• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 3,335 Views, 43 Comments

The Misadventures of Scotch, Blitz and Jack - articunos bitch

Three of our Main characters are stallions. What sort of shenanigans do they get themselves into?

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Invitations and Shipping!

Butterscotch skipped out of the forest with his saddle-pack full of fungi and herbs and his mouth full of song. His early morning treks into the forest often yielded ingredients to Zecora’s brews and commodities to merchants around the market, and today he cleaned up. This was a weeks’ worth of expanses weighing him down, and soon he would be able to take his special somepony somewhere really special. Maybe she would enjoy a trip to one of Manehatten’s famous libraries. Twilight said Las Pegasus had a beautiful history museum; maybe he could invite her to see the new wing opening in a month.

Butterscotch smiled thinking of his special somepony; Cheerilee was sweet and kind to him, but she also seemed to drop her social mask around him. He caught her cussing whenever her germane shepherd Rusty misbehaved on his bi-annual visits, and she even insulted her students under her breath a few times when they meet up around town. She seemed comfortable with him but he wanted to let her know how special he thought she was. It takes a special gal to become a foster mother so young.
“Yo, Scotch! Got something for ya!”

Rainbow Blitz bellowed and swooped out of the sky next to him and rustled through his own saddle pack. Drawing out a book he raised his eye brows in a knowing fashion that Butterscotch missed entirely.

Hol ou your hooh.”

Sighing he did as he was told and took the book while reading the title on the spine. “Daring Do and the Chase through the Centuries. Um, thank you but I don’t really follow Daring Do.”

“You do now.” Blitz countered as if it was the way things worked.

Remembering to be assertive but not a jerk he pushed the subject. “Why am I going to become a Daring Do fan just because you say so?”

“So you can have something to talk about at the Library. ‘Kay, here’s the deal. The new book’s coming out in a few days and there’s going to be a Group Reading at the library. Now Cheerilee’s going to be there so you should be too and this book will give you something to talk about. You with me so far?”

“Oh, um, is this the newest book?”

“Nope, it’s the shortest. Back to the plan: the library closes at six that night so me, Twi, her, Scoots and now you are gonna sit around taking turns reading a page at a time for two or three hours. You’re gonna need to talk to her before we start ‘cause Scoots is gonna be late for bed as it is and she gonna hustle themselves outta there. And I know she’s gonna show up early, so take this chance and talk to her.”

Butterscotch tensed up at the thought, but seeing her smile would be worth breaking out of his shell for. “Okay, so it’s going to be Tuesday night? At Six?”

“Yeah. So read up. Kicker’s invited too. And don’t worry, I’ll watch your back.” He leaped up and took off again disappearing into the low morning clouds.

** ** **

Blitz landed at the front door of the library and knocked. He could have gone right in but it wasn’t open to the public yet and he had a big favor to ask. Twilight opened the door and invited him in.

“Good morning Blitz. Day off?”

“Actually I need to take care of some things before work. Tell me, do you have plans for Tuesday night?”

“Why yes.” She played with her mane and her eyes light up. “I have a date with the ravishing Daring Do. I really like her. Like-like more than a friend.” She let loose a goofy laugh while Blitz smirked at what she was implying.

“I was hoping we could read it together. Like you, me, other ponies who might like her.”

“Wait, like a book club? Or family reading time?”

“Uhh yeah. Like that-“ He was cut off by her hooves wrapping around his withers.

“That’s a great idea! I always horded Daring Do but sharing her adventure would be more fun. Oh but we will have to start late so we don’t have close the doors. What about-”

“I have an idea.” Rainbow took his turn to interrupt her. “How about we start at six on the dot and go until eight or nine.”

“Yes! Have you done this before? Planned something like this?”

“No,” it was true, but he did put a lot of thought into this before he arrived. “We should have snacks and drinks before we start and, we can work out details later. So here, Tuesday at six, we all read Daring Do and her new adventure. Right?”

“Yes. Don’t be late.”

“Well I gotta get goin’ now, so I’ll see you later.” But before he flew out his Egghead Senses went off.

“Wait! Why the sudden interest in a book club? Normally we go to Canterlot for the midnight release. Are we still on for that?” She sounded eager, she introduced him to midnight book releases and he showed her the joys of waiting for a new movie at midnight.

“Well, yeah. Canterlot book store at midnight, but I’m kinda doing a favor for Butterscotch and I thought a group reading would work.”

What are you planning Blitz? And don’t lie to me.” As she closed the distance between them his breathing picked up it’s pace.

“Well, you see…” Damn, how could such one little dorky filly like her be so intimidating? “I already told Scotch about this-“

“Before you even asked me if you could use the library,” Twilight interrupted.

“Yes, hehe. I told him that Cheerilee would be here-“

“Did you invite her before asking me?”

“Not yet-“

“How do you know she’ll be here?”

“Because she likes Daring Do and would enjoy some company with the new book.” Lying was easy if you were protecting some-one; the truth will set you free but gossiping about this is just wrong. “And yes Twilight, this IS just a way to get him to talk to her. I’ll nudge him to do what he already wants, I’m not forcing this onto anypony. Stop looking at me like that!”

Twilight’s face was suspicious before but now she looked downright accusatory. Her head tilted to the side and daggers looking like purple eyes.

“Look! It’s for Butterscotch, okay! And you said it was a good idea. So…we good?” He might tell Scoots the bravest thing he ever had to do was overcome his pride on so many occasions, but standing still with Twilight Sparkle nearly snorting at him was far more frightening.

She lifted a hoof to tap his chest. “This better work. You got your heart in the right place but…You shouldn’t be manipulating ponies like this. And I won’t be a middle stallion next time. Got it?” She walked away leaving her question unanswered. He took to the sky and darted out the window to start his day of busting clouds. He could talk to Cheerilee during lunch break.

** ** **

Conveniently he could schedule his break around the schools recess, which he did now and then to pull off a trick or two and wow the children. But today he was Cupid, and he had a target to line up for his archer.
Taking the front entrance to avoid attention from the kids, he knocked and gently opened the door to see Cheerilee grading papers and humming a Happy Working Song. “S’cuse me, Cheers?”

“Rainbow Blitz, hello.” She looked up with a small smile on her face. “I want you to know that I spoke to Scootaloo and she took it well. I think she knew most of it but I’m still glad.”

“That’s great. I stopped by ‘cause I wanted to invite you to a Daring Do reading club Tuesday night at the library. How’s that sound to ya?”

She was not expecting that; her eyes lit up. “A reading club? At the library? That sounds fun and you can count me in. Is Scoots invited too or is it just for adults?”

“Bring Squirt along.”

“What’s the new book going to be about?”

“Did you read the first chapter in the last three books? This one is gonna be huge! I heard rumors they hire a mercenary team to watch them on a dig and things go haywire!” Blitz was clearly excited for Daring Do’s newest adventure and stalked every magazine interview she did to find nuggets of story.

“I know of the mercs, but why? She’s always kept herself safe. Maybe she has a grad student following her everywhere?”

“Pfft. Any grad student of hers can take care of themselves. That’s what Oakl-“

“Hi Rainbow Blitz!” a squeaky filly’s voice cut him off. (i’m getting interrupted a lot today) Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were standing by the side entrance door eager to talk to him.

“Hey girls.”

“Hi RB. What’cha doin’?” Applebloom’s drawl always made her pleasant to listen to.

“Inviting Cheerilee to read the new Daring Do book with me. And Scoots is coming to. I doubt you girls want to join us?”

“Daring Do’s cool, but I said I would read her with my parents, and I don’t wanna jump ahead.”

“That’s fine. I gotta get goin’.” He turned to Cheerilee and said “It’s at six and is gonna run for two or three hours so…”

“We’ll show up early. Tell Twilight we’re RSVPing. And thank you Blitz!” He turned around and took off out of the school.

** ** **

“Man! Why did I have to be in the can while Rainbow blitz was here? Why didn’t you come get me?” Scootaloo looked to the ground out of frustration.

“We barely spoke to him as it was.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“An’ ‘sides, he wasn’t too polite, lying like he was.”

“’Lying?’” Applebloom’s friends asked in unison.

“Girls, Ah’m an Apple. Ah know a lie when Ah see one. An’ he wasn’t tellin’ us sumtin. But what could it be?”

“Welll,” Sweetie Belle reasoned, “he was talking to a mare alone. And he did invite her somewhere to do something...”

“Sweetie Belle, what could Rainbow Blitz see in Cheerilee to make him woo her?”

“Uh, ‘woo’? Don’t you mean ‘wow’?”

“It means ‘date’.” Unicorn and earth pony snapped.

“Oh. Well what he see in Cheerilee? I mean she’s not as nice as we thought she was.” They saw her leaning against the door frame as she often does before calling them back to class.

“Just ‘cause she makes ya eat ya alfalfa.”

“And look at her; she smiling like Rarity does when Applejack comes over.”

Applebloom nudged her knowingly. “An’ if things work out, Rainbow Blitz could be somethin’ like a daddy…”

Scootaloo huffed at the idea. “We’ll see.” The bell rang calling the back to class.