• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 3,641 Views, 25 Comments

The Dimensional Wolf - Lupus

When a dimension hopping shape shifter is brought into Equestria against his will, he must learn to live among its inhabitants without corrupting them or their world.

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"You can talk?" Twilight asked.

"Apparently so," the wolf answered.

Rainbow Dash flew up to the wolf's face, "Why didn't you say anything before then, huh?"

If the wolf was bothered by Rainbow's invasion of its personal space it didn't show it, "I was unaware that I could until recently."

Applejack stepped forward with a skeptical look on her face, "Beg your pardon, but how can ya not know if'n ya can talk?"

"Normally when I'm a wolf I am unable to talk," it-he if his voice and Fluttershy's testament were anything to go by-took in their confused faces and continued, "I am a shape shifter. I do not look like this all the time."

Rarity took a step back, "Shape shifter? Like a changeling?"

Twilight's hairs rose in memory of her brother's wedding and the tragedies that followed. If this creature was related to them in some way, it could spell trouble.

She was interrupted from her thoughts when the wolf closed his eyes and began reciting as if form a book, "Changeling, a type of fairy that replaces newborn children with their own," the wolf opened his eyes and shook his head, "No, I am nothing like a changeling."

To say that Twilight was confused would be an understatement. Looking around she could see the same confusion on each of her friend's faces, "Um...what?"

"You accused me of being a changeling. I am not a fairy, nor was I a replacement for a newborn child. Thusly I am not a changeling."

That didn't help with her confusion, and she began to feel the onset of a headache. Twilight rubbed her temples, "Okay, let's start over," Twilight then gave a brief summary of what she knew about the changelings, how their queen had replaced her old foalsitter, what her plans were for her brother, and the damage they caused in Canterlot. Her friends chipped in with how they all fell for the deception and how Twilight was the only one to notice something was wrong, and how in the end the real bride and groom managed to drive the changelings out. The wolf listened attentively, only moving to lie down so the ponies weren't straining to look up at him to which Twilight was silently grateful.

When they finished the story the wolf said, "Interesting. An entire race who derive sustenance from something as abstract as emotion, only to be vanquished by the very thing they fed upon. But I digress, no I am nothing like one of your changelings. For one, my shape shifting is limited, and for another were it not I would have used it to pick a much less conspicuous form."

Twilight let out a breath that she was unaware that she held, "That's good," she chuckled weakly. I don't know what I would've done if I'd summoned some kind of super changeling.

The others nodded in agreement before Rarity spoke up, "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but what, or rather who exactly are you?"

Twilight's ears perked up, "Oh that's right, we haven't even introduced ourselves!" she cleared her throat and gestured to herself, "My name's..."

"Twilight Sparkle," the wolf interrupted. He then turned to each of them in turn, "Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. I have met each of you already in one fashion or another and picked up your names around this town," his gaze fell on Rarity, "save for you." "Oh, well my name is Rarity," she said then she flipped her mane, "Fashion designer, couturier, and owner of Ponyville's best..."

"And only," Rainbow Dash interjected.

"...boutique! A pleasure to make your acquaintance," Rarity finished, ignoring Rainbow. "Now, if I may ask, what shall we call you?"

Pinkie bounced in place, Oh I know! Wolfie!"

Twilight rolled her eyes while Rainbow and Applejack gave Pinkie an incredulous look. Fluttershy giggled softly behind a hoof, but the wolf just shook his head, "No."



"Big Puppy?"





"I do not have a name," the traveler interrupted the pink mare before she could brand him with an even more ridiculous name.

Fluttershy gasped, "Why not? Everypony deserves to have a name. It's one of the ways that makes everypony special."

Twilight looked inquisitively at the wolf, "Is it because your species doesn't identify themselves with names? Maybe you can tell one another just by your scents, or some other way we ponies don't even know about?"

"A plausible theory, but incorrect when applied to me," the traveler said, noticing a certain gleam in the unicorn's eye, "I do not have a name simply because, prior to my arrival, I had no need of one. When I enter a world normally, I am given a name to better interact with the local populace. Assuming of course that there is sapient life," Though that doesn't always help, he added to himself.

Twilight raised a brow, "This world?"

"It's complicated, but for now I believe that I shall choose a name for myself."

"I think you should call yourself Wolfie!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

"Um, actually I think you look more like a Fluffy," Fluttershy suggested.

Before he could get caught up in the whirlwind of unfitting names, the traveler tuned the ponies out. The name given to him upon entering a world was usually suited for that world. He looked at each pony. They were currently laughing at something Rainbow Dash had said, she was looking quite pleased with herself, and were turned away slightly. It was then that he noticed something with all of them.

Fluttershy had a mark of three butterflies, and was just as timid as one. Rainbow Dash's mark of a cloud shooting a rainbow lightning bolt fit with her claim of being the "fastest flier." Even though the statement itself remained to be seen, the traveler had noticed her speed and the rainbow trail she left behind. Applejack's was self explanatory, and while Pinkie Pie's mark didn't match her name, her coat and mane sure did. Assuming diamonds were not a common gem in this world, Rarity's mark of three diamonds would fit, but even if not, her demeanor and accent seemed out of place in this small town from his observations. Finally Twilight Sparkle's name fit her mark as well, if only the last half of it.

Their name's all fit with who they were in one way or another. The traveler looked at his paw and decided that his name should also fit within this theme. Without being able to shift out of this form, a name fit for a wolf would be his theme. A list quickly formed in his head.

There was Lobo, a wolf who continuously outwitted early human settlers. Amorok could work due to his large size and being without a pack. Fenrisulfr, the son of the god of evil, fit with the traveler's size. He even entertained the thought of adopting the name of the Big Bad Wolf. Each of these wolves were malicious in their own way, and the traveler feared that taking one of their names could lead him down a dark path. Names had power after all, so he discarded that list.

Now that it was all laid out, the traveler had to admit that there weren't many wolves known for their benevolence. The one that rose in his mind was the human wolf goddess Lupa, but...

The traveler looked away from the ponies and followed this train of thought. He had once met Lupa when he visited a version of Earth where she existed, and he remembered her telling him the story of how she helped raise a pair of twin human boys who grew up to found one of Earth's greatest empires.

Remus and Romulus.

Yes, one of their names would do, but which one? If the traveler had a coin, this would be a simple matter, but unfortunately he had no such luck. He mused a bit on which name to take before the favored words of a previous personality came to his mind, "When in doubt, Fuse!" That wasn't one of his most intelligent personalities, but in this case the traveler took his words to heart.

"I have decided," he said at last. The ponies seemed startled at first, but quickly composed themselves and gave him their full attention.

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Is it...?"

"No," ignoring Pinkie's pout he continued, "Call me, Remulus."

Silence fell in the library. The ponies seemed to be digesting or looked a bit puzzled at his choice of name, but Pinkie just asked, "Can we call you Remmy?"

The newly dubbed Remulus stared into the hyperactive mare's sparkling (literally) hopeful blue eyes. His ears splayed back and he sighed, "If you like."

Twilight gave him a smile, "Well then, it's nice to meet you, Remulus."

He nodded, "And you as well."

Author's Note:

And here's chapter three, in much less than two years I might add. Aren't you proud of me? I know it's a lot shorter than the last chapter, but I had planned on it being longer. Thing is this just seemed like the perfect stopping point. Already quite a ways into it, so expect it before the end of the year. Cross your fingers that I live up to that. I know I am

Questions and comments will always be welcome here. Except for yours, Jeff!