• Published 8th Jun 2013
  • 6,789 Views, 68 Comments

The New Life with Lies - BrightKnight 42

There has been a secret Within the royal family for many years and only two know it

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A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 1

The New Life with Lies
By: BrightKnight 42
Edited By: ultra1437

Chapter 9: A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 1

Twilight looked over to Cadence and Shining Armor before cryptically speaking, “Now, let's discuss if you want to have Shining Armor around, like Celestia did with me?” Cadence and Shining Armor shared a look, both scared about the question.

They just stared at her for a couple of minutes before Shining Armor spoke. “Twilight do you know what you just asked us!” he exclaimed, still staring at her with a scared look on his face.

"Yes I did, and it is both yours, and his, decision," Twilight replied, her voice completely serious.

"Yes we know that, but think of what you just asked to us," asked Cadence her pitch rising to a fervor.

"I know what I said and I will say it again do you, Cadence, want your husband, Shining Armor, to live with you. With the spell Celestia used on me that kept me alive this entire time, but it will be linked to not only you, but myself and Celestia as well. Just to make sure, if you lose half of your magic, the spell usually loses connection and it will affect him. That is why it will have all three of us holding him, alive if one fails the other two can support him.” Twilight explained, looking at her brother and sister.

“Ugh, you don’t understand Twilight, you just asked if I wanted to have my husband to live or die!” at this moment Cadence was yelling at Twilight.

Twilight just stared at her with an ‘I know what I said’ look on her face then she added, “Cadence, do you remember what you and your sister did to me, when you told me about this spell. “

“No I do not remember what happened when we asked you that question, but why is it important?” Cadence asked, trying to remember what her sister and her did to Twilight.

“Since you don’t remember, let me show you with a memory sharing spell.” Twilight moved towards Cadence and sat next to her before explaining, “What I am going to do is touch the top of your head and it will do the same thing as the last memory spell, that gave your memories back again, but it will automatically show you the memory as well, ok?” Twilight leaned forward to touch her sister-in-law's head, waiting for a response.

“Ok, Twilight,” whispered Cadence, motioning Twilight to move forward with the spell.

Right as Twilight touched her sister-in-law's head, there was a bright flash and all of a sudden they were in Twilight's subconscious mind, where all of her memories were on shelves, like in a library. Cadence looked around at all of the shelves, looking at the titles of all of the books and she was surprised at what she read ‘Luna’s First Words,’ ‘Luna’s First Spell,’ and ‘Luna’s First Flight,’ she went through all of the books that were on that one bookcase.

It was about Luna. The bookcases were organized by certain ponies, because when she left the room that had Twilight's and Luna’s memories together, she found a room about Celestia. The one after that was her parents, and it went on to her sister, with the final room storing Twilight's and her own shared memories together. When she walked in, she look at the titles on the books. She started to remember the memories of her and Twilight together, she fell to the ground because of the pain of all of the memories coming back to her, but before she could pass out, she felt a hoof touch her on the shoulder she looked up to see Twilight standing by her side.

“You know Cadence, I have not been in here in roughly 503 years. When I went in to a deep depression, because my sister’s side accused my side of the family not following tradition and not caring about other family, at the same time when they accused me it was the 500th anniversary of losing Luna.” Twilight looked down at the floor forlornly. “It took Celestia over a half a year, to pull me out of it. I even tried to take my own life because of that depression. Actually, you should remember that, because you were the one that saved me and told Celestia what I tried to do. After that, she took me here and showed me where I could find my memories of Luna, and my life before her banishment to the moon. This place is what helped me when times got rough.” Twilight explained sagely, sitting next to Cadence and laying a book in front of her.

“Is this the memory of what happened, when we asked you if you wanted to live with Celestia forever?” Cadence replied, receiving a nod from Twilight.

“Well, let’s open it,” Cadence started, opening the book and just seeing a blank page. After flipping through the book, trying to find a page with something on it but she could not find one and she just sat it down and looked at Twilight. “Why is it blank? I thought you told me that this will show me the memory of what we did to you, when we told you about the spell.”

“That is because you don’t have permission to see it. There only two ponies that can see them without my permission, and the first is Celestia, and that’s because our souls and magic are together, so what she can see of mine and I can see of hers. The only other pony that can see them is Luna. Well, she can go into anypony’s subconscious, but she can only see what they share. I’m the only exception to that rule because there is a strong connection between the birth mother and foal and –“ Twilight stopped speaking because she felt something else moving in her subconscious. She knew what that something was, because she recognized the presence.

“Luna if you would, stop trying to hide. You know I told you I was the only other pony besides your mother that moved the moon, stars, and ruled over the dream state before you were born,” Twilight shook her head for a few seconds. “Plus, I still do, you might of gotten control over them from me when we found out that you were the Princess of the Night, when you moved the moon for me one night and got your cute mark, but you are not the original pony that moved the moon, stars and watched the ponies at night to make sure that they were ok,” Twilight turned, looking over her shoulder at the shadows.

Right as Twilight finished talking, Luna came out of the shadows and walked over to Twilight and sat next to her. Once she was sitting, she was pulled in to a tight embrace by Twilight putting her wing over her daughter, and pulling her in after she had Luna held hostage she asked, “One thing Luna, before we show Cadence the memory, I want to know who sent you here. Was it your mother worrying why it is taking too long, or your uncle wanting to know what is happening to your aunt?’’

“It was Shining, scared what happened to you and aunt Cady, and mom was wondering how long you were going to take... and I wanted to see what happened when they asked you, if you wanted to live forever or not,” Luna answered her mother's question, accepting Twilight's embrace.

“Well I will show you it later, my little Lulu. And that is a promise, now can you go and tell your uncle that Cadence and I are ok, and tell your mother that I will be done when in a couple of minutes,” Twilight asked of Luna, as she drew her embrace tighter, as any mother would do to their child.

After Twilight finished talking to Luna, she left to do as her mother asked. When Luna was completely gone Cadence asked, “Lulu? I thought Luna hated being called that.”

“She does, when its anypony else except me,” answered Twilight looking at Cadence thoughtfully.

“Why does she let you call her that then?” asked Cadence with an odd look on her face

“She lets me call her that because it was the nickname that my sister gave her, and when she died... Luna was so depressed because my sister always enjoyed her night.” Twilight sat back, her ears drooping. “Everypony was allowed to use it, but after she died, Celestia tried cheering her up. She used her nickname... and that just threw her further into her depression even more. I had to break through a spell she put up, and I had to had to tell her that my sister will never truly be gone, Luna even made a constellation for her. When anypony calls her that, she usually just tells the pony to stop calling her the nickname, before it could cause her pain. Since I was the closes thing to my sister, she does not care about me calling her that. But I digress, let’s just continue with what we are here for,” As Twilight finished speaking, she opened the book again. This time the book was far from blank. Both ponies looked on, embracing the memory.

To be continued.