• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 2,983 Views, 37 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Heroes With Wings - JustMoth

A crossover fic between "Fallout Equestria: Heroes" by No One, and "Fallout Equestria: Wings".

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Chapter 1

Heroes With Wings

Part 1

“I think I can, I think I can...”

“This plan is stupid.”

I took another step forward as the massive line of ponies we were in inched along. I was trying to appear more concerned with keeping our place in the queue than with listening to Flare complain for the eighth time since I told him about the job this morning. Apparently the blue pegasus wasn’t getting the hint.

“You can’t say that!” Serenity said from her perch on my back. “You don’t even know what the plan is yet.” I had set her up there after she insisted on seeing the train we were going to be boarding. My main motivation though was just to get her off the ground before she was lost in the crowd or stepped on. She quickly lost interest in the train though, once she saw that it was just an old steam locomotive. What was she expecting it to be? Some advanced antigravity monorail with cybernetics and arcane magical type stuff…things?

“It’s one of her plans isn’t it?” Flare shot back as he hovered above the queue with his arms crossed. I’m still not paying attention to him; I’m trying to describe this train. And not all of my plans are stupid!
“Hey, not all of Hired’s plans are stupid!”

Ah, good girl, Serenity!

Flare arched an eyebrow. “Plans that don’t involve escaping after being captured?”

“Well… umm,” Serenity wavered. Come on, I’ve had some good non-escaping-from-capturer related plans. Like… umm… Oh! Killing Roy was a good plan. A little on the fly, but it got the job done. The escape afterwards though… OK, rather acknowledge Flare than think of that!

“I’ll tell you all about it once we get on the train,” I said with a confident smile, then added with a nod of my head to either side, “That is, unless you want to discuss the details of our nefarious schemes with everypony else in line.” I would have used my hoof to gesture, but we were packed in so tight that I didn’t have room to lift it. Only by the virtue of being so much taller than everypony around me was I allowed the freedom to even nod without head-butting somepony.

“Point taken.” Flare sighed, rolling his eyes. “But I can’t see how you could come up with a plan to pull this off…”

“Trust me,” I said pulling off my best mastermind smirk, which judging from his reaction was not very convincing. “It’s a real doozy of a plan, and I’ll tell you all about it once we are on board.” Given the rate that this line is moving, that should give me just enough time to come up with said doozy of a plan. Shouldn’t be too hard though, between Subtlety, Bunker Buster, and the various other implements of destruction we had with us, we could easily take on any problem that came up.
“You have to relinquish all weapons and firearms before boarding the train. They will be returned to you upon arrival at the destination.” The security guard said with all the excitement of somepony who has to say the same thing all day and hated his job.


“You expect me to just hand over Bunker Buster?” Flare protested.

“No sir, you may keep your firearms.” The guard replied with a hint of annoyance. How come he gets to keep his gun?! Do they have some kind of silly name quota or… “Since you are not allowed to board this train, you are not expected to hand over your weapons.” The guard finished dryly, and any half formed objection I had quickly dissolved into a snicker as Flare’s smug face fell.

“What?! What do you mean I can’t board this train? You have something against…” Flare’s sputtering rebuttal was cut short by the guard raising his hoof. I need to try that some time.

“Did you read the rules of boarding sir?” the guard asked with a dull sigh. After seeing the blank looks on our faces he shook his head and mumbled to himself. “Of course you didn’t, no one does, it’s not like they are posted every 3 meters around the station in every language from Equestrian to Classical Zebra...”

The guard then cleared his throat and began his speech, which must have been for the eighteenth time that morning judging from all the enthusiasm he mustered. “The Charity Express was founded as a way to provide a safe and reliable route through the Croup Mountains. This service is free for anyone who wishes to use it, provided that they lack the means to fly through the Croup sky way.” That last part was said with a glare towards Flare.

As he continued his spiel, I felt a dull burning where my metal leg joined my shoulder and looked around, though I couldn’t see anypony using magic nearby. Maybe they had unicorns hidden somewhere discreetly checking for concealed weapons… Hm? Oh, the guard was still talking… “This restriction is necessary due to the high volume of passengers we receive, in order to ensure passage to as many as possible that cannot past the mountain range any other way. All weapons and firearms must be relinquished to ensure the safety of all on board, yadda, yadda, yadda…”

This would have been a major setback in my plan, since it would have relied heavily on Flare in some way, but since I still had yet to come up with said plan, this was no problem. She who hesitates is saved, or some such thing! “This sky way safe?” I asked the guard, breaking off the argument on pegasus discrimination Flare was starting on.

“Quite safe, we have griffin guards stationed at regular intervals,” the guard replied, stopping Flare with another raise of his hoof. How does he do that? “It is also a much more direct route, taking only a day to cross the mountains instead of three on the train. I have found that the expediency tends to be preferred by those with wings. There is even a hostel near the station at the other end where he can wait for you and your daughter.”

“She’s not my daughter.”

Wait a minute, I didn’t say that.

Looking around I spotted a group in the next row over who appeared to be having the same conversation that we were. The objection came from a large orange stallion in a business suit that had a small unicorn filly with a blond coat and lavender mane sitting on his back. His group also had a pegasus hovering above them, yet this one was brown and looked much younger than Flare. Only thing that stopped this from being some odd parody of our group was the addition of a well armored male griffin standing with the stallion.

“And I’m not going anywhere without my bodyguard!” the stallion continued. The griffin, who I presume was said bodyguard, leaned over and whispered something to the stallion. With a sigh the stallion then nodded his head. The griffin then whispered something else and… was the stallion blushing?

“Hired, Stop checking out stallions, we have to decide what to do.” Flare called out as Serenity giggled from my back.

“This isn’t a problem,” I said quickly composing myself. “Works with my plan even. You take the sky way and take the extra time to scope out the town. Find out where we can spend the night, restock on ammo, emergency medical facilities… the usual. Me and Serenity will meet up with you in three days.”

Flare face-hoofed. “I really hope you know what you’re doing Hired…”

“Trust me!” I replied with a smile. I really didn’t want to get separated from Flare, but I had to get on that train one way or another for this job. “Besides, it’s not like I can get captured on a train.”

“The Charity Express does have a designated armored detainment car and a full on board security staff.” The guard mentioned flatly. Flare gestured at the guard with both arms while looking at me with a ‘you see?’ expression.

“Ah, not that I would be doing anything...” I hastily started, but the look on the guard showed that he clearly didn’t care one way or another. “Right. Just two for boarding them.”

With an exasperated sigh the guard said again. “You have to relinquish all weapons and firearms before…” Oh, right, that.

I started to disconnect Subtlety from my battle saddle while Serenity magically rummaged through my bags for other weapons. The guard took the weapons from Serenity placed them in a long metal box and put a lock on it. The perfectly proportioned Subtlety was too large to fit into the clearly poorly designed box, so he affixed a tag to it and handed me a slip of paper with the number of the box and the tag written on it.

“Remember to keep your receipt so that your weapons can be returned to you upon arrival at the destination,” the guard droned as he motioned us through the gates. “Have a nice trip.”

“Flare!” Serenity called out, sitting on my back with her forelegs held out, as we made our way to the train.

Flare swooped down and picked up Serenity in a hug. “Now you be careful and don’t let Hired do anything too stupid. Ok?” The little filly nodded and was set back down on my back. “I’ll see you in a few days.”

“Bye Flare!” Serenity yelled as the pegasus flew towards the signs marking the sky way.

Turning back around Flare shouted. “And watch out for the Rail Chaser!” Serenity giggled at the reference to the ghost story that Flare told us on the way to the station.

A pony in a blue and white striped cap signaled to us which passenger car we were to board as an announcement came over the loud speakers. “Train at capacity! No more passengers today! Please come back next week!” I stopped to look back over my shoulder to Serenity, intending to mention how we lucked out, but a commotion at the far end of the train caught my eye.

It looked like several guards were chasing a small gray earth pony that had her mane in bright red pig tails. No matter though. I wasn’t going to press my good luck, I get so little of it, by getting involved in whatever was going on.

“I have ta get on that twain!” The filly called out. Nope, not listening. I’m going to get on this train and not think about what’s going on. Just as soon as my legs get the message.


“I need to see my mamma!” the filly wailed as she was caught by the guards a short distance from us.

Damn it! I turned around as walked back to the guards. “What’s the trouble?” I asked the one holding the filly.

“No trouble ma’am. The train is at capacity, and this filly tried to sneak past the gates.”

“It’s a big train. She’s a small filly. There should be room.” I explained in a tone that didn’t leave much room for argument.

“Just following the rules ma’am.” The guard replied nervously.

“It’s a big train.” I repeated, striking the side of the train with my metal hoof for emphasis, leaving a large dent. “She’s a small filly.” I said again, pointing to her with the same hoof.

“Should be room.” The guard finished weakly as he stared at the dent in the train, he then released the filly, who quickly ran inside the train.

Who says that I don’t have good communication skills?


The massive train was more like a moving city on rails than just a means of transportation. This observation wasn’t just from how the crowded train cars uncomfortably reminded me of Marefort, which was half built from train cars. There were the standard passenger cars, which I figure were just like any other train, only more crowded, but also several specialized cars. There was a car stuffed with several small stands to buy food at, a couple cars for eating said food, a car that was like a miniature marketplace, private cars for VIPs, the aforementioned detainment car, and even a car that was like a grimy little slice of Dise. I learned that all these vendors paid a share of their profits to the ponies that ran the train, which in turned helped keep the train running while being free for passengers.

I found all this out while making my way through the train with Serenity. For her it was exploring and sightseeing, but for me it was the serious business of gathering information for the job. If anypony tells you differently, particularly mentioning me drooling over .50 caliber armor piercing incendiary rounds, they are a filthy stinking liar. The one car that I was most interested in, the baggage car, was the only one I hadn’t found yet.

“Greetings, everyone,” announced speakers set up all throughout the train. “Welcome aboard the Charity Express! My name is Steam Drive and I’ll be your engineer for the remainder of the trip, along with my co-engineers Iron Coal and Skippity Doo. We are now a couple hours into our three day trip to the beautiful city of Hoofington.”

Wait. Where?

My confusion was apparently shared with many of the other ponies in the passenger car I was currently in. Mummers of uncertainly quickly escalated into shouts of protest and panic, somepony screamed “We’re all gonna die!” A pink mare with a blonde mane close to me stood on her hind legs and yelled “The horror! The Horror!” Wherever Hoofington was, I got the impression that it was not someplace I wanted to go.

“Only kidding!” The voice over the speakers returned with chuckle. “Our actual destination is The Valley of Fatal Death. Everyone use to freak out when they hear the name, so now I say we’re going to Hoofington first so that it doesn’t sound nearly as bad in comparison. It’s actually quite a lovely bit of Caladonia, just has a silly name.” I had to agree with him on that point. The panic in the car had more or less died down, and I gathered from the eye rolling of many of the ponies that didn’t panic that this was a joke the engineer played often.“ This is a non-stop trip, but we will be taking periodic breaks to refill our water tanks. You’re free to leave the train at these times, but I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you like spending a week stranded in the middle of a mountain range waiting for us to pass by again.”


I finally found out where the baggage car was, and of course it was at the very end of the train. Fortunately, the last few cars had nopony in them; I guess not many were willing to brave past the smell of the cattle car filled with brahmin. As I reached to open the door marked “baggage”, I froze when I heard voices coming from the other side.

“Ahh! That’s so much better! That private room was so cramped.” A female voice said from beyond the door.

Then there was a male voice that I heard a somewhere before. “I doubt they had somepony of your size in mind when they designed it. You can stretch as much as you want, but first change back before someone comes in here.”

As I was trying to wrap my head around where I had heard that voice before, a dull burning flared up in the shoulder of my metal leg. I don’t know how a burn can actually feel dull, but it’s my freaky magic-sensing-star-metal-poisoned-metal-leg powers so I can describe it how I see fit. You can describe it however you want when you get your own. Oh right, time to see what’s going on in there.

The room was filled with large stacks of every possible kind of luggage, and in the center was that large orange earth pony that I saw in the other line earlier. I scanned all over to find the mare that he was talking to but couldn’t see anypony else in the room. Then I spotted a tiny filly, younger then Serenity, down by his hoof. It was the same one that was on his back in the lineup, did that mare’s voice come from her?

“No way! You have a cutie mark!?” Serenity called out as she jumped off my back and ran to the little filly. It was surprising to see somepony that young already having a cutie mark, I could only think of one pony getting it that early back in Marefort. The mark looked like a wisp of cloud in front of a light blue wall, but I only got a brief glimpse before she fled behind the large stallion with an “Eep!”

“Serenity, don’t scare the filly.” I scolded, and then looked over at the stallion. “Sorry, didn’t know anypony was back here.”

“Oh. That’s alright. Celly and I were just back here to… ummm…” The stallion stammered awkwardly.

“Get my saddle bags!” The filly finished for him in a cute little voice, reappearing from behind him now with her saddle bags partially covering her cutie mark. So it wasn’t her voice that I heard on the other side of the door...

“Yes. Saddle bags.” The stallion said quickly with a smile. Getting a better look at him I noticed that he was half a head shorter than I was. Which was still pretty tall, even for a stallion. His dark orange mane was combed tightly back, and his brass coat had an almost metallic sheen like my own silver. He looked to be in rather good shape, and the suit he wore looked rather well tailored, not like the tacky flamboyant ones seen all over Dise. My eyes then drifted over to his cutie flank, I mean flank mark! No! I mean...

“I’ve never seen a cybernetic leg look like that before.” Serenity said skeptically. Yes, that’s it! I was looking at his cybernetic leg, not the large coin on his rump! Wait, cybernetic leg?

“That’s because it isn’t one.” He said proudly, flexing the odd collection of pistons, springs, and gears that replaced one of his back legs in a slow bucking motion. “It’s all mechanical, no electronics or magic-tech, much more reliable. Hoof made with 100% pure earth pony ingenuity. I call it the Buckshot 12”

“Tell them what happened to the previous 11.” The unicorn filly, I believe her name was Celly, said with a smirk. Now, while Serenity may not have recognized any of the non-cybernetic parts that made up the leg, hidden among the pistons and gears was a part of it that I clearly recognized. The name “Buckshot” suddenly made a lot more sense.

Wait a moment! I may be slow, but even I picked up that this was just a little too weird. Some big tough pony with a metallic coat, traveling with a small filly unicorn that’s not his daughter, AND having an artificial leg? Just who were these guys?

“Who are you guys?” The stallion said with an odd look, like he just came to the same surreal conclusion.

“I’m Serenity, she’s Hired Gun.” My little filly said, handling the introductions for me before turning back to Celly. “You’re sooo lucky getting your cutie mark so early! It feels like mine is taking forever to appear!”

“Yup, she’s a regular early bloomer all right.” The stallion said with a snicker. Then for some reason Celly shot him with a cold look so dark that it could cut steel… Shut up, there’s nothing wrong with my metaphors! The stallion then looked over to me. “My name’s Citquine, ambassador for the NCR. From your cutie mark I’m going to guess either a geologist or miner? ”

Geo-whatsit? And did I really look not old enough to drink to him? “No. Hired gun. What’s NCR?”

“New Canterlot Republic. Well, Republics, now that there are two of them. Largest controlling factions in west and central Equestria, I’ll spare you the history lesson.” Finally, somepony not interested in lecturing me on his factions past and politics. “They heard how the NCA in these parts share a similar kind of internal structure and values, so they sent me over to see if...”

“Hey Serenity, wanna see something cool?” Celly suddenly interrupted over Citquine. “Hey Firefly, wake up!” Out from a hat box popped one of those old sprite bots, but this one was painted pink with blue lightning bolts on its wings, and it floated over to the fillies.

“He’s mostly just a flying radio, but Quiny’s been gradually boosting his AI and power output so he can do simple tricks. Just don’t ask about the paint job, a friend of ours did it so make him more… pretty.” Celly then pointed at Serenity and called to the robot. “Firefly, ride!”

The round robot swooped down and rolled up to Serenity, scooping her up with a surprised squeak. It then began circling the room as the filly stared to squeal in delight. “I’m flying! This is so cool! Can we get one of these, mommy? Please? I won’t have to ride on your head any more to see what’s going on. “

I had to admit, seeing Serenity and Firefly together just seemed to oddly fit on some cosmic level, but I had to put my hoof down. As the sprite-bot flew past me I leaned forwards and plucked Serenity off of it with my mouth, then with a flick of my head tossed her onto my back. “No.”

“But why, momma?” Serenity pleaded, I could feel her pout and puppy eyes burning into the back of my neck.

“First. No sprite-bots in Caladonia. They’re an Equestrian thing.” I said without looking back at her.

“But, if we found one somewhere…”

“Second. They explode when messed with.”

“How do you…”

“Don’t ask. Third. I’m not your…”

“We should be getting back to our room.” Celly said to Citquine, in an oddly urgent tone. The orange stallion seemed to be also puzzled by this, but went along with her anyways. As he was walking out the door of the baggage car he paused and turned back to us. “It was nice meeting you two. Oh, and I don’t recommend going to the last train car.” Then he and the filly were gone, along with the dull burn in my shoulder.

I turned my head around to face Serenity. “Did they seem odd to you?”

“You mean other than the fact that Celly is an alicorn?”

“More how they seemed to be… What?!”

“Before she put her saddle bags on I noticed that she had wings along with a horn.” Aww, I was starting to feel all perceptive and stuff with my powers of observation, how did I miss a detail like that. “Since she was hiding them with her bags I guessed that she didn’t want anypony to know. Maybe she’s afraid that they would kick here off the train if anypony thought she could fly?”

My first encounter with the deadly alicorns that DJ Pon3 use to warn about, and the villain of Flare’s Rail Chaser story, and not only do I not notice it, but she’s just a little filly.

So much for their fearsome reputation, if they start off so cute.


“This car is off limits. Leave immediately.” The voice sounded from the metal mask as two sets of glowing blue eyes glared at us.

Citquine was right with his warning about the last car; bumping into two Steel Rangers was not something I would recommend on even the best of days. Unfortunately, our search of the other baggage cars didn’t reveal what we were looking for and this was the last car it could be in.

“Aww, but I wanted to go exploring!” Serenity said, her front hooves resting on the top of my head. I couldn’t see them, but I was betting she was giving those Rangers the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster.

With a sigh one of the rangers shook his head. “What is this, Bring Your Filly to the Secured Car Day? There’s nothing for you in there, little missy, no dolls or butterflies, just a lot of guns and locked boxes. Now move along!”

Ah. At first I thought these two were there to guard the car, which seemed like overkill, but now I’m betting that they can’t leave there due to the no-gun rule on this train. While that doesn’t help my situation, in fact it makes it a lot more complicated. It is funny to think that they are being treated like baggage. I wonder if they have little tags on them somewhere and their Elder has to claim them when we get to Fatal Death Valley. Hehe, would be a shame if he lost the receipt.

“And just what are you laughing at?” The other guard said sharply to me.

“Umm. Chocolate milk.” I lied quickly in a very convincing manner.

“That’s Paladin Chocolate Milk to you! Who told you that he was on this train?” The Steel Ranger demanded, as what sounded like a safety being turned off came from somewhere in all that armor. Oh, awkward. Damn theirs silly food based names.

“Somepony in the market was talking about him before.” Serenity quickly covered for me. “They seemed really excited that he was on board, and that they were following him for ages.”

“Really… We may have to look into that later.” The ranger said, half to himself. “Thanks for the tip, now get lost!” He finished quickly, slamming the baggage car door in our faces.

“That was some pretty quick thinking there.” I said appreciatively.

“Thanks! I figure we can use that as a distraction later to get them away from that car. So what’s the plan?” Serenity said, leaning over the top of my head and looking into my purple eyes with her own gray ones.

Oh yeah, the plan thing. I’ll probably need one of those. I kinda got distracted with the whole being separated from Flare thing (not that I missed him or anything) and disarmed, then meeting the bizarro versions of us, and now learning that two Steel Rangers are blocking my objective. “I’ll tell you all about it after we get something to eat.” That should buy me enough time to think of one.


Serenity insisted we try a stand that was selling small bowls of fried potato slices covered in hot tomato sauce and this weird lumpy cheese. While it tasted fine, eating it was rather… messy. At least for me it was, since I had to stuff my muzzle into the little bowl to eat and it wound up coved in melted cheese and sauce. Serenity on the other hoof just levitated gobs of it into her mouth with her cheating unicorn magic, when she wasn’t laughing at my attempts that is. I’m beginning to suspect that she picked this place just to watch me struggle…

Suddenly the train’s brakes squealed, as we lurched to a sudden stop. After a few moments the voice of Steam Drive came through the speakers. “Everyone please remain calm, we are currently being boarded by a militant band of zebra terrori--” There was a sudden sound like a pony being hit. “Ow! Geez, can’t you guys take a joke? Ok, it’s really just a bunch of NCA soldiers looking for a large pony with a metal leg traveling with a small filly. The nice soldiers, and the rude one that hit me, will be making their way through the train, so if you match that description, or seen somepony that does, please inform them right away so we can all get moving again.”


Why were the NCA after me now? Wasn’t I on good terms with them for killing Roy? Was this about that bar brawl the other night? If it was, then that officer started it, and I was drunk, so I can’t be held responsible for what I said about his mother! Or maybe it was that whole ‘noodle incident’ not long back… yeah, that ended pretty badly for all involved.

I didn’t have any time to figure it out since at that moment two NCA soldiers came into the front of the restaurant car. They spotted me right away, sometimes being over a head taller than everypony else had its disadvantages, and called out for me to stay where I was.

Ok, plan time is now!

I picked up Serenity and tossed her on my back, then ran in the direction of the last car. I needed to get to the secured car, take out two steel rangers in unarmed combat (should be doable, I took out five once), find Subtlety in the secured car…

“Look out!” Serenity called as two more NCA solders appeared in the doorway in front of me. I lowered my head and plowed into them, knocking both out of the way. That’s enough planning for now; I needed to keep focused on my surroundings.

I ran from one car to the next, weaving between the other passengers, then as I got to the washroom car (this train really had a car for everything) I spotted two more NCA ponies at the far end. I lowered my head again and charged at them full speed.

That’s when the small gray filly with the red pig-tail mane, the same one that I helped get on the train, stepped out of a stall right in front of me. I didn’t have time to stop, so I leaped into the air over her. It was at this moment that I learned that trains were not designed high enough for a pony of my size to be jumping around in them.

My head hit hard against the metal ceiling, sending me tumbling forwards like a big awkward silver lump, and I felt the weight of Serenity fly off my back as I fell.

Quickly getting back to me hooves, I saw that the NCA unicorn at the door had caught Serenity in midair whit his magical grip. The earth pony beside him then took a rainbow pained grenade from a side pocket, pulled the pin out with his tongue, and tossed it at me.

Were these ponies insane?! A grenade in this confined a space would kill us all. I only had a moment before it went off, but that moment seemed to slow to an eternity. I couldn’t kick it forwards because Serenity was that way, and I couldn’t kick it backwards because that gray filly was back there. Not THAT gray filly, this new one. Ahh! Why do have to think of that filly now?!


Fuck survive, no fillies are dying because of my stupidity today! I did the only thing in could and threw myself on the grenade.


Electricity surged through my body, causing every muscle to spasms. I didn’t know what having a grenade going off under you would feel like, but this certainly was not what I expected. I struggled to get to my hooves, only to find that my metal leg had completely stopped working. So I merely slumped forwards onto my face with all the grace of a drunken brahmin.

“She’s still moving?! Hit her with another!” Some pony called out in front of me, then another one of those grenades pained with rainbow stripes rolled into my view.



Sometime later I woke up with a dull burning in my shoulder, and without even opening my eyes I could guess whose company I was in.

Lifting my head slowly, I felt like every muscle had been beaten with tiny sticks, I saw Serenity tinkering with my metal leg. The looking around I saw that I was in a jail cell within what I assume was the detainment car. At least my track record for getting captured was intact…

“What hit me?” I groaned.

“Zap Apple” Serenity answered.

“That was no apple,” I said, flexing my now-working metal leg. What would I ever do without that little filly keeping this thing running?

“No, it’s the name of those electric stun grenades. They’re non-lethal grenades that short out electronics and knocks out ponies.” Then a look of shock and worry crossed Serenity’s face. “You mean that you threw yourself on it thinking that it was a frag grenade… to save me?”

“What can I say? I’m not a clever…” but my words were cut short as Serenity threw herself at me and buried her face in my chest .

“Stupid mommy!” she cried.

“Well, despite you not being a clever pony…” A small voice said behind me. Looking back I saw the two odd ponies that I had already guessed were here, Celly and Citquine. “And against my better judgment,” Celly continued. “Quiny is going to help you, so everything should work out.”

“Mmmhmm” Citquine mumbled from the pencil in his mouth, and then he returned to scribbling something into a book.

“Umm, thanks?” I said puzzled. “What are you writing?”

New Quest Perk: One Track Mind – The steady rhythm of the train helps to clear you mind and focus your thoughts. Or a new author is sometimes writing you slightly smarter than you should be. Intl +1 when on or near trains.

((A/N: This fic was just my way to show how much I love Fallout Equestria: Heroes by No_One, and by extension the incredible Fallout: Equestria by Kkat. Think of this as fan art in the form of a crossover fan fic based on a side fic of another crossover fic. So nothing is canon to anything! It takes place in an alternate time line branching off some point after Chapter 11. Big thanks to Julep for helping to edit this! You can see who the heck these Citquine and Celly characters are here.))