• Published 7th Jul 2013
  • 11,172 Views, 287 Comments

Going Through Changes - Riptid3

Rainbow Dash is a Lycan. 'Nuff said.

  • ...

Chapter 1


Rainbow Dash had just finished the last of her sandwich, and a few crumbs on her plate was all that was left. Licking the edges of her lips, she pushed her plate aside and raised her hoof to call a waiter so that she could proceed with paying the bill. Apparently, Rainbow Dash had received a letter informing that Fluttershy was having some animal problems and was requesting for Rainbow Dash's help. Why she was asking her for help, Rainbow Dash still didn't understand. After all, her experience with animals wasn't exactly the best.

A waiter arrived at Rainbow's table and brought her the bill. The meal was a total of three bits, which was unsurprising considering the only thing she had ordered was a daffodil sandwich. Paying for her food, she took-off, heading towards Fluttershy's. The fact that she had chosen Rainbow Dash still confused the cyan blue mare. She could have easily asked Twilight with her extensive knowledge of animals, or perhaps Applejack with her wrangling skills.

It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to arrive at her friend's humble home. She slowly landed on the pathway that led to Fluttershy's. At the gate stood the yellow pegasus herself. She began walking towards Rainbow Dash as soon as she had landed.

"Oh, hi there, Rainbow Dash, thank goodness you're here." Fluttershy said, running up to her multicolored friend.

"No problem. So, what's up?" Rainbow Dash asked

"I kinda need your help with something." Fluttershy said, her head slowly lowering to point at the ground.

"What do you need help with?"

"There's a wolf stuck and I need you to get it out."

Rainbow Dash blinked and twitched her ears, not believing what she had just heard.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Rainbow Dash asked

"I think there's a wolf stuck and I need your help getting it out." Fluttershy answered

"Why didn't you get Applejack or Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked, a slight bit of annoyance on her face.

"Well, the wolf is on the other side of a bunch of Poison Jokes and they can't get there. And I don't think I have enough strength to lift him out." Fluttershy said

"Twilight. Magic. Levitation. I was supposed to be taking a nap by now y’know."

"I didn't want to interrupt her studying."

"She could actually use the sunlight."

"Please, Rainbow Dash, you're here already. And I think it's eaten a Poison Joke or two."

"Huh, did you notice somethin' funny? The student of the Sun Goddess doesn't really see that much sunlight. Ironic."

"Rainbow Dash, please."

"You do know that wolves eat flesh right?"

"And berries. And flowers."


Fluttershy let out a small squee out of joy and led Rainbow Dash towards the Everfree Forest. Although Rainbow Dash had been here numerous times before, it was still rather unnerving to stare at the dark dense forest, which was made only worse with the fact that she was about to save an animal that could potentially injure or hurt her. And if the wolf were to somewhat attempt to attack her mid flight, the possibility of her losing control and crashing into the mass of Poison Jokes AND getting mauled by the wolf was actually quite high.

Fluttershy had abruptly stopped. Rainbow Dash followed heed and stopped just as well. Fluttershy pointed her hoof across a mass of Poison Joke at what looked to be single black wolf, its back facing them, though it was hard to tell since there was only a circle of sunlight that broke through the dense amount of trees, the creature sat just out of the sunlight, it seemed to be laying on its belly. The shadows obscured it completely, but the two mares could make out it's silhouette. Rainbow Dash still wasn't sure as to how she was going to avoid getting bit by the animal, or how to even pick it up.

Upon closer inspection, Rainbow Dash had noticed that the supposed "wolf" was much larger than it should have been. It was definitely longer, maybe around the size of an average pony, she still didn't know exactly how large it was. She could roughly make out it's length, but she was clueless as to how large it was height wise. After all, it was laying down. It still showed no signs of movement or hostility. Not even a twitch of the ears or a yawn.

"Alright, so, I'm just going to go in grab it and dash back out." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, if that's how you want to do it, I guess I'm okay with it." Fluttershy timidly mumbled.

Rainbow Dash spread her wings and prepared to take flight. It was going to be a quick in and out; the issue Rainbow Dash was having was, of course, speed. She couldn't go too fast out of fear that she couldn't stop in time, and, by doing so, would alert the creature. However, she couldn't go too slow either or it might hear her wings flapping. Rainbow Dash lowered her stance, stretched her wings and popped her spine. Quicker than Fluttershy could blink, Rainbow Dash had launched, kicking a fair amount of dust in the process. Fluttershy shielded her eyes as the dust cloud cleared.

Rainbow Dash slowed to a halt before the animal, it was in the midst of standing up when she had completely stopped. The pegasus dove for the "wolf", as she had planned on flying it out as soon as she got a hold on it. Rainbow Dash felt her hooves make contact with what seemed to be a coat of fur, she wrapped her forelegs around the creature and immediately tried to fly out.

She didn't move.

The animal was much heavier than she thought. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings as fast and hard as she could; however, her attempts were in vain. The worst part? The creature raised a paw, turned around, and pushed Rainbow Dash off. The pegasus crashed into the ground; the amount of force the creature used was ludicrous for it’s size. The animal was easily just as, if not the same height as Rainbow Dash. She slowly crawled back from the creature. Rainbow Dash could have easily just flown out, but fear made that seemingly impossible. The sunlight shone on the tip of the animal's forelegs, revealing claws on what looked like paws. Rainbow Dash backed up against a tree as two light purple eyes shone in the darkness.

Faster than Rainbow Dash could raise her hooves in defense, the creature lunged at speeds unimaginable. Rainbow Dash could only catch a blur of grey and black, and then pain shot through her left foreleg. The pegasus yelped in pain, but before Dash could attack, the creature sped off into the woods. Rainbow Dash was still confused and disoriented, only vaguely remembering what had just happened.

Rainbow Dash picked herself up and brushed off the dust, she was still quite shaken up. Remembering that Fluttershy was probably outside watching, Rainbow Dash hovered out of the woods and back to Fluttershy who stood there, looking at Rainbow Dash worriedly.

"Where's the wolf?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

"First, that was no wolf. Secondly, it's gone." Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"What happened?" Fluttershy asked.

"It bit me and ran off, in ten seconds flat!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I'm actually starting to get tired of that joke." Fluttershy sighed.

"Just look at this!" Rainbow Dash said, sticking her hoof out for Fluttershy to see.

Fluttershy promptly shielded her eyes and whimpered. Rainbow Dash had momentarily forgotten about Fluttershy's timidness and fear for violence of any sort. She rolled her eyes and retracted her foreleg back. The wound was still bleeding, but it was just a mere trickle, nothing serious. She could probably wrap it up and let it heal.

"I think you should go to a doctor. I mean, if you want to..." Fluttershy said

"Pft, doctors are for wimps. C'mon, I've been through worse." Rainbow Dash said

"Well, okay I guess."

Fluttershy thanked Rainbow Dash as she prepared to take off once again. The whole incident couldn't have been longer than half an hour. The wound had stopped bleeding completely, though the bite mark was still there. Rainbow Dash was going to have to wrap it up. The pain had subsided rather quickly for the size of the wound. The pegasus was unfazed however. A simple wound was NOT going to put a dent in her plans.

The rest of the day went out as planned for Rainbow Dash, that is, until she took her afternoon nap. That’s where things started to go downhill for her.

She had slept from morning 'till night, when the stars shone bright against the dark night sky. When Rainbow Dash had woken up, the first thing that she immediately noticed was the throbbing pain in her eyes. It was as if she had been staring at a screen much longer than she should have. Rainbow Dash shook her head and rubbed her eyes, the pain showed no signs of slowing down. Aside from that, her eyesight was now enhanced, her hearing was sharper than usual, and her sense of smell was much more sensitive than usual.

Among her newly enhanced abilities, Rainbow Dash had a sudden liking for the ground. It wasn't because she was scared, but rather because she liked the ground more for whatever reason. Her sudden change in preferences was starting to worry Rainbow Dash. She would usually spend most of her time airborne, but now, all she wanted was to feel the solid ground underneath her hooves. The cloud she had slept on had drifted towards the outskirts of Ponyville, which meant that she was going to have to do quite a bit of walking before she could reach town.

"Eh, I guess I'll just crash at Twilight's. Hope she doesn't mind." Rainbow Dash said

The cyan blue mare leaped off her cloud, slowly fluttered down to the ground beneath her, and started walking. By now, almost all of Ponyville's residents were most probably asleep. There was a small chance that Twilight was still awake though. As Rainbow Dash continued walking, she felt tension in the air, it was as if the world was holding it's breath, just waiting for something to go wrong. Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks.

She stood in silence for a while, and then it hit her. Rainbow Dash doubled over in pain, clutching her stomach with both of her forelegs. She could feel her innards shifting and moving all about. She could feel her ears sharpen, and her fur was growing out, Rainbow Dash could feel the tip of her muzzle grow a small black canine nose.

She grunted as she struggled to hold in the screams of agony and took a good look at her hooves as it slowly transformed, Rainbow Dash could see the digits slowly sprout. It hurt like nothing she'd ever felt. She could feel the pads slowly emerge from under her hoof as it was undergoing it's transformation, claws broke through her skin and emerged from the newly grown digits. Inside her mouth, Rainbow Dash could feel her teeth sharpening, her fangs gradually growing in length as they stuck out of her mouth.

Finally, it was done; the transformation was complete. Rainbow Dash's whole body was in agony. Save for her wings which were still intact and in mint condition.

"Ow." Rainbow Dash squeaked.

Dark spots danced around as Rainbow Dash struggled to recover. She got up and dusted herself off. Her breathing was heavy as she tried to collect her thoughts, as she was still in panic; she didn't even know what she looked like. Spotting a puddle of water, Rainbow Dash ran over and gazed into it. She had changed rather drastically.

Two fangs barely protruded from her mouth, her fur was messy and rather long. On the end of her muzzle was a wet, black nose, the kind that wolves would have. Instead of having her usual saucer-panned eyes with the large pupils, she had smaller black pupils in the middle of her magenta irises. Raising her foreleg to eye level, Rainbow Dash noticed that her hoof had turned into a full fledged paw with pads and claws.

Her shoulders slumped as she tried to process all of this. She had just transformed into a pony/wolf hybrid, it was midnight, she didn't really want to fly so she couldn't hide in her house, and she was still in shock. For a brief few minutes, silence filled the air. Until Rainbow Dash broke that silence.

"Why do I feel the sudden urge to pee on everything I love?" Rainbow Dash asked herself.