be a good sister to you? A friend? Maybe something subtle you may not have realized? Brought you tea in bed, or passed you a fresh dessert? It might be difficult for her, too, and more difficult still to recognize it.”

When she—gives me favors, I do not know what she wishes to accomplish. Perhaps she truly feels sorry...or perhaps she is just trying to be the better pony. If she wishes for forgiveness, I wish that she would just say so.”

Luna looked thoughtful before she spoke. “Earlier today, she mentioned something about wanting to hold a “moon celebration.” But I did not listen....for I do not feel that I deserve that. Celestia has been ruling over both night and day, sun and moon....and yet I have done nothing worthy of praise. I am not somepony to be celebrated.”

He smiled, making a waving gesture with his hoof. "See, I'll bet that was her way of trying to show you she's happy you're back. Celebrations seem to be the norm around here. There was the Summer Sun Celebration, which was to bring all the ponies together, and now she wants a moon celebration...again, to bring ponies together. You might be surprised, I'd recommend going to it. You're her sister, and she feels you deserve recognition. You are, after all, Princess of the night, your very name means the Moon." he made as if to touch her shoulder, but thought better of it. "Don't over think things, sometimes you have to take the moment as it comes. Celestia's not used to having a sister, and a younger one at that. She's spent these thousands of years in the company of her court, and looking up every night to see you there, reminding her of what she'd done.”

Skye's hoof found the ground again, and he doodled a little circle in the soil. "Perhaps you should tell her you don't want favors, that you just want your sister. But maybe...maybe that last is a wish I might be able to grant. I cannot fly, but I would be happy to speak to Celestia on your behalf. If she doesn't come here, then I'd muster up the courage to go up there." his eyes rose to the shadowed city of Canterlot. "If it's what it took for two sisters to be truly reunited. She is the day, and you are the night, the beautiful night." he looked higher still to the moon overhead and the stars sparkling there. "Have you ever truly looked at it? Sat down here, as one of us, and gazed up into its depths? You were to bring out the moon, and she the sun. I'm sure she's never truly appreciated it as much as we do."

No, Skye.” Luna shook her head, then sighed. “What happens between us, we must resolve ourselves. And I want for Celestia to say what she means, without any persuasion.”

"Then the solution is simple.” Skye said. “You'll have to face her someday and resolve this on your own, or risk creating a rift as large as the one that kept you apart in the first place. In a game of chess, one side must always make the move first. Perhaps this is similar, only instead of conquest, the endgame is compromise. But at the very least, think about what you'll have to do. The last thing you want to do, is to bring Nightmare Moon back and risk being trapped again.”

Then Skye did reach out, and lightly placed a hoof on Luna's shoulder. She started at his touch, nearly jerking away...and then she realized that there was nothing wrong. There was nothing wrong with ponies and other creatures showing her affection through touch. It had just been so long...It was so strange to Luna, now, to feel the touch of others.

"I think you did gain something, during your imprisonment. You gained a new way of looking at things, and you gained your youth once again. When your sister has to pass her crown to someone, can you think of nopony who would be best suited to fill her role? Perhaps it might have been less painful to have spent those thousands of years together, but part of being a Princess is sometimes sacrifice. Maybe yours is sacrificing the years you might have spent, growing up together and fighting constantly with one another, for a thousand years of peace ruled first by one, and then the other in turn, with years in between to enjoy each others company. Celestia can't live forever, none of us do, surely you knew that."

He removed his hoof and placed it back on the path, as Luna spoke. “What the future may hold...not even Celestia can know.”

Skye suddenly perked up. “For now, why don't you come for a walk with me? I know where there's some maple syrup trees that should just about be ready to be harvested, and some of the buckets may be full."

Thank you for the offer, Skye.” Luna replied, following a few steps behind him.

There is much that Celestia and I must sort out since my return. It is difficult enough to find time to be together, but even then...we do not communicate all that well. Things are left unsaid, continually. It's...hard for me to say what I feel properly, without knowing what Celestia's thoughts are.”

Silence came between them for a few moments, then Skye turned for a moment to look over his shoulder at Luna. "I hope you don't feel I was admonishing you. If there is only one thing I can hope, it's to give suggestions as food for thought. But I want to see you happy, Princess. There is much on your mind."

You are wise, as I said before, and very caring, as I can clearly see. I know that what you say is meant only in the best of intentions. You seem to notice so much more about me than Celestia does.”

His hoofsteps padded lightly on the packed dirt of the trail as he led the way through the darkness lit by the brilliance of the moon and the stars overhead. "I understand." he occasionally lifted his head to sniff at the cool breezes at they sent various scents along the way, and his ears constantly twitched to catch the sounds of leaves or the occasional night bird calling. He had remained quiet as she spoke, thinking over her words.

Skye occasionally turned to look back at her as if to reassure himself that she was still alongside, his gaze catching her own as they proceeded down the path.

As she continued, Skye watched her speak, and thought on this too.“We're sisters, we should be able to read each other, know what the other is feeling. And yet, our connection has faded with time.” Her ears drooped and her head lowered, saddened that the sisters no longer had the bond that they once held.

"The confusion will also fade with time. Because you are sisters, that bond will never truly fade and can only grow stronger if you let it. Just keep at it, Princess. There's been much between you that needs time to heal. And I promise there is at least one creature here in the forest you can call friend."

Skye, I am very grateful to have met you on this night. Thank you for offering your friendship. It seems that if there is anything I am lacking these days, it is friends.” Luna smiled ever so slightly as Skye turned to look back at her once again. But as he turned his back to the path, her smile faded as she thought about how she had acted to Celestia just a few hours ago. There was so much they needed to talk about, and yet...it seemed as if every time they were together, they avoided the necessary topics that they should discuss.

Luna decided to try moving the conversation to a different note. “Tell me Skye, do you have any family nearby?”

As her question came, he shook his head. "Not directly, not anymore. My own parents have long since moved on. There comes a time in our lives when the old generation must give way to the new, and then we fade. Never completely right away, they still live on in my memories, and will only be truly gone when I have also moved on. There are others of my kind about, but none of them are related to me, nor am I bonded to any at this time. Little Aven is the youngest Peryton I know of at present, and she tends to spend her time in the Everfree forest helping wayward travelers, just as I do here. I suppose having as much time to myself as I do leaves plenty of room for family and romance, but it is different here, where it tends to come as a matter of course. Does that answer your question?"

Luna listened to Skye speak on the current Perytons that lived scattered over Equestria. “Yes, I suppose it does.” she mused. “But do you not get lonely, taking care of the forest alone?”

As they approached the copse of maple trees and their buckets collecting their sweet treats, he slowed and turned to check the nearest one. Luna watched as Skye went about his task, checking buckets here and there under the trees. As he moved about, he spoke. "Occasionally, but you were up there to keep me company through the long and quiet nights when nopony was coming through. There are often enough travelers that come through that I don't feel completely alone all the time, but some nights it does get somewhat solitary. On those nights, I may wander, sometimes almost as far down as the edges of Ponyville. I can't get up to Canterlot so easily, the cliffs are too steep." he fluttered his wings. "While I don't worry about falling, the last thing I want to do is show up there all dusty and dirty, and I can't just charter a balloon."

He made a little sound of pleasure as he discovered a bucket nearly full of the sap. "Ah, here we go. Would you like a first taste, Princess? Nopony will miss a little bit of this, and the trees make plenty to go around, and the flavor just sticks with you all night, especially if we find some blackberry bushes to nibble at. There's plenty of food here in the Whitetail Wood that it often consumes plenty of time looking for it as well.”

Luna came over to him at his offer, dipping a hoof into the bucket.

Skye continued speaking. “We might even see one of my cousins or perhaps, another Peryton if we're lucky. So you see, I'm never truly alone, there are others. This is just where I tend to stay."

Luna lifted the sticky substance to her lips, licking off the sweet nectar of the trees. She was sure to get all of it, so as not to have a sticky hoof.

The Peryton grinned as Luna dipped her hoof into the bucket, a light coating of the sticky treat dabbed against the tip. When she'd taken her taste, he dipped his nose into it, then lifted it and licked the sweetness from it politely. A delightful sugar rush raced through him, causing him to shiver and flutter his wings.

Luna finished cleaning herself off. “Thank you Skye. This really is delicious. We never get syrup this fresh up at the castle. In fact... I don't think I've ever had it straight from the tree. The fact that trees don't grow on the mountain may have something to do with that, though.” She giggled.

"I love it fresh from the bucket, and it only gets better after it's distilled down to syrup, but I don't usually get it that way." Skye said.

What is it that draws you to this particular wood Skye?” Luna asked.

Skye licked his nose again, then looked up to the Princess. "Well, I was born here, and I've felt content enough to stay. Some of my kind have ranged further outwards, but I've never felt the same wanderlust. And...I suppose there's a bit of magic here that keeps me drawn to it. I'm sure there's a number of wonderful sights in Equestria worth seeing, but for all I knew, all I ever need is right here. The least I can do is share what I have with others."

"Maybe we should see if Canterlot's botanists can't grow a tree or two up there in the gardens for you. I hear the Canterlot gardens are truly a sight to see. Someday, I would like to see them for myself, if there's ever a way I can make it up there." he looked up to the castle perched on the side of its hill.

The garden is so lovely this time of year.” Luna said. “I go there all the time. There are so many different flowers and trees and animals. You should see it at night. That's when I like it best.”

Skye perked his ears, listening to the description, visions of flowers and other animals running through his head. He'd never seen the gardens, not in all of these years, but he'd heard stories and bits and pieces that made him eager.

Luna continued. “It's one of the few place I can go outside of the castle, without seeing a whole lot of other ponies. Most ponies in Equestria aren't too fond of me right now.”

Skye was brought back down out of the clouds as she spoke this last bit. "Well, maybe they just need a chance to get to know you. Their track record hasn't exactly been very good, and they're all relatively young. Younger, technically, and they haven't really had a chance to get to know you yet. From what I've seen, I think you're an engaging young filly who just needs a chance. Certainly haven't tried to destroy me or given me reason not to like you. On the contrary."

Then Skye looked thoughtful. "That reminds me...Did you fly down here all alone, Princess? All the way from up there?"

Her brow furrowed at his next question. “I uh...walked, actually, mostly. Well, it was more like ran, to be precise. Well, that is, I had to fly down the mountain, but I ran the rest of the way.

The deer dipped his nose into another bucket, sampling its contents, though one eye remaining on Luna. He glanced up at the city of Canterlot again, and pictured her escape from her perceived prison.

“I had trouble seeing because I—because I was crying.” Luna's face fell, thinking again about the childish way she had acted. She looked up again quickly, throwing a weak smile on her face. “But it's nothing that you need worry about Skye.”