• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 5,168 Views, 50 Comments

The Endless Song - psychicscubadiver

I passed eons in silence. Then came the song.

  • ...

In times past...

The Endless Song

Author: psychicscubadiver
Editor: Silentcarto
Beta-reader: Coandco

Disclaimer: Hasbro owns My Little Pony and all related characters. I do not.

I am eternal.

I have lived for countless eons, and I will live for countless more.

In all my time, though, I had never heard anything more beautiful than the song.

It was gentle yet powerful, beautiful and intoxicating. My first true memories are of the song being sung to me. It was such a short time ago that it sounds foolish, but it is true. I have knowledge of my time before the song, but those memories are flat and listless things. I did nothing then, and I felt nothing. The universe carried on in all of its unknowing splendor, and I never noticed.

Not until the first strains of melody began did I take notice of the quiet voices. Their early attempts were weak and imperfect, but even that sparked my interest. They constantly tried new tunes, or modifications on old ones, but none held my attention for long. Even though their music wasn’t noteworthy, their determination was impressive. I don’t know how many times they met with failure, but it had to number in the thousands. Yet still they tried. As time passed, the voices faded and disappeared, but new ones always replaced the old. Soon, I stopped trying to tell the individuals apart. They were my choir, and they sang to me. That was all I needed to know.

I still remember the moment they found it. They stopped singing for an unusually long time, but when they began again, everything changed. Modest interest became transfixion. As I listened, a new sensation swept over me, new, wonderful, and terrifying. For uncounted ages I had been master of my own fate, but within that amazing, sublime melody I was so much less, and yet so much more. I was not mighty or proud, I was part of something, a vital piece in the working of a vast and beautiful pattern. I have seen others of my kind who are larger or brighter, but this was the first time I had ever felt dwarfed. I almost refused its call out of fear, but the song guided me, showing me my place in this beautiful cycle. I held an important role, perhaps even the most important role. It was only after I heard the choir, and moved as they asked, that I truly knew myself.

Whether the music had created something within me or merely awoken something that had been present all along doesn’t matter. I changed, and for the first time in all my existence, I was aware enough to realize it. The boundless sky became more than just points of lights; it became a tapestry of incredible beauty. Everything I had ever seen was new to me. I discovered color and thought and emotion. For a short time, all I did was give names to things. Most importantly, I gave myself a name. I called myself “Sol”.

Through all of my self-exploration and growth, the song remained. The choir that sang to me was ever-changing, but the song itself never varied. It was my constant companion, the only thing that mattered to me. I was completely unprepared for when it suddenly stopped.

There was no warning; only music one moment and silence the next. As the stillness of the void crept back in, my thoughts slowed and my emotions became apathetic shadows of what I had once felt. I had lived for ages without noticing the passage of time, but now, every moment without music seemed to last forever.

At first I was angry, though the emotion felt dull and weak in my hazy mind. How dare they give me such a gift only to snatch it away again? I was very selfish in my infancy, and I never considered that something could have happened to the choir. As time continued to pass, my anger faded, and I grew tired. I slipped out of the pattern I had followed for so long and moved erratically. Sometimes it felt as though some force moved me about on mad whims, but I dismissed it as a symptom of my failing mind, afraid to admit that anything could master me. At times, I wondered what effect my wandering had on my choir, but soon I was too far gone to care. Though I lived as strong as ever, in many ways I was dying.

Then she began to sing.

Alone, she gave voice to the most perfect song in existence.

She should have failed. The choir had taken dozens, perhaps hundreds, to fully capture every nuance and detail. Somehow she matched and even transcended them. The raw emotion and beauty of her singing transformed the song from something vast and unreachable to a personal plea. It was not a nameless group but her who needed this of me. The sensation shook me out of my lethargy, and I listened in rapt attention. She sensed my attention and became hopeful, her voice growing stronger. I should have listened to her. I should have moved back into the pattern, but I stayed my uneven course. Like a spoiled child hurt by an imagined slight, I refused her.

My rejection hit her like a physical blow. In that moment she almost lost the song, but the new singer was stronger than that. She recovered and continued, unceasing in her efforts. I stubbornly refused her direction, but I still felt compelled to listen. For seven days and nights she serenaded me without rest. The time meant nothing to me, but it wore on her. On the eighth day her voice finally cracked and broke. All was silent once more.


Her plea was faint and forlorn, yet still I heard it.

I can’t… She paused to gather what little power she had left. I can’t fail here. They need me. They need you.

I hesitated, uncertain.

I know he hurt you. He hurt everypony, but he’s gone.

The silence between us was a fragile, hopeful thing.

I’m here for you now.

Then she began to sing again. It was jagged and uneven, each note brought forth at a terrible cost. She could not continue this; eventually her voice would break for good. I had heard it happen occasionally to members of my choir. Yet her determination was unshakable. I was certain that she would not quit until either I accepted her, or she broke. I didn’t understand, I couldn’t understand the strength that drove her.

I didn’t have to. It was enough to know that she was here for me. To know that even if my choir was gone, she would sing for me. Finding my way back into the pattern was easy, as though it had been waiting for me all this time. I felt the song cut off, lost in her sobs of joy as I moved into my proper place.

Thank you, she whispered. That simple sentiment was entirely insufficient to express the gratitude I felt from her.


She could not sing to me at all times, like my choir had. This annoyed me at first, but I grew used to it. Over time I found that the moments of silence made the song all the sweeter when she sang. She spoke to me seldom in her younger years, put off when I didn’t respond. As she grew older, though, she shared more and more with me, unconcerned by my silence. I learned about her sister and their land. I learned about their subjects and history. But most of all, I learned about her. Her hopes and fears, her joys and sorrows, her strengths and flaws. Already, she had outlived any other voice I had heard, and still she was young. I was happy.

Then, in one measure of stillness, a new song began. I listened in curiosity at first, but soon I could not turn my attention away. It was a song of whispers and deception. The melody twisted and changed, circling my mind, ensnaring my senses. Slowly, I fell under its spell, hypnotized by its sweet lies. I lost sight of my path, and for the first time in my life, I stopped. While the rest of the universe danced around me, I stood still.

By the time I realized something was wrong, it was too late. I was trapped in my own mind, unable to break free. I raged against the aria imprisoning me, but it only gained strength from my anger, shrouding me in shadows.

She sensed my pain and confusion, and leapt into furious action. I don’t know how long it took. Time had no meaning within the music that entrapped me. Eventually, the dark song ended in a screech of rage and the foul presence left me. I burst into brilliant light, moving back into my place without even the song to aid me. Once restored, I listened for her. I knew she had dispatched the creature attempting to enslave me.

She was crying and in pain. A greater pain than I had ever felt from her. Not even the death of her first student had hurt her this much.

At first I stood silently, uncertain what to do. Then I spoke for the first time in all the centuries I had known her.

I’m here for you now.

Her sobs stopped in a shocked silence. Then she began to cry again. Her pain was still there, her sorrow still drove her to tears, but beneath it there was a spark, a tiny flame that had reignited within her.

Thank you.

I accepted her gratitude in silence, but I felt warmth within me that had nothing to do with actual heat.


Good morning, Sol, she told me. She usually chuckled after that. I don’t know what a ‘morning’ is or why that phrase is humorous, but she assures me that it’s quite funny. This time, though, she just sounded sad.

Are you well? I asked. It was centuries since I first spoke, but I still only talked when necessary. The fewer words I used, the better.

I’m worried, she replied. My sister will return this night.

I didn’t need words to express my anger at that thought. I wanted to burn the enchantress to cinders, scorch her shadows from existence and reduce every piece of magic she had ever wrought to ashes. But such actions would hurt my beautiful singer. I didn’t even need to ask to know what she felt. With careful deliberation, I controlled my anger.

Thank you, she said, her relief almost tangible. I don’t – I don’t want to hurt her this time, and I think I’ve found a way. My student is a special pony – well, they are all special, but I think that she has a potential to do great things. She chuckled to herself. I believe that she can do the impossible.

If not?

Her good mood vanished, but she replied without anger. Then I will need your help. If Twilight cannot heal her, then you and I must do what I have dreaded all along. We must kill my mad sister.

Silence fell between us. I did not ask if she was certain or if she already had a plan. Hope blazed within her, but lifetimes of lonely rule had taught her duty. If her fears came to pass, I knew she would do what she had promised. Even if it hurt her, she had always kept her word.

Twilight? I asked, trying to turn away from the things that made her sad.

A small measure of happiness returned. My student. There is a reason I’m trusting my sister’s recovery to her. I believe she has a special destiny. If I am right, then one day she will be the pony to sing your song.

At first I could not understand her statement. Why would anyone other than her sing the song? My thoughts are not swift, but I was able to discover the implication behind those words quickly enough. She would not be able to sing my song forever. One day, just like all the other voices, she would disappear.

One day she would die.

I knew that the voices faded with time, but I had begun to take her presence for granted. Already, she had been with me for a hundred times longer than any of the others. I wanted her to be there forever.

Don’t go. I said, not knowing what to tell her. The only thing I had was the truth. You can’t leave. I need you.

You need me? she asked, both amused and embarrassed. Oh, Sol. I wish things were that simple. I have no intention of leaving you anytime soon. No, it will be a long time even by my standards before I go, but one day I will. There isn’t any choice to it, just a fact of life.

Why? I barely dared to ask.

I don’t know, she replied, her tone gentle and kind. But I can promise you this. When I am gone, Twilight will sing to you. When she too grows old, she will teach her student. That pony will teach another, then she another and so on until the end of time. All I can promise you is that you will never be alone. No matter how long you live, you will have a companion.

A low hum echoed through the Æther as she began.

I don’t understand how she could make the most beautiful song in the cosmos even greater, but somehow she did. As the first strains of music burst from her, I was awestruck. The pattern emerged around me and I moved into place, wishing that I could do more for her.

It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair that that she would die.

In time, she finished, yet her presence lingered. She had one last thing to say before leaving to care for her subjects.

One day I may be gone, but keep this in mind.

The silence between us was a fragile, hopeful thing.

I’m here for you now.

Comments ( 50 )

This was a very interesting read. The vague beginning actually had me believing that we were reading the birth of Celestia until I managed to put the pieces together. That Celestia and Sol sort of work together, instead of Celestia having control of the sun, was a very interesting notion.

I know it was a one-shot to fill voids of time when writing The Dresden Fillies, but I really can't help but wish that this was a full-blown fic of it's own. Keeping it as short as it is now required me to fill in a considerable number of the details, which I suppose is both a good and a bad thing. I like that you wrote it in a way that allowed me to bring in the missing details without any difficulty. That, alone, earned a thumbs up from me. The down side of that is that it did slow me down in a few spots while I tried to piece everything together.

Over all, I loved it! Solid 8.5 out of 10. I really hope this is a project that maybe gets a little more attention as you get more free time. I know it was just a one-shot, but one can hope, right?

You mad genius, you. It's original, emotional, and an absolutely wonderful read. I loved it.

Who even thinks of writing from the POV of the sun? And you even managed to characterize it really well within the short 2k-ish words of the story. Bravo.

There were a few minor errors here and there... like:

I believe she can do impossible.

... but overall - as I said - this had me fully immersed all the way through. Thank you for writing it.

Allright, Everypony! Let's get this thing to the Feature Box!

This was a nice short read. Great job.

I don't think I have ever seen a story done from the point-of-view of the Sun or even seen one that Celestia speaks to them. You have done very well with this.

Under The Sun - Black Sabbath

Very nice. Well done :pinkiehappy:

That is amazingly touching.:fluttercry:

Well then. That was. . . different. It was a good kind of different though, well done. :moustache:

Damn that's an awesome PoV.

Well bucking done.

Huh. Cool.

Wow, that fails to do it justice by a mile.

Dem feels...:fluttercry:

A guess of what the song is: Hm-Hmd-Hm-HmHm-Hmt-Hmhm-Hmd-Hmmmm.... *sniff*

I can't take it anymore! :raritydespair:

celestia/sol ship fic? is that... allowed to exist? :trollestia:

I think you wrote the mirror image of this song. It gives me the same feelings but in the reverse order. Which is all I ever wanted when I heard the song, really.

I really liked this fic. I want to put a period there because I think that was the most important thing to get out of this comment. This was fun and good and interesting. The emotion was poignant.


You do know that stars die too right? I felt like the whole "Celestia will die" being a revelation didn't quite come off right because it's not like Sol is going to be around *forever.* I might have spun that more said that Celestia would not grow old with Sol. Because Sol too will grow old in the billion year future and I feel like he might think he'd finally found some one to share it with. If that's what you intended it came off more of Sol being upset or shocked that everything dies. Which didn't feel right.

I know stars die eventually. You know stars die eventually.

How would Sol know that? He's been around for three billion years and watched planets form. As far as he knows, he is eternal. He comes to believe that Celestia is too, partially because she has lived so much longer than the other voices, and partially because he wants it to be true.. He becomes upset when he discovers that she will die. Celestia is his only friend, and he's afraid of losing her.

That was a great story, the sun being alive is something I haven't seen before and it was very interesting to read a story from its perspective. I'll have to read more of your stories soon, good luck writing!

That was beautiful.:fluttercry: I love how we could eventually work out everything that was happening despite Sol's limited perspective.

This was wonderful and beautiful and and and... :applecry:

God, I wish this was more than just a one-shot.



This is awesome.

Like totally cool here dude.





I... I feel completely ashamed for letting this story languish in my "Read Later" list for this long. This was excellent. When Sol heard Celestia crying after she had to banish Nightmare Moon, I actually got a little choked up.

Freaking Fav'd.

This was a truly beautiful story!

What an extraordinary idea for a fic. This was awesome. :fluttershysad::twilightsmile:

A sentient sun...well done...you deserve a moustache :moustache:

*slow clap begins* Well done. *clapping intensifies*

This was beautiful. :fluttercry:

Over 185 thumbs ups, and not a single thumbs down. I think that should say something...

That was really rather unique... I'm still not quite sure how to judge a sentient star as a character. I keep alternating between treating it as a fairy tale and a more literal story (at least, literal for the magic land of Equestria.) Still, made me think, and that's never a bad thing!

Author Interviewer

Very nice, very emotional. :)

This is a beautiful story. I feel like Sol is still something of an infant, due to his simple yet powerful emotions, which makes sense - Celestia slides into the motherly role in a lot of situations without really trying, and if she's the only person to ever actually talk to the sun then t's going to take after her.
There is one small problem:

Are you well? I asked. It was centuries since I first spoke, but I still only talked when necessary. The less words I used, the better.

This should read "The fewer words I used, the better."

Oh I LOVE this. I'm recording this. I do not care how many others do the same, I want to read this aloud. And I shall.

So, are you going to write Luna talking to the moon? ;)

This was beautiful and heart twisting. I loved it.

This was touching.
Even tough even stars (let it be a supermassive red giant or a 'tiny' yellow dwarf, like Sol) die at some point.
Thinking about life and death.... the more time you have to do it, the more inevitable the end seems.
Well done, and thanks for PresentPerfect for showing me this piece of art.


Sol is the sun, isn't he/she/it? The dark song was when Luna raised the moon the cover the sun just before she transformed into Nightmare Moon. The chorus of voices were the unicorns before Celestia.

Am I right?

Huh. Two Dislikes.
Their hand must have slipped as they fell into hell.
Maybe they were pushed.:trollestia:

Is it weird that I felt like Sol fell in love with his single singer after the silence of being hurled around by Discord? Her determination and drive in reaching out to him being the first steps of courtship with a being able to compare to him breaking through his silent fortitude... Each time she sung or talked with him making him fall more for her slowly, ever so slowly, as she outlasts all the other singers... Until he was trapped by the moons whispering song, before being freed of it to resume his duty with merely the sound of sobs and grief to greet him as he speaks for the first time to the one who he has fallen for in mirror to her own words so long ago... Then her revelation of her own time and ability to sing coming to an end bringing sadness and fear to one who cares for her in his own silent and stoic way... What do you mean it's just a star over a planet with life?

Will fix. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, writing Sol's perspective was a unique experience. Trying to hit that sweet spot between ageless and yet still learning wasn't easy but I'm happy with what I managed.

Send me a link when you do. I'd love to hear a dramatic reading of that.

I actually did think of a plot and even a title (The Whispered Lullaby) for a pseudo-sequel that was about Luna and the moon, but I doubted anyone actually wanted to see it. Chuckle, plus it isn't like my other stories haven't kept me busy. Though, given the amount of likes on your comment I may have to dust off the outline and find some time to write it.

Yes. You are correct.

Sol loves Celestia, that shouldn't be a doubt to anyone. However there are many forms of love, and even more ways to express them. I intentionally left it up to the reader's interpretation as to which kind of love Sol feels.

6378940 hey, I'd love to read that sequel if you dust it off. I do wonder if the Sun and moon talk to each other, and about their respective alicorns? And if the moon loves Luna the way Sol loves Celestia- it would be so interesting, as Luna was after all trapped in the moon for a thousand years, lol

Author: psychicscubadiver
Editor: Silentcarto
Beta-reader: Coandco
Disclaimer: Hasbro owns My Little Pony and all related characters. I do not.

You should move this stuff to the author's notes. (Except the disclaimer, which the rules say shouldn't be there.

The pattern emerged around me and moved into place, wishing that I could do more for her.

The way this is written, it is the pattern that wishes Sol could do more. I think you should add an "I" here.

This is fantastic. The evocative language really helped the mood of the piece, and it is full of impressive little details. Great work!

Very creative idea, and I think it turned out beautifully.

Whenever I read a story, I usually experience it visually, to some degree - I see in my head the the characters and the setting. What made this form of writing really interesting to me is that I couldn't do that. I felt blind, and much like losing one sense gradually causes your others to become much more detailed, I was forced to relate to the story through stronger emotions and more nondescript thoughts than usual. It was a neat experience for me, so thanks for publishing this :twilightsmile:

There isn't much to say. I will simply agree with plenty of other reviewers and say this was beautiful and interesting.

It always fascinates me, the extreme variety of things this apparently simple show inspires people to write. You did very well. Have a like.

Literal song or magic being interpreted as such? Both could work though the latter seams more likely than Celestia singing all the . . . oops.

I can't believe I found this in 2017 via a spotlight on EQD, four years after its release. That should have happened sooner.

Anyway, good story!

How have I gone so long withou reading this? I only ever read your crossover stuff, while this gem was waiting for me? A mistake I won't make again, that's for sure.
I love how you slowly unveiled what was happening to the audience. No grand reveal simply stating the 7 W's (I hate exposition in most stories), allowing me to figure out what was going on. At first I thought it WAS Celestia speaking. Figured this was you painting her as some universal force given pony form or something. Only after the single voice mentioned how 'he' hurt you did it click for me. Very subtle.
And then watching them comfort each other through the years was beautiful. Not much more needs to be said on that, it was wonderfully sweet and fantastically written. Amazing, as I have come to expect Psy. Carry on. :twilightsmile:

How have I not read this yet? It was just... so beautiful, do evocative, so perfect. It took a bit to work out just what it was about, but once it clicked it just.... just...I have no words for how amazing this was.

; ~ ; I didn't quite see it coming, then it all clicked into place. You really nailed the emotional yanking in this <3

Chugging through my old reviews and filling in important gaps. In particular, where a story deserved a favourite and I didn't remember to give it. After what I said at the time, this absolutely qualifies!

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