• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 1,971 Views, 30 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Tales of Chicacolt - volrathxp

Tales from a broken city told in episodic format.

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Chapter 8: Wasteland Rugrats, Part II

Fallout Equestria: Tales of Chicacolt

Chapter 8: Wasteland Rugrats, Part II

The Wasteland always claims the innocent, no matter what.

Apple Danish looked up at the skies above O'Mare Airport and sighed. The jingling around his neck reminded him of the bomb collar strapped to his body. It had been over a week since he'd been here, and already he'd felt like he'd been gone for years. His coat was dull and he was starving slowly to death.

“Still,” he said to himself. “As long as those kids are alright... I'll bide my time til I can get out of here.”

“It would be wise to not speak of such things,” a voice said from beside him. An older earth pony stood nearby, chained to the same line as him. “Talk like that'll get you ratted out here, or killed. The latter is preferable.”

Danish sighed again. “I know, Jack. But I know that I'll be able to get out of here, and when I do I'm taking this entire operation down. Those cows just don't know it yet.”

Jack merely chuckled before returning to his work.

Danish grunted and picked up a shovel in his mouth and began to dig at the bedrock. There was something here that the Cult of Iron Will wanted, and they were willing to work their slaves to the veritable bone to get it. All he had to do was make time. Time he hoped that he had before his taskmasters realized just how valuable he was. He only had a day or so before that happened.

Wrath was coming.


“Are you sure that this is where Danish was taken?” Radiant Star said, glancing over the crude map that the citizens of Theater had been able to wrangle together.

“We're certain,” Lightning Chaser said from across the table. His eyes met those of his sister, Starry Night, and he nodded. “The Minotaur was very clear about the destination being O'Mare Airport.”

“O'Mare is a fortress,” Lilith piped up. “Any sort of rescue effort is going to require a full on assault. Do we really want to risk inciting the Cult like this?”

“I agree with the pegasus,” another voice said. A light pink earth mare sat next to Lilith, decked out in the traditional reddish armor of Applejack's Rangers.

“Council recognizes Star Paladin Berry of the Chicacolt Applejack's Rangers Contingent,” Patch said from her chair. With Danish gone, Patch was the head of all matters that involved action by the MMMM's militia.

“Thank you,” Berry replied. “I was saying, I agree with Lilith. Right now, peace is only just barely there with the Cult. Thanks to our efforts, the Lotus Triad are nothing more than a minor nuisance and the Cowpones flat out don't exist. The only real worry are those fucking Hellraisers, who seem to breed like jackrabbits.”

“Agreed. We can't send a massive force in to attack O'Mare. We'd be looking at inciting full scale war against the Cult, and that would only prove to be bad for the ponies we're trying to protect here,” Patch said. The green mare slumped back in her seat, closing her one good eye.

“Why can't we negotiate for his release?” Coconut Cream Pie said.

“If only, kid,” Radiant Star said. “Problem is, the Cult is psycho. Complete lunatics. Not to mention, their leader Wrath has an extreme dislike of yours truly. He's pretty well aware where the MMMM stands in that regard. He'd never negotiate with us.”

“What if... what if only a few ponies snuck in and got Danish out?” Starry Night asked, straightening up in her seat.

“I don't quite understand. How would you sneak in without getting caught?” the green unicorn next to Radiant Star said. “O'Mare is supposedly fairly impenetrable. We've watched it for months and still know next to nothing about the inside of it or what the minotaurs are doing there.”

“Violet is right,” Radiant Star said. “Any strike force that small would get caught before they even got to O'Mare's walls.”

“What if the strike force struck from the inside? Like they posed as slaves?” Lightning Chaser blurted out. All heads turned to look at the colt.

“That's actually not a bad idea,” Star Paladin Berry said. “It's certainly something to think about. The question is, who do we send? I'm pretty sure the Cult will recognize the Ministry Mare and her friends.”

“Agreed,” Radiant Star replied. “It will have to consist of ponies that the Cult is not already familiar with.”

“We'll go,” Lightning, Starry Night, and Coconut Cream Pie all said at once.

Patch's one good eye widened. “Absolutely not. You three are lucky you survived out there. Do you really think we'll just throw you into a slave operation?”

“Mom, it's the only thing that makes sense,” Starry Night said. “Trust us. This won't be like the last time. We'll get in, destabilize things a little and sneak out during the confusion. They won't even realize we're gone until we're gone.”

“I'm not letting you do this, and that's final young lady,” Patch said. She looked away, grimacing. “I can't lose you two. I just... can't.”

“You won't, Mom,” Lightning said. He pushed out of his seat and approached his mother's side. “But it's our fault Danish got captured. We have to make that right... somehow.”

“I agree with Patch,” Coconut's mother said, turning to her filly. “Coconut, this is insane. You're not ready for this sort of mission!”

“Ma'am, with all due respect, your daughter has more guts than most of my Initiates,” Berry interjected.

“You stay out of this!” Coconut's mother barked. “Now come on, Coconut. We should be getting you home. This isn't something for the likes of us.”

“No, Mom.” Coconut turned to face her mother. “This is what I want to do. I want to make things right again. I want to avenge Bright Spark, Red Velvet, and the others. If we just lay down and do nothing, we'll be losing a very important part of our lives here. Danish has protected this place for Celestia-knows how long. He deserves a chance to be free again!”

“Well said, little pony,” a booming voice said. The collective assembly looked up to see a massive monstrosity of flesh standing casually behind Patch at the head of the table. A row of pearly white teeth emerged from the creature's head, augmented by two giant black eyes. “I like this one. She's got guts.”

Coconut's mother huffed. “Who do you think you are?”

“Gluttony,” Radiant Star said, sighing. “What are you doing here?”

Coconut's mother's eyes widened. She shrank back behind her filly.

“Ah, Ministry Mare. Looking a little less purple these days I see,” Gluttony replied casually. “I was dropping by to see what had happened to Danish, and here I find you all arguing over who should and shouldn't go rescue him.”

“With all due respect sir, these ponies are young and inexperienced,” Patch said, not removing her gaze from her two children. “This is a bad move, and even you know that.”

Gluttony paused for several long moments before responding. “I say let them go.”

“What?!” Patch cried out. “What do you mean 'let them go'?!”

“Just what I said. They got into this mess, they should be the ones to get out of it. Am I right?” Gluttony replied. “If you're so upset about them being young and inexperienced why not send an older pony with them to back them up?”

“Because they're my children!” Patch yelled. “I won't let them go out to die in some slaver op!”

“Gonna die some day,” Gluttony said, a somber look on his face. “Seen too many as it is. But these kids will survive, you hear me? I got a really good feeling about them.”

Patch growled under her breath. She looked back down at her two young ones. Lightning and Starry had latched onto her and were covering her in a warm embrace.

“Mom... it'll be alright. It won't be like Dad,” Starry said. “We'll be alright.”

“They will because I'll be there too,” Star Paladin Berry interrupted. “I will accompany the three to O'Mare, posing as their owner. This will give us an advantage, since I'll be able to bring in extra weapons and barding.”

Patch grimaced and finally sighed. “Okay. Okay. Coconut Cream Pie, Lightning Chaser, Starry Night. You three will accompany Star Paladin Berry to O'Mare Airport with the intent of securing the release of Apple Danish. However, in the event that things go badly, Radiant Star will be on standby along with Violet Iris. Lightning, Starry, after the meeting I want you to come with me. We have a lot to discuss about this.”

“Sure,” Radiant Star said. “I'd love to get another chance at Wrath, myself, but I can deal with being on standby.”

“Good,” Patch said, glancing up at Gluttony. “This Council meeting is adjourned for now. You have your mission. Get ready to leave by tomorrow morning.”


“Are you sure you want to do this?”

Coconut Cream Pie glanced up at her mother as she packed her gear. The young filly sighed. “I told you already, Mom. This is something I have to do. Besides, I'll be alright. We'll have Star Paladin Berry watching out for us.”

Coconut's mother looked away for a moment. She exhaled. “You know, if your father were here he'd probably kill me for this. It's just... you're growing up so fast, my little cream puff.”

“I... I know,” Cream Pie replied. She stood and wrapped her mother in a hug. “I'll be back before you know it, Mom. With Captain Danish, of course.”

“Of course. Now go on, before I change my mind. I'll be waiting for you.”

Coconut Cream Pie grinned, nodding her head. She grabbed her things and made her way through the hustle and bustle of Theater's early morning rush to find Starry Night and Lightning Chaser at the entrance to the settlement. In addition to her friends, Star Paladin Berry, Radiant Star, and Violet Iris stood nearby.

“We will travel together until we are just out of sight range of O'Mare. Violet and I will be nearby. The radio communicator should be just enough to signal us if you need immediate pickup,” Radiant Star said.

“Right,” Berry replied. She turned, regarding the three younger ponies. “Alright, you three. We'll discuss the plan when we make camp. It's a good several hours down to O'Mare by hoof, so we're gonna take a break before we get on the final stretch so we can be at our peak efficiency.”

“Right,” the three youngsters said in unison. They followed closely behind Berry as the group began to make their way outside.

The six ponies walked through the ruined metropolis silently. The route that they had chosen would take much longer but it kept the ponies outside of the gang zone and through old Cowpones territory instead.

“Hard to believe this place has changed so much since we first came here, eh Violet?” Radiant Star said softly.

“Yeah, kind of crazy. But things are more settled now, so things are getting better overall,” Violet replied.

“What do you mean?” Starry Night asked.

“Well, when we first came to this city, it was a mess. Between the Cowpones, and the then more active Lotus Triad, in addition to the Cult, things were just bad,” Violet said. “I'd like to think that the MMMM has been pretty instrumental in doing a lot of good here.”

“We also did not have much of a presence before,” Berry said. “It wasn't until Cotton Candy was exposed as a traitor to Applejack's cause that we took interest in guarding Chicacolt properly.”

“Cotton Candy. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while,” Radiant Star said. “Whatever happened to him?”

“Court-martial-ed. He's in prison now. Stable Two HQ,” Berry said. “Elders sent us in to clean up his mess.”

“Really? Couldn't have happened to a nicer pony,” Star replied casually.

“Why? What did he do?” Coconut Cream Pie asked.

“Well, he tried to commandeer a very powerful piece of prewar technology and practically decimated the town of Arlington to try and acquire a Stable,” Berry said. “We thought he was one of ours, honestly. It was a right shock to the Elders.”

“Killed a friend of mine too,” Radiant Star said, sighing. “Feels like so very long ago.”

“Was... was Dad with you then?” Lightning Chaser said suddenly.

Radiant Star smiled softly. “Sure was, kiddo.”

“Wait, you know these two?” Berry said to Lightning.

“Sure, Auntie Star is our godmom,” Starry Night interjected.

Berry and Cream Pie blinked.

Radiant Star nodded. “Patch and their father, Steeljack, were companions of mine for quite a while. I was there when they were born.”

“Auntie Star? What was Dad like? Mom doesn't... doesn't really talk much about him,” Lightning said.

“Lightning, that's not our place to ask that kind of question of her!” Starry Night hissed, turning to her brother.

“But, Sis!” Lightning said. “I thought you wanted to know too!”

“I do, but it's not the time or the place,” Starry replied.

“Now now, you two,” Radiant Star interrupted, putting her hoof between the two siblings. “No fighting. Not here. We'll talk more about this when we stop to rest, alright?”

“Alright,” both ponies said, grimacing at each other. They trudged forward with the others, the silence weighing heavily on all of them.

Eventually the group reached a set of five abandoned buildings situated near a train station. Each of the buildings had massive signs in front of them that indicated they were hotels of some sort. The closest one, the Hoofton, had graffiti all over it, along with the words COWPONES! STAY OUT! written over it's front wall.

“This should be good,” Radiant Star said, pointing at the building. “This is the closest that we've been able to get to O'Mare in the past. We'll hole up here for a few and go over the plan.”

“Are you certain it's abandoned?” Cream Pie said.

“Oh, sure,” Violet replied. “It's been cleared out for quite some time now.”

The six made their way past the barricaded doors and inside the hotel proper, stopping in the lobby. Star Paladin Berry laid her gear onto the receptionist's desk and turned back to the others.

“Alright,” she began. “Here's the deal. We're going in under the pretense that Starry, Cream, and Lightning are my slaves. That means you're going to need to act and look like slaves. When I tell you to do something, you will reply with the words 'Yes, Master' and so forth. It is imperative that we maintain appearances. Am I understood?”

“Yes, but I have a question,” Cream Pie said, raising her hoof. “What is our objective once we're inside? What's the escape plan?”

“I thought you'd never ask. Our plan is pretty simple. We're going to start a slave revolt,” Berry said, grinning.

“A slave revolt?” Radiant Star said, raising an eyebrow. “How exactly do you plan on doing that?”

“Easy,” Berry said. “If there's anything I know about slaver operations it's that the slaves will do anything to get a shot at their captors. All we gotta do is get the slaves in the right place, and give them proper motivation, along with the appropriate weaponry.”

“And where are you going to get this weaponry?” Violet said, her face skeptical.

“O'Mare isn't just a slaver op. It's also a gladiator arena. I'm betting there's weapons of all sorts in their armory,” Berry said, grinning even wider. “Besides... I've got some concealed weapons for each of you. You won't be going in blind.”

“How do we get these other weapons?” Lightning asked. “Won't they notice if we go in and take them?”

“That part is a bit tricky. We're going to have to play it all by ear,” Berry said. “And of course, if things go south... I've got a comm radio that will alert Star here.”

“Yes. If we have to, we'll teleport in and get you guys out of there,” Star said. “I hope we don't have to do that, though. If the Cult saw us...”

“Right, we want to avoid that as much as possible,” Berry said. “Alright, enough jawing about this for now. Get some rest and get ready. We move out in one hour.”


“I feel dirty,” Lightning said as he trudged along behind his sister and Cream Pie. The chains around his hooves clinked. The fake bomb collar around his neck chafed. In short, the young pegasus felt miserable.

“We all do, now shut up,” Starry shot back. “We're supposed to be slaves, remember?”

“Right, sorry,” Lightning said.

The four were trotting around the buildings at the top of the valley leading down to O'Mare. After several minutes, they crested the top of the hill and were able to take in the slaver colony in all it's terrible glory.

The skyport's terminal had been converted into a massive open arena, ringed by shops and work yards that served as prisoner quarters. The four could see ponies pulling loads of rocks, ponies digging into the rock, and ponies hauling pieces of skywagon engines here and there. Minotaur overseers watched keenly over the slaves. Several large skywagons lay abandoned on the skyport's takeoff lanes. A massive iron wall surrounded the facility.

Berry grimaced, noting the presence of minotaur snipers in the guard towers along the wall. They hadn't been shot at yet, which hopefully meant that their disguises held up so far. The earth mare yanked on the chain, pulling her charges along behind her as they started down the hill towards O'Mare. They reached the bottom of the hill in no time at all, making their way onto the main stretch that led up to the gates of the iron wall.

A series of gunshots broke their silent stride, forcing Berry to bring her 'slaves' down behind a large mass of rubble for safety as they struck the ground before her. The earth mare growled loudly.

“Hey, what's the big idea!” she shouted. “Can't somepony go for a leisurely stroll around here?”

“Pony will go away,” a grunting voice replied. “This area belongs to the Cult of Iron Will. That was a warning shot.”

“And what if I wanted to come in?” Berry asked tentatively.

“Then warning shot will become a real shot,” the grunting voice said in response. “And I will not miss this time.”

“And what about my merchandise? Eh? Who's gonna be responsible for telling your bosses that you shot at another slave trader, eh?” Berry retorted.

Silence. Berry grinned. Gotcha, she thought.

“You're a slave trader?” the voice said.

“That's right. You see these three here? Picked them up right outside of MMMM territory. They were lost and lonely, and now they're mine. And for the right fee, they can be yours too,” Berry said, grinning slyly. “Unless you want me to take them to the Hellraisers. I heard they charge top dollar for young'uns like these.”

Silence. Berry stood for a moment, watching the gates and the guard tower closely. There was movement. The gates started to open, grinding loudly. The earth mare grimaced and turned to the other three ponies.

“From here on out, we're in the belly of the beast,” she said. “You know what your assignments are.”

They nodded in unison.

“Good,” Berry said. “Now, come along then. We don't want to keep our hosts waiting.” She pulled on the chain, yanking the three younger ponies along behind her.

They made their way to the gate, which had opened just enough to allow them entrance. Standing on the other side of the entryway, flanked by two minotaur guards was a much thinner minotaur. His eyes gleamed yellow.

“You'll have to forgive me for my watch tower's stupidity, my dear. Rest assured, the offenders are to be publicly executed in the arena tonight,” he said.

“Good,” Berry replied. “Name's Sour Belle. But you can just call me Belle.”

“Miss Belle, I am Haakon. Overlord to this establishment,” the minotaur said. “As I understand it, you have some new merchandise for us?”

“Yes,” Berry said, motioning towards the three young ponies standing behind her. They had pained expressions on their faces. “They're young, but good solid work will toughen them up, and they'll be good fighters for the arena. Especially the pegasus. Watch him though, he's a biter.”

Haakon's eyes widened slightly. “Excellent. I propose that we relocate the slaves to the terminal while we discuss the terms of payment. The Cult is nothing but generous.”

“That would be acceptable,” Berry said, turning to the others. “Alright, listen up you worms. You cause any trouble while I'm getting paid for you and there'll be hell to pay, you got me? I don't wanna hear about any of you three getting yourselves killed before I get my fee.”

“Yes, Master,” the three ponies droned in unison.

“Good,” Berry replied. She turned to Haakon. “They're all yours.”

“Guards, take the ponies to the terminal. Put them with the last arrivals,” Haakon said.

The two minotaur guards lurched forward silently, one of them grasping the chains that held Lightning, Starry, and Cream Pie. It lifted them into the air without as much of a blink and began to carry them off towards the direction the skyport's terminal. Soon enough, they were out of sight.

“Now, if you will follow me,” Haakon said, turning into a lope towards the nicer buildings flanking the skyport. “I'm afraid that you arrived on a rather bad day. Our last quartermaster died unexpectedly by being impaled upon a spike. A new one is supposed to arrive with our Illustrious Master tomorrow. You will have to wait until then to secure your payment for the slaves.”

“You can't do this yourself?” Berry said as she began to follow the minotaur. “I don't really want to have to stay a full night...” Dammit... Illustrious Master can only mean one thing. Wrath, she thought to herself.

“Unfortunately, our organizational structure prevents me from doing so. I am only allowed to organize and manage day to day operations in this place, not accept new slaves into it,” Haakon said. “Fortunately for you, tonight is a Grand Melee. A most prestigious of gladiatorial events.”

“Great,” Berry said. “I'm looking forward to it.”

Shit... Hope we can bust out Danish before tomorrow... otherwise...


“Move along runts,” the minotaur guard snorted loudly. It pointed at the entrance to the slave pens. It grunted, indicating that the slaves should not tally.

The three ponies quietly walked ahead inside, grimaces on their faces. The slave pens were dirty and disgusting. Refuse littered the ground around them as they made their way to where the rest of the slaves were gathered. As they walked amongst the crowd, they could feel the eyes of the other slaves on them. The stares they received were fully of pity and regret. There was no hope in their eyes.

“Do you see him?” Lightning said under his breath. He averted his gaze from several older slaves who had started staring at the group.

“Not yet,” Starry replied softly.

“Hold it, I think I found him,” Coconut interrupted. The cream mare lifted her hoof slightly, pointing across the assembled throng of slaves.

At the far end stood a cream colored unicorn, surrounded by several earth ponies. One of them was grinning widely at the unicorn. The unicorn himself was ragged looking and malnourished. His normally suave mane was in tatters, but his cutie mark was still recognizable.

“Danish,” Starry said under her breath. “What's going on over there?”

“I don't know, but let's find out,” Coconut said.

The three youngsters slid through the crowd of slaves until they were close enough to Danish.

“Well, well, lookee what we got here boys,” one of the earth ponies, a massive grey stallion built like a body-builder, said. “Do you boys know who this fucker is?”

“Is he famous?” one of the stallions flanking him replied.

“Yeah, boss, is he famous?” the other stallion said.

“Of course he's fucking famous, you idjits!” the large grey stallion replied, pushing his nose up close to Danish's face. “Let's see if the little fuck-face remembers me. Do you remember me, fuck-face?”

Danish coughed. “I remember your breath, Stone Wall. I'm sorry to see that you're still alive. Remind me when I get out of here to correct that mistake.”

Stone Wall's eyes widened. “What the fuck did you say to me? You know, that's alright, because you and I, we're gonna settle our differences in the arena. I'm going to pulverize your ass.”

“Sorry, Stony. I don't swing that way,” Danish replied without missing a beat.

Stone Wall growled loudly. “I would watch that mouth of yours. It's gonna get you into a whole world of hurt.” His ears perked up as he looked past the unicorn. “And what the fuck do you think you three are staring at, huh? Mind your own fuckin' business!”

Lightning averted his eyes as Danish turned back to see them.

Danish's eyes softened. “Fuck,” he said to himself. “Looks like I'm gonna have to take care of this now.”

“What did you just --” Stone Wall started to say before the length of chain at Danish's hooves shot up in the air, catching the massive earth pony in the face. He yelped loudly.

Danish grinned, taking the opportunity. He leaped forward, taking the chain with him as he landed on Stone Wall's back. Wrapping the chain around the large stallion's neck, he pulled hard. Stone Wall gagged and gasped, trying to reach up to pull the unicorn off. The other two ponies turned to assist.

“Oh no you don't,” Cream Pie said. She turned and bucked out, catching one of the other earth ponies directly in the shins. The earth mare grinned as her blow forced the stallion into one of Stone Wall's thrashing forelegs, knocking them out cold.

“Bitch!” the other pony shouted. He turned towards Cream Pie, growling menacingly.

“Don't think so,” Starry Night replied casually. Her horn glowed brightly, blasting the stallion directly in the chest.

The earth pony fell backwards in a smoking heap, landing next to the thrashing mass that was Stone Wall and Danish.

The cream-colored unicorn held on tight with his chain, forcing the gagging earth pony to the ground. Stone Wall grunted and finally released, losing consciousness. Danish released the chain, panting.

“Now... somepony want to tell me... what the fuck you three are doing here?” he said, wiping the sweat off of his brow.

“Umm... saving your life?” Lightning said, glancing down at the smoking pile of earth pony. It twitched, causing the wiry pegasus to bring his hoof down on it's head. It stopped twitching.

“Hold still,” Starry Night said, her magic working over the bomb collar around Danish's neck. The red light on it went dark.

“You four!” a guard shouted from the guard tower. A large burly minotaur scaled down the spire to the ground level, stomping across the courtyard.

“Shit,” Danish muttered. “Alright, well if you three are really here and this ain't some sorta fever dream I'm having, we need a plan.”

“Got a plan,” Cream Pie said calmly. “Star Paladin Berry's up with the slavers, and Radiant Star and Violet Iris are on backup if anything goes wrong.”

Danish's eyes widened. “Great. Star's gonna have a field day with me on how I got myself caught. So what's this master plan?”

“Start a slave riot?” Starry said, grinning.

“Kid... I gotta admit, I like that style,” Danish replied, a grin forming on his own face. He glanced back at the approaching guard. “Alright then. Let's start ourselves a riot.”

The minotaur guard got four feet away when a length of iron chain whipped about magically, tying up the cloven-footed creature's legs. He fell forward, growling as he tried to push himself up. A set of hooves kicked directly into the minotaur's face, stopping that dream.

Apple Danish crowed loudly as he lifted the chain with his magic. The inhibitor ring that had been around his horn lay smoldering on the ground. He looked down at Starry Night and smiled.

“Thanks, kiddo,” he said, earning a simple nod in reply. He turned to the crowd. “That's right kids. Let's go kick some Cult ass! They've held you as slaves for far too long! Time to get even!”

Chaos erupted. The slaves, galvanized by Danish's pep talk began to stomp across the slave yard towards the guard towers. Two more large guards landed in the middle of the yard, each wielding bladed gauntlets. They roared a challenge, slashing wildly, catching several slaves in their powerful swipes.

“Shit,” Cream Pie said. “That is not good.”

“Colorful language for a filly your age,” Danish replied. “No worries. I got this.”

“Oh no, I got it,” Lightning Chaser said, flaring his wings. The pegasus reached down and separated his chains into two halves. The links formed tiny links that attached to the ends of his wings. He grinned widely as he sped off towards the two guards.

“Concealed weapons?” Danish said, raising an eyebrow. “When did you guys get this good?”

“Berry wanted us to be prepared. She prepared us. Just watch,” Cream Pie said.

Lightning Chaser shot off like a rocket, extending his wings. The two guards slashed at him, barely missing as the younger pegasus flapped once. The metal links on the end of his wings flew off, landing on the confused guards.

“Got it,” he said as he zipped into the air away from the guards. The metal links exploded at once, turning the guards to paste.

“I'm impressed,” Danish said. “Looks like the others are taking out the rest of the guards.” He motioned to the yard.

All around the slave yard, the rest of the slave populace had begun the riot in full force. Slaves pounded at the guards in the yard with chains and claw and hoof. It was chaos incarnate. It was incredible. The slaves began to cheer wildly.

“I gotta say that was a lot easier than I --” Danish started to say before being cut off by the click and whine of energy rifles.

The slaves' collective eyes made their way upwards, where dozens of armed minotaur guards stood on the guard towers. Each one of them held a magical energy assault rifle, and each one was trained on the slave yards. Silence ensued. The rest of the slaves backed away from the four ponies who had started it all.

“Ummm... well...” Cream Pie said. “Looks like this is one riot that isn't getting off the ground at the moment.”

“Guards,” a voice called out from the tower. “Bring those four to me. They will make an excellent group of combatants for the arena.”

The four looked up, grimacing as they met the yellow eyes of Haakon. The minotaur stepped out from behind the shadows. At his side stood Star Paladin Berry. She had a grimace on her face.


Star Paladin Berry glowered. The plan was not going well. The riot had been quelled quickly by the Cult's guards, not to mention the fact that her charges were set to compete in the arena.

This was not going well at all, but it could be salvaged. She just had to stay on Haakon's good side until the time came when she could stab the minotaur in the back.

“I'm dreadfully sorry that you had to see that, my dear,” the devil himself said from her side. The minotaur's yellow eyes bore into her very soul. “I surmise that the sum we are paying for such spirited slaves is to your liking?”

Berry glanced down at the bag of caps. “It's a start. Tell me more about your arena here. I want to know everything there is to know about how my slaves are going to be punished.”

“I thought you'd never ask,” Haakon replied, grinning widely.


“So, you kids got any more tricks up your sleeves?”

“If you mean any more explosive devices,” Lightning Chaser said, sighing. “Then no. That was all we had. We were supposed to break in to the armory and steal their weapons.”


“Just be quiet, Star Paladin Berry will think of something,” Cream Pie said. “I just know she will.”

“Are you sure about that, Cream?” Starry Night interjected. The young unicorn looked up at the sides of the dark container they were being held in. “Because it looks like we're stuck.”

“I'm sure,” Cream replied.

“Besides, even if she doesn't, Auntie Star will come get us,” Lightning said.

“That's a mighty big backup plan, one that could spark a war between the MMMM and the Cult,” Danish said calmly. “We've gotta get out of this place, and soon.”

“Why's that?” Starry said. The container jostled around them.

“Because Wrath is coming,” Danish replied. “And if he shows up, he's going to remember me. I got by because the guards here are dumber than rocks, and Haakon doesn't personally inspect any slaves. But Wrath will know.”

“Wrath? The leader of the Cult of Iron Will?” Cream Pie said. “He's coming here?”

Danish nodded solemnly. “One and the same. Now hush. We're being moved.”

The container began to groan and shake as the four ponies struggled to keep their footing. The metal shrieked as it felt as if the container was being dragged towards some unknown destination. Eventually, the groaning stopped and the side of the container was slid off.

“Ponies,” a guard grunted. “Exit. Now.”

The four equines grimaced, but nodded in unison as they exited the container. The guards prodded them along down a dark hallway leading directly into the center of the skyport's terminal. The roar of a crowd met their ears as they were forced into the terminal and onto the arena's floor.

The terminal's ceiling was decimated, revealing a night sky above the open-aired arena. The terminal itself had been converted to accommodate the Cult's needs, a massive iron wall ringed around the center of the makeshift battle area. A crowd was assembled of both slaves and slave masters. Above the arena on a floating platform sat Haakon. At his right sat Star Paladin Berry. The thin minotaur stood, lifting a claw and silencing the crowd instantly.

“Welcome all who are worthy of Iron Will's legacy to the O'Mare Arena!” he shouted. “This is a special occasion! We have some very special guests with us today. A group of slaves who attempted to infiltrate us, and their Steel Ranger master who brought them here!”

Star Paladin Berry's eyes widened. “What--?” she started to say before two clamps came out of the chair she was sitting in, holding her in place. “You... you knew?”

“Of course I knew,” Haakon replied. “Just as I also know the cream-colored unicorn down there is Apple Danish of the MMMM. I hired the griffons who picked him up myself.”

Danish's eyes narrowed up at the minotaur. “Fuck. This was a set up from the get go.”

“That's right, Danish,” a new voice said from across the arena. “You fell right into it.”

Danish looked back at where the voice had come from. A massive minotaur, scarred and twisted all over his body, stood triumphantly. Injectors banded around his muscular arms and his eyes glowed a sickly red. A blood red cloak covered his chest. The fist that represented the Cult of Iron Will emblazoned the front of it.

“Wrath,” Danish said. “You baited us. Why?”

“I'm not the sort of villain that gives monologues, Danish. Let's just say, we were pretty sick and tired of your goody goody ways,” Wrath replied casually, taking a step forward. “And it worked. You fell right into the trap like all you do-gooders always do.”

Danish grimaced. He motioned at the three ponies standing next to him. “Then why bring them into this? They're kids. They didn't do anything to you. That was me.”

“They're unfortunately caught up in this just as much as you are,” Wrath said, continuing forward. “They came looking for you, after all. Along with the Steel Ranger bitch.”

“We came because Captain Danish is our friend,” Starry Night said, stepping out from beside the unicorn.

“Yeah,” Lightning Chaser replied from Danish's other side.

“And we don't abandon our friends,” Cream Pie said as she stepped in front of Danish. “Ever.”

“Quaint,” Wrath said as he stopped in his tracks. “But ultimately futile. You would only be throwing away your lives in a fight against the likes of me. And believe me, when somepony tries to block me from my goals, I will show them just how strong the power of Iron Will is.” The minotaur cult leader sneered, revealing rows of shiny teeth.

“You three get the hell out of here,” Danish said. “This is not your fight.”

“And let this jerk just kill you? That would completely defeat the entire reason why we came here,” Starry Night said.

Danish snorted. “This is not what your mom would want, kiddo. Not what your dad would want, either. Trust me. He wouldn't have wanted you to throw away your life for this.”

“No... he would have wanted us to fight,” Lightning Chaser said angrily. “He would have wanted us to stand up for what is right. That's what he would have wanted.”

“That's right,” Starry said. “Mom always tried to keep from us the gritty details of Dad's death, but the truth is, he died fighting. Fighting the good fight, protecting us.” Her horn ignited. “And now... we get to carry out his legacy, and fight our own dragon.”

“Starry... Lighting...” Danish uttered. “Please... you don't know what you're up against...”

“Wrath!” Starry Night shouted. “If you want Captain Danish dead, you're going to have to go through us!”

“That's right!” Lightning Chaser roared. “We're taking you down!”

Wrath blinked. The minotaur started to chuckle, escalating into a full on fit of laughter.

“What's so funny?” Lightning Chaser said, flaring his wings.

“You really... really think that you can fight me of all creatures and win?” Wrath managed to choke out. The cult leader regained his composure and sneered again. “You're clearly more deluded than I thought. I will enjoy killing you.”

“I don't think so,” Starry Night said, taking a step forward and unleashing the magic built up in her horn. The blast arced across the arena right at Wrath's chest. The minotaur yawned, even puffing his chest out to take the blow.

The air in the arena exploded. Wrath went flying back into the arena wall with a massive *crash*. All eyes were on Starry Night. The crowd gasped softly.

“When did you learn to do that?” Lightning said, blinking widely.

“She didn't, that was me,” a voice said from behind them. A dark blue form stepped out of the shadows. Radiant Star smiled as her horn dimmed. “I just knew you couldn't stay out of trouble, Danish.”

“Star,” Danish said. “It's... good to see you.”

“Likewise,” Star replied. “We'll save the touching reunion for some other time. Right now, we've got to get you out of here. Violet!”

“On it!” Violet's voice echoed from above. A blast of laser fire struck the platform where Haakon was standing next to Star Paladin Berry, tearing the thin minotaur into several halves. Violet Iris landed on the platform with a grin, levitating her magical energy rifle in the air with practiced ease.

“I didn't even alert you,” Berry said.

“Didn't need to. Star and I figured you guys would get in some trouble, so Sunshine Sky whipped up some tracking devices for us,” Violet replied, her horn beaming as she undid Berry's restraints. She handed the earth mare a gun, and winked. “The easy part's over. Now comes the hard part.”

The rubble where Wrath lay began to stir. The minotaur leader pushed himself up and out of the rocks, growling. His head turned, resting his gaze on the form of Radiant Star.

“Ministry Mare,” he uttered. “Well then, I would recognize you anywhere, despite how... blue you look these days. What's the matter? Did you miss the mashing I gave you the last time we fought?”

“Not at all. In fact, I remember our last fight a little more clearer than you do apparently. I kicked your ass,” Radiant Star said, stepping front of the group. She grimaced as she regarded Starry Night and Lightning Chaser. “For what it's worth, Steeljack would be proud of you two. But this fight is too much for you. Violet and Berry are going to get you guys out of here. I'll take care of this big lug.”

The two siblings nodded blankly.

“Violet, get them out of here, now!” Star shouted up to the platform.

“You got it,” Violet Iris replied, her horn igniting with magical energy that reached out and picked up the four ponies. Violet strained as she brought the four up to the platform, depositing them next to Berry.

“Now then, where were we?” Star said, turning to face Wrath. “Oh, right. I was about to kick your ass again.”

“Flippant as always,” Wrath said. He stretched out, ripping the cloak from his chest. Blades ejected from his gauntlets and he roared. “We'll have to make sure to take care of that.”

“You can try,” Radiant Star said, her horn igniting. A magical blade appeared in the air next to her, made of a diamond-like substance. “I've learned a trick or two since our last encounter.”

The alicorn lunged forward, slashing at Wrath with blinding strikes that hit the minotaur square in the chest. Wrath staggered backwards, growling. He lifted an arm, attempting to hit Star. A shimmering shield appeared, blocking the strike. Star leaped away, flapping her wings to stay in the air above Wrath.

“You think that this will stop the Cult, Ministry Mare?” Wrath said, pointing up at the alicorn. “This is war! You won't be able to stop it. This city will burn because of you!”

“You're delusional. I protect this city,” Radiant Star said. She turned about in mid-air, facing the minotaur cult leader. “I will always protect the ponies of this city. This is between you and me. Let's end this now.”

Wrath grinned widely. “Yes... let's end you. You are going to be my greatest triumph, Ministry Mare. I will hoist your broken body for all to see, and I will rejoice in your death!”

“You will try,” Star replied, diving down at Wrath, her blade splitting into several pieces. They began to spin wildly, hitting the minotaur with every piece.

Wrath stood calmly, taking each blow as Star got closer. He lifted his arm, grabbing the alicorn by the neck. He reached back with his other arm and rocketed it forward, delivering a shattering blow to Star's face. The alicorn struggled, dropping her magical blade instantly.

“I've picked up a few new tricks as well,” Wrath said. “It's a wonder the drugs they can create in the Wasteland these days. It's why we're here in O'Mare. The slaves here dig up a wonderful radiated fungus. It destroys all pain, and strengthens the body with ongoing use.”

“You're... crazy,” Star managed to choke out.

“That may be, but with this powerful new drug, the members of the Cult of Iron Will are poised to take over this entire city,” Wrath replied. “I will rule this city with an iron gauntlet, Ministry Mare. Your little cadre of do-gooders will never be able to stand up to my indestructible soldiers!”

Star struggled more, trying to free herself from the minotaur's grasp.

“Star!” Violet shouted from the platform. The unicorn growled under her breath. “Shit... I can't shoot around her, he's got her blocking him.”

“I've got nothing either,” Berry said, dropping her rifle. “We're going to have to intervene directly. Kids, you stay here.”

There was no response. Berry turned around, blinking. The three younger ponies were no longer on the platform. Berry blinked again.

“Umm, Violet?” she said.

“Get your filthy claws off of her!” a shout came from below, drawing the earth mare's attention back to the arena below.

Starry Night, Lightning Chaser, and Coconut Cream Pie were standing in front of Wrath. Lightning took a step forward.

“Yeah! Let go of Auntie Star, or you'll be sorry!” he shouted.

Wrath chuckled loudly. “I see you've got foals working for you now, Ministry Mare. Run away little ponies. This does not concern you.”

“No,” Starry Night said. “You will let her go.”

“Run... get away...” Star choked out. “Out of your league...”

“Listen to your 'auntie', little ponies. Trying to interfere will only result in your death,” Wrath said. “I don't relish killing foals, but I have work to do.”

Starry Night stomped her hoof. “Let her go, now. Or you'll be sorry you ever messed with us.”

Wrath cackled wildly, shaking Radiant Star in his grasp. “That is too rich! I'll be sorry I messed with you? We're the ones who set this trap in the first place!”

“That's right, you are,” Starry Night said confidently. “But we've got a little surprise for you. You see, you knew our Mom and Dad. They were Patch and Steeljack. And Mom? Well, she taught us all sorts of little things about combat, survival, and even how to deal with overwhelming odds. Ready, Bro?”

“Ready, Sis,” Lightning Chaser said, grinning.

“Scatter!” Starry Night shouted.

Coconut Cream Pie and Lightning Chaser jumped to each side of the young unicorn mare and began to run, covering each side of the minotaur leader to form a makeshift triangle. Each of them held something shiny and metallic in their hooves.

“First rule, never get in a fight that you can't finish,” Starry said calmly as she dropped her own shiny metallic object on the ground in front of her.

“Second rule! Never let the enemy get the drop on you!” Lightning shouted with wild abandon, dropping his own object.

“Third rule! Always bring backup!” Coconut Cream Pie crowed, dropping the third and final object on the ground.

With a flash, Starry Night's horn blasted the three objects, creating a glowing link between them. They began to pulse brightly. Wrath sneered.

“What is this?” he snarled. “Some sort of trickery? It won't work. I am invincible!”

“Nope, no tricks. Just plain old fashioned heavy ordinance. Right now these three beacons are focused from the megaspell device at the top of Filly's Tower. With one call, I can have this place pulverized in an instant. You won't survive that,” Starry Night said, grinning.

Wrath's expression of confidence melted. He growled. “You're bluffing. You wouldn't actually do that.”

“Would I?” Starry Night said, her horn starting to glow. “You said it yourself, your army is invincible. It would be a small price to pay to wipe your filthy cult off the map.”

“Starry...?” Star Paladin Berry said from the platform above. “When did you...?”

“Mom,” Starry Night replied casually. “She gave it to us. Told us how it worked. Said they'd been able to barter for the capability from the Minotaur itself. She must have known that this was going to go south. She always did have a good eye for things like that.”

Wrath snarled again, lifting Radiant Star into the air and tossing her towards the young unicorn. Star yelped as her body became encased in a green field of magic, lifting her up towards the platform where Violet Iris waited, horn ablaze. Star grunted as she landed next to her marefriend.

“You alright?” Violet asked.

“Been better,” Star said, standing. She looked down upon Wrath. “You heard the filly, Wrath. Stand down, or be destroyed for good. Better yet, stand down and leave this place. Take your cult with you, and let these slaves go.”

Wrath growled under his breath, staring daggers at the young unicorn instead of at Radiant Star. “Clever move, little foal. Clever move. You've just made yourself a very powerful enemy.” He turned and glanced at the crowd of cult members and slaves. “We retreat... for now.”

Cheering erupted from the slaves. The minotaurs of the cult grimaced and groused as they reluctantly joined their leader. Wrath gave a final glance at Starry Night and Radiant Star as he turned around, sneering at them both.

“This is not over, not by a long shot.”


“We really cannot thank you enough, Ministry Mare,” the head of the slaves, a griffon, said as she bowed her head.

“I'm just happy you're all free,” Star replied. “Besides, I'm not the one you should be thanking. Starry Night and Lightning Chaser here are the real heroes.”

“Yes... it was your quick thinking that saved us,” the griffon said. She turned and bowed to Starry Night, who blushed fiercely.

“I... I... You're welcome,” she stammered.

“What will you do now?” Radiant Star interjected.

The griffon smiled. “We will rebuild this place into a place of freedom. O'Mare will no longer belong to the Cult of Iron Will. We will no longer be slaves to their kind. We will make do ourselves.”

“I think that sounds lovely,” Star said. “Well, if you ever need help. You know who to call. The MMMM will be sending some folk around in a few days, to offer supplies and guard assistance.”

“Thank you,” the griffon said. She turned and wandered back off to the rest of the slaves, the majority of which had spent the time the Cult had taken leaving the site of O'Mare breaking into the armory and outfitting themselves with proper weaponry.

Star smiled, looking down at the young unicorn next to her.

“You know, I think your Dad would have been really proud of you two,” she said softly.

“You really think so?” Starry said.

“Sure. You stood up to a monster. You did what was right when no one else could. You fought the good fight. Hell, you even saved my life,” Star said. “Your Dad couldn't have asked for better kids.”

“Thank... thank you,” Starry replied. She looked at the others. “I couldn't have done it without Lightning or Cream Pie. They helped with the whole thing.”

“Yes... it's amazing what we can do with our friends behind us, isn't it?” Star said, winking. “Come on, let's join them.”

Starry nodded, following the alicorn back to the rest of the group, where they were greeted warmly. The younger unicorn sat next to her brother and friend, taking in the friendship that had bound them. The Wasteland was too big of a place for three little ponies, but it was also not so big that they couldn't tackle it... together.

Author's Note:

Wow, another chapter of Tales of Chicacolt down!  This one had some nice character development, I thought.  We got to see Lightning and Starry mature into greater ponies, especially little Starry.  I've considered taking these three characters and going forward into another FoE Sidefic, starring them.  What do you think of that idea?

Anyways, be sure to check me out on http://www.patreon.com/volrathxp and donate to help keep me writing and support the arts!