• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 4,514 Views, 6 Comments

The Oak Leaf - MidnightQuill

Fluttershy confides her love for Rainbow Dash, but is not the only pony keeping a secret.

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Chapter 1

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

The Oak Leaf
By Midnight Quill

Shadowed clouds drifted past the full moon. Below in a small clearing, bordering the dark mass of trees that was the Everfree Forest stood a quant cottage. Past the door was the still scene of the quiet living room, where various birds and other small animals slumbered. A trail of dim but warm yellow light led up the stairs, to reveal a bedroom with a yellow pony and her bunny. Past the bed, its quilt decorated with butterflies, and across from the flickering flame of the fireplace, stood Fluttershy at her writing desk. Her pet bunny Angel sat atop the desk on his haunches and watched as Fluttershy opened the book, which on its cover read, The Language of Flowers by A. Houyhnhnm. She blushed as she read the page on the lime blossom and its meaning, and quickly turned the page.

“Lotus: virtue,” she read aloud, much relieved to no longer be reading something raunchy, “Magnolia: smitten. Mallow,” she paused, “regret.”

Angel saw that she was sad, and flipped some pages.

“Oak Leaf,” she read, “It means bravery. I wish I were brave enough to tell her how I feel. I think it’s time I tell somepony.”

Angel gave her an annoyed look and hinting cough.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, Angel. It’s just that I need somepony with experience in matters of the heart.”

Angel waited for her to say something more, but only received a longing look. Fluttershy walked to the bathroom and returned with a pail of water, biting it by the rim, and gently poured the water into the fireplace. The fire went out, and as the smoke wisped out the window, she sighed and looked out wistfully into the night sky, towards Cloudsdale.

♫ My Little Pony, My Little Pony... ♫

The next day, Fluttershy and Rarity sat in a sauna at Aloe and Lotus’s day spa. The steam bath was the only part of the full spa treatment where one had privacy from bath attendants. It was one of several sauna rooms, each one rectangular with a high ceiling, with only a small bench at the far end opposite the door. The heater was in the center of the room, with a bucket of water on the floor next to it. Rarity seemed to be dozing off with her head leaned back against the wall, obscuring a sign, which advised against falling asleep in the sauna. Fluttershy took one last look around the steam-filled room to make sure they were alone.

“Um… Rarity?” she asked in her usual timid voice.

“Yes dear?” she replied promptly, but still with her eyes closed.

“I need your advice on something.” She tried searching for the right words; but they never came.

After not hearing a reply, Rarity opened her eyes to see Fluttershy giving her a pleading look. Rarity sighed, knowing well what the look meant, but not looking forward to a guessing game. “Pony, place, or thing?”

“… Pony,” answered Fluttershy at almost a whisper.


“… I’m--I’m in love with--”

“No, I meant I couldn’t hear--” Rarity smiled mischievously as she turned to face Fluttershy, who was now blushing. “Flut-ter-shy! You clever girl, I had no idea. Well, I’m glad you came to me instead of somepony else. So, who is he? Do I know him? Where did you meet? What does he do? Is he a unicorn? How long is his--”

“Rarity!” cried Fluttershy, blushing even more.

“--horn,” finished Rarity flatly, smiling in amusement at Fluttershy’s reaction.

“It’s not what you think,” began Fluttershy.

Rarity wondered briefly if Fluttershy meant to say that she was not thinking dirty thoughts, but Fluttershy seemed to be the last pony to need to defend her virtue. The flustered look on her face also seemed to suggest otherwise.

“The truth is, it’s--the stallion--I mean--not the stallion--oh, no, that’s not right; what I mean is he’s not--a stallion.”

As Rarity listened to Fluttershy stammer on, she was almost afraid to ask, “What do you-- Fluttershy, are you saying--?”

Fluttershy nodded.

Rarity opened her mouth slightly, as if to speak, but instead stalled, and then said, “All right, let’s start over. Who is she?

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “You--you’re not surprised?”

“Well, I didn’t pick up on it, if that’s what you mean. But onto the question at hoof: Who is she?”

Bravery, she repeated to herself. In the language of flowers, the oak leaf means bravery. I must be brave. Like her. “Rainbow Dash.”

Rarity stared blankly and blinked. “Now I’m surprised.”

“Why? Did you… think it was you? Oh, gosh! I’m so sorry! I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings. You’re beautiful, and smart, and talented, and I consider you one of my closest friends,” she paused and glanced up in thought, “I would even be open to the idea of the two of us having an intimate--”


“--dinner,” finished Fluttershy, returning Rarity’s smirk from before.

Rarity smiled. “Ahem. Thank you. But that’s not what I meant. You two just seem so… different from each other.”

“Oh, I know. But that’s what I like about her. She’s so confident,”

“You mean arrogant.”

“And daring,”


“And she’s not afraid to speak her mind.”

“Humph. More like she has no manners.”

“Rarity, please don’t talk about her like that. I already don’t like that we’re talking about her behind her back.”

“Sorry. Why don’t we get back on topic? You said you needed my advice?”

Fluttershy hesitated. “Yes, but before that, please promise me that you won’t tell Rainbow about this.”

Rarity put her hoof on Fluttershy’s. “I promise.”

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I won’t tell, either. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” said the voice of a familiar pink pony.

“Pinkie Pie? Where--? When did--?” asked Rarity, looking about.

“Silly filly! I’ve been here the whole time,” she answered as she stepped out of the steam and into view, leaving an outline in the steam behind her.

“Shame on you, Pinkie; eavesdropping this whole time,” said Rarity.

“I wasn’t eavesdropping, I was listening. Besides, I can help.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “No offense, darling, but this is a matter that requires the experience of somepony, well, more mature.”

Pinkie Pie glared at Rarity. “Yeah, I’m sure you have lots of experience. Enough for both of us.”

Rarity returned the glare. “And just what is that supposed--”

“After all, you’re certainly old enough,” said Pinkie Pie with a sly smile.

“Why, you!” said Rarity, getting off the bench and facing Pinkie Pie.

“Please stop!” said Fluttershy, “You’re both being selfish. If you really want to help, then stop arguing.” Rarity and Pinkie Pie faced Fluttershy, and were only slightly surprised at her scolding them. Most taken back by the outburst was Fluttershy herself. “Oh my. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled like that,” said Fluttershy, looking sheepishly at the floor.

“That was yelling?” whispered Pinkie Pie to Rarity. They both smiled.

“No, we’re the ones who are sorry,” said Rarity.

“Wow, that was really surprising,” said Pinkie, now hopping and circling around the two, “Well, not really surprising, but still surprising. Maybe surprising is the wrong word. Appropriate? Correct? Proper? Suitable? No, those aren’t right. Anywho--anyhow? Anyway, I think you and Dashie have more in common than you think.”

“What do you mean?” asked Fluttershy, turning her head to follow Pinkie Pie as she moved about the room.

Pinkie Pie stopped behind Fluttershy and pondered. “I can’t really say.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow at Pinkie Pie, and then turned to Fluttershy. “Do you know if she even likes mares?”

“I--I don’t know. That’s why I wanted your advice. I mean, I can’t just ask her. What if she says no?”

“But what if she says yes?” asked Pinkie Pie, suddenly appearing in front of Fluttershy.

“Pinkie’s right. You won’t know until you try. But I agree we do need a more subtle approach.”

“Ooh! Ooh! What if we threw a party? We could play truth or dare. Or spin the bottle,” said Pinkie Pie, pantomiming spinning a bottle and then drawing back in revulsion.

“I said more subtle.”

Fluttershy tried to get a word in, “Um, maybe we should--”

“Well… then… what if Fluttershy writes a message with the clouds? Like a giant heart that says, Fluttershy Loves Rainbow Dash?” said Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy blushed. “I don’t think--”

“I swear, do you even--wait,” Rarity paused as her horn made a magic ball of light at the tip, “I-de-a! I’ve got it! Pinkie Pie, you’re a genius.”

“Neat! I’ve never been a genius before.”

“What if we start a rumor that there’s a pony that likes Rainbow Dash? That way, we can see her reaction without telling her it’s Fluttershy.”

“A genius plan, if I do say so myself,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Then it’s settled. You go to Sugarcube Corner and start there, and I’ll start here after you leave. And remember, the key is subtlety,” said Rarity, unwittingly whispering the last part.

Rarity opened the sauna door and led Pinkie Pie into the hall.

“Okey dokey lokey! You can count on me. Subtlety is my middle name. Pinkamena Subtlety Pie.”

Rarity grinned at the contradiction of such a name. “Good. I’ll meet you there later.”

The two walked down the hall. A moment later, Fluttershy exited the sauna, pausing at the doorway to sigh before following her friends. As she walked away, the door to the next sauna opened and out stepped Lotus pulling a cart of cleaning supplies.

* * *

Rarity lay in a mud bath with cucumber slices over her eyes and a facial mask. The small room housed three more mud baths, all of them unoccupied. Potted plants decorated the corners of the room. Behind the baths was a table where Aloe was busy folding towels. A radio also sat atop the table, playing a soothing melody.

“Rarity, what happened to Fluttershy?” asked Aloe.

“She left early. Poor dear. Bits spent and not a shine to show for it.”

After a moment, Aloe smiled and said, “So, Rarity, you know that I am not the kind of pony who gossips.”

“And you know that I am not the kind of pony who listens to gossip.”

“Then it would not be gossip if there was no pony to listen, yes?”

“Quite right.”

Aloe waited for a moment before continuing, unsure if Rarity was being serious or simply did not wish to appear eager. “I hear that Rainbow Dash has a secret admirer.”

“Oh really,” she said smugly.

“Yes. And that it is none other than Fluttershy.”

Rarity jumped out of the tub. “What? Where did you hear that? When? Tell me!”



“I am over here.”

Rarity removed the cucumber slices from her eyes to see that she had been shouting at a potted plant. She turned around to face an annoyed Aloe, now splattered with mud.

“Um, I’ll just, uh, leave a tip. On my way out. Excuse me.”

Aloe watched as Rarity left the room, leaving a trail of muddy hoof prints. Aloe then took a deep breath and buried her face in the stack of folded towels. As Rarity trotted down the hall to the showers, she heard a muffled scream behind her.

* * *

Rarity’s mane and tail were darker than usual, still damp from her shower. She cantered through town. In the distance, she saw Pinkie Pie standing outside Sugarcube Corner at one of many umbrella-covered tables. Just as Rarity reached her, Pinkie Pie turned around and joyfully shouted, “Hey Rarity! Guess what?”

Startled, Rarity reared on her hind legs and fell backward. “What?” she groaned.

Pinkie Pie offered a hoof to help. “I finished the letter.”

“What letter?” asked Rarity, who was so confused that she almost waited for an answer while lying on the ground, before taking Pinkie Pie’s hoof and getting back up.

“Duh! The anonymous love letter to Rainbow Dash. See?” Pinkie Pie grabbed the letter from the table and held it out for Rarity to read.

“Y’know, I wonder if what I say and what you hear are two different things. Why is this covered with crumbs?”

“I was eating cupcakes,” she answered, smiling to reveal chocolate stains on her teeth.

Rarity cocked her head to look, then shook her head in disappointment. “Well, it may not do us any good. Somepony found out Fluttershy’s secret. I think we should go tell her.”

As Pinkie Pie and Rarity galloped down the empty stretch of dirt road to Fluttershy’s cottage, they passed beneath a cloud on which Rainbow Dash was napping. Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up. She peeked over the cloud and saw the pair, and then flew down alongside them, next to Pinkie Pie.

“Rainbow Dash! We were just talking about you,” said Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash turned and flew on her back, relaxing with her front legs folded behind her head as she asked, “You were? Were you talking about how incredibly awesome I did in my last race?”

“Sure! As far as you know,” said Pinkie Pie.

“We can’t tell her with Rainbow Dash here,” whispered Rarity, “Pinkie, do you still have that letter?”

“Oh, good idea.”

“Hey! What are you two whispering about?”

“Allow me to answer your question with another question - whyyy are you following us?” asked Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash turned back over and flew normally again, but lower, peeking over Pinkie Pie’s head at Rarity before whispering, “I need to talk to you. It’s about what I told you last week.”

“You mean your super duper secret that if anypony found out about would completely, totally, and utterly embarrass you for some silly reason? But then, what would I know about being silly?” Pinkie Pie paused as if waiting for acknowledgement, and then said, “Y’know, this wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t eat all those fermented apples before you came to see me.”

“I know,” muttered Rainbow Dash, “Look, we’ll talk about it later,” she said as they arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Okey dokey lo--”

“Finally, we’re here. I’m going to use Fluttershy’s shower after we go inside. My mane is all dusty, and I’m all sweaty from running, and all this after I just spent all day at the spa,” said Rarity.

“--key,” finished Pinkie Pie, still at a whisper.

On the cottage door was a flowery wooden sign, which read, Animal Nap Time. Rarity knocked on the door anyway. A moment later, Angel answered, looking sleepy.

“Hello, Angel. Is Fluttershy here?” asked Rarity.

He yawned and nodded.

“Could you be a dear and let her know we’re here?”

Angel shrugged and waved them in. After they entered, he hopped upstairs, but only made it to the third step before falling asleep. In the living room slept several birds in their birdhouses, a raccoon on the couch, and a snake coiled in a wicker basket.

“Neat!” said Pinkie Pie a little too loudly, waking all the animals except for the snake.

“Hush,” whispered Rainbow Dash.

The ponies left the living room and walked over Angel as they went upstairs to Fluttershy’s bedroom, where they saw Fluttershy standing in front of her desk asleep. Fluttershy spread her wings, startled by the sound of hooves on the wooden floor. She looked up and saw Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash standing in the center of the room. Pinkie Pie held two coconut halves in her hooves. Fluttershy was still surprised to see her friends show up unannounced, but since there was no danger, she folded her wings back in.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” said Rainbow Dash, jumping onto the bed.

“Fluttershy, could I trouble you for a shower?” asked Rarity.

“Oh, sure. Go ahead,” she replied.

“I won’t be long,” said Rarity, leaving the room.

Rainbow Dash looked at one of the several dolls - a horse, dragon, griffon, and hydra - that decorated Fluttershy’s bed. Something about it caught her eye; it was a light blue rag doll of a horse, with dark pink button eyes, and a rainbow-colored mane and tail of yarn.

“Hmm. Hey Pinkie, look at this cool doll. It looks just like me,” said Rainbow Dash, holding up the doll.

Fluttershy blushed and turned to hide her face.

Pinkie Pie chuckled. “Oh, Dash. And I thought I was the silly one. Speaking of which, it’s time for a distraction. Look!”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash turned to see Pinkie Pie holding a letter in her mouth. She put the doll down and got off the bed. Rainbow Dash blushed as she read the letter. “This is… a love letter. But it doesn’t say who it’s from. Wait a minute… this is written on stationery from Sugarcube Corner. And who dots their i’s with balloons?”

Rainbow Dash looked up at Pinkie Pie in surprise. Pinkie Pie simply smiled back. “You wrote this, didn’t you? Pinkie, are you… in love with me?”

Fluttershy gasped. Nopony heard her.

“What?” cried Pinkie Pie, dropping the letter.

Rainbow Dash gave her a boastful smile. “You don’t have to hide it, Pinkie. I mean, you’ve obviously got great taste.”

Blinking a few times and with a shocked expression, Pinkie Pie hesitated, and then said, “Dash, I’m not in love with you!”

“Wait, what?” Rainbow Dash almost looked hurt to hear those words. Then, she glared at Pinkie Pie. “Oh, I get it. This is a prank, isn’t it? Well it’s not funny, Pinkie Pie!”

“I’m not laughing,” said Pinkie Pie with a kind smile. Rainbow Dash’s anger faded as she realized that Pinkie Pie was not making fun of her. “Silly Dashie. That letter was a fake, but you really do have a secret admirer. I can’t tell you who it is, though. Oh, and just to clarify, it’s not me. Sorry that I don’t have great taste.”

Rainbow Dash blushed and dug at the floor with her hoof. “Uh, yeah, could we just pretend I never said that?”

Pinkie Pie laughed. “Aw, but you’re so cute when you blush.”

“I agree,” said Fluttershy with a chuckle.

Smiling but still embarrassed, Rainbow Dash got back on the bed and again looked at the dolls. She grabbed the horse and dragon dolls. “Hey, look, it’s a Rainbow Dash doll,” she said jokingly, and began to play with them. Using the bed end as a stage, she moved the dolls about as if they were puppets, with the dragon held at one end and the horse at the other.

“Oh, no! It’s a dragon! But never fear, Rainbow Dash is here. Using her amazing agility, Rainbow Dash flies circles around the dragon while taunting him cleverly.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. Whether this was at the show Rainbow Dash was putting on or at the thought of Rainbow Dash being clever, Rainbow Dash didn’t ask, and instead smiled and continued, “Enraged, the dragon chases after her, but he’s no match for her awesome speed. Especially when she makes a sonic rainboom,” she paused to bite a few feathers out from her wing and spit them into the air, “and blows the dragon right out of the sky! Incredible!” Nopony clapped, but Rainbow Dash still took a bow.

“Nice narration,” said Fluttershy.

“Thanks. Y’know, I’m surprised that you even have a dragon doll, since you’re so afraid of dragons. I guess you’re lucky you’ve got Rainbow Dash here to save the day, huh?”

Fluttershy laughed nervously. “Yeah. Lucky.”

Rarity returned. As she swung her head to show off her now clean, shiny mane, steam from the bathroom spread out from behind her and covered her in a light, sparkling dew. She then raised her front leg up and bent it back, posing as if she were on stage for a fashion show. After a moment, she put her leg down and stepped closer to the others. “Ah, refreshing. So, what did I miss?”

“Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!” said Pinkie Pie, raising her hoof.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Yes? Pinkie.”
“I told Rainbow Dash she’s got a secret admirer.”

“Yeah, but she won’t tell me who it is,” said Rainbow Dash, lying on the bed.

“Whom.” said Rarity.

“Pinkie. She won’t tell me.”

“No, I mean, it’s not who, it’s whom.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Pink--ie--Pie. Aren’t you listening?”

“Ugh,” sighed Rarity, “Rainbow Dash, you are so clueless sometimes. It’s no wonder you haven’t found out whom your secret admirer is. The answer could be right in front of your face and you wouldn’t notice.”

“Hey! I’m not clueless!” said Rainbow Dash, still holding the horse doll.

“Oh really,” remarked Rarity, who was not amused.

“Yes, really! I even have an idea of who it might be,” said Rainbow Dash, turning to Fluttershy, “Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy gasped and tried to look away, but could not. Pinkie Pie and Rarity also looked on in anticipation.

“Will you help me?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“W-what?” asked Fluttershy, confused. Not because the question did not make sense, but because she was so nervous, she did not hear what Rainbow Dash asked her.

“I figure my secret admirer is a pegasus, from Cloudsdale. It might even be somepony I know. That’s why I need your help, Fluttershy. Because you can fly.”

Fluttershy could only stare at Rainbow Dash in disbelief. She could not decide if she was relieved or disappointed at Rainbow Dash’s ignorance.

Rarity smacked herself on the forehead and closed her eyes. “Oh for goodness sake.”

Pinkie Pie laughed. “Come on, Rarity. Let’s leave them alone to figure it out,” she said before heading downstairs.

Rarity went up to Fluttershy. “I would say this is ironic, Fluttershy, but honestly it’s quite… sad,” she said, and followed Pinkie Pie.

From the bottom of the stairs, Pinkie Pie yelled, “Bye! And remember to take the pie out of the oven at noon. Oh wait, that was for me. Hey Rarity, what time is it?” before she and Rarity went out the door.

Fluttershy turned her head and listened as the door shut, and then let out a sigh of relief. Rainbow Dash sat up in the bed, still looking confused. She looked at Fluttershy for an answer. Fluttershy did not notice, and was looking at the floor, deep in thought. Finally, she took a slow, deep breath and looked up at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, there’s something I need to tell you about your secret admirer.”

“You know who it is?”

“I guess you could say that.”

“So who is it?”

Fluttershy hesitated. “Well, you were right. She’s a pegasus pony that you know.”

“She?” Rainbow Dash asked almost in excitement.

Fluttershy did not notice. “Oh, yeah. I guess you don’t like mares.”

“Actually, I’ve never told anypony this, except for Pinkie Pie, but I actually do like mares. I don’t mind telling you, since we’re such good friends.”

Fluttershy smiled. “And as good friends, we can tell each other anything, right?”

“Right. Are you okay? You seem nervous. More than usual, I mean.”

“It’s just that…” Fluttershy looked at the floor, “You might be surprised to learn who it is. And I’m afraid that once I tell you, we’ll no longer be friends,” she said gloomily.

Rainbow Dash gave her friend a concerned look. “Don’t be ridiculous. No pony could ever replace you.”

Fluttershy looked up and to see Rainbow Dash smiling and standing next to her, and smiled in return. “You mean it?”

“Yeah. We’ll always be friends.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Fluttershy, if this is bothering you, maybe we should just forget it. It’s just some silly crush.”

“No!” Fluttershy said resolutely, “I mean, no. I want to tell you.”

Rainbow Dash grew nervous, but found that she could not look away from Fluttershy’s intense gaze. There was something in her eyes, which was not there before. She thought that she had seen Fluttershy look that way before, but this time was different. It was more than just courage, and it was captivating.

Fluttershy continued after a moment, “I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time. I have always loved you, Rainbow.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and nuzzled Rainbow Dash’s shoulder, and felt like she was about to wake from a wonderful dream. Indeed, she felt like she could fall asleep against Rainbow Dash. After some silence, she felt something wet fall onto her neck, and asked, “Rainbow, are you crying?”

Rainbow Dash turned away and said in a hoarse voice, “I’m not! I’m--I’m not crying!”

The side of Fluttershy’s face became cold with Rainbow Dash’s absence. It was enough for Fluttershy to wake from her dreamy state. She was at once confused, asking herself if she had truly, finally confessed her love. Her confession moved Rainbow Dash to tears; never in her fantasies did she imagine that. It was real. However, right now, Rainbow Dash needed her. “You’re right,” said Fluttershy, “it must be a rain cloud.”

Fluttershy dashed to the bathroom and gathered the steam from Rarity’s shower into a small cloud. She nudged the cloud over to Rainbow Dash, placing it above her, and shook it until a sprinkle of rain came out. “Better?”

After regaining her composure, Rainbow Dash turned around and fluttered her wings to shake off the rain. “Much better. Thanks,” she said, nuzzling Fluttershy’s nose.

Fluttershy smiled and began to tear up. Rainbow Dash pushed the cloud above Fluttershy and squeezed it, but only a few drops of rain came out. They both laughed.

* * *

Having extinguished the fire, Fluttershy again watched the swirling smoke wisp out the window. She smiled and looked out into the night sky, towards Cloudsdale, and Rainbow Dash. Far from Fluttershy’s cottage, in her grand house in the clouds, lay Rainbow Dash asleep in her bed. In her hooves, she held the horse doll.

The End

Author's Note:

1st Revision, February 14th, 2012 - Clarification edits.
2nd Revision, May 27th, 2020 - Minor clarification edits, deleted letter to Celestia. It felt a bit forced to include a letter and it never sounded right to me. "The unknown can be scary, but sometimes you find out there was never anything to be scared of," was the gist of it. I wouldn't really call it a lesson, and it's not a good lesson because it only applies if things went well for you.

Comments ( 6 )

Sometimes a reader likes a fanfic on the basis of what it does rather than how well it does it, which either fortunately or unfortunately for you is the predicament I have here. The writing of this fanfic at best is about average however, thanks to the inclusion of FlutterDash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie working as matchmakers, the dolls, and an oblivious Rainbow, I found myself overlooking the execution and focusing on what was being presented. To summarise what I mean, I love FlutterDash, I love how you have portrayed the pairing, I love how you've used Pinkie Pie and Rarity in this fanfic (which is going to make my eventual fanfic seem a little less original because I also planned on using Pinkie Pie and Rarity as the matchmakers), and I love the idea of Fluttershy having a Rainbow Dash doll.

Though I have mentioned how I like this fanfic more so than its quality should warrant, it does not mean it lacks quality. For instance the vocabulary was pretty good and even suited the characters allowing them to feel and act like they should. Detail was usually overshadowed by a sea of dialogue but what was there was not only nice but promising, and the fairly decent vocabulary helps such things. The plot is simple but manages to make itself original with the way things play out (it also makes itself original by having neither Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash end up in a hospital, which seems to be a rather common thing for FlutterDash stories and Rainbow Dash stories in general). Best of all though was the humour, smiles and giggles were aplenty as I read this and your usage of wordplay was incredible.

Overall though the writing was rather simple. Speaking took up a lot of it, and often got confusing due to a lack of 'he said', 'she said'. Details were there but not often enough, and would have much helped break up the stream of dialogue or at least slowed down the speed of the conversations. Finally the ending feels rushed and confusing, 'why did Rainbow Dash start crying?' and 'why does Princess Celestia's letter seem so cryptic?' were questions I had on my mind once I finished and these are questions I should not need to think about. While I'm leaning on the side that says they are a couple now (because I adore the pairing) it doesn't feel very clear itself, with the only real feature to say that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are together being the doll.

While this may not be the greatest of fanfics it is however an enjoyable one and also a promising one. There are plenty of areas for improvement, but nothing bad enough to make a reader cringe or drive them away and with those little bits of improvement this fanfic could really shine. As it stands now though it is a sweet, humorous, and nicely thought of FlutterDash story, which brought numerous smiles to my face. Great job, keep up the good work!

Thank you, I appreciate your criticism. Perhaps I edited it too much, or tried to convey too much through dialogue at the cost of a lack of detail elsewhere. At least it makes for a decent play. All three vagaries you mentioned were intentional. As for whether Fluttershy and Dash are a couple, only time will tell. It'd be more interesting to see their relationship grow than for me to say they lived happily ever after, so maybe in a later story I'll explore this.

Update: I considered what you said and added more detail.

It was rather good in my opinion

The ending was confusing but overall it was pretty good.

i thought it was a cute story :heart::heart:

A+ for the fluffy ending.

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