• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 1,131 Views, 8 Comments

The Circle of Life - GrouchoMarxDisciple

Twilight and her friends are sent on a diplomatic mission

  • ...

Prologue: Celestia's Letter

Celestia was pretty busy, as usual. Her schedule was totally full, and she had more being piled on every minute. At the moment, she was mediating some debate between two minor nobles over a piece of land. It was tedious and boring, and neither side was willing to compromise.

It was about ten minutes into the discussion that a guard entered the room. "Princess" he bowed to her. "Urgent letter." The guard approached the throne.

"An urgent letter, ThunderLeg? Do we know who it's from?" Celestia said, as she took it.

"I do not, Princess. I was only told it requires your immediate attention." The guard said stiffly. In reality, it probably was nothing. The Royal Mailmare was a tad bit eccentric, and rarely got to do anything because most letters go straight to the princess. It was a hard life, ThunderLeg thought, but it didn't mean that interrupting the Princess was okay.

"ThunderLeg, I need you to do me a favor." The Princess said, looking up from her letter. "I want you to go and summon the Elements. They must all come as soon as possible. I request that you gather them personally." Celestia said, looking troubled.

"Yes Princess" ThunderLeg replied, and he was off. Perhaps the crazy mailmare was right about something, for once.


Twilight burst into the room , panting. "We came as soon as we could, Princess." she said, slightly out of breath. "What... What do you need?" Her friends were waiting right outside the door, waiting to be summoned.

Celestia smiled. Still eager to please me... "Twilight, I already told you to call me Celestia. There is no need for formality among us." Celestia's smile dissipated. "But down to business. I don't know if you are aware of this, Twilight, but I have been using your friendship reports for a few purposes other than simply keeping up with you."

Twilight thought for a second. "But... you already know all about friendship, Princess. What would you need my reports for?"

"I have a good cause for them, I promise. Are you aware of all the nations of Zebrica?"

Twilight responded instantaneously. "The Zebra nation and the Saddle Arabian nation are the only two civilized ones, as far as I know."

Celestia nodded. "That is correct. But, Twilight, do you know any of the 'uncivilized' nations?"

That caught the mare off-guard. "I was unaware that there were any other nations in Zebrica. And how is a nation uncivilized? That doesn't even make any sense!"

"It will, in a moment. Read this letter, Twilight, and it will all make sense." Celestia handed her former student a letter.

Twilight was a bit confused, but accepted it nonetheless. She began to read:

My dear Princess Celestia,

I have continued to read the "Friendship Reports" you have been sending me, though my previous correspondance probably shows otherwise. Nevertheless, I hope it is not to late to inquire more about the subject.

This "friendship" concept that your student writes about so fondly intruiges me. Here in the Pride Lands, we only know of family ties. Everyone else are just strangers. I'm sure if I told you of some of the things that happen here on a daily basis you would not give me or my people a second chance. We have a bloody and terrible history, Princess.

It is my sincere hope to hear back from you soon. I understand that internal royal duties are troubleing and time sucking. Still, I hope that you can write back to me soon. I wish to learn of this "Harmony" you and your student praise so highly, that I may perhaps begin to teach my people the concepts your kingdom has apperently mastered.

Maybe then we can finally see eye to eye, as allies. Or, as you would say, "friends".

Most regally yours,

King Garoth the White
Lord of all Lion Prides in and around Pride Rock.

"L-lions, Princess? You have been sending my reports to... them?!" Twilight was aghast. Those zebra-eating monsters can... write?

"Yes, Twilight. I have. Your letters, I have found, do a particularly good job explaining the Magic of Friendship, both to someone who understands it, and to someone who has never heard of it before."

"B-but... Why do you need me?"

"I want you to take your friends... and go speak to the King yourself."

Twilight felt like Celestia had just signed her death sentance. "Princess! I... uh... But... Lions... they're carnivores! They could..."

"I have full confidence in both the abilities of you and your friends... and the astuteness of my Royal Guard. My personal bodyguard, Thunderleg, will accompany you with a battalion of his best guards. On top of that, you will have two unique advantages. One: Lions can't use Magic. They don't even have it. And two: I have already made the arrangements. Garoth has pledged diplomatic immunity. Lions may be a lot of things, but they never break thier word."

"But... How can I... What can I do"

"You can show them what a friend is. You can teach them how to make a friend. You can be an example to them. You and your friends, all."

Twilight closed her eyes, as if she was deliberating. "...Princess?"

"Yes, Twilight?"

"You are absolputely certain this will turn out well?"

"Have I ever been wrong?" Celestia smiled.

"...Then... I trust you. I'll go."

"Excellent. Gather your friends, and prepare for your breifing." Celestia said, in a lighter mood. "Now, Twilight, I know you can do this. But, before you leave, I believe there is someone you should talk to first."

"Who... who might that be?"

"There is a Zebra in your town, correct? She knows a bit about the Lion Kingdom. I highly suggest you consort with her before you go."

"I... I will. Thank you, Princess."

"And take Spike with you. We will need to be in constant communication."

Twilight nodded. There were no words. This would be one of the most difficult things Twilight had ever attempted.

"Oh, and one more thing. The White Lion is the only one you can trust. Remember that."

Author's Note:

Well, in the middle of writing MLSA:EIS, I had this idea.

So I writed it.

Comments ( 6 )

So this is a crossover with The Lion King? I had an idea like that once.

3062317No, actually. The only reason for the crossover tag is that I will be borrowing material from the lion king. I don't intend to make it a full blown crossover, thouh. :twilightsmile:

3065993 Not what Iwas intending.

1) Didn;t make this clear yet, but the predatory nations are hidden by the Princess from the Public's eyes. No one in Equestria knows they exist.

2) This story is nothing like it seems, not yet. Trust me, it is more about accepting diversity and learning friendship than condemning another culture. You will just have to wait and see.

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