• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 665 Views, 4 Comments

The Nightmare Reborn - vintage brony

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Chapter Two - Past anguish

“Man it smells worse then that experiment I had trying to make cologne.” Evan said to himself. He then opened his eyes to see that he was in a forest. “This is going to suck...” he said trying to get himself up. Gazing at the sky for a moment he knew where he was. “Well judging by these stars I'm in... the EverFree Forest!” Knowing saner heads prevail he tried to calm himself, it was a losing battle. From behind him he heard hooves hitting stone. Hoping for an escape he hurried over to see a monument in ruins. “Sweet Celestia! What in Equestria is this?” He was answered by a low rumble from within the structure.

“That fool was weak! I must regain the ground I've lost! But I'll need a catalyst...” Echoed a voice from some where deep inside.

“What is that pony talking about? What is this place?” Evan said taking a step back to observe the building in its entirety. “I've seen this before... In a book perhaps?”


“Hu? What? Why are you yelling?” asked Evan as hey opened his eyes. He looked around to see he was in the middle of town sitting on top of the city fountain. “Oh umm... sorry everypony...” suddenly realizing he must have been sleep walking.

“Come on you DOLT! Get down from there!” Kidd ordered.

“Ok geez calm down, no damage done right?” Offered Evan. To which Kidd motioned with his hoof at tons of frightened towns ponies. “Tell all of them that. You were babbling loudly and shaking your hoof at anypony that even got near you.” Kidd explained.

“Oh sweet Celestia, really?” Asked Evan. Kidd only responded with an irritated sigh and nod.

After a huge round of apologizing the pair made their way to Evan's home. “Come on let me make it up to you! It's the lest I can do for you for waking me up.” Said Evan practically begging as they made their way to Evan's still clean living room.

“Well fine then, if you insist. What do you have in mind then?” Asked Kidd.

“I've got just the thing!” Evan said rather excitedly as he rushed to his room for a second and retrieved a poster before returning. “There's gonna be a concert today and I just happened to get back stage passes!” He exclaimed with the poster in his hooves as he showed it off.

“The Equestrian-Equinox celebration? The big rock concert Every year?” Kidd asked wondering how it would be like.

“Yeah it's gonna be so freaking sweet this year! Some of the best bands are gonna play! See?” Evan said pointing to the bottom of the poster which advertised the main attractions.

“The Divine Ponies of The Fallen? And Blackened Death? I think I've heard of them. Don't the lead singers of each of the bands hate each other?” Kidd wondered.

“ I guess, Lunar Midknight sings for the DPTF and Kristoph sings for Blackened Death. Don't know why they hate each other though. Who knows, hey maybe we can ask them when we go back stage after the concert!” Evan said jittering slightly with excitement as it welled up in him with anticipation.

“Alright you said tonight right? I better get ready then. And could you fix my room already?” Kidd suggested.

“Yeah yeah I'll get to it but oh my gosh! I cant believe how AWESOME this is gonna be!” Evan said loudly practically bouncing in place.

“Ri-i-ight. Well hurry up the concert starts in two hours.”

A little while later...

“ Ok we got our seats, the first band that should be playing is Blackened Death.” Kidd said to Evan even though he knew he was to excited to listen.

“When we go back stage do you think we'll get to get they're autographs?!” Evan said refusing to tear his widened gaze from the stage.

“Would you calm down? I get they're popular and your a fan but they're just like any other pony.” Kidd said trying to get Evan to clam down. He was rewarded for his efforts with Evan's hooves slowly waving in front of his muzzle trying to find his face.

“Shhhh. Don't talk.” Evan said quietly still trying to connect with his face without looking. Soon an orange colored pony came up to the microphone on the stage.

“Is everypony READY?” He exclaimed so hard you could see the muscles in his throat strain under the exertion.

Everypony roared from the cloud seats for the pegasus to the seats for the other ponies. “YE-E-A-AH!!!” They roared as loud as possible. The noise so deafening that Kidd ears were close to popping. Then he heard Evan next to him turning to see him almost fall from his chair, and his face turn bright red from screaming.

I've never seen him so excited... well except for this morning. I wonder if I should tell him what he told the town when he was top of the fountain, before he woke up.

Kidd remembered it vividly. As Evan sat on the fountain his eyes fluttered open and closed quickly and between speaking in tongues he would speak in a voice that didn't belong to him. “You... have not... beaten... me... yet... I'll be back... for good...” he spoke in a rather foreboding tone. Afterwords that's when Kidd woke him up. Kidd sighed, it can wait till after the concert.

“Alright everypony stomp your hooves for this first band... The Divine Ponies of The Fallen!” the announcer pony roared into the microphone. To which the audience roared in return and stomped their collective hooves in anticipation.

Kidd wondered to himself “What happened to Blackened Death? The performance list has them listed as the first band to play. Typo?” he thought as he looked over to Evan. If only to see if he was having a heart attack yet or not and noticed him standing on his seat on his hind legs yelling for his favorite song, and he some how had acquired a shirt since Kidd last saw him. “Dude where did you get the shirt?” Kidd questioned with a quizzical look on his face.

Evan finally taking his seat again looked at Kidd confused. “What are you talking about Kidd? What shirt?” Evan asked while he tilted his head to the side slightly.

“That one!” Kidd said pointing to the shirt showing a bit of irritation. The shirt depicting the two singers Lunar Midknight and Kristoph giving each other death stares.

“I've been wearing this. You ok? You look really red Kidd.” he said pointing a hoof at Kidd, who looked like he wanted to hoof smack Evan. But before he could their attention was tore to the stage as the performance was starting.

Fog machines sprang to live gushing forth covering the entirety of the stage and concealing the performers from view. At the same time purple, red, and blue spotlights shone brightly and danced across the stage energetically until they all came to focus on the center of the stage. After they fell on him you could just make out his shape in the fog. Then a huge light cast a bright white glow on him to show him standing head held down.

Then he began to sing while slowly raising his head as he kept his eyes closed, losing himself in his own music.

“Lock and load

before the fight, because tonight there's no gravity.”

He sang smoothly as the beat from the drummer slowly built in the background in both intensity and volume. This caused the ponies in the audience to quite down waiting for the inevitable.

“I'll survive in this world. In the night the story grows cold, now I'll wait or you I see my dark devotion”

He began to yell into the microphone even grabbing it with his right foreleg to bring it closer to his snout to make sure the crowd was deafened with it. This got everypony raving in the stands as the music came to assault their ear drums, beat by glorious beat. Kidd found himself bobbing his torso to match the rhythm the band delivered. He chanced a smile as he decided to go with it. He saw a flash of motion and decided to indulge himself and have a laugh at what Evan was doing.

Evan was completely lost in the adrenaline of the moment. His eyes were closed as he took it all in, as he was matching chord for chord with his air guitar. He was sweating a bit as he focused on his task. He soon jumped off his chair and landed on his knees as he leaned back and finished with a silent guitar solo. Afterwords he felt a pair of eyes on him. This caused him to crack open an eye and slid it towards the eyes and find Kidd holding in a fit of laughter. He simply stood up and went back to his seat a little more in control of himself.

As the song came to a close Evan noticed the announcer arguing with the next performer and realized it was Kristoph himself! He looked over at the scene with his mouth agape in the rough form of a smile. Then Kristoph shoved the announcer on his haunches which caused him to slide on stage. Noticing what happened Lunar turned and upon seeing Kristoph he stopped singing and began to assault him instead.

“And what makes you think you even deserve to be on stage with me huh?” Lunar yelled to Kristoph who walked to meet Lunar in the middle of the stage, this brought the audience in to a hushed shocked state.

“I could ask you the same thing you washed up has been!” Kristoph exclaimed back in response.

“Well you've ruined my performance yet again! I have half a mind to kick your head right off your shoulders!”

“Try it and I'll beat you so hard you'll never be able to show your face again!”

This enraged Lunar so much he simply dropped the microphone bringing a screech from the speakers on either side of the stage, causing the audience to flap their ears down to try to block the noise.

“Then prove it!” Lunar bellowed before casting himself at Kristoph shocking him for just long enough to get the upper hand. He landed on Kristoph hard enough to knock both to the ground. The pair struggled a bit and then started to throw punches. At this stage the crowd remained silent as the two singers went at each other chaotically. That is until a pony from the crowd yelled out in excitement “YEAH!” This broke the spell holding the audience in check.

Once the haze was lifted off of them the excitement they felt soon took over. They roared for the fight to progress, some of the more rowdy ponies started to lean on the fence surrounding the stage trying to get closer to the action unfolding before them. And just as Kristoph landed a mighty right hook on Lunar's chin it brought a chorus of “Ohhh's” and “Yeah's!” encouraging the out of control patrons.

At this point there were now half a dozen security guards restraining the two trying to force them apart to ease the situation. The two singers throats now clenched with protruding veins as they yelled at each other, though their voices were lost in the noise of the crowd. “I think I'm gonna go back stage.” Evan half yelled at Kidd competing to be heard from the roar of the excitement all around them.

“I'll go with you. I don't really want to be out here much longer.” Kidd glanced around nervously at the ponies as they went about only adding to the chaos that unfolded. Thus the pair made their way towards the backstage entrance. Upon arriving a bouncer greeted them gruffly with a quick “Passes please.” so Evan held the pass he was wearing on his neck for the guards inspection, Kidd following suit. The guard satisfied with this grabbed the rope border and pulled it back allowing them to enter without another word.

Evan trying not to fan-boy again struggled to keep professional, but the excitement still leaked into his face a bit. “Alright now lets find Lunar's room.” he stated frankly but still saying the singers name with a ting of giddiness in his voice.

“Why are you gonna ask them to sign your flank or what?” Kidd asked jokingly smiling at his own joke.

“No that's undignified and I'm not going for an autograph, I'm going to help him. Besides if I were to get an autograph I'd ask for him to sign my horn.” Evan stated rather matter-of-factually.

Kidd responded with a confused look for a second then recovered by rolling his eyes. They asked “So what are you planning to help him with? Gonna put a sky light in his roof like you did mine? And when are you gonna fix it by the way?”

Evan trying to change the subject stated in a nervous manner “One question at a time. And I'm gonna help him by trying to solve his problem with Kristoph. So are you gonna help or are you gonna be a donkey's flank the whole time?”

“Geez calm down it's all in good humor, no need to get your horn in a knot.” Kidd said speeding up a bit so he was walking beside Evan. Soon they arrived in front of a door with a crescent moon on it and presumed it to be Lunar's. So wanting to get it over with Kidd raped on the door briskly “Hey is anypony there? Were looking for Lunar.” He then leaned towards the door putting his ear closer to the door to hear the response.

“Oh Luna I hope its the pizza delivery pony! I Hope he brought Hay-Fries!” They heard Lunar exclaim jubilantly. This left Kidd a little confused and a bit worried. Oh sweet Celestia I don't think I can handle ANOTHER insane pony...

But he stated back a little flatly “Uh no we don't have pizza but can we come in regardless? You have a fan out here.” He glanced over at the now plainly freaking out Evan.

Evan could feel himself start to heat up as he was realized what was in the process of happening. I could meet with Lunar! Then remembered that was his plan all along. He simply smiled and tried to speak with an unwilling tongue.

“Um yeah I was wondering if we could talk maybe?... Or if that's to much trouble we could leave... Or-” he was cut off by Lunar throwing the door open and dragging the pair in to the room with him and shook each of their hooves vigorously in greeting.

“Why of course you can! Anything for a pony who likes my music! Now what did you wanna talk about? Is it about pizza? Oh I want pizza! Anypony else?” He asked saying the whole sentence in one breath.

“Well actually we wanted to talk about you and Kristoph.” Evan said trying to rein in the conversation (Pardon the pun). At this Lunar let his ears drop in disappointment.

“Oh him...” Lunar said with the happiness noticeably leaving his voice at the name.

This is gonna be a long night... Kidd thought to himself as he closed the door and walked back to the two craziest ponies hes met. Hopefully for the best he thought again.