• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 3,529 Views, 162 Comments

Through The Eyes of Innocence - Icudeadnow

Scootaloo feels like Rainbow Dash does not want her. Is this true?

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Truth...

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” -Albert Einstein-

“Tears are words that need to be written.”

-Paulo Coehlo-

* * * * *

The orange filly's eyes watered up as she ran as fast as her hooves could take her. She had bumped into numerous ponies and, in turn, got the evil eye. She didn't care anymore. She knew her father didn't go to work for another hour or two, but she still felt rushed. Like the truth couldn't wait. Finally getting too tired to run in this intense heat, Scootaloo started walking again. The wind coming from the east helped, but it still was quite miserable. She wasn't quite sure she wanted to find out what 'laid behind curtain number one'. She kept on moving despite these new and sudden hesitations. She had to know.

Within five minutes, Scootaloo's house came into view. With renewed determination, the orange filly sprinted once more to the house. She crashed into the side of the house as she tried to stop, sliding in the dirt. Hitting her head, the orange filly cried out in suprise and pain.

"OW! My head!" Scootaloo yelled at the top of her lungs. In her excitement, she had been going way too fast to immediately stop. Within a matter of seconds, a large stallion had inhabited her vison as she lay on the ground.

"Are you okay, Scootaloo?!" Said the stallion, who she identified as Dawnfire, her father. Scootaloo slowly got up with the help of her father and sniffled as her brain comprehended the immense pain in her head. They went inside the house and he put her onto the couch, and then started examining her head.

"I really hope we don't have to take you to the hospital..." Dawnfire mumbled. Scootaloo's eyes widened with fear and she vigorously shook her head, which she came to regret as she winced in pain.

"No. No hospitals, please." She said with pleading eyes. He didn't say anything in response but merely nodded.

Her father was about to leave for some rubbing alcohol and a bandage, but she stopped him with a hoof on his arm.

"Dad, we need to talk...." Scootaloo said as she pulled out the hospital documents and set them on the edge of the brown couch. He looked down and the title alone made his eyes go wide with fear.

"Where did y-you get this...?" Dawnfire shakingly asked, his eys wide. There was obviously something bigger going on and his eyes showed it most of all.

"I snuck into the hospital. But that's not the reason I'm here." Scootaloo said seriously as she stared her parent down. It wasn't accusing but a look that said, you better tell me now.

He sat back down on the couch with a defeated sigh, "There's things you need to know, Scootaloo. Things that makes even your mother not look like the saint she is. And me included. We've been lying, Scootaloo."

"Go on." She simply said. Something in his eyes frightened her more than anything had ever frightened her before.

With obvious hesitance, he said, "As you see here, we gave Rainbow Dash up for adoption. But I know that's not all of why you brought this here. You are my child, Scoots. At an early age... w-we gave you up as well. A couple of years later, we took you back. But not Rainbow...."

Scootaloo's eyes widened in shock as she comprehended those words. Her mother and father had given her up to adoption? Why hadn't they taken Rainbow back, then?

"We felt so bad about the first child that... we just simply couldn't live our lives knowing we did it a second time." He said sadly, "There's more though... soemthing I did that tears me up more than even your mother's death did."

Her eyes shifted from the floor back to his eyes. He was an absolute mess.

"Your mother had written a second letter to you. And a third to Rainbow Dash. The second one, she wrote, telling you the truth." Dawnfire almost mumbled, hopelessly trying to provide eye contact with her shocked daughter.

"Well... what happened to my letter?" Scootaloo asked, afraid of the answer to come. He got up and walked to the corner of the room. He popped open the dusty chest with a key from behind the antique plates and tea cups glass cabinet. He withdrew one yellowed letter. Where was her's?

"As you can see, there's only one. It's for Rainbow...." He said as he sat back on the couch hesitantly.

"Where's mine?" She asked, terrified of the new look in his eyes. He didn't answer, but simply looked at the old fireplace set against the wall. Wthin a few seconds, her eyes were filled with realization. he burned it.

"W-why..?" She asked, her composure finally taken down and replaced with depression and betrayal. It took a minuute, but he finally answered.

"I burned it because I didn't want you knowing the... truth. I just couldn't bring myself to burn this, so... I hid away from the world. From you, Scootaloo. I'm so sorry... I was wrong." He said miserably. She didn't care if he felt bad. This was... monstrous.

"H-how dare... y-you. I..." She stuttered, "HATE you..." It was now his turn to be shocked, as his face clearly showed it. There was something else as well. It was as if something broke in his eyes, Something he had been holding onto. It was gone and now he was obivously broken completely. Doing the only thing she could think of... and certainly something she was used to... she ran. Despite his protests and his hurried apologies. She was out the door in seconds, feeling hurt and betrayed. She felt worse than the day the police pony told her mom died. She ran into a familiar alley way, huddled up behind a dumpster and cried more than she had in her life,

* * * * *

She had been sitting in the same spot, having lost track of time and all understanding of the world around her. She heard somepony come into the secluded area, but she didn't care. It was probably her father, anyway....

"Scootaloo?" That voice sounded familiar. She looked up to see Rumble standing beside her with a worried expression. Wordlessly, he sat down and held her, which she accepted without protest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rumble asked, sypmpathy in his voice. Scootaloo shook her head and continued to silently cry into his shoulder.

"N-no..." Scootaloo managed to say, looking up with blurred eyes as the tears trickled down her cheek. Rumble nodded and held her even closer, his hot breath upon the back of her neck.

"Okay... just let it out. I'm here for you...." Rumble whispered, sliding a hof through her mane in a comforting manner. She cried even harder, realeasing all the pent up depression she had been bottling up for years. Everything that she'd ever known was a lie. What was the point anymore?

They sat there in that dark, filthy alley way, him whispering to her every once in awhile and her just crying. Eventually, she had the guts to confront him about her feelings. Not the ones that were recently brought to the surface, but the ones she had known about for quite some time now, "Thank you, Rumble... thank you for this."

"Hey, any t-" He was about to say but was cut off by Scootaloo kissing him on the cheek, "W-wow... I... wow..."

"Sh... be quiet, please." She whispered. he nodded and they kept on holding each other, not caring about anything around them. Everything was just noise now. What truly mattered was here and now. And she would fight to keep it. Even if it meant going to Tarturus and back.

Author's Note:

I am so damned pleased and proud of this story that mere words simply cannot do it justice. Thank you all for the support with me as I write this story... as we look through the eyes of innocence.

Stay awesome fellow bronies and, as always...

*Brohoof followed by a hug*

Comments ( 16 )

H-how dare... y-you. I..." She stuttered, "HATE you..."

honesly i kinda expected her to say i hate ya but good chapter none the less

Okay, so they're sisters.
Scoots was put up for adoption, but was taken back. Rainbow was also put up for adoption, but not taken back.
Words are said, some romance, and more questions are presented as some questions are answered. Will Scoots tell RD what happened, or will it continue to be a dark secret?

3455687 See it next time on... Through The Eyes of Innocence! :pinkiehappy:

3455687 I meant that you have to wait and see. I'd rather not put out spoilers.:applejackunsure:

One spelling mistake I noticed :twilightoops: ' It took a minuute, but he finally answered.' minute. But other than that a great chapter. Keep doing awesome *brohoof*:twilightsmile:

I swear of this is the end I'm going to ride my bike into on coming traffic but not like I do everyday a muh more dangerous way with hookers aaaand black jack

Sorry, but this chapter seemed a tad rushed, or maybe a lot rushed... especially the ending part.

3464262 It isn't the end. :twilightsmile:
I'm not that bad of a writer. :rainbowlaugh:

3467279 I know. I'm probably going to revise that chapter. But, yeah, I know. :applejackunsure:

3470264 ok so I'm not riding my bike into on coming traffic great also I think I'll still ad hookers aaaand black jack

Just now got around to posting that picture... (Twilight's Library) :applejackunsure:

The ending on chapter 5 has been editied. A lot more detail and it makes more sense.

3758330 Because I like hurting you all with feels. :trollestia:

Too bad this story will never have an ending.

STOP SMILING SCOOTALOO. YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO BE KISSING COLTS!:rainbowderp::twilightoops::pinkiegasp::flutterrage:

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