• Published 20th Jun 2013
  • 1,248 Views, 14 Comments

Knights of Night - Chosen of the Moon - vadram

Many ponies played their part in creating the Equestria we know and love, one of them is Starry Night, guildmaster of the Knights of Night, and this is part of his story.

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Chapter 5: ...and AAA! (M)

Chapter 5: ...and AAA!

Luna was quickly proven right when a blade pierced her side.

While shielding the little unicorn she let out a violent burst of raw magical energies pushing the assailant away, the she turned to face it. Great was her surprise when she saw who stabbed her.

The Guards that came with her were dead, as was the mare, and some of the ones she thought were dead now pointed their weapons towards the princess. As she looked at them Luna could see their injuries disappearing from their bodies, their eyes turning teal and fangs growing out of their mouth. They fired barrage of green lightning bolts towards her, and then charged her.

Luna’s eyes glowed white and the room filled with blinding blue light. When the light cleared nothing was left in the room except for the foal, Luna, and pony shaped shadows on the walls.

Luna placed the little pony on her back and squeezed through the thin crack and upon exiting the side of the cliff, she stretched her wings and took off, heading towards the rest of the vanguard.

The spent the next day trying to ignore the heartbreaking screams of the hungry infant.

After a day of non stop flying Luna the vanguard camp was finally in sight, she expected many questions from the officers about the fate of the ponies that went with her, and even more about the crying infant she had on her back.

Nopony asked her anything as there was nopony left to ask.

By the time she reached the camp, whatever possessed the ponies from the cave to turn against their brethren had already reached and taken the lives of all the Royal Guard soldiers she brought with her from Equestria.

“Not in darkest day of Discord’s reign had I ever had to fear the dead rising and killing the living,” Luna told to herself as she walked through the camp.

She took a quick look around the camp for any survivors, but couldn’t find any. Normally she would have obliterated the entire camp just to be sure no potential enemies were still laying around, but she was exhausted after the days she spent searching for the missing team and her prompt disposal of the enemies took its toll on her magical supplies. The night was still a while away, and she needed all her strength if she was going to raise the moon.

After taking a few ration packs, and dissolving them in water she tried to feed the foal, all the type paying careful attention to her surrounding so she would not be taken by surprise again.

The baby was violently rejecting the foul tasting concussion when a shriek could be heard echoing through the camp. As if on command almost half of the Guard pegasi rose up and attacked the alicorn. Luna sighed, and fought them, all the time trying to feed the ration to the foal. She had little luck with either.

Five hundred trained pegasi warriors would have been nothing more than an intense exercise for the alicorn. However, they were faster, stronger, more agile that she expected them to be, and they did not fight like they were trained to. Even worse was that Luna could have sworn that she saw some of them use magic. Her injury and the unicorn foal she had to keep safe did not make things any easier.

The battle was dragging on for much longer that she wanted, and she was not killing them fast enough. She was never in any real danger herself, but if the battle would have continued for much longer, she would not have enough magic left for the extenuating task of raising the moon and uttering in the night. Worst still was that the longer the battle went on, the greater the risk of something happening to the foal was.

“Thank you sister,” Luna said as back in the capital Celestia rose the moon.

With the power of the celestial body flowing through her body Luna made short work of the aggressors, but not before one got in a lucky shot, a small green lightning bolt which passed through the shield that protected them and hit the foal in the back of the head.

The little pony let out a soul-piercing cry, Luna strengthened the magical barrier, and quickly dealt with the rest of the blue-eyed abominations. The blast was not that strong, and would have caused a normal pony only a minor injury. However the pony in question was a foal, and the blast did a lot more damaged than it should.

Luna looked at the wound and was horrified by what she saw. The pony’s mane was entirely gone, as was most of his scalp, and he was fastly bleeding to death. The tiny unicorn needed medical attention, and fast, but the nearest settlement was a few days away, and there was no way he would make it until then, no matter how fast Luna flew.

Luna, unlike Celestia, was never any good at using healing spells, in fact most of the time she ended up doing more bad than good, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and there was really nothing else she could do, so Luna channeled her magic into the foal, and focused on the injury.

First she focused on stopping the bleeding and cauterizing the wound. Luna had to stop mid process when she realised that if the wound was cauterised the regeneration process would take longer, so she had to undo a good part of the work she did. More and more magic flowed from Luna into the unicorn foal’s body, and his wound slowly healed.