• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 9,505 Views, 293 Comments

Canis Fidelis: Harmony - PseudoFiction

A different kind of soldier finds himself in Equestria… the four legged fluffy kind.

  • ...


Upon arrival, Bungee noted the pony before he noted the town. And in a way, that was just fine. Looking at her you could – in a way that escaped the dog’s comprehension – clearly see a good representation of Ponyville in Twilight Sparkle.

Both were neat, welcoming, kind; carrying themselves well with an air of confidence, but cautiously, like they knew they had plenty to offer but didn’t want to either show off, or make any promises of grandeur they knew they couldn’t keep.

Like her town, Twilight Sparkle was a bright pony. Unlike her town, she had a lavender coat. Only a little bigger than Bungee was. the unicorn had darker purple hair in her mane and tail along with some neat streaks of fushia – natural or dyed nopony would ever know. She smelled like books –paper of various grades and ages was very evident. She clearly read a lot judging by the faint print-stains on her forehooves where she rubbed them over the pages to keep her line. Once again nopony would be able to tell if her reading was for her love of the activity or out of necessity to learn or study.

“Princess!” Twilight announced hurriedly with a smile and a bow. She sounded out of breath, like she had run full tilt from her home to meet Luna – they had been standing at the edge of town where the chariot from Canterlot had landed for a few minutes. “I’m sorry I didn’t prepare a welcoming committee. I only just got your letter.”

“It’s quite alright, Twilight Sparkle. We came with all haste.” Luna returned the smile, her voice wavering a little as the alicorn struggled to remember to use her civil tone instead of her royal voice. She was getting too used to talking to Bungee in what she considered her normal voice – a firm commanding tone – her practice was beginning to slip.

“And this must be the lost doggie,” the lavender unicorn said looking at the German Shepherd.

Bungee felt some joy tug his heart with a wag of his tail as Twilight Sparkle turned her attention to him. He was a Military Working Dog and a predator to the core; always had been. But he was still a dog. Primal canine behaviour was watered down by centuries of domestication, and as such he still liked to have attention paid to him.

“Hello, Bungee,” Twilight Sparkle added, petting the dog softly. “My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

As if to answer her, Bungee leaned in and licked the pony on the cheek. It wasn’t hard, she was almost at eye level with him. And while most might recoil at the sight of a great big attack-dog darting closer to them, Twilight Sparkle merely giggled as if she could sense his good nature.

As the unicorn wiped her cheek with a hoof, Luna levitated a stack of posters out of her saddle-bags and offered half to Twilight. Each leaf of paper had a mug-shot of Bungee. It read:


Name on collar: Bungee
German Shepherd
Well trained

Fanning through the posters to check all was in order, Twilight nodded. “Excellent. Shall we, princess? We can start at Fluttershy’s cottage.”

“Of course. I would like Bungee to wait here. I’m not quite sure how he’ll react to other animals,” Luna reasoned before turning to Bungee and adopting her royal tone. “Bungee! Sit!” she commanded.

The dog did as he was told without hesitation.


Bungee just watched as Luna and Twilight Sparkle trotted off. He wasn’t too worried. Princess Luna had given him a job. He was to sit and stay here, obviously to guard to carriage they had ridden from Canterlot. Turning his head to look, he could see the two pegasi with bat-wings talking casually among themselves, standing beside the carriage. The best way Bungee could assist Luna was by doing as he was told.

He was told to stay, so stay he would.

But what if something went wrong? What if somepony came to take him away? What if he was forced to move from this spot? What if somepony was in trouble and Bungee was the only one who could help? Then what?

Did he stay? Or did he act?

These were all thoughts far out of Bungee’s mind. He knew that when something came up he’d do what he always did. He’d improvise. Follow instinct. Follow training. Just like he’d been taught.

It was what he was good at.

While standing guard – head and ears high and attentive - Bungee found his eyes drawn to the edge of town where the grass ended and some dark looking woods began. The treeline looked familiar. Thick undergrowth, tangled trees all twisting around and leaning on each other for support with fire-coloured leaves hanging stubbornly on the cold branches.

That was the forest he’d woken up in last night. The ‘Everfree Forest’ Luna had called it when she was talking with Princess Celestia. That was the place he’d faced those walking abominations. He didn’t want to go there any time soon again, despite what instinct told him about how awesome forests were.

But it wasn’t the trees or bad memories that drew in his eyes. It was movement. Three brightly coloured dots making a mad dash for the treeline. Three foals trying desperately not to be seen in the tall grass as they skulked into the woods.

The sight of it bode only ill in Bungee’s mind. That forest was wrong, no other way to describe it. Ponies – especially foals so young – had no business treading there unless they had close air-support.

He was torn. On the one hand Bungee didn’t want to disobey Luna’s orders. On the other hand he didn’t want to go back into that dark forest. And on yet another hand, the dog’s instincts told him he couldn’t just let those foals run into a forest full of God-only-knew how many evil things that ate ponies for supper.

With a whimper Bungee glanced to the guards still chatting by the chariot, then to the way Luna had trotted off with Twilight Sparkle. He shifted his weight from one hip to the other trying to think of something. Finally his eyes were drawn back to the three foals.

They were at the forest’s edge. They seemed to hesitate, conversing animatedly and casting furtive glances the way they had come.

For a moment Bungee thought they might just abandon their reckless path and turn back to town. For a moment the dog figured he could let the rising panic settle. And in that moment, Bungee felt disappointment wring his soul.

The three foals didn’t look back, bounding over the threshold into the dark forest.

Bungee’s mind was made. There was only one thing to do…

The world was full of dangers.

Playing hooky was dangerous. Sneaking off without anypony knowing where you were was dangerous. Entering the Everfree Forest was especially dangerous.

But getting your cutie mark was dangerous work.

So the Cutie Mark Crusaders had decided; it was time to get dangerous!

So without further ado, the three fillies – who should have been in school – bounded over the threshold and into the deep dark Everfree Forest. Each of them knew the risks having wandered into the forest before and faced a Cockatrice. But they had a mission to fulfil.

Surely they’d get their cutie marks for exploration, just like in the stories.

“Are you sure about this?” Sweetie Belle squeaked, the tiny unicorn shivering as she trailed near the back of the group. Under the clawed branches of the forest she suddenly found her resolve sapped away.

Walking in front of her was Applebloom, keeping her head low so the big bow in her hair would get caught on low hanging branches. “Last time we were here things didn’t exactly ‘pan out.’ Ya’ll remember that, don’cha, Scootaloo?”

At the front of the group with a stick clenched between her teeth, Scootaloo swung her makeshift weed-whacker from side to side, flattening out the undergrowth so they could walk with relative ease. Breaking out into a small clearing, the Pegasus dropped the stick and grinned confidently.

“Relax. This time will be different. It’ll be more like the story Rainbow Dash read to me about Daring Do. We’ll be exploring, not looking for monsters,” Scootaloo explained with a hopeful glance to her orange flank. No cutie mark just yet, but she was hopeful.

“B-b-but what if a monster just happens to get in the way?” Sweetie Belle shivered with a paranoid glance at the surrounding area.

“It’s the middle of the day,” Scootaloo assured. “Everything dangerous is still asleep. Besides, we’re not going far. We’ll explore around that bush,” – she pointed at the next cluster of undergrowth – “and then we’ll head back. We should know if our destiny is exploration by then.”

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other for a moment then shrugged. Just around the next bush and back didn’t sound too bad. they were barely ten metres into the forest anyway. Feeling their confidence return, they walked up to Scootaloo’s sides.

The faithful trio trotted up to the bush Scootaloo had pointed at and looked up at it.

It was a looming piece of undergrowth, a tight tangle of branches coated in fluffy looking leaves. Despite autumn having taken the trees and the canopy, the undergrowth remained thick as ever. And the bush Scootaloo had chosen for them to explore through before heading back to Ponyville was testament to that.

“So how do we do this?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“On three?” Applebloom shrugged.

Scootaloo nodded, liking that idea. All three of them got ready to step through as the orange Pegasus counted up.

“One... two... THREE!”

They stepped forward, forcing their way through the tangle of branches in a single bound... and then they fell.

The bush wasn’t as deep as they thought, and the whole thing collapsed under their weight. It folded over and sent the three fillies tumbling down the steep slope hidden on the other side.

They were like a trio of snowballs rolled down a snowy slope. With every revolution they only seemed to pick up more momentum. Rocks, roots and dirt punched them on all sides like the world itself was caning them for playing hooky. They couldn’t make out which way was up or take in any of the terrain beating their flanks as they tumbled left and right.

It felt like hours before they hit the ground, completely turned around. They had slid down gulleys, bounced over stones, thrown under branches and dragged through ditches. The path had wound them through an impressive portion of woods, and when they did finally slide to a halt they had no idea which way they had fallen or which was the way back to Ponyville.

Though being lost was the least of their concerns when Sweetie Belle and Applebloom picked their faces up out of the mud to realise they were a crusader short.

Groaning, Sweetie Belle rubbed her head, picking a few bits of fern and branches out of her curly mane. “W-where’s Scootaloo?”

No sooner had she said it they heard their friend cry out. Looking up with wide eyes, the two fillies saw an orange blur fly through the air right at them. They split up, diving to either side as the filly landed between them with a distinct thud.

A thud and a sickening ‘crack!’

What followed was screaming. A scream akin to an injured animal realising it was thoroughly screwed. Their tiny hearts hammering against their ribs with unsettled panic, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom darted to their friend’s side. What they saw was horrible.

Her rear left leg was twisted at an unnatural angle, so much so none of the fillies needed to be a doctor to tell it was broken. Scootaloo wings fluttered violently, but she didn’t gain any lift. Unable to move she just lay there, staring with watery eyes at her leg.

Fear and agony escaped Scootaloo’s throat as she belted the air out of her lungs with force; though her voice heard only by the empty forest.

Scootaloo’s screaming unsettled her friends; and it wasn’t only because she was in pain. After all, the Everfree Forest wasn’t a place you’d want to scream in pain. In the Everfree Forest, when a fox heard a rabbit scream, he’d come running… though not to help.

In time Scootaloo’s screaming had reduced itself to a whimper. Tears streamed down her face as she sat still – still trembling – with Sweetie Belle at her side holding her comfortably. Her head was leaned back between the unicorn’s forelegs as she took comfort with the feeling of her friends heartbeat against her head and the sweet scent of the perfume Sweetie’s older sister wore that seemed to cling to her fur.

Anything, even that froo-froo scent was a welcome distraction from the pain knifing through her leg. But it wasn’t enough. She needed a doctor; a painkiller even or she might go insane and try to gnaw her leg off just to be rid of it.

The undergrowth moved and Applebloom broke from the branches, galloping back to her friends after a short reconnaissance of the area.

“Anything?” Sweetie Belle’s voice broke with fear.

Applebloom shook her head. “Ah’ d’nno. We fell quite a way, ‘n ah’ got all turned about. We could start walkin’, but we might jus’ get more lost. B’sides, ah’m not sure Scootaloo can get very far. The ground’s uneven everywhere, ‘n followin’ that hill back up is outta the question.”

“I’m fine you guys...” Scootaloo protested trying to clamber to her hooves. The moment she was up though, her rear leg buckled and she fell back into the dirt. “Ah! Ponyfeathers!” she snarled through gritted teeth, fresh tears streaming down her face. She didn’t scream though. She refused to let herself.

“Scootaloo did cry pretty loud,” Sweetie Belle offered.

Scootaloo interjected with an offended huff. “I did not cry!” she quickly wiped away the water on her face.

“Hopefully somepony heard,” the unicorn finished.

A rustle caught all three’s attention. Whipping around, the fillies backed away until their rumps were pressed up against the steep slope they’d tumbled down. Just ahead the thick layers of undergrowth Applebloom had explored earlier were rustling, the leaves shaking violently from side to side as something tore through them. The ripple of movement grew louder as it came closer in a zig-zagging pattern, breaking branches and plucking loose leaves in its wake.

Unable to look away, the three ponies gulped loudly as one.

“Ah’m really hopin’ that’s somepony comin’ to the rescue.”

The way the oncoming creature zig-zagged, thrashing through the thick growth it was more likely to be a land-shark closing in on its prey than a pony. However since land-sharks didn’t exist – that the foals knew of – Diamond Dogs would have to do.

They sprang from the bushes one at a time. Despite the drastic size differences between them, all three hounds landed in a similar fashion, moving with the same lumbering grace as one another. They landed on their muscular arms before kicking their small legs forward, standing poised before the ponies as if they were about to pounce.

A ripple of chuckles crossed the three Diamond Dogs as they observed the quaking foals they had found. The smallest – seemingly the leader despite being a hateful looking little ankle biter – lifted up one claw and snapped his fingers.

“Sheemsh like we found shome losht foalsh boysh,” the alpha slurred in a barely intelligible accent.

At the snap of his fingers his two larger fellows prepared to pounce. The biggest of them however still wore a big goofy grin barely visible under his heavy brow – so heavy in fact the half of his face above his nose wasn’t even visible.

“Aww, they’s so cute, boss,” he rumbled, how he was able to see them without any visible eyes a mystery to all.

“Yeah, they’ll look adorable on my plate,” the medium sized dog said with a sarcastic roll of his eyes.

Balanced on their tiny legs, the Diamond Dogs reached up with their massive hands, slowly stepping closer. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom screamed, a high pitched sound that almost threw the dogs off-guard. Their eyes were closed, hearts hammering against their tiny chests as they belted out everything their little voices had. Somepony heard had to hear them. Anypony, right?

Unfortunately their voices didn’t carry very far through the trees of the Everfree Forest. Nopony heard them.

Only another dog.

But this one was not poised to pounce the foals, instead was poised to bite some Diamond Dogs.

He landed with a distinct ‘thump’ between the Diamond Dogs and the three foals. They stopped screaming to look, staring at the German Shepherd standing ready to bite something. His rear legs were spaced widely, with his front legs lowering his chest low to the grass. His head was low too, but his gaze was locked on to the Diamond Dogs. Lips peeled back bearing glistening fangs as a growl dominated the air around them.

Bungee had never seen anything like the Diamond Dogs before, but that hardly mattered. His mind was too clouded by training and instinct to really think about it. All that mattered was protecting the foals. Normally he wouldn’t have bothered to put himself between predators and small horses, but this was different. Ponies around here were like people as far as the dog was concerned. And by that logic, the three foals were like children.

He wasn’t about to let a bunch of hungry bipedal mutts have children for dinner.

He wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the Diamond Dogs at first. They were like people, but not really. All he knew was that they were threatening to hurt the three foals. That made them bad people. And Bungee knew exactly what to make of bad people.

By looking at the sharp nails, bulging muscles and maws filled with sharp teeth much like his own; Bungee could make a sound educated judgement and consider them fairly dangerous. The Diamond Dogs had the advantage over the German Shepherd since they were able to claw and bite at the same time, whereas Bungee could only bite.

But Bungee was smaller. He was quicker. With that assessment made he knew exactly what to do.

Still growling at the Diamond Dogs in standoff mode, Bungee backed closer to the three fillies and lowered his stomach to the ground. The foals watched with confusion, wondering what was on the dogs mind.

It was Sweetie Belle who seemed to figure it out first, reaching out to hold on to one of the support straps on Bungee’s tac-vest.

“You think he wants us to climb on?” the unicorn asked in a fit of anxiety. She was squeaking with every deep, rapid breath; to the point Applebloom thought she might pass out.

The earth-pony glanced between the German Shepherd and the Diamond Dogs. “Ah’ think we got nuthin’ ta’ lose. Get on!”

The fillies all fell onto him. Scootaloo first, straddling the dog’s shoulders with her forehooves hanging on to his collar. Sweetie Belle was next, holding on to the mid-support straps with Applebloom on the rear holding on to the bottom edge of Bungee’s tac-vest.

As he rose to his paws again, Bungee watched the confused looks on the ogre-mutts – carefully finding his balance and testing the fillies’ weight. He’d done this before – with a human baby of course. But back then he was just showing off at a school open day; not facing off against three carnivores. The foals didn’t weigh much, but Bungee figured he wouldn’t be able to lay down a solid sprint for very long. He’d have to play this smart as well as fast.

“Oi, wot’s that mutt doin’ wit’ our supper?” the biggest of the three said doltishly.

“Ask me like I have a freakin’ clue,” the medium one snarked.

Bungee glanced backwards. He couldn’t climb back up the way he’d come and hope to out-run the beasts; not straight uphill with three fillies on his back. So Bungee started edging towards his right, keeping his gaze and snarl locked on the three Diamond Dogs as he moved. He was looking for a way to escape this clearing and hopefully find a shallower path back to Ponville.

Ponyville was the objective. Getting the fillies back to town was all that mattered.

He was nearly on their flank, ready to dash off into the forest when the Diamond Dogs realised Bungee was about to make off with their dinner.

The biggest one once again imparted his limited wisdom about the situation. “Hey, boss! I ‘fink that dog’s makin’ off with our food.”

The alpha scoffed. “No, ya’ think? Don’t jusht shtand there! Shic’ ‘em boys!”

Bungee seemed to give a toothy smirk through his snarls when he heard that. Sic ‘em. That was a phrase he was very familiar with.

The snarkier of the three lifted his claws high again and leapt forward. His elegantly curved trajectory brought him right down on Bungee as the dog lowered his stance a little. The Diamond Dog’s shadow grew, blocking out the sun filtering through the branches completely, the claws and teeth growing larger with every passing moment.

The fillies on the dog’s back felt their eyes grow larger than was normally possible. For a second they all three had the same idea to jump from the German Shepherd’s back and make their own escape.

But their faith was rewarded as they felt him twitch beneath them.

Their grips on his tac-vest tightened and Bungee moved.

One minute Mister Snarky was looking down at his dinner all served up on a bed of German Shepherd. He could practically taste the foal-flesh, all tender and juicy and sweet. Next thing all he saw was grass and fallen leaves.

As Bungee darted to one side, the Diamond Dog slammed face down into the ground, digging up a nice big mouthful of dirt as an alternative to his would-be pony-gourmet. Before the other two could catch up, Bungee was sprinting through the forest. He ducked under low branches, leapt over roots and swerved between trees. Undergrowth whacked him in the face, but blinking he pushed on ignoring the discomfort.

Keeping her head low, Scootaloo and her friends avoided the unending assault of foliage. Their eyes were shut tight, tears streaming as they were screaming. Not once did they dare look back to see what the rapid thud of paws in soft dirt following them was. They were afraid of what they might see.

Bungee on the other hand did hazard a glance. Looking back on the run he saw Mister Snarky was on his paws again giving chase. His brothers, Dolt and Alpha were just ahead of him. All three Diamond Dogs were bounding on all fours to keep up with the German Shepherd. And it didn’t seem like they were having any trouble.

Bungee gave a lamented groan, sucking in a fresh breath of air. As he predicted, he wouldn’t be able to lose them in a straight up sprint.

Looking forward, Bungee suddenly felt shock seize his body. But he didn’t let it seize him for long.

A blur of stony grey rocketed right at him as Bungee ran headlong at a massive boulder perched on the shallow hillside. Thinking quickly and twisting to his side, Bungee leapt forward with his front legs outstretched.

His paws hit the cold stone as he coiled, planting his rear paws on the surface before leaping off again to the right. Landing smoothly without missing a stride he glanced back just in time to see Dolt had jumped at Bungee’s tail.

Dolt slammed headlong in to the boulder with a sickening ‘crunch’ before sliding to the ground with a massive lump forming on the top of his head.

As Dolt fell off his immediate-threat-list, Bungee spotted Alpha and Mister Snarky fall in behind him.

Turning forward again with his jaw gritted and a determined expression dominating his face, Bungee leapt into a fresh sprint. He was following the slope diagonally uphill, adjusting his course only to weave around trees.

Turning sharply to his left, Bungee rounded a large tree and practically looped back on himself. Mister Snarky darted up along the other near side, claws digging deep into the bark. His teeth bared, the Diamond Dog snapped his jaw at the foals hanging on to Bungee – but Mister Snarky tasted only the air in the wake of the German Shepherd’s tail. Pausing only to growl angrily, the Diamond Dog pushed off and gave chase, his brother – Dolt – catching up again.

Looking away with his eyes squeezed shut, Bungee fought through a low branch whipping him across the face and broke up out of the undergrowth. Still heading diagonally upward, he sprinted full tilt as fast as his legs would carry him. His paws pounded the smooth section of dirt and moss relentlessly as he glanced back to see he put a larger gap between him and the Diamond Dogs as the heavier beasts struggled through a patch of soft mud.

Reaching a ridge sloping down to his side, Bungee gave one last bound and soared over the edge.

Another pang of surprise gripped him as he saw the ground sloped away very suddenly over the ridge.

Landing, his paws didn’t purchase on the dirt. There was no grass or undergrowth holding the far edge of the ridge together, just widely spaced trees that seem to have shed pine needles over the loose dirt. Straightening his front legs, Bungee slid downhill in a practically seated position, springing up only the bounce from side to side to avoid crashing into trees.

All three foals on his back screamed, their voices wavering oddly with every jolt of the dog’s body as they bounced over small rocks and debris. Behind them the Diamond Dogs yelped and also clawed for purchase on the soft loose dirt. Though Bungee was only overtaken by miniature rockslides.

At the bottom of the slope, Bungee leapt forward, whipping around one-eighty degrees before landing – sliding backwards on all fours. Lowered to the level ground with his nails digging into the dirt, Bungee managed to skid to a halt, shaking his head and sneezing from the dust he’d kicked up.

“Applebloom!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle screamed at the same time.

Snapping his gaze upward, Bungee saw he’d lost one of the fillies. Applebloom was sat dazed and pathetic just up ahead at the foot of the slope. Looking up higher Bungee saw the Diamond Dogs – all three of them again – sliding down to catch her.

Bungee’s first instinct was to go snatch up Applebloom and keep running for Ponyville.

Something stopped him though. A smell. It was different from the forest smells. Different from the musky Diamond Dogs and different from the sweet ponies. A sour, salty smell. The smell of bare flesh and starchy fatigues along with grease, oil and metal. The smell of human.

Bungee’s gaze darted off into the forest, looking into the wind. It was the smell of Lieutenant Rourke.

Bungee’s priorities suddenly changed. Samantha’s murderer was here! Close by the smell of things. The scent was fresh. Bungee would have no difficulty tracking him.

Barks filled his ears and he looked back at Applebloom and the Diamond Dogs bearing down on her. Panic drove Bungee’s heart into overdrive. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He wanted to protect the innocent. But he also wanted vengeance.

But what was more important to Bungee?

Sucking in a fresh breath of air, Bungee found his second wind and shot forward like a bullet. His choice had been made. He hoped he could live with it...

Alpha leapt down on Applebloom. The bow-wearing filly looked up and screamed.

He wasn’t sure if it was because he was fast, or just plain dumb luck – Bungee swept right under Alpha’s nose and snatched up Applebloom by the scruff of her neck. Keeping her neck gently gripped between his teeth like a mother carrying a pup, Bungee kept moving, not bothering to look back to see what became of Alpha – the loud ‘thud’ painted a pretty clear mental picture.

Rourke’s scent vanished, replaced by Applebloom’s. Bungee’s gut felt heavy, but he felt good about his choice none the less. His mission to protect others still took precedence over vengeance. It was what made Bungee who he was. A warrior.

It was what set him apart from the likes of Rourke.

Suddenly finding a spurt of bravery seeing Bungee had saved Applebloom, Sweetie Bell looked back to wave a hoof at the Diamond Dogs.

“Leave us alone you mangy mutts!” she screamed loudly.

“Mangy muttsh!?” Alpha cried as he leapt to his feet and gave chase. “Oh, now I’m definitely going to shkin you all alive!”

Realising she’d only made the Diamond Dog angrier, Sweetie Belle gulped, grinning sheepishly at an unamused looking Scootaloo. “Eh-hehe. Oops.”

Panting through the filly clutched in his mouth, Bungee saw the light ahead intensify. He could see the treeline! Just beyond he caught the candy scent of ponies and heard the tell-tale patter of their hooves on the Ponyville cobbles. He was close.

This was the final sprint.

Hearing the Diamond Dogs bark angrily behind him, their running paw-falls growing more rapid, Bungee lowered is head a little. He pushed the muscles in his legs harder despite the burning sensation. His lungs burned for air – it was much harder breathing through Applebloom. His head went a little light.

He fought for focus. He ignored the darkness closing on the edges of his vision. He willed himself to stay awake. Willed himself to keep running.

The paw-falls of the Diamond Dogs grew louder.

Bungee made his stride longer. He pumped his legs less often, but pushed harder to propel himself further and faster with every bound. Greyhounds didn’t have shit on him.

One of the foals screamed. Bungee couldn’t tell which. Passing out of the treeline he was blinded. White light filled his vision as he leapt into the full glare of the sun.

Something hard collided into Bungee’s side.

The kevlar in his vest absorbed most of the impact protecting his ribs, but without this paws digging into the earth he was unable to hold his ground. Without any grip he was thrown sideways, wind driven out of his lungs. The fillies on his back scattered. Applebloom fell from his mouth allowing Bungee’s yelp to ring out.

Hitting the ground on his side, Bungee rolled head over heels before flopping down awkwardly on his stomach. Shaking out his head, the dog blinked hard a few times.

Alpha had caught up and tackled him out of the tree line. They were all laying spread out over the clearing of grass in full view of Ponyville.

Alpha was already up on all fours focused in the centre of Bungee’s field of view. Everything else was a blur, and the Diamond Dog’s outlines became more crisp like a sharpness filter slid over Bungee’s eyes.

Trapped in one of Alpha’s claws was Scootaloo – writhing and squealing as his grip twisted her broken leg further out of shape.

“Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle cried out before crying out to the ponies on the edge of town. “Help! Somepony help!”

While some ponies came running from the town, Alpha was already descending his sharp teeth on Scootaloo… until a black and brown blur slammed into the Diamond Dog’s chest.

Bungee had leapt up from his laid down position and tackled Alpha in one bound. Though it wasn’t the force that levelled Alpha. It was the shock. For what else was the Diamond Dog supposed to feel when four rows of pointed teeth closed around his throat.

With both paws pinning Alpha’s torso to the ground, Bungee squeezed his jaw. The Diamond Dog choked and gagged, struggling to breathe through a constricted wind-pipe. His hands batted weakly at the dog’s head, but blinking and squeezing harder, Bungee held fast.

He heard voices. Voices of ponies that seemed to want him to stop strangling the Diamond Dog. Ponies were compassionate; Bungee had to give them that. But he didn’t react to their calls. It was like he couldn’t hear them; not truly.

“Let him go!” one pony shouted.

“Stop! Stop!” another commanded, possibly one of Luna’s chariot guards.

“Down! Heel! Sit!” came Applebloom’s panicked commands as she hoped Bungee was anything like her older sister’s dog.

He didn’t listen. Overwhelmed with anger, his grip tightened. This was the Diamond Dog’s reward for trying to hurt foals. This was all he deserved!

Alpha’s eyes rolled, mouth opening and closing silently.


That voice. Bungee’s memory flashed.

He was only just out of training. He still had his large puppy-paws and an eager glimmer in his eyes. He was in a field just off the base. A woman was waiting there. She was pretty. She was nice. Everything about her was right, from her posture, to her smell and the sound of her voice.

“Come,” she had commanded, and Bungee had obeyed. Obeying her felt right – simple as that.

When he sat at her boots she knelt and cuddled him. She promised to look after him. He promised to protect her.

She said her name was Samantha.

Bungee felt himself torn back to reality. All of a sudden, like a switch had been thrown, he wasn’t angry anymore. He had acted automatically upon hearing her voice. He had let go of the Diamond Dog and backed cautiously away, keeping himself between Alpha and Scootaloo. He could have sworn that voice…

Was that Samantha?

Daring to take his eyes off Alpha as the Diamond Dog cowered back towards the treeline where his brothers were waiting; Bungee saw a tall figure approach. She was framed by the low sun, and for a moment the silhouette almost looked human.

He shook off the daze as she stepped closer, out of the sunlight and the details focused.

Princess Luna looked worried.

Realising Bungee hadn’t permanently harmed the Diamond Dogs, and satisfied they hadn’t harmed the German Shepherd, Luna’s brow furrowed. She suddenly looked angrily to the dogs on the treeline, cowering before the alicorn’s majesty.

“DISAPPEAR!” she commanded.

The Diamond Dogs were sent running, yelping and whining with their tails between their legs, back into the forest where they came from. Letting a small grin take her expression, she looked back down to Bungee. The vigilant hound wasn’t sitting idle.

Rather he was walking between the three fillies he’d carried out of the forest, checking them one at a time before settling beside Scootaloo. Sniffing her broken leg he barked loudly a few times to draw attention to the snivelling filly.

Seeing her injury, Luna quickly strode closer, her horn glowing midnight.

“Fear not, young Scootaloo,” the princess soothed laying a reassuring hoof on her head. “This will not hurt.”

The same midnight shade around her horn engulfed the filly’s leg. Scootaloo whimpered before there was a distinct ‘crack’ as the bone’s reset and magically mended.

Breathing hard, Scootaloo looked up with watery eyes, testing her leg by flexing it. There was no more pain. Flesh, bone and torn muscle were completely mended by the princess’ magic. Slowly the filly managed to climb to her hooves before blinking away tears.

“Thank you, Princess Luna,” the Pegasus said hoarse from crying and screaming.

Bungee’s nose twitched as he picked up some new scents. The smell of apples and a sweet scented perfume.

“Applebloom!” his ears heard a mare’s voice drawl.

A second cried out in a more sophisticated, dramatic voice, “Sweetie Belle!”

Turning his head the same way his ears had twisted to pick up the voices, Bungee saw two ponies gallop closer to where the crowd of onlookers were gathering. The ponies he saw were like opposites. One with orange fur tangled and smeared with a few flecks of dirt. She looked like she had been working out in fields – definitely a farmer by the scent of livestock clinging to her coat. Her friend was a brilliant white unicorn. Her purple mane and coat were immaculate with polished and manicured hooves. The unicorn was definitely the ‘indoorsy’ type.

“Girls,” the unicorn cried out with distress. “Are you alright? What happened?”

“Rarity!” the fillies called out at the sight of the unicorn before looking to the orange earth-pony. “Applejack! We’re sorry!”

From there the trio belted out their explanation.

“We played hooky to look fer’ our cutie marks.” – “And we thought we could find it exploring the Everfree Forest!” – “We weren’t going to go far. Just to the fourth three and back! But we fell down a slope!” – “And Scootaloo broke her leg. Ah’ tried ta’ find the way back, but we got lost!” – “And three Diamond Dogs showed up! They were going to eat us!” – “But this dog showed up and stopped them!” – “We rode on his back!” – “And he outran the Diamond Dogs and then kicked their flanks before they ate me!”

“I’m sorry we played hooky. We’ll never do it again!” Sweetie Belle cried, lunging forward and wrapping all fours around big sister’s foreleg.

Rarity just blinked before sharing a very confused look with Applejack. Both mares were unsure whether they should reprimand the foals for playing hooky in the Everfree Forest or reprimand them for making up ridiculous stories about super-dogs.

While Rarity and Applejack were trying to get the story out of the foals straight, Luna stood by Bungee’s side. She gave him a light scratch behind the ear, watching the German Shepherd thoughtfully. The dog merely watched bemused wondering what the heck was going on.

Or rather, wondering where his treat was. After all, he did save three fillies from being eaten.

Catching the inquiring look in her princess’ eye, Twilight Sparkle stepped closer.

“Princess?” she asked gently looking between the alicorn and the dog. “What are you thinking?”

Luna shook her head, still trying to comprehend it all. She was sure there was some fable to the young trio’s tale, but much of it she’s seen herself already. “Bungee saved them. He’s a hero. A watchful protector.” The princess paused as she came to a realisation. “The equipment, the courage, the training – it all makes sense now. There is no more doubt as to who Bungee’s owner is. There is only one possibility.

“This is Mare Do Well’s dog...”

The mysterious masked mare of menacing marvel scowled, creasing her cowl. “... that’s not my dog.”

It was secretly the answer Luna had been hoping for. It meant she could continue keeping Bungee around. But at the same time she was confused as to how Bungee couldn’t possibly be Mare Do Well’s pet-sidekick. It was the only thing that made sense.

A chill of disappointment ran down Luna’s spine, coupled with the chill that hung in the night air. Moonlight lit their rooftop meeting, casting eerie shadows over Mare Do Well’s masked face. Luna couldn’t help feel she had wasted several hours of her night searching the Canterlot rooftops for the masked vigilante.

Though it wasn’t a complete waste. She was after all talking with a fellow mare of the night.

Looking between the masked mare and the picture of Bungee she was holding up, Luna blinked a few times with confusion. “Are you sure?”

Mare Do Well’s masked eyes narrowed, small moonlight slits just about visible under the shadow left by the wide brim of her hat. “I think I’d recognise my own dog, princess. Or perhaps I would if I even had a dog!”

Really she was a little relieved. Even after exchanging so few words with the vigilante, Luna didn’t figure the mare for a pet-owner. Bungee might’ve been better off with Luna even if Mare Do Well was his owner.

“I’m sorry to have bothered you then,” the princess apologised before turning away.

She was stopped by the masked mare’s raspy voice. “It’s interesting,” Mare Do Well mused casually, pacing a small circle across the flat rooftop. “I’ve been tracking a new player on the villain circuit. He’s raided a few supply caravans, even kidnapped a few ponies.”

With a frown, Luna turned back to the mare. “I’ve heard no such stories.”

Mare Do Well laughed. But it was unlike any normal pony’s laughter. It had no warmth, no joy. It was cold and empty; low and harsh in tone. It somehow managed to sap the little cheer Luna had away from the alicorn.

“You ought to get out of your palace more often, princess!” the vigilante jibed casually. “Authorities are stumped. Nopony can identify the individual, or his species. Whatever he is, he’s not a pony. And he’s taking refuge in the Everfree Forest.”

“What does this have to do with Bungee?” Luna demanded.

The cowl twisted; a scowl or a smile Luna couldn’t tell. “There was a magical rift in the Everfree Forest the day you claim to have found Bungee. The same day, the creature I’m tracking started appearing. Maybe we just found Bungee’s owner.”


“The pony-nappings started the moment this dog arrived. You describe Bungee’s demeanor and belongings as foreign, almost alien. Alien; like this creature I’m tracking.”


“Not coincidence.” Mare Do Well snarled defiantly. “Conspiracy.”

Luna shook her head disbelievingly. Bungee was not an evil creature... was he? He almost tore the throat out of that Diamond Dog earlier. He wouldn’t have stopped if Luna hadn’t stepped in.

But it was to save three foals! That didn’t make him evil did it?

Luna wasn’t sure. What Mare Do Well was proposing was terrifying. But at the same time... was Luna only defending Bungee because she was had grown attached to him? She hadn’t even known him long enough to build a proper bond.

Eventually Luna shook her head again. “No! I found Bungee in standoff with zombie ponies! He saved a group of foals! The creature you speak of cannot be his owner.” Luna straightened her posture, showing off her own defiance. Intuition told her Bungee was not evil, and that was good enough for her. “Bungee is a good dog. In fact; he is a great dog!”

The vigilante said nothing for a moment before she shrugged. “Maybe. But you need to keep an eye on him all the same. That dog is connected to this alien pony-napper somehow, and now I’m all the more determined to find out how and why.” With a quick stride the vigilante trotted past the princess, her long purple cape catching in the cold wind. “I have a lead I need to check on. I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop, princess.”

“Thank you.” Luna nodded.

Turning to see the vigilante off, the princess looked out across the empty rooftops. Mare Do Well was gone already, leaving in her wake only traces of her cold mysterious essence.

Luna shivered uncomfortably, wondering what any of this meant if she was wrong and Mare Do Well was right...

Author's Note:

Image courtesy of Dogs Trust Ireland

- Bungee's excessive sentience revised