• Published 12th Jun 2013
  • 2,537 Views, 108 Comments

A Change of Scenery - Silent Sir 224

A week after the failed attack on Canterlot, the changlings are relying on a council to lead them before selecting a new leader. Of course, one changling could care less. Since they put a prize for his head for desertion.

  • ...

New Home

I killed someone. That thought played in his head over and over from the moment he left Turrok's room.

All he picked up in the conversation that followed was that they were going to the library for some reason and Rarity and Turrok were suppose to meet them there.

"Dusk?" Fluttershy called.

"Yes, dear."

"Are you going to be okay? You've been quiet ever since your conversation with him."

"I don't know Fluttershy, I don't know. I took a life, an innocent one. I'm a murderer that doesn't deserve to have you as a wife."

"Dusk, stop talking."

"I'm no better than that queen of theirs."

"Dusk, stop."

"I should just go back in the forest."

"SHUT UP!" She shouted, it was the loudest her voice had ever been. She had everyone's undivided attention. "Don't you ever talk like that! You think this changes how any of us feel about you!? It doesn't, you're still the sweet unicorn I bumped into six months ago! Nothing's changed! I still love you as much as I did when I left this morning!"

She took a gasp of air. "The fact that you even compare yourself to that queen of theirs is almost too much to bear! You have a heart of pure gold! You laid your life on the line just to keep everyone safe! You will never be anything like her!"

"And don't you dare say that you're going back into the Everfree, either! If you do go back I will personally drag you back out with my bare hooves! I love you Dusk, and you better not say you don't deserve me because I just might lose it if you do! For the love of Celestia Dusk, snap out of it! I will not let you sit here and talk yourself down!" She ended it with a slap across the face followed by a deep kiss.

She pulled away with a tear in her eye, "Please tell me I got through that skull of yours."

"You did. Thanks, I needed that." He pulled her into his embrace, "I'm sorry, I lost it there for a minute."

"You found it again. With a little bit of help."

"Ahem, can we get to the library. You two are starting to draw a crowd." Twilight pointed out.

To his surprise a number ponies had gathered to see what all of the shouting was about. "All right, show's over everyone." The crowd disbanded quickly and the group made it to the library. Spike was there to greet them.

"Hey guys, what happened? Twilight left before she could tell me what was going on."

"You aren't going to like it." Dusk replied. He explained the situation with Turrok and how he was going to be staying with Rarity.

"Wait, WHAT!? You let him stay with her? Are you insane?!"

"I offered the library and Rarity offered her boutique. We let him pick which." Twilight explained.

"Of course he was gonna pick Rarity! Why did you let him pick!?"

"It was only fair, after what happened to his brother." Dusk stated.

"What happened to his brother?"

"I... I killed him in Canterlot."

"I thought you managed to keep them alive."

"I thought so, too."

"You did what you had to do, Dusk. But, more on topic, how long is he staying with her?"

"I needed to hear that, thanks. But Turrok is staying there for a month or two, at least. Maybe longer."

"This is a bad idea."


The pair spit off as everyone else headed for the library. "So, Ms. Rarity, I must thank you for opening up your home to me while I recover. I will try not to be a burden."

"Please darling, I have a younger sister. It will take a lot for you to be a burden."

"I understand, my little brother used to always get into trouble when he was young." He gave a light chuckle, always found a new way to anger our parents.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to 'rub salt in the wound' as it were." More sad energy flowed from her.

"Ms. Rarity, I've come to terms with his death. It's been a few months since the attack, after all. It's just, meeting the one responsible reopened the wound a little."

"I still can't believe that Dusk killed someone."

"To be honest, he's half responsible."

"Half responsible, how?"

"The queen sent him to his death. He didn't want to fight, he was forced to. The fact that Dusk happened to be the one that physically did it means little."

"Well if that's the case, I could always take you to her petrified body in the Canterlot Gardens." She had a mischievous smile on her face and a trickle of happiness flowed into him.

The smile was infectious and tugged at the corners of his mouth. "It could be enjoyable Ms. Rarity."

"Oh, please Turrok, such formalities are not necessary. Rarity is fine."

"If you wish M- Rarity."

"So, how old was your brother?" The trickle of happiness was washed out by sorrow once more.

"He was sixteen, the youngest age one could be conscripted."

"So young, and sent into war. I'm sorry I keep bothering you about it, I'll stop."

"Rarity, you are probably the first to even talk to me about it and be sorry. Every changlong to attack me always brought up how I was responsible for his death. Even the one who delivered this injury on my shoulder."

"How did they do that?"

"When they were slammed into a tree I approached them hoping for a surrender. Instead, I was stabbed with their horn."

"What did you do to them?"

"Knocked them out and left quickly."

"You left them alive?"

"I'm no murderer."

"Oh, that's very admirable."

"I suppose."

"No, it is. You manage to stick to your morals despite everything that happened. Take pride in that fact."

Turrok had to think about it for a few minutes. I guess she's right, others would have been broken by now. I must be strong to be morally right for this long.

"Ah, here we are," Rarity announced in a sing-song voice. The sign read Carousel Boutique and the home was a purple building with a large dome on top. She unlocked the door and let him in and closed it quickly behind her. "Excuse the mess, I wasn't expecting company today."

He immediately saw the shop, a rack of outfits sitting behind a counter. "A fashion designer, huh?"

"Yes, oh you can drop that silly disguise. My shop's closed today, so no one will come without knocking."

He did as suggested, and stood on his good three legs. "Thank you, Rarity, It gets annoying after a while."

"Do not mention it, follow me upstairs and I will show you where your room is." She waved for him to follow up the stairs.

He fired up his wings again and went up the stairs behind his host. The hall showed three rooms were connected to it. Two on the left, one on the right.

"Your room is first on the left, bathroom is on the right and my room is next door to yours. Bathroom comes complete with a shower."

Turrok saw an opportunity to have some fun, "Shower? What's a shower?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"You've never heard of a shower? How do your people get clean?"

"We use a river to bathe once a month."

"ONCE A MONTH!?" She all but fainted right there.

"Whoa, Rarity, calm down, I know what a shower is and my people bathe regularly." He was laughing too hard to notice the death glare he was receiving.

"That is NOT funny!" Her cheeks were red with embarrassment.

"Sorry, but you have to admit, the look on your face was priceless."

"Oh, ha ha ha." She was fighting a smile, and losing.

"Should we head to the library now?"

"I suppose that's best." Turrok took on his disguise once more. "Actually, come with me, we need to fix that before we go."

"Fix what?"

"That facade of yours, dear. You can do better, come on, I have an idea." With a roll of the eyes, he followed her back downstairs into a workshop. Every kind of fabric of every color was littering the floor in a completely random fashion. She pulled a large mirror for him to view the grey pegasus he made himself appear to be. "Now, why do you have that color?"

"Because, I focus on making it so I can blend in better."

"Do you really see that many grey ponies?"


"Okay, so what if you changed your color?"

"To what?"

"Whatever you want. If you're staying here for a while, you should take advantage of your ability."

"I don't follow."

She gave an annoyed sigh, "What's your favorite color?"


"Can you be more specific?"

He thought for a moment, "Midnight blue."

"Well then," she waved a hoof in his direction.

Giving another eye roll, he change his coat and mane to midnight blue.

"You should know not to roll your eyes at a lady. Also, that's not going to work."


"That mane and tail, it's just so bland. It's the same color as your coat."


"It should be a different color. Do you really see anyone whose one solid color?"

"I guess not."

"Okay then, what do you want them to be?"

"I don't know, I've never put much thought into it."

"What other colors do you like?"

"Well, what's you favorite color?"

"Well, that would be red."

"Could you be more specific?" He couldn't help mimicking her.

"Rosewood." In a flash the mane and tail took a dark red hue.

"Anything else?"

"One last thing, your cutie mark. A bag of bits is too simple, you need something better."

"What should it be?"

"Well, what do you like to do in your spare time?"

"I use to tend to the family garden."

"You planted flowers?"

"What? Oh no, no, no. My people live in the deserts, plants don't really grow there other than some cacti. My family owned a zen garden."

"A zen garden?"

"Yeah, using gravel, sand and rocks to create designs in a landscape."

"Ohh, I've seen a few of those in magazines. You're family has one?"

"Had one, yeah."

"What happened to it?"

"That's... a story for another time."

"Okay, but can you work that gardening into a cutie mark?"

"I can see if that will work." He replaced the bag of bits with a rock and wooden rake. "There, satisfied?"

"Hmm, I suppose that will do, for now. Come, we need to get to the library." The two left the building and began their trip to the library. Turrok noticed a few glances being thrown at him but chose to ignore all but one. A spring green pony sitting at a nearby cafe was eying him. Or at least that's what the ponies saw, to him it was a fellow changeling.

He pretended not to notice, preferring to set a sneaky little trap for them. The pair walked up to a tree that someone had carved out and was living in. How is the tree alive?

The sign on the door said closed to deter any passerby. Rarity knocked just to be safe.

"Who is it?"

"Rarity and company."

The door swung open, the entire group from the hospital was there.

Twilight looked behind the two. "Rarity, where's Turrok? And whose that behind you?"

"Good to know you're on top of the whole changling disguise thing." He replied.

Rarity elbowed him, in the wrong shoulder. "AH! Damn, that hurts!" He nearly fell over from the sudden blow.

"Oh, I forgot about that shoulder! Are you okay?"

"If you had a problem with what I said... pointing it out might be a bit more effective, and less painful."

"Can you two get in here before you draw the wrong kind of attention?" Twilight ushered them in quickly and closed the door behind them. Locking it to make sure no one would try to enter.

"Oh, right, about that attention... I spotted a changling not too far from here. They are probably going to make a move when I leave."

"Please tell me that's another bit of terrible humor." Rarity pleaded.

"Nope. I wouldn't joke about that since it's the only reason why I can stay here."

"Okay, we'll deal with that in a minute. First, you need to know who will be keeping an eye on you here." Twilight pointed to everyone for introductions.

"You know Dusk and the Princess, now." She pointed to the yellow pegasus that left with Dusk. "This is Fluttershy, she lives with Dusk at a cottage outside of town."

"Hello." Fluttershy greeted.

"Pleased to meet you, I take it that you and Dusk are together."

"Y-yes." She answered, shying away and avoiding eye contact.

"It's alright, I just assumed. I have no intention of hurting anyone. Well, anypony, that is." She gave him a smaill smile,

Twilight pointed to the cyan colored pegasus with the rainbow mane, "This is Rainbow Dash, she lives in a cloud home over the town. She's usually flying around town so you will see her often."


Turrok looked up. "Uh, a ceiling, I think."

She started laughing, "That's a different answer than usual. I don't think we'll have too much of an issue." She glanced over him quickly. "You seem cool enough."

Next was the orange earth pony, "This is AppleJack, her family owns and works the apple orchard outside of town."

"Pleased to meet ya."

"You as well."

The pink earth pony, "This is Pinkie Pie, she works at a bake shop called Sugar Cube Corner."

"Hi! It's really fun to meet new ponies, even though you aren't a pony I'm really glad to meet you!" The energy poured out of her constantly.



"Are you insane? I need to lay low, until the others give up trying to capture me."

"Pinkie, we talked about this, like with Dusk, he can't have a party. At least, not yet."

"Aww," Pinkie pouted.

She pulled a young dragon out of the kitchen, he had purple scales and green spines going down his back. "And finally, this is my assistant Spike. He lives here at the library with me."

"So, you're Turrok huh?" He help out one claw.

"Yes, nice to meet you." He put out his good hoof and was pulled close to Spike.

"If you hurt Rarity, or any other of my friends, I will bake you alive. Got it?"

"I've had three attempts made on my life. I don't plan on hurting anyone here, so such a threat is simply that. Death doesn't scare me anymore, can you say the same?" Turrok replied coldly. The two nodded in understanding and separated.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, you said you saw another changling out there?" Celestia inquired.

"Yes ma'am, they tend not to hesitate in secluded areas but will exercise caution in populated ones."

"What do you suggest?"

"Use myself as bait, wander someplace where he can be easily ambushed and captured."

"That sounds like a terrible idea! You're already injured from the last attack and you want to waltz right into another one!?" Rarity protested.

"Do you have another proposal?" Turrok asked. She shook her head.

"If you're putting your life on the line like that, then I'm coming with you." Rarity declared.

"You're insane if I'm going to willingly let you walk into the cross hairs."

"You're even more so if you think I'm letting you go out there alone!"

The two started an intense staring contest, neither side wanting to back down.

Surprisingly, it lasted for about twenty minutes before Turrok blinked, "Fine."

"Ha, I win. Now, how are we going to do this?"

Everyone else in the room was fast asleep. "HELLO?" She shouted.

The room woke up again, "Did somebody finally blink?" Twilight asked, getting off the couch.

"Yes, I'm going to be with Turrok when he leads the changling out into the open. So, how are we going to do that?"

"Since I lost the battle of going alone, I might as well tell you the plan I cooked up over the past twenty minutes. Is there any kind of open field around we can lure them to?"

"Yes, just outside the Everfree Forest next to our cottage," Fluttershy answered. "Is that where you want to lure the attacker?"

"Yes, but I don't want to do it with just myself and Rarity. Mostly because I'm injured and can't guarantee I can protect both her and myself. I need some volunteers to tail them to the open field. That way they get jumped when they try to jump me."

"I'm in," Dusk volunteered. "I am a living lightning rod, after all."

"Me too," Twilight followed.

"Okay, so you two will follow us out to the location. Just try to stay hidden, I don't want them to run off to try again later. Rarity, I know we just met but..." How in Tartarus can I word this?

"But what?"

"I need you to pretend to be my... marefriend? Yeah, marefriend."

"You want me to act like I'm your marefriend?"

"Yes, can you do it?"

"...Yes, lucky for you, I know how to act very well."

Turrok rolled his eyes again before hovering through the door. "Wait." Rarity demanded.


"Put your wing around me."

"What? Why?"

"Because it's what couples do, plus you can't walk normally without having something to support you when moving, so you might as well."
