• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 1,815 Views, 8 Comments

Go Away! - englishwitch

Written in a 30 Minute Challenge. Rainbow tries to visit Twilight and finds the library locked up tight, what's going on?

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Chapter 1

Go away!
Fanfic by Englishwitch.

A bit of random fun done during my own personal 30 minute writing challenge.

Rainbow landed on the balcony of the library. Instantly she knew something was amiss, the drapes were drawn and the window was locked. The biggest clue was the sign hung on the window latch which read GO AWAY RAINBOW DASH

Rainbow chuckled, “Twilight, I know you don’t want me using the balcony to come in anymore, but this is going a little far.” spreading her wings she glided down to the ground before trotting over to the door. “Wha-”

A sign hung on the front door reading, GO AWAY, CLOSED!

Rainbow tried the door, finding it locked and bolted. “What the hay?” she trotted over to the nearest window and found the drapes drawn. She looked around the ground floor of the library and found all of the windows were covered by drapes. “what’s going on?” she knocked on the window, “Hey, Twilight, you in there?”

There were sounds coming from inside, they were muffled, Rainbow couldn’t make them out. She knocked on the window again, “Twilight?”

Suddenly there came a scream and a frighting yell, “YEAH! That’s it, kill him!”

Rainbow’s wings flared. She didn’t know what was going on inside but it was serious. She ran back several feet then charged at the window. Curling herself up into a ball at the last second to protect her face and wings she shot though the window like a feathered cannon back. The glass shattered around her, the wooden frame caving in under the force of her blow.

Dash rolled along the floor for several feet before opening her wings and hovering in the air, “alright!” she looked around the dark library floor but didn’t see a sign of anypony. The noises of yells and screams came from upstairs.

“Spike, is that you?” Twilight’s voice came from up the stairs. She sounded scared, her voice was hoarse. Rainbow feared she was in danger and shot up the stairs as fast as she could fly.

“Dont worry Twilight! Help has arri-” her jaw dropped at the sight that greeted her,

Twilight was sitting on the foot of her bed, she wore a baseball cap on her head, with a convinient hole cut into it for her horn, a foam star was on stuck over her hoof, she was even wearing a large sports jersey, all the items were the same garish shade of orange, with the same logo of a shooting star.

A viewing globe was set up on the desk, tuned into a sports game. Ponies wearing bright orange jerseys were playing hoofball against ponies wearing green jerseys.

Twilight yelped in shock and rolled off the bed, trying to hide herself. A task easier said than done, the orange outfit she was wearing was so bright it practically glowed in the dark.
“Rainbow, what are you doing here? didn’t you see the sign?”

Dash stared for several seconds before her brain kicked into gear and she managed to think of something to say, “Uh...” it wasn’t actually a word but it was slightly better than stunned silence, “uh, yeah. Then I heard yelling... something about killing.... I thought you needed help.”

Twilight rose up slightly, a mysterious look was on her face. If Rainbow had to guess she would say it was a mix between annoyance and embarrassment. “You broke another window, didn’t you?”

Dash nodded slowly. She was trying, but couldn’t make her head turn away from Twilight, that orange seemed to have locked her eyes in place. “I’ll pay for it.”

From the viewing globe came a loud yell, Twilight’s head darted in the direction and a disappointed groan escaped her lips before she could stop it. She blushed again tried to casually slip the foam star off her hoof.

Rainbow stared at Twilight, “what’s going on?”

Twilght pulled the cap off her head, her blush was more pronounced than ever. “The finals,” she muttered so quietly Rainbow almost didn’t hear her.

Rainbow leaned closer, as close as she dared with the volume of Twilight’s luminous jersey, “what?”

Twi let out a long and exasperated sigh, “the finals,” she growled, “the hoofball finals, between the Canterlot Shooting Stars and the Vanhoover Horseshoes.”

Rainbow cocked an eyebrow, “you closed the library, locked yourself in the dark, and posted some pretty rude signs, for a hoofball match?”

Twilight jumped up onto the bed, “not just a hoofball match! it’s the finals!” she fell silent, biting her lip and trying to shrink back away from Dash. “I’m....kind of a fan.”

Dash’s jaw dropped again, “a hoofball fan, you?” when she looked at it, it was obvious. Yet when she said it out loud it still seemed hard to believe. Twilight Sparkle...a hoofball fan.

Twilight nodded, “well, yes.”

Dash twitched her ears and waggled a hoof in one to clear it, still sure she misheard. “You...a hoofball fan.”

Twilight nodded again, “yes.”


Twilight stomped her hoof, “yes!” she snapped. “When I was a filly, the only quality time I got to spend with my brother was on weekends, he was home from the guards academy and I didn’t have any studies with Princess Celestia. Every Sunday we’d play, but every Saturday we’d watch the hoofball match; supporting the Canterlot Shooting Stars of course,”

Dash nodded in bemusement, “yeah, naturally,”

Twilight shrugged her shoulders, “at first I didn’t care about hoofball, just spending time with Shiny. It looked like a dumb game where the point just seemed to be who could pummel the opposition the best. But, I guess, after months, and years, of weekly games, I kind of became a fan.”

Dash looked at the hat, the jersey and the large foam star, “kind of a fan?”

Twilight huffed, “yes,” she sighed, “well, maybe I can get carried away. You heard the yelling.” she glanced back at the viewing globe to check on the score, the shooting stars were up five points, that was good.

“Why all the hiding away and stuff?” Dash asked, bringing Twilight back into the room. Twilight’s blush returned.

“Well....look at me,” Twilight looked down at herself, “I’m....well...I’m me.” she looked back up to Rainbow Dash, “Twilight Sparkle, scientific name; Bookius Wormikus, student of Celestia, more commonly found with her nose in a book than anywhere else. You caught me in the act and even you’re finding it hard to believe I’m a hoofball fan.”

Dash smiled sheepishly, “well...uh...”

Twilight shook her head slowly, “some of the other filles in the school for gifted unicorns found my foam star once. I remember this one filly, Sunset Shimmer I think her name was, she teased me for weeks about loving colt’s games,” she sighed, “deep down I think...no...I know you girls wouldn’t tease me about liking sports, but I guess old habits die hard...” she looked uneasy, “I don’t really watch the games much anymore, but I keep up with the results in the paper, but when the finals come and the Shooting Stars are playing...” she trailed off as she glanced at the screen again, the stars were down by two points, how did that happen?

Dash brought her back into the room with a clap of her hooves. Twilight grinned sheepishly before continuing, “well, in school I used to lock myself away in my room; being the student of Celestia had its perks, my own room in the castle instead of the shared dorm in the rest of the school. Door locked, curtains closed and viewing globe on. Not even Princess Celestia disturbed me on those days,” her blush rose, “if you heard me outside then the guards in the palace must have too, goodness knows what they thought when I was yelling.” she hid her face behind her hooves with the embarrassment.

Dash smiled, “so the egg-head’s a hoofball fan, scooch over,” she jumped up and sat on the bed beside Twilight. “I never got into it,”

Twilight threw her a look, “really? I would’ve thought you of all ponies-”

Dash shook her head, “too much running, not enough flying. I prefer a good Wonderbolts display.” she grabbed the hat Twilight had discarded and promptly placed in on her head. “so, how’s it played?”

Twilight grinned and moved into a more comfortable position, “well, that guy with the ball right now, he’s the quarterback-”

Rainbow grinned as she was educated in the finer points of the game, which she began to enjoy with her friend by her side.

Author's Note:

So much for 30 minutes, actually took my closer to 40. It was just trying to draw it to an ending as quickly as possible which took me a little longer than anticipated.

Comments ( 8 )

For 30 mins, this was surprisingly well written. Congratulations on a job well done.

I liked it! Y'know, with all that sports gear she had on in the dragon episode, maybe Fluttershy is a secret fan too. Let's hope Cloudsdale never plays Canterlot or it might get dangerous to be around Ponyville for a while. :ajsmug:

Great work! I've been meaning to try a timed challenge so this is quite inspiring :)

Nice work for thirty minutes.

Mental image of when that happens:
Rainbow mentions watching hoofball with Twilight to Fluttershy.
When the finals come up next time, Fluttershy mentions hearing that to Twilight, and asks if they can watch together. Everypony wants to join.
Twilight's in all her Canterlot fan gear. Everypony else is already there, no gear. Fluttershy shows up in her Cloudsdale fan gear.
Finals are Canterlot vs Cloudsdale.
Library explodes.

Oh my...this would go wonderfully with the story I once read where Twilight discovers Dash is secretly an Anime Fan :pinkiehappy:

This was a great idea, and cleverly thought out! Nice work!

EDIT: Also, I want that Cover Art to become reality

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