• Published 16th Feb 2012
  • 999 Views, 36 Comments

Great - Broadway

The life and times of The Great and Powerful Trixie.

  • ...

The Audition

It was Nightmare Night, Trixie's first ever. Well, her only ever, really.

Vanity was going as a butterfly, and she looked beautiful as ever. Trixie, however, wanted to be a wizard. Wizards were powerful wielders of magic, something Trixie had wanted to be all her life.

Meadowlark had made both of them costumes, and Trixie couldn't be more in love with hers. Her mother had stitched a beautiful violet cape with blue and yellow stars on it, a small aquamarine gem holding it together, not to mention the matching hat. The ensemble was a bit too big, but Trixie loved it all the same. The fact that it was too big simply meant she could wear it for several more years to come, which made her even happier. Trixie even cried when she had to take it off afterwards.

She loved that costume, almost as much as she loved her mother and sister. Almost.


"Good heavens, what is this ghastly thing?"

Bright Rose was staring at Trixie's costume, a look of revulsion on her face.

"That's my costume! My Mama made it for me!" cried Trixie indignantly. "Give it back!"

"Well, obviously your mother was as slow with a needle as she was up here," replied Bright Rose, tapping her skull with her left hoof. With a flick of her head, she flung the costume to the floor. "You may keep this, since I can't imagine anypony wanting something so hideous."

"Wait, what?"

Bright Rose looked down at her with an annoyed frown. "Didn't Storm Song tell you?"

Trixie shook her head.

Bright Rose rolled her eyes. "We're selling your stuff."


"You have no need for it, so you are going to do the right thing and let somepony else have it instead."

Trixie was sobbing now. All of her stuff? Gone? Her toys? Her books? Everything? Just like that? "No!" she cried. "No, you can't have it! That's my stuff!"

"You have no say in the matter. It's already been decided."


Ignoring her, Bright Rose continued to dig through Trixie's bags with her magic. "Yes, everything else seems to be at least somewhat desirable." The bags were surrounded by a glowing white aura and rose in the air.

"NO!!!" screeched Trixie, throwing herself at Bright Rose. "That's my stuff!!!"

That would be the last time Trixie made that mistake.

Trixie was sent flying to the ground as Bright Rose swiped a forehoof across her tear-stained face.

Trixie looked up in shock at her aunt. Had she really just. . . hit her?

Bright Rose glared viciously at the filly. "You do not touch me!" she hissed through clenched teeth, seething with rage. After a prolonged leer, she turned away with Trixie's belongings and marched out, slamming the wooden door behind her.

Trembling, Trixie grabbed her cape off of the floor and squeezed it close to her chest. She let out a sob and wept openly, nopony there to comfort her.

She missed her mother. Why did she have to be gone? It wasn't fair. Meadowlark had never done anything wrong to anypony; she hadn't deserved this fate.

It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair.


Trixie slowly peeled her weary eyes open, faint sunlight sifting through her tiny window.

Four years had passed since she had first arrived at her aunt and uncle's home, and things really hadn't changed much.

Growing up in the large manor had taken quite a bit of getting used to for Trixie. For one who was so prone to talking excessively, learning to hold her tongue had been a challenge. The even bigger challenge was adjusting to the fact that nopony wanted you around.

Storm Song, her uncle, really wasn't too bad towards her. Mostly, the musical pony just ignored her. He was pretty silent to begin with, though. It was as if he expressed his thoughts better through his piano than his mouth. Trixie could hear him playing some tune or another away on the instrument at most times during the day. She would often times sit silently by and simply listen. Storm Song was extremely talented, and Trixie loved his music.

Bright Rose, on the other hoof, hadn't changed her attitude towards the filly one bit. Trixie found herself avoiding her aunt at all costs. Bright Rose seemed to gain pleasure from insulting Trixie at any opportunity, something that she did her best to evade as often as possible.

Vanity was no longer with her. She had been enrolled into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns at the age of eight two years ago. It was a boarding school, so Trixie only got to see her on holidays and during the summer. When her sister came home for the holidays, Trixie would bombard her with question after question, hanging on Vanity's every word.

Life wasn't too bad, though. There was the groundskeeper, Daisyjo, a deep purple earth pony with a bright yellow mane. She was always pretty nice to Trixie. She always had something to do, be it tending to the flowers or repainting the house, and Trixie always loved to help.

There wouldn't be any helping Daisyjo today, though.

Trixie swung herself out of her tiny bed and trotted over to her window. She had turned eight a mere week ago. Today was the day the prestigious school held its entrance exams. A few weeks back, she had sent in an application, forging her guardians' signatures. The letter had come back a few days ago, a big green check giving her the all-clear to try and get into the school.

She wasn't a talented unicorn. Trixie knew that. But maybe, just maybe, if she could get into that school, like her sister had done before her, Bright Rose and Storm Song might be more accepting of her. Maybe they would even start liking her. Maybe.

A look at the clock on her nightstand told Trixie it was time to go. Fortunately for her, Tallahayseed was right next to Canterlot, and it shouldn't take but thirty minutes or so to get there on hoof. Trixie looked out her window again. She could see Canterlot Castle from her bedroom. Maybe things would start to get better now.

With a look of determination upon her face, Trixie set off.


Trixie crept out of the manor. Fortunately nopony had seen her. . .

"Hey there, Trixie!"


Trixie looked up to see Daisyjo trotting over to her, her purple hooves coated in a layer of mud. "Oh, hey, Daisyjo."

"Whatcha doing out here?" asked Daisyjo. "I told you I didn't need any help today."

Trixie looked around nervously. "Can you keep a secret?"

Daisyjo's eyes narrowed. "Trixie, what're you up to? You better not be doing anything you know you shouldn't be doing."

"I'm going to Canterlot."

Daisyjo gasped, her golden eyes wide. "Canterlot? Trixie, what are you thinking? Bright Rose'll have your hide!"

"I know! I know!"

"Then why in Equestria would you even consider doing something so idiotic?"

Trixie looked up at her. "I'm going to audition for Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns."

All Daisyjo did was stare. "You're kidding."

"You can't tell Bright Rose!" cried Trixie desperately. "If I make it in, they'll finally start liking me!"

Daisyjo sighed. "Trixie, you do realize that just because you-"

"Daisyjo, please!" Tears were bubbling up in Trixie's eyes now. "Please, please, please don't tell on me!"

Daisyjo looked down at Trixie. Finally, she let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, I won't tell."

Trixie sprung upon her, nuzzling her affectionately. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Daisyjo laughed. "Alright, alright, take it easy now. I'll do my best to cover for you. Just hurry back, okay? I'm putting my job on the line by doing this, you crazy filly."

"I'll be back ASAP, don't worry!" Trixie sped off without looking back.

"Good luck, Trixie!" called Daisyjo with a laugh. Shaking her head, she went back to performing her job, grinning the entire time.

As Daisyjo returned to her duties, unseen, one window's curtain moved back in place.


Trixie was surprised by just how many unicorns were at the castle for their entrance exams when she arrived. Nearly all of them were with their parents. Trixie sighed and walked at the back of the long line.

A couple of minutes of terrified silence later, an incredibly nervous looking lavender filly got into line behind Trixie. She cast a backwards glance at the pony. The unicorn's parents were nowhere in sight, so Trixie decided to talk to her. "Um, hello," she said shyly.

The lavender pony jumped in surprise but quickly recovered. "Oh, hello," she replied. Her voice was kind enough, but she came across as distracted.

"Are you nervous?" Trixie asked her, eager for some conversation. For the past four years of her life, Trixie had pretty much been trapped in the mansion, not once being allowed off the property. Something about not wanting to embarass her aunt and uncle. The only time she ever got to socialize with anypony besides Daisyjo was when Vanity came home, and those special occasions were rare and few.

The lavender unicorn shook her head, then, after a moment, quickly nodded. "Yeah, kind of. You?"

Trixie nodded as well. "Definitely." Despite all her efforts, she still had not managed to bring about any sort of magic. This fact gnawed at her. How could she expect to enroll in a school for gifted unicorns when she couldn't perform magic? Hopefully, her magical abilities would finally make them known in her hour of need, which was about to occur. Hopefully. "So, where are your parents?"

"They're talking to some of the instructors here. They're pretty confident that I'm going to get in, but still. . . . What about you?"


"Where are your parents?" the unicorn inquired.

Trixie looked down sheepishly. "Oh, um. . . well. . ."

"What is it?"

"They couldn't be here." It wasn't exactly a lie, right?

"Oh, I'm sorry," replied the unicorn, genuine sympathy in her violet eyes. "So, um, where are you from?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Tallahayseed," answered Trixie, relieved that the lavender pony hadn't lingered on the subject. "And you?"

"I live here in Canterlot," piped the other.



"Wow, that's so cool," came Trixie, her eyes aglow. "Have you ever met the princess?"

"No, but I've seen her."

"I've met her," Trixie boasted. She couldn't recall a time when she had been able to boast, and she rather liked this change of roles. "I even got to ride in her chariot."

"You did?" The unicorn was all eyes and ears now. "What was she like?"

"She was really nice and pretty, like I thought she'd be. But it's been a long time, so I don't remember much."

"Oh." The unicorn's face fell in disappointment, only to rise again a second later. "My name's Twilight Sparkle. What's yours?"


"Trixie? That's unique."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Trixie questioned, getting defensive.

"Oh! Nothing at all! I just meant that I've never heard anything like it before," Twilight quickly explained. "It's. . . different."

Trixie cooled down a bit. "Oh, okay." There was a moment of silence. "So. Why are you enrolling here?"

Twilight lit up. "I want to learn everything I possibly can about magic," she replied cheerily. "I've already done a lot of studying on my own, but there's always more to be learned."

Trixie cocked her head. "What do you mean, 'studied on your own'?"

"Oh, you know, spell books and things of that nature." Twilight looked at her oddly. "Why? Do you mean you haven't read any spell books?"

Trixie's sky blue complexion was dappled with pink. She wasn't exactly what you'd call well-read. "No," she mumbled.

Twilight didn't seem to take notice of the other pony's reaction. "Well, you can always borrow some of my books, if you'd like. I've got a ton. So, why are you enrolling here then?"

Trixie raised her violet eyes to meet her new companion's purple pair. There was no way in Equestria she was telling Twilight about her situation at home. But, that being said, she didn't want to lie either. She thought for a moment. "I want to become a great unicorn," she responded at last. "I want ponies to look at me and admire my abilities."

Twilight giggled. Trixie narrowed her eyes, her face turning a shade darker. "What's so funny?"

Twilight looked at her, eyes aglow, a smile upon her face. "Nothing. It's just. . ."

"Just what?"

"I like you, Trixie. I have a feeling you will be a great unicorn someday. Great and omnipotent."

Trixie blinked. "Huh?"

"You know, omnipotent?"

Trixie just stared at her blankly.

"Um, paramount?"





Trixie's eyebrows shot up, understanding hitting her. "Ohh, well why didn't you just say that?" She turned the thought over in her head some. "Hmm. . . powerful. . . The Great and Powerful Trixie. I like that!"

Twilight nodded. "It has a nice ring to it."

For the next bit, the two ponies chatted merrily as the line grew steadily shorter and shorter. It was definitely a refreshing change for Trixie. It seemed that at long last, she had finally found somepony to call her friend.

Finally, Trixie was next.

"So, are you ready?" asked Twilight.

With a gulp, Trixie shook her head vigorously.

"I'm sure you'll do fine," reassured Twilight.

The two were standing just outside the room, a huge pair of wooden doors separating them from whatever trial lay ahead. From inside, Trixie could hear a young colt sobbing obnoxiously loud. She gulped again.

Suddenly, the doors swung open. A snooty-looking grey mare with a dark brown mane emerged. "Next," she said dully.

Trixie turned to look at Twilight, her eyes filled to the brim with terror. Twilight put on a supportive face. "Good luck," she said.

Trixie nodded. "You too." Taking a deep breath, she followed the mare inside, the doors closing behind them.