• Published 7th Jun 2013
  • 693 Views, 3 Comments

Dirty Laundry - Gabby Gums Ep. 1 - themultiversewatcher

20 years after the CMC became the gossip queens of the Foal Free Press, Sweetie Belle takes up the pen name "Gabby Gums" once more as an ace reporter.

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On a stormy night, two figures sat in a small apartment building in a nice corner of Canterlot, one a small purple unicorn filly, the other a white unicorn mare. Clear Belle was in bed, ready for her mother, Sweetie Belle, to tell her one of her favorite stories.

"Mommy," asked Clear Belle, "Tell me a story. You know, the one about the Griffons."

"Ah, yes," said Sweetie, "I remember that one. Its one of my favorite stories, too. Now, where to begin?"

Sweetie pondered about how to start. She remembered the days when she was a filly trying to earn her cutie mark, how she and her friends would go on all sorts of adventures as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She remembered the time they did a column in the Foal Free Press as Gabby Gums. She thought back on this time on occasion.

After she had found her special talent in singing, gaining her a cutie mark of two silver bells ringing, she began to go on a tour as the lead singer in a band. Eventually, though, she couldn't keep up with the times, and retired from the music scene. After much job searching, she found a job as a reporter in a newspaper, the Equestria Daily, and she signed up. After having an interview and getting the job, she decided to write columns, once again under the pen name of Gabby Gums, because she figured she could give the name another chance.

"Ah, I know," she exclaimed, "I shall start from the beginning, when I found out about the assignment."