• Published 10th Jul 2013
  • 23,194 Views, 341 Comments

Princess Twilight Sparkle's 500th Birthday - Autumnschild

Today is Princess Twilight Sparkle’s 500th birthday! And her most faithful student, an earth pony with a familiar name, can’t wait to celebrate!

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Chapter 1


Princess Twilight Sparkle woke with a start, slamming her horn into the solid gold headboard of her royal bed, punching a perfectly spiraled hole through it and into the wall beyond.

“Holy freaking horseapples!” she bellowed in agony as a pain unlike any she’d ever felt before surged from tip to tail. Seconds passed like hours in the haze that followed.

Pawing at the headboard, she came to the miserable realization that she was stuck. This discovery, coupled with her throbbing horn, brought two distinct thoughts to mind. The first was that she now knew why Cadence had no headboard for the heart-shaped bed in the middle of her royal bed chamber. The second was that if she died with her horn stuck like this, she’d never hear the end of it.

Still not entirely conscious, she flapped her wings in a pitiable attempt to fly away from pain. So when she did manage to pull free of the headboard, she inadvertently flung herself beyond the foot of the bed and onto the floor with a resounding thud. Prone and on the ground in a painful heap of limbs, wings, fabric, and feathers, she thanked her starry flank that she was alone.

Being an immortal Princess definitely had its perks, but it made one wary of being the subject of gossip. She’d still hear the occasional rumor about her supposed scandalous sock collection, even though it wasn’t remotely true. Twilight remembered that particular tall tale being attributed to Luna long, long ago.

She frowned to herself and remembered something Cadence once told her. Sticks and stones won’t break your bones, but words can hurt forever. Why, if anypony saw her now sprawled out the floor, she’d probably die of embarassme—

“Oh my goodness,” squeaked a terrified voice, “I’m so so so sorry, Princess, are you okay?!”

Her Eternal Royal Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle, Goddess of Magic, Secretary General of the Senate, and the Once-And-Future Librarian of the Golden Oak’s Library in Ponyville, heaved a sigh. Of course she wasn’t alone. Thinking back on it, she wouldn’t scream ‘happy birthday’ at herself in the middle of the night, now would she?

No, probably not.

As the ringing in her horn subsided, the world around her came into focus. She looked up at her would-be assassin, a familiar light-brown filly, fidgeting nearby. The earth pony’s golden eyes brimmed with tears and burrowed into her own, begging for forgiveness and adoration in equal measure.

Forgotten on the floor to the right of the small filly, there was a crumpled cake with purple icing. In big red letters, it read:

Happy 500th Birthday
Princess Twilight Spa

Fighting off another sigh and blinking away the last of the stars from her eyes, she put on one of her many practiced smiles. A smile that said I am calm, alert, and not-at-all angry was a good one to start with. With a poof and a flash Twilight was no longer a smarting pile of purple horse, but a majestic princess, resting on a large pillow in her bed chamber. Indeed, if it weren’t for her sun-and-moon print pajamas, she’d be the very definition of royalty.

A brush, bound in magic, combed through her shimmering mane while other objects in the room around them began to glow and spontaneously organize. Her fireplace roared to life and the pre-dawn chill trickled out of the room. Still smiling, she turned her attention back to her prized pupil.

“Good morning, Smarty Pants. I’m fine, thank you for asking.” Feigning ignorance, she continued, “What brings my most faithful student into my royal bed chamber so early this morning?”

Hearing her voice, the earthpony grinned fiercely and stood a bit straighter. Her wavy red hair bobbed in place as she took a deep breath. If there was any fear in Smarty Pants, it melted away as soon as Twilight had spoken to her. It was a charming change of pace, really, when contrasted with the way other ponies tend to cower when addressed by royalty.

“Oh, right! Well, I couldn’t sleep. So I broke into the Royal Library. Again.”

Twilight noticed that her student had the good graces to appear regretful at the admission. But the sly smile on the Princess’ face told Smarty Pants that she was no stranger to the game, herself. Smarty Pants cleared her throat before continuing.

“I found a book titled Antediluvian National Holidays and You, Volume 2 by a pony named Word Count.“

With a flicker of recognition, Twilight remembered Word Count. He had lived some three hundred and fifty years ago. Wordie was a good research assistant, but his writing was loquacious to a fault. Snapping out of her brief tangent, she pressed further. “And my birthdate was in the book?”

“Oh no, Princess. I fell asleep half way through reading it!” She grinned matter-of-factly.

“I see. Well then, how did you learn it was my birthday?”

“Princess Cadence told me!”

“Oh she did, did she?” Et tu, Heartbutt?

“Yes! She found me sleeping in the library and brought me a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket! She’s super nice. We started talking about holidays and she told me that it was just a few hours until your 500th birthday, and that it would be absolutely lovely if I was the first pony to wish you a happy birthday tomorrow! Er… I guess today now. She told me last night that it was tomorrow and that means it’s today and—”

Smarty Pants chugged along on her train of thought, and Twilight craned her head to look out her balcony at the Sun Tower across the courtyard below. When her eyes found the lit balcony at the top, its lights winked out.

“—cided that I just had to get you a present, but I’m broke so I told Princess Cadence ‘Princess Cadence, I’m broke!’ and she said I could make you something and that she would help me and that you love cake! She even said that half of you was made out of cake, but I think that’s silly. Don’t you think that’s silly? How would that even work?”

Oh, Cadence. You do realize this means war, don't you? thought the purple Princess.

Twilight looked back to Smarty Pants and watched as she rambled on. She noticed how the little filly’s tail would swish left or right with each inflection. With a smile, Twilight wondered if she was like this when she was her age.

“We burned the first cake and the second one came to life! Princess Cadence had to banish it to the walk-in freezer. But we finished one just after midnight! I did the lettering myself but I ran out of space. Princess Cadence said it was ok.”

Smarty Pants took a deep breath and looked at her mentor with a hopeful smile and the Princess gave her silent appraisal with a nod.

“I wanted to give it to you right away and Princess Cadence said she’d teleport me to your room. It was so exciting because I haven’t teleported with a cake into a royal bedroom before, and when I saw you, I was even more excited! I-I’m very sorry that I woke you up, Princess. But look! We have cake now, we—”

The sudden vacuum of silence that followed when Smarty Pants discovered the sorry state of her cake was heart breaking. Her student's eyes began to shimmer, as tears threatened once again. With a tiny thump, her rump fell to the floor. Smarty Pants whimpered.

Twilight giggled briefly as she scooped Smarty Pants into an embrace with her left wing, and softly nickered. “There, there, My Little Pony. I am very grateful for the cake, and it’s not ruined. See? Good as new.”

As she spoke, a magical aura wrapped itself around the cake, levitating it off the ground. Twilight willed it towards her ancient writing desk by the balcony. And as it floated across the room, it carefully knit itself back together.

Smarty Pants sniffled gratefully and dried her tears on her mentor’s soft coat. “Thanks. I-I guess I dropped it when you… Fell out of bed.”

Momentarily flustered by the comment, Twilight cleared her throat. “Yes! Well, enough about that. Let’s have some cake, hmm? I don’t usually have cake for breakfast and I don’t usually have breakfast at two in the morning but let’s make this a one-time exception, okay?”

Smarty Pants nodded happily and let out a big yawn as she walked with her teacher to the writing desk. Two place settings, a glass of warm milk, a cup of hot tea, and a pair of comfortable pillows appeared at the desk with a quiet pop. They made themselves comfortable and fell into a pleasant conversation, chatting about this, that, and the other thing as they enjoyed their meal around the timeworn desk.

Taking a sip of tea, Twilight sighed contently to herself. It was two in the morning, the Princess and her pupil were eating cake, and the world outside was silent and still. It felt wonderful. It felt like home.