• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 748 Views, 53 Comments

The Legend of The Mirror Pool - Icudeadnow

Pinkie is having nightmares on a massive scale and all she can feel is misery and depression. The once happy and giddy Pinkie Pie is now gone She just wants it all to end....

  • ...

Prologue: Dark Dreams

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." -Edgar Allen Poe-


Darkness. Darkness was all that Pinkie could see in her hometown of Ponville. It enveloped her and made her gasp for breath, which came out in a misty form. Strange. It was not cold yet... she felt cold on the inside. She felt like every hope and dream she ever strived for was all for nothing. She felt worthless and hated, which was what scared her the most. She tried to laugh, hoping it would lighten the mood, but all that came out was a whimper of umistakable fear. She strained to see in these hate-filled shadows but only saw the outlines of what looked to be Twilight's house. Maybe Twilight could help make sense of what was going on? Pinkie took small steps toward the familiar yet ominous house. Why was she so afraid... more importantly, what was making her so afraid? Pinkie finally reached the house and tried the door only to find that it was locked.

"Darn..." Pinkie muttered unhappily, which was not like her at all. This realization only served to make her even more scared than before. Pinkie was about to go and try to find the boutique but paused. A faint glow in the window caught her attention. When she looked she found Twilight Sparkle staring back at her. She just stood there, a couple inches away from the glass. Pinkie backed away slowly, horrified at what she was seeing. Twilight was burning alive before Pinkie's eyes and was also blaming her for it. The sound of sizzling flesh was enough to make Pinkie gag. Flames shattered a window on the second floor as they reached the outside of the house. The glass rained down on Pinkie, making her cringe. The glass sliced her skin up, causing blood to run freely down her back. She ignored it and focused her attention back on Twilight.

"PINKIE, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Twilight screamed out the window as her face contorted in pain and suffering. After awhile, Pinkie regained her composure. She ran at the window and slammed her hooves against it in desperation, trying to break the glass . She knew the danger but she had to help her friend. She could only watch as the intense heat from the flames stripped the flesh off of Twilight's bones as she screamed in agony. The window seperated them but she could somehow smell the burnt flesh as it charred. The snap, pop, and crackle of this process finally made Pinkie snap her head to the side and vomit violently onto the ground. She fell to the ground and coughed. She looked up at the door at ran towards it. She had to save Twilight... she just had to!

"NO! no! I didn't kill you! NO!" Pinkie screamed as she now tried to break the door down. It only made Twilight laugh at her, while somehow screaming at the same time. It was like two Twilights had double teamed and were vocalizing two different emotions. But it wasn't a happy laugh. It was something that would haunt Pinkie's dreams until the day she died of old age. She didn't even know if this was a dream but she sure hoped it was. She could only watch as Twilight dragged Spike down the stairs and into the fire. His screams of pain were unlike any She had ever encountered. How was he being hurt by all of this? Spike was immune to fire, how in the buck was he being hurt. She then realized why Spike was screaming. A chill went down Pinkie's spine as she watched in absolute horror. Twilight had broken his legs and was twisting them every which way, causing him to throw out bloodcurdling screams. This wasn't real.. wasn't... couldn't... Twilight would never do that!

Pinkie backed away slowly, her eyes wide with a fear unlike any other. Suddenly, she heard another voice that was kind and seemed to only want to help her, or so she hoped. She looked behind her slowly and found that Princess Luna had come out of the everfree forest, which was strangely now next to Twilight's house. Why was it in the middle of Ponyville? More importantly, what was Princess Luna doing here?

"Pinkie! You must wake up! I cannot stay here for long!" Princess Luna warned Pinkie, who looked at Luna in fear. Was this a trick? Was Luna going to suddenly die in a horrible accident and blame her like Twilight and Spike did? Luna's face was also contorted in pain but she wasn't dying. She just stood there and told her to wake up as quickly as she could. Pinkie breathed a sigh of relief. It really was only a nightmare. But a scary one nonetheless.

"Don't worry little one. I am not here to harm you. Although you have let in something dark. Something not of this world or even this dimension. You MUST wake up or you will be trapped in this hell forever!" Luna yelled at Pinkie. As Luna was saying this, a black mist rolled in around their hooves. Whispers began to echo all around them. They belonged to all of the inhabitants of Ponyville. They had surrounded Pinkie and the princess and were staring at them with cold, dead eyes. They whispered threats and called Pinkie horrible names. Even though they were whispers, it felt like they were screaming at her. Pinkie fell down to the ground in a fetal position and closed her eyes tight as she screamed for Luna to help her. Pinkie looked up to find a small filly with a bow in her hair had replaced the princess. No...

"Oh... s-sweet... Celestia... NO..." Pinkie stuttered as she looked at this filly with a horrified expression.

"Applebloom... what happened to you?" Pinkie slowly asked with fear and shock. Standing only a few feet away from Pinkie was Applebloom. What froze pinkie in petrified terror was the fact that, instead of Applebloom's bright, happy eyes there were dark, shadowy orbs of hate and malice instead. She... she was crying blood too. Not like a natural cry but the blood just trickled from her eyes and down her cheek. Applebloom slowly walked toward her, staring down at her the entire time.

"You want to know what happened?" Applebloom asked. This voice did NOT belong to the filly. It was a dark, heavy voice. It almost resembled a stallion but there was something else in that voice. Something that would forever haunt Pinkie's memories. It sounded like death... hate... and evil.

Applebloom slowly lowered her head down to Pinkie's ears, who could still not move as the terror spread throughout her body. All the other ghost-like ponies went quiet as Applebloom whispered in Pinkie's ear, "You..."


Pinkie Pie awoke, screaming at the top of her lungs. She looked around, fearfully, taking in every detail of her surroundings. She relaxed when she realized that she was safe in her room. She slouched back in her bed and cried, trying to fight away the memories of her nightmare. But she remembered every single horrifying detail. The way Applebloom's eyes had looked at her. The way her eyes resembled nothing but abyssal darkness. She even remembered how Twilight had dragged Spike down the stairs and mangled his legs repeatedly. But most of all, it was Applebloom. This wasn't the first nightmare. she has had many in the past three months... but this. It was never this bad or felt that real. She felt everything. It seemed more real than reality itself. Pinkie could only lay there as the tears ran down her cheek and onto the bed, causing a wet spot to form. Pinkie just wanted it all to end... to feel truly happy again. But all she could feel was dread and misery. She was a shadow of her former self.

Author's Note:

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this! I won't be doing extreme gore as it just creeps the living hell out of me. But I have no choice but to add some gore here and there. Any feedback and/or constructive criticism is appreciated!

Stay awesome fellow bronies!
