• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 8,680 Views, 46 Comments

Bail - Karnagar

Rarity has to take a trip to Ponyville Police Station to bail out a friend.

  • ...


Rarity had been in the middle of enjoying a rare day lounging about, her latest commission complete, when a rather loud and brisk knock sounded at her front door. She did not recognise the knock, it certainly didn't belong to any of her friends, they all had quite distinctive knocks. Inwardly bemoaning the interruption to her hard earned rest, she got up and headed to the front door.

"By Celestia, it is simply impossible to have a moment to one's self in this town."

Opening the door she was surprised to find a young looking police officer waiting patiently outside. The lad couldn't have been much more than a colt, still possessing as he did that somewhat awkward lankiness associated with teenage growth spurts.

"How might I help you, Constable?" she inquired politely, flashing a smile.

The constable flustered a little at Rarity's appearance, something she had gotten used over the years, especially from the younger members of the male (even the occasional female) gender. He pulled himself together with admirable speed though.

"You are Miss Rarity Belle, is that correct Madame?" he managed to get out.

"Why yes, I suppose I am," she replied. "What can I do for a fine stallion such as yourself?" A bat of the eyelashes and another smile. She did enjoy the odd bit of teasing here and there.

Managing to maintain his calm despite Rarity's flattery, he presented her with a sealed scroll.

"I was sent to deliver you this from Twilight Sparkle. She chose to send her one sanctioned message to you."

Taking the scroll with a quizzical look she asked, "Are you implying that Twilight has been imprisoned?"

"That is correct, Madame," he confirmed. "Now, I must be off. Good day."

He doffed his hat as he spoke before turning on his heel and leaving. Watching the extraordinarily polite and formal young colt go, Rarity closed the door and sat to open the scroll. The seal was that of the Ponyville Police Department (PPD) rather than Twilight's usual cutie mark seal. Breaking the wax she opened it and read the obviously hastily scrawled note.


Sorry to bother you, but I'm in a bit of trouble and I really need your help. Could I ask a huge -

'Huge' was underlined several times

- favour and get you to post bail for me? I'll pay you back I swear, I even have the bits in the library!! I'll owe you one, make that several.


With a raised eyebrow Rarity finished the scroll and put it down. What could she have gotten herself into? Of all their friends, Twilight was perhaps the least likely to break the law. Driven by curiosity as much as generosity, Rarity rose to her hooves again and went to find her purse.


As Rarity approached the small police station, she heard a shout from behind her. Turning she saw Applejack trotting to catch up.

"Hello Applejack, what brings you to this end of town?"

"Got a letter from Rainbow asking me to bail 'er out, of all things," drawled the farmer, sounding equal-parts amused and bemused.

"Funny, I'm here for a similar reason."

"Rainbow send a letter to you as well? Figures she'd send more than one."

"Not at all. I got a letter just like you but the one I received came from Twilight," a smile now playing across Rarity's lips as the pieces began to fall together.

"What the hay have they got themselves into now? I swear, those two can be as bad as the Cutie Mark Crusaders when you put 'em together. Them two being an item is gunna take years of ma life."

"Of all the ponies though, how could TWILIGHT SPARKLE end up doing something that would get her arrested?" Rarity pondered.

"I suspect Rainbow was the major contributor to this rucus. She better not be draggin' Twi down with her"

The two continued to discuss just what their friends could have done to end up behind bars as they walked into the station and approached the front desk. The pony behind the counter appeared to have been doing the cross-word when they walked in, but had hastily tried to look like he was doing something important as they stepped up to talk to him.

"We're here to post bail for two of our friends; Miss Twilight Sparkle and Miss Rainbow Dash."

The pony deftly pulled out two pieces of paper from among the chaotic piles on his desk and handed them over.

"Ah yes, the two newest guests of her majesty," the aging stallion quipped. "Fill out these and post the amount stated, and they're free to go."

Once the forms had been completed and the uncomfortably large sum of money had been handed over, two very sheepish looking ponies were lead out to the reception area.

"Now what in tarnation have to two ejits done to end up in the pokey?" Applejack all but demanded once they were all outside. "And more to the point, what did ya' do to cost me and Rares quite a big chunk of bits?"

The two guilty looking ponies both started exclaiming at the same time that it was the others fault, and that they would pay them back. A growl and a glare from Rarity shut them up.

"Now, you two are going to treat Applejack and myself to lunch, and you are going to explain exactly what happened. You owe us that much at least." Her tone did not broker any arguments, and neither Twilight or Rainbow were stupid enough to protest.


Rarity finished daintily wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin, and laid it down on the table strewn with the remnants of lunch.

"Now, you two better tell us how you ended up in prison or I'll see to it that you go straight back."

Rainbow and Twilight both glanced at each other, faces aglow with embarrassment and hooves shuffling under the table. When no explanation was forthcoming, Applejack let lose a very loud "ahem".

"Well, officially we were charged with...er, there really is no nice way to say this..." Twilight began but trailed off.

"Out with it then!" demanded Applejack.

"...public indecency," Twilight mumbled. Rainbow looked away and Twilight looked back at the floor.
At this revelation Rarity nearly fell off her seat, and Applejacks face hit the table so hard surrounding patrons looked over with concern.

"WHAT!?" screamed Rarity, once again attracting uncertain glances from the surrounding clientele. Twilight and Rainbow made desperate Sshhh-ing motions.

"Geez Rarity, not so loud please!" pleaded Rainbow Dash.

"There better be a damn good explanation for this," deadpanned Applejack, having lifted her face off the table again.

"Well..." Rainbow began hesitantly. "We were in the library, and things started to get a little...hot and heavy, if you know what I mean."

"Totally your fault," muttered Twilight sulkily.

"It was totally YOUR fault! I was-"

"Get on with the story," Rarity said, cutting Rainbow off before the couple could get into an argument.

"Anyway," Rainbow went on. "We were getting a little...carried away, and-"

"I guess I forgot to lock the library door," Twilight continued with a wince. "Because some parents and...er, some...foals came in."

"You were having sex on the library floor in front of foals!?" hissed Rarity with such venom, that Twilight thought she should probably go to the hospital.

"No, no, no, not sex exactly," she hurriedly reassured.

"But we were certainly putting on a bit of a display," Rainbow explained. "That is to say, things were on display that were most certainly not foal-friendly."

"Celestia, I thought that mother was going to hit me," Twilight remembered with a pained expression.

"I think the stallion was too busy trying not to hang to be angry," Rainbow snickered, before being silenced by a death stare from Rarity.

"Of all the irresponsible, idiotic things..." Applejack muttered darkly.

"It really was an accident! I forget it's a public library sometimes, just because I live there doesn't mean I own it." Twilight sounded extremely apologetic.

"You two better have learned your lesson," Rarity admonished. "Now, I'm not going to waste my breath telling you off Twilight, I'm sure the Princess will have a lot to say about the matter."

Twilight blanched visibly at this. Rainbow actually moved her chair further away for fear that she was going to vomit up her lunch.

"You on the other hand Rainbow -"

"Please Rare, I'm really sorry! I would never do that deliberately, that is so not me. I just, wasn't thinking..." Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and looked at the floor.

"Not with your head anyway," Rarity returned, scathingly.

"It's only 'cus I'm sure you two are genuinely sorry, and that it really was an accident, that I'm not angry with you," said Applejack, the anger lifting from her features. "But you still gotta make sure you two learn somethin' from all this, it was awful stupid."

The two ponies nodded their heads vigorously, sincere looks plastered across their faces.

"Besides, we have community service as punishment as well," lamented Rainbow.

"Can we please laugh about this now?" Twilight asked hopefully, looking between Rarity's disapproval and Applejack's disappointment.

"Well, I suppose it is rather funny. You were just unlucky if was foals that interrupted your...moment," Rarity smiled.

"So Twilight, how does it feel to have a rap sheet," rainbow teased.

"I already had one," Twilight replied, her sheepishness returning.

"How the hay did I not know that!?" Rainbow shot back.

"Seriously Twi? You have a rap sheet?" asked Applejack, brow raised.

"And here I thought you were the model of good behaviour, Twilight," Rarity said with some surprise.

"Hehe, well a lot of it can be attributed to accident and ignorance," Twilight said, trying to brush it off.

Rainbow was leaning forward in her seat now, eager to find out what her girlfriend had been up to.

"Well go on dear, do tell," said Rarity, an amused twinkle in her eyes.

"Okay, let's see...four counts of reckless magic-use, two counts of property damage, two counts of casting illegal magic, one count of drunk and disorderly, one count of casting while under the influence, one count of resisting arrest, and now the public indecency charge."

Twilight finished counting them off and looked at her friends. All three bore incredulous looks, jaws hanging open.

"What?" asked Twilight defensively. "Like I'm the only one at this table that has a rap sheet. I know for a fact Dash had one before today."

"Yeah, for speeding!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Like anyone is surprised by that."

"I can't speak for Applejack, but I have managed to keep my nose clean thus far," confirmed Rarity.

"I ain't had no run ins with the law, that's for damn sure," said Applejack, looking almost insulted at the insinuation.

"Ha! Looks like you're the only one Twi," Rainbow looked jubilant. "I'm dating a bad girl. SO. HOT."

Comments ( 46 )

Whachu gonna do when they come for you...

That was hilarious!


Thanks! I haven't been able to get any writing done for a while so I'm a bit rusty. I'm going to do a few one shots like this to get back into it.


Bad ponies, bad ponies.....?

On the floor, laughing my ass right off.

You sir, get my fave for this.

~Skeeter The Lurker

that was exactly what i needed to read on my luch . painting a middleschool is a pain in the ass. my day has been brightened considerably. thank you dear author for that.
absolutely hilarious.

Hi, this is Dan from the Twiluna group. Your story has been removed from our folders due to it not containing any Twiluna. If you find this verdict to be incorrect, please PM me stating why you believe this to be so.


Yer I misread as Twidash....somehow. Its been a long day :ajbemused:

2772202 It's cool, it was a nice read read anyways, I left a like.

A little stilted in the beginning, but it goes beautifully from there. Nice one! :twilightsmile:

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: This is a good one :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

Short and sweet. Good job. Kinda wish Twilight had expanded on her arrests though.


Yeah, I don't think I hit my stride until Applejack shows up.




Story for another time maybe? We shall see :derpytongue2:

I wish that you would've added a little more detail about Twilight's (many) run-ins with the law, but t'was a hilarious story all the same. Great job, you definitely deserve a favorite. :twilightsmile:

"Okay, let's see...four counts of reckless magic-use, two counts of accidental arson, two counts of casting illegal magic, one count of drunk and disorderly, one count of casting while under the influence, one count of resisting arrest"

Yeah, that was one hell of a night. :twilightsmile:

Great story, I've always thought the slide of life stories give the most genuine smiles.

Icing on the cake would be if Shinning was on duty that night >.<

That's certainly an interesting way to learn more about your closest friends. Why am I not surprised Twilight has the biggest rap sheet of the four?

I liked some lines;

'The lad couldn't have been much more than a colt, still possessing as he did that somewhat awkward lankiness associated with teenage growth spurts,'

'Driven by curiosity as much as generosity,'

'Them two being an item is gunna take years of ma life,'

'The pony behind the counter appeared to have been doing the cross-word when they walked in, but had hastily tried to look like he was doing something important as they stepped up to talk to him,'

'A growl and a glare from Rarity shut them up,'

'Her tone did not broker any arguments, and neither Twilight or Rainbow were stupid enough to protest,'

'Rarity finished daintily wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin,'

'"Now, you two better tell us how you ended up in prison or I'll see to it that you go straight back,"'

'Applejacks face hit the table so hard surrounding patrons looked over with concern,' where you forgot an apostrophe in 'Applejacks'


'hissed Rarity with such venom, that Twilight thought she should probably go to the hospital.'

I found a few mistakes;

You forgot the period at the end of 'She better not be draggin' Twi down with her'

Fimfiction seems not to display the skipped line between '...and Twilight looked back at the floor.' and 'At this revelation Rarity nearly fell off her seat...'

'if' should be 'it' in 'You were just unlucky if was foals'

You forgot to capitalize 'rainbow' in '"So Twilight, how does it feel to have a rap sheet," rainbow teased.'


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I think the "venom" line is probably my favourite of the bunch. I was very pleased with myself when I thought of that :derpytongue2:

Nice catch on the mistakes as well, those will be changed post-haste.

I have to agree with dash on this one. So Hot indeed... now all we need is to get her into some spandex with a whip and we are ready to play!

It's with that last line that your portrayal of Rainbow Dash snaps completely into character. :rainbowlaugh:

:pinkiehappy: Dashie was a prison...
:rainbowderp:: SHUT UP PINKIE!
:pinkiehappy: ...bitch.
:rainbowhuh: Dammit Pinkie!

vegita: join the club kid.
:rainbowhuh: : what do you mean?
Vegita gestures to a bald man behind him.
Napa: Ow look pinkie, the prison bitches are breeding.
:rainbowdetermined2: and Vegita: SHUT UP NAPA AND PINKIE!!!

The innocent Twilight sparkle isn't innocent after all...:twilightblush: I'd like to be apart of her other crimes. :twilightoops:

I guess one of the "reckless magic use" was "Lesson Zero" xD And I wonder how long is Pinkie's rap sheet (probably her biggest crime is violating the laws of physics...)

Accidental Arson? By definition if it was accidental it wasn't a crime. I think you meant negligence leading to destruction of property.

Anyway, great story!

I don't ship TwiDash, but this was too hilarious not to fave.

"You were having sex on the library floor in front of foals!?" hissed Rarity with such venom, that Twilight thought she should probably go to the hospital.

"No, no, no, not sex exactly," she hurriedly reassured.

"But we were certainly putting on a bit of a display," Rainbow explained. "That is to say, things were on display that were most certainly not foal-friendly."

Uh Dash.....that is pretty much the definition of SEX, or at least very heavy making out :facehoof:...

Plus every mare and and stallion has a pussy and a dick respectively, and will be out there in the air just like real life, so I have to think this could be a point where both Twi and RD's tails were lifted up enough to see everything...Why else would the tails be down all the time? That's their version of being covered...

Still, this is HILARIOUS!!! Rainbow's last line made it for me "I'm dating a bad girl. SO. HOT!" I kinda wish there were more like these, some of the previous commentators may have hinted that Twilight and RD aren't the only ponies in Ponyville with a rap sheet, though I'm pretty sure that there are few as long as Twilight's ....

Makes me wonder....what if Spike and Fluttershy would have them as well?? How would the rest of the Mane 6 respond to it?

And obviously, this was made well before Starlight Glimmer came to play, so I'm pretty sure even though she was forgiven for the events of Season 5, I have to believe that her punishment was being Twilight's student as a sort of community service in lieu of prison time or banishment....(definitely the influence of the Princess of Friendship, otherwise Starlight would be so boned)....

Who else came here cuz of Scribbler? :rainbowlaugh:

I was wondering if there was a sequel or if this was part of a larger story, but sadly it doesn't look like it.

So how high-profile is Twilight's case and how hard would it be to select a jury for the trial of a princess?

Okay, let's see...four counts of reckless magic-use, two counts of property damage, two counts of casting illegal magic, one count of drunk and disorderly, one count of casting while under the influence, one count of resisting arrest, and now the public indecency charge.

Ah, so it looks like she has already seen even worse, so is there, in your head canon, a political movement to skip Twilight in the line of succession and go right to Prince Blueblood?

Eh? Idk, anyways, Twilight has 'illegal use of dark magic to cause a whole town to start fighting, break-in with spike and Pinkie Pie into the Starswirl section of the library, and many more...'

Lol. Twilight sure has a rap sheet

Hmmm... so will she somehow rule Equestria from jail or will she be stripped of her royal title?

Equestria is on a 'love and tolerate' thing.

Besides, Twilight's saved the world like 7-10 million times.

If Celestia can erase all mentions of another bucking alicorn so that nopony knows wth Luna is, then Twilight could have a rap sheet for all she cares.


Equestria is on a 'love and tolerate' thing.

But does that mean Twilight should not be allowed to rule if she fails to express enough love and tolerance towards her constituents?

Besides, Twilight's saved the world like 7-10 million times.

But let's not forget that history is written by the victors. If the other side wins, they could very well say that Twilight was either taking too bold of a risk by putting her own life on the line, unwilling to stand with the people and only fought off the villains for her own selfish purposes (if the people stood with the villains rather than the monarchy), or both.

If Celestia can erase all mentions of another bucking alicorn so that nopony knows wth Luna is, then Twilight could have a rap sheet for all she cares.

But do we know that she can do so legally? And why would Twilight's rap sheet be contingent on the powers of Celestia? If the finale happens as rumored, she could be in water that is just as hot.


But does that mean Twilight should not be allowed to rule if she fails to express enough love and tolerance towards her constituents?

Hmm, but do you really think this is going to be an issue?

But let's not forget that history is written by the victors.

"Since when did Twilight Sparkle ever fail?"- Rainbow Dash
I'm pretty sure Twilight will be writing the mentioned, 'history'.

But do we know that she can do so legally?

Princess~ Do whatever you want free card*- I'mma laugh, being legal is not a priority, besides does anyone know if Equestria even has laws? I've never seen a police pony, ever.


"Since when did Twilight Sparkle ever fail?"

What about in "Return of Harmony" and "Magic Duel"? She also almost failed in the first EQG film, but I suspect Equestria would have just declared war against the human world over her tiara had it gone that route. But it was far more interesting to see it done the way they did it. Rumor has it that she will be exiled to the Crystal Empire in the finale because of her failures.

Princess~ Do whatever you want free card*

What about when Twilight needed Chancellor Neighsay's approval for the School of Friendship? A real-life example that just happened was Prince Harry being pulled over by London's Metropolitan Police, even though he was just let off with a verbal warning.

(B)eing legal is not a priority, besides does anyone know if Equestria even has laws? I've never seen a police pony, ever.

That would certainly explain why the Crystal Empire has had far fewer invasions and occupations over the last few years, even though it just came out of 1,000 years of oppression.

I pm.ed you. We're gonna take this outside like the big kids. :rainbowdetermined2:

If we're talking about Twilight's failures, let's not forget the Parasprites, though it was initially Fluttershy's fault that spell she cast didn't help.

A fake friend will bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
A real friend will be sharing your cell and say 'we messed up, but man that was fun.'
A real smart friend will bail you out, and with a perfectly straight face say 'I bet that was fun, why didn't you invite me?'

Twilight will always be the best since she’s got that impulsive, weirdo, cringefail, chaos magnet vibe to her, all wrapped up in the veneer of a functional person.

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