• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 4,018 Views, 42 Comments

Orange Crystals - dramatic_spoon

Applejack and the gang go to Manehatten to see Aunt Orange and her New Coltfriend.

  • ...

Love is Weird.

“I still don’t get it.” Applejack shook her head before turning her attention to the other ponies in the train car, “First we get a letter from Aunty Orange sayin’ she an’ Uncle Mosely divorced, an’ now we get another one askin’ us all ta meet her in Manehattan.”

“Ain’t nothin’ odd about findin’ love again, AJ.” Big Macintosh chided his sister, “But I reckon it’s gotta be somepony you all know.”

Applejack frowned, “That’s the thing Mac, she don’t know nobody that they do.”

“Well that’s not true, darling,” Rarity countered, “My contacts in Manehattan might know her, although I do not think they would marry her.”

“Well….I got a couple of aunts and uncles in Manehattan,” Rainbow Dash cut in, “But they’re all part of the weather teams and stuff like that.”

“Oooh, I know!” Pinkie leaped up and down within the train, “Maybe it’s someone we had to fight against, like Discord or the buggy Changeling queen!”

Everypony in the cart stared at Pinkie as she grinned back at them.

“…That’s ridiculous.” Applejack shook her head.

“Oh, but it did work for Discord,” Twilight added.

“That was different,” Fluttershy quietly responded.

“Well, we’ll all find out when we get there,” Big Macintosh chuckled.

“Big Mac, are ya sure Granny’s gonna be ok?” Applebloom looked away from the window and towards her brother, “I mean, I like Miss Bonbon jus’ fine, but Tootsie Flute says she’s got a short temper.”

“Applebloom, don’t worry,” the stallion sighed, “I wouldn’t have asked her if I didn’t trust her.”



The train slowed to a stop in the Manehattan rail station.

“Well, we’ll find out,” Applejack sighed, “She said she’d meet us at the station.”

The doors slid open and Applejack trotted out of the car, coming face to face with a pair of red and green eyes with purple mist leaking out of the sides.

“HOLY DAMMIT!” Applejack scuttled backwards, tripping and knocking Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh over. Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy looked out of the car; King Sombra stood, sneering at the group.

Awkward silence reigned as the ponies stared at each other, unable to take action.
With a soft thump, Fluttershy fainted, breaking the silence and shocking both sides back into action.

“I need to alert the Princesses!” Twilight ran back into the train car, as Applejack scrambled back onto her hooves and prepared to fight.

“Oh there you are!” a female voice called out, as Sombra stepped backwards. A blonde earth mare with an orange mane trotted into view. “I told you that you should have waited back, and let me see them first.

Sombra flushed with embarrassment and looked towards the ground, inaudibly muttering something.

“Aunt Orange, get back!” Applejack barked, “Don’t ya know who that is!?! That’s King Sombra, He’s some dangerous, crazed-”

“My fiancé,” the mare cut into Applejack’s monologue.

“Vicious, Your fiancé, selfi…” Applejack trailed off as realization sunk in. The mare blinked in confusion before continuing, “Wait, what?”

“This is what I wanted to tell you all in person,” Aunt Orange gave the unicorn a quick peck on the cheek; “We’re engaged.”

Silence once again reigned as Applejack stared at the two.

“Wha... ge... ha…” Applejack fainted, collapsing atop Fluttershy. Big Macintosh, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash exchanged awkward glances, uncertain of what to say.

“Congratulations!” Pinkie beamed, showering the two in confetti, “Ooh, did you plan the wedding party yet? Because I did one not too long ago for Princess Cad...”
Pinkie trailed off, “Um...I did one not too long ago for some other ponies that-”

“It is fine,” Sombra spoke, shocking the others, “That is part of the reason I wished to see…Twilight Sparkle, yes?” After the other ponies nodded in confirmation the unicorn continued, “Twilight Sparkle, so that I may…apologize for my actions and behavior in the Crystal Kingdom.”

“…How do we know you aren’t lying to us just to get us off guard, so you can try again?” Rainbow Dash countered.

“…Valid point,” Sombra conceded, “However, the Princesses are already aware of both my presence here, and my intentions. The kingdom is no longer mine, and shall not be. That is in the past. Right now…” Sombra paused to nuzzle Aunt Orange, “I only want the future.”

“…What do you think?” Rainbow Dash whispered at Rarity.

“If it worked for Discord, I suppose we can give him the benefit of the doubt,” the fashionista whispered back.

“I trust my family,” Big Macintosh added, “I reckon we all oughta giv’m a chance.”

“…Um…Mr. King Sombra?” Applebloom cautiously asked the unicorn, “Can I ask ya somethin’?”

“Later Applebloom,” Aunt Orange cut off the unicorn’s response, “It’s been a long trip from Ponyville, and I’m certain that you all need your rest. Let’s go back to our house, and we can talk more there.”

“Your house?” Big Macintosh’s eyebrow rose, “I thought the other letter ya sent us said that Moseley was keepin’ the place.”

“More specifically, it’s a house owned by me,” Sombra chuckled, “Things were easier one thousand years ago, I never had to do paperwork before.”

“At least the realtor was kind enough to bring extra copies.”

“Yes…” Sombra blushed, “I do not wish to discuss that in front of children.”

“Oh, now I gotta hear this,” Rainbow Dash grinned, “Who’s gonna go get the egghead?”

“I can do it!” Pinkie bounced off, seeking Twilight.

“Well, I guess I oughta carry AJ an’ Miss Fluttershy,” Big Macintosh sighed, “Both o’ them seem ta be out cold.”


A small house in Manehattan

The kitchen remained silent, as Twilight Sparkle and Sombra awkwardly stared at one another across the kitchen table.

“…So, um…” Sombra bit his lip, “How is…your brother and his wife?”

“Fine,” Twilight bluntly responded.

“…That is good to know,” Sombra continued.

Silence returned.

“…Miss Sparkle, will you not give me a chance?” Sombra inquired, “I know for a fact that you have given Princess Luna and Discord one, can you not do the same for me?”

“…How did you know about that?”

“Who do you think suggested my rehabilitation?” the former king chuckled, “Discord made a very persuasive argument to Celestia.”

“But we saw you disintegrate, how did you come back from that?”

“...” Sombra looked away from Twilight, “I do not wish to speak of that. Let us just say that it is… it is because of things I have done and I am no longer proud of.”


“You still do not believe me?” Sombra chuckled, “I imagine that is a reasonable response.”

“How did you meet Mrs. Orange?”

“Sherbet? Well now, that is an interesting story.” Sombra chuckled, “Luna was the one selected to oversee my rehabilitation, and for that we both were to take mortal forms. Well, mortal for her, less…” Sombra motioned towards his horn and general appearance, “Dramatic, I suppose is the best word in my case. But that is only part of the tale…”


A gray-coated unicorn with a black mane, red eyes and a cutie mark in the shape of a crystal formation trotted down the garden pathway, sighing as he continued along his way.

“I have lost my power, lost my kingdom, and now I am forced to work as some common dishwasher. This is insufferable, yet...” the unicorn paused, “Yet I must endure.”

The unicorn paused as the sound of soft crying reached his ears.

“…Now what could that be?”

He continued down the pathway, eventually coming across a lonely earth pony mare, sitting on the park bench, sobbing.

“Excuse me, madam?” the unicorn trotted closer, catching the mare’s attention, “I realize this is a foolish question to ask, but is something wrong?”

“Why do you care?” The mare spat out.

“…You are correct. It is indeed none of my business, but…” the unicorn sighed, “Forgive me, I shall continue on my way.”

The unicorn began to trot past the mare.

“…Wait.” The mare sniveled, “Please, stay.”

“…As you wish.”

The unicorn took a seat next to the mare.

“I’m sorry, it’s just…it’s just that…there’s absolutely nothing simple about finding that your husband has been having an affair behind your back.” The mare sniffed.

“I imagine so,” the unicorn nodded, “I do not know what I can say to will help you, but I will offer a shoulder to cry on.”

“…Thank you,” the mare held her head down, “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name…”

“…Dark Opal.”


Dark Opal?” Twilight stared at Sombra in shock, “You took an alias after a comic book character ?”

“It was Luna’s idea,” Sombra rolled his eyes, “If I had known that is where she got the name, I would have refused.”

“What happened next?”

“As part of the divorce settlement, Sherbet did get a fair amount of money, but was still forced to leave. I did have a very meager residence, and offered her a place to stay.
One thing lead to another and…” Sombra smiled, “It has been far too long since I have felt anything close to love.”

“…” Twilight sighed, “I think I understand.”

“They say ‘Love Redeems’, do they not?” Sombra chuckled, “I believe we are proof of that.”

“I can’t speak for my friends, but I’ll give you a chance,” Twilight finally responded, “But I want you to see my brother and Princess Cadance and apologize.”

“In due time,” the unicorn nodded, “I have every intention to do so.”

Twilight nodded and stood up to leave.

“Thank you.” Sombra smiled.



Orange Sherbet yawned and trotted towards the bed, where Sombra laid, reading a book.

“And how did everything go?” the mare crawled into her half of the bed.

Sombra closed the book, and it levitated towards his bedstand, “I believe Twilight has taken it well. Your nephew and the…young one, Applebloom, is that correct?” After receiving a nod of confirmation, he continued, “Seem to be taking it well.”

“And the other elements?”

“The blue one, Rainbow Dash seems to still be rather edgy around me. The unicorn, Rarity, seems to be taking it well. But both seem to be willing to give me a chance” Sombra paused, “The pink one is annoying, but it seems everypony else feels the same way about it.”

“Pinkie Pie is…unique,” Orange Sherbet agreed.

“That is one way to put it,” Sombra chuckled, “I have some concerns about the yellow one, as she keeps fainting.”

“Fluttershy? She’s…delicate,” Orange Sherbet bit her lip, “At least that is what Big Macintosh says.”

“Applejack…does not like me. Although I cannot say that I blame her, our last meeting was hardly on good terms,” Sombra grimaced.

“Give her time, she’ll come around. She’s stubborn, but all Apples are like that.”

Orange Sherbet leaned over and gave Sombra a kiss.

“Good night darling.”

“Good night.”

Comments ( 42 )

That was... Something.:applejackconfused:

*Brain implodes*
:rainbowlaugh: Okay, that was so out there that it was absolutely awesome.

I fucking love this fic!!!

Hmm, interesting... wouldn't mind a continuation of this.

Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me, makes me lighter
Fearless on my breath

I thought I'd seen it all. I'm not sure why I thought that.

Haha, what. That was awesome.

Good thing this wasn't set in the Manehattanverse or I'd be worried about how Tangerine was coping with this. Nicely done.


Don't see why Sombra would have to apologize to Cadence and Shining though. He was the legitimate ruler of the Crystal Empire. He fought to get it back and lost.

Simple as that.


I imagine Jackie Papercut wouldn't be too thrilled about that.


I think it's more symbolizing a desire to let bygones be bygones and move along.

You have never seen it all. Never. Somehow, someway, the universe will prove you wrong. Usually in ways that may require brain bleach.

Shall read this today, if I get the chance. Am slightly disappointed there aren't more comments.

*Grins and slow clap* Nice.


Thanks you kindly.

So far this is the only complete entry, so...We'll see.


I'm going to be honest. It wasn't bad, and I didn't mind reading it... but it was...how should I put it...

...flat? No, that's not what I'm looking for, I think perhaps bland might work here better, or maybe flat. I suppose part of the problem is on my end, as this being a crack ship between King Sombra, and well, a relative of AJ, I was expecting a bit more...conflict I suppose, and perhaps more general nuttiness. There's also the fact that King Sombra seems....out of character, which is kinda hard to pull off, I'll give you that, seeing as he doesn't have much character. He seems to go with the whole redemption thing a tad too easily, he surrenders any and all claims to the crystal empire (which, while it makes sense, could have been done with a "I'm not happy about it but it's that or tartarus/purgatory" sort of thing. Instead he seems to just let it go, which doesn't seem like something even a redeemed Sombra would necessarily do.)

There's also the fact that Miss Orange seems to be incredibly trusting of a pony who oppressed and terrorized an entire empire, ruled it with an Iron hoof, and tried to seize it back and reign in darkness once again. And that's not even mentioning the age gap.

It seems more like the relationship is simply existing for the easy shock of having King Sombra of all ponies dating Aunt Orange. Which of course, fulfills the necessary perquisite to make this a crackship fic, but to me only a bare minimum.

It works for what it is, but to be honest I was expecting a bit more. I give it a 7.2 out of 10. If it was fleshed out more, I would have enjoyed it more.

EDIT: I will freely admit that I had time to mull the fic over before commenting, as I read it offline during my lunch break. If I had just read and commented, I might not have been as critical.


Valid points.
Although to be honest when it comes to Crack Ships, sense isn't exactly a high priority.
If you really think about it, every ship goes down easily.

It's the first time I've done this sort of thing, so... We'll get better.

I agree with the guy below with the issues of this fic, but I honestly enjoyed it and it was well done.

Hahah! Now this was a short and fun fic to read. :rainbowlaugh:
Now I suddenly want to read MORE about this.


It has no sense... :derpyderp1:

I love it :derpytongue2:

Uncle Mosely, you affair-driven bast-

Would it be weird to ship Pinkie with Sombra?:pinkiegasp:
How about Trixie and Sombra?:facehoof:
Wait... why not one of the cows in the show with Sombra?:trollestia:
Somepony should definitely ship the dark king with with a bovine, if only because it's silly.:rainbowlaugh:

Would it be weird to ship Pinkie with Sombra?:pinkiegasp:
How about Trixie and Sombra?:facehoof:
Wait... why not one of the cows in the show with Sombra?:trollestia:
Somepony should definitely ship the dark king with with a bovine, if only because it's silly.:rainbowlaugh:

OK, I admit. I thought this was going to be a cracky story. .... But I like where it's going so far. Give me more, good author... :3 And take my upthumb and fave, of course.


It's just a one-shot.
....although given that Bellona's universe has Maccord and Diamond Tiara/Windigo, I suppose we can make Orange Sherbet/Sombra canon to that.

3010181 Huh. Well, ok then. ...I'm still tracking this in hopes you change your mind later. :3

... I don't know what I was expecting, but you playing it completely straight was not it.


Parodies are less fun for crack ships.

I want more of this!

When I saw the description, I was both :rainbowderp: and :rainbowlaugh: at the same time, and I felt that Ihad to read it! I WANT MUNCH MORE of this shipping!:pinkiehappy:

I did one not too long ago from some other ponies that-

I think that "from" should be "for".

...I am oddly okay with this. I hope you get a good spot in the contest!

UPDATE: I just realized that this was submitted back in June....


I got second place, if you're wondering.

I immediately burst out laughing. :coolphoto:

Like your Macchaser fic: Good as usual. Keep this up.

“…So, um…” Sombra bit his lip, “How is…your brother and his wife?”

“Fine,” Twilight bluntly responded.

“…That is good to know,” Sombra continued.

Silence returned.


I added this to my favs. I am hoping to see the wedding, maybe kids too. :applejackconfused:


I've kind of stopped writing at this point.

They do have a kid, who cameo'd in Across the Multiverse and the theoretical list of offspring, including Aunt Orange/Sombra was listed here.

I myself prefer Maudbra...

“Your house?” Big Macintosh’s eyebrow rose, “I thought the other letter ya sent us said that Moseley was keepin’ the place.”

wasn't he the guy that.. no wait I'm thinking of mosby..

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