• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,049 Views, 163 Comments

Party Every Day - Esle Ynopemos

Pinkie Pie wants to rock and roll all night, and party every day.

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26: Can't Quite Remember the Details [Sad]

((Prompt: One of the Mane 6 writes or tells a story about another of the Mane 6.))

Well hey there! Thanks for dropping by; I haven't seen you in... well, I guess it's been a while! Gosh, you're sure getting tall. You must be eating your sprouts like a good filly! That's good, you don't wanna end up short and round like your ol' Auntie Pinkie!

Hey, c'mere and sit down for a minute. I've got a story to tell you. It's about one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world!

It goes like this. Once upon a time, there was a farm filly. She worked hard every day on her farm, and she had a great big family that helped her and supported her through everything. She was a super-dependable pony, always there to lend a hoof to her friends, always ready to give them some encouraging advice. Oh, and she had a hat, too. It was a really neat hat!

Anyways, one day, when she was working on her farm, she looked up in the sky and saw a beautiful rainbow! Just looking at all those colors made her so happy, she just had to share it with somepony, so she gathered her family into the barn, where she had put together a party just for them, and...

Wait, no. That's not how the story goes.

Let me start over.

She wasn't a farm filly, that's silly! He-he! She was a shy pegasus, that's right. She was a really nice pegasus, and all the animals liked her. She was usually pretty quiet, but that was okay, because she was brave and stood up for her friends when it really mattered.

The shy pegasus was nervous around other ponies, though. She wasn't sure if they liked her or not, so she stayed out of their way most of the time. But one day, she thought that her friends didn't like her at all anymore, and it made her really sad! But it turned out that the whole time they were sneaking around and avoiding her, it was actually to put together a surprise birthday party for her, because she totally forgot it was her birthday!

No... no, that's not how it goes, either.

Give me a minute, I know this one.

Okay. She was a pegasus, all right, but she wasn't shy at all! She was the most amazingest flier in all of Equestria, and she knew it! She was so confident, and awesome, and radical, and super-duper cool! She was going to join the Wonderbolts some day, just as soon as they realized how completely amazing she was.

Then one day, her friend introduced her to a griffon, saying she was an old friend she used to have. But the griffon was kinda a jerk. So, being a super wonderful pegasus like she was, she put together a party to—

Rrgh, that one was close, I know it! Just not quite right.

Let's try this again. Once there was a unicorn. She was really pretty, and she dressed in fancy clothes all the time. All she ever wanted was to make ponies around her happy, so she gave them gifts like dresses and jewelry and party hats and cupcakes, and threw them birthday parties...

No, no, no, no! Come on, Pinkie! You have to remember!

One last try. I'll get it right this time, I promise!

Unicorn. Super smart. Like, really, really smart. Studied under the Princess.

Yes, that's right! She was the Princess's student, and she came to Ponyville, and we went on adventures together, and we saved the world. Like, at least three times!

And then she cast a spell that mixed up all our cutie marks, and she grew wings, and became a Princess herself! And from then on everypony called her the Princess of Parties, and she bounced everywhere she went, laughing and baking cakes and everypony was happy...


No, hey wait, don't go away! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! Come back, I'll... I'll stop, if you want. It's just... I know I've got it rattling around somewhere in my noggin, it just won't come out right. Sometimes it just gets me so frustrated...

Oh, you—you're out of time? Okay, well, tell everypony I said hi. And come back soon, okay?

It gets lonely here.

Author's Note:

Alternate, happier ending:

No, wait, I remember how it goes now!

Once upon a time, there was a sweet little filly who went and visited her auntie even though everypony said she was crazy and they were probably right. But she visited anyway, and her auntie loves her very, very much! The end.