• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 2,374 Views, 78 Comments

Becoming Daring Do - ThunderChaserCreate

When Rainbow Dash gets roped into an impersonation gig involving Daring Do, things manage to get out of hoof rather quickly.

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A... Date?

"I don't really know. He just said it... you know, in passing. I don't think he meant anything super serious by it, he just... you know, he wanted to see me again," I explained.

"Hmmm..." Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof thoughtfully, "And how did he act toward you?"

"I don't know... he was really shy at first, but then he saw my Daring Do books and--"

"Oh, so it's a common interest thing?" Twilight assumed.

"Y-yeah, I guess. Twi, it'd help if you didn't make a huge deal. I just wanted to know what to expect," I kicked a hoof awkwardly, trying to make myself comfortable in the small chair.

"Okay... well, I think he probably just wants to talk to you more. If he acted so shy at first, and now he wants to see you again, it's probably because he feels comfortable around you. That's a good thing, and it may lead to bigger things in the future, but a shy guy like him probably won't spring a relationship on you during your second get-together."

I sighed, "Oh, good. Thanks, Twi."

"Sure. I don't know why you came to me, though," Twilight shrugged, heading into another room.

"Wait, what?" I nearly fell out of the chair trying to get up, following the unicorn into the next room, "You mean you haven't had a... you know, relationship before?"

"No," you said scoffing a bit, "Why, did you think I did?"

"I don't know. It's just... isn't Canterlot supposed to be really romantic and stuff? I just thought romance was a forgone conclusion."

Twilight gave me a look, "Seriously? You do know why Celestia sent me here, right?"

"N-not really..."

"Because I was anti-social. Because she was worried about me, and she wanted me to make friends. Romantic attraction is a step ahead of best friends, at least in my book."


"I mean, I was with him a total of less than ten minutes. I kinda doubt he'd try to form a relationship in that time."

"Well," Rarity, was measuring a length of ribbon, trying to complete a large order of dresses in a less-than-ample amount of time, "You never can tell. I mean, you've followed the Wonderbolts since you were, what, pre-natal?"

I rolled my eyes at this remark.

"And he really had no idea. It may be that he was shy because he has a crush."

"You think so?" I asked, maybe a little too excitedly. Rarity looked at me with a devilish little matchmaker smirk, and I settled back into the couch, "I mean-- oh. Okay."

"Oh, Rainbow, you can be happy!" Rarity put down her work and ran to me, "This is your first love. Enjoy it!"

"Rare, I never said that I was in love with him," I grumbled, folding my hooves grumpily.

"I know, tough girl. But I'm pretty sure there's something going on between you two," she winked, heading back to her work.

Well, she had me there.


"So.. like, should I get him a gift? I don't know, what if he shows up with flowers or something?" I stared at the ceiling, and couldn't help but feel like I was in a psychiatrist's office.

"Oh, Rainbow," Fluttershy gave me a gentle pat on the head, "If he wants to see you, just being there will be enough."

"Are you sure?" I pried.

"Oh, yes. My little animal friends are always just happy to see me," Fluttershy nodded, content with her advice.

"Your animals? Flutts, you do know that I'm talking about a colt, right?"

"Well, we're all animals, Rainbow. He should be happy just to have you there with him."

"But-- he's--" I growled."

Fluttershy cringed at the aggressive sound, "U-um, Rainbow? P-please don't do that."


I paced angrily in my room. None of my friends had been much help, except for a single phrase from Applejack: 'Just be yourself. That's what he likes about you, anyway.'

But what did that really mean? Should I just act exactly as I do in front of everypony, or would that be awkward? Wouldn't that, like, depress him or something? Wouldn't he think that I didn't have feelings for him if I treat him like a brother?

I threw myself onto my bed, disgusted with my ridiculous ignorance. I was Rainbow Dash, the Rainbow Dash. I'd broken records, done impossible things, saved Equestria for buck's sake! Why couldn't I handle a stupid date with a stupid stallion?

I stared at the ceiling, watching the clouds that made it up swirl in a slow spiral. My gaze drifted after one full revolution, and it eventually rested on the clock.

The clock, which read eight thirteen.

"Oh, buck!" I tried to get out of bed, but my hooves got tangled in the covers and I fell to the floor with a thud. I took another step, rolling head over hooves to the door, leaving the blanket somewhere behind me. I hopped out the door, letting myself fall toward the ground, only opening my wings when I had picked up sufficient speed.

I rocketed toward the Mezza, which was an open area near the center of the Forum. It'd be easy to find him there, hopefully. Things could get pretty crowded near the heart of Cloudsdale.

I started to drop lower in the sky, floating down near the rainbow lake at the center of the Mezza. From there, I finally spotted the blue stallion, who was seated under the shade of a cumulus tree, tapping his hoof impatiently. I landed near him, coming into contact with the hard-packed cloud faster than I had expected. It sent a tiny jolt through my body, and I wobbled a bit as I tried to say hello.

"Hey, Soarin!" I yelled quickly, trying to get the words out before I could stutter or mess up.

He turned to me, "Oh, hey! What's up?" he yelled, though it was barely audible above the sound of the crowd.

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"LET'S GO SOMEPLACE QUIETER!" he shrieked back, and took off. I followed on unsure wings, as he lighted not very far away in the shade of a small promontory.

"That's better," he murmured, getting into a comfortable position on the ground, "So, what's up?"

"N-nothing," I muttered, my cheeks growing hot already.

"Are you okay?" He asked, trying to get a glimpse of my face.

"Mm-hm. So-- what do you want to talk about?" I prompted.

"I don't know. Just... let the conversation flow," he sighed contentedly, relaxing a bit more.

I was silent. I didn't really have anything to talk about. I'd spent the whole day preparing for this date, and I didn't want to look like a complete dork by talking about that.

"So, where did you say you got your books?" Soarin asked, after what felt like an eternity of silence.

"The library. My friend lives in the library, she just moved here," I explained.

"Oh, cool. Where'd she move from?"

"Uh... Canterlot. She was Princess Celestia's personal protégé for a while..."

"Impressive. What's her name?"

"Twilight. T-twilight Sparkle,"I stuttered a bit, very embarrassed by my untrustworthy tongue.

Soarin did a double take, "You know, if you'd just said 'I'm friends with Equestria's newest princess,' it may have been easier to take."

I chuckled, and it came out sounding so forced I wanted to just shove it back in my mouth.

Soarin looked over at me, "Are you sure you're alright? You're acting... different than you were last night."

"I-I'm fine, really," I told him quickly, stuttering again.

"Seriously, what's bugging you?" he seemed genuinely concerned.

"Well... it's just, I've been freaking out all day, and I'm having trouble relaxing." Good. That was technically the truth.

"About what?" Soarin asked.

There it was. The nail in the coffin. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

I took a deep breath, "Is this a... date?"

Soarin looked kind of... baffled, "I don't know. Do you want it to be?"

"I don't know."

Cue chirping crickets.

I coughed.

Soarin cleared his throat.

"Kinda," I whispered.


I nodded slightly. It was answered with a peck on the cheek.

"You're a cool mare, Rainbow."

I smiled, leaning against him. I could hear his heartbeat, and my head came up and down with his steady breathing. He stuck his snout into my forelock, each exhale warming a small part of my head.

And we sat like that, just smiling and enjoying each other's company, watching as the crowds thinned and the world became quiet. Our only thoughts were about each other, and Daring Do probably came in there somewhere.

When the Mezza had emptied completely, Soarin's snout shifted, moving higher on my head, and brushing against my ear. I moved it instinctively, flattening it against my head along with the other. There was a gentle pressure on the edge as Soarin's teeth clamped around the stiff cartilage, and I perked up a bit. My spine stiffened as he continued to nibble, eventually losing the teeth and just giving me gentle kisses on my temple.

I sighed, snuggling closer into the strong stallion, nuzzling his side. His lips moved down my jawline, resting on my cheek for a minute or two. I knew where this was going. My heart fluttered, as I felt the excitement and joy of such a thing.

My first kiss.

Such a simple thing, a thing that ponies had been doing for centuries, and yet it sent shocks of joy through you like nothing else could.

Soarin nuzzled against my snout, willing me to come out of my hiding in his fur. I moved away, looking into his eyes just before he closed them. His lips brushed mine, and I opened my mouth, welcoming his love. He locked his lips in mine, and I leaned into him. He leaned back slowly, laying down but keeping his head up. We stayed like that for a few minutes, before I finally pulled away, gasping for air.

"Next time, you'll have to visit my house. Okay?"

I nodded, falling back into his warm embrace, our love lit only by the stars on this beautiful moonless night.