• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.


Apple Bloom is sick and tired of having to do everything Applejack tells her just because she's the younger of the two. So when a certain embodiment of chaos offers to fulfill her desire to be the older sister, how could she say no? After all, she's always wanted to be older. This, however, wasn't exactly how she envisioned it.

Written for the Transformations group's prompt contest!

Thanks to Bitz for the cover art!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 114 )

Well Apple Bloom you got your wish. :trollestia:

Now you're going to get to see what being a big sister is all about. :rainbowlaugh:

And remember you can't tell anyone. :eeyup:

THAT will be good^^

If Discord shows up in Season 4, this is the kind of thing I'd expect him to do. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that this actually feels very much like a canon episode. It's kinda a throwback to Bridle Gossip, where Apple Bloom has a leg up on her sister. This time, however, I don't think she wants it. Or if she does, she's not going to when all this is over.

The formatting could use a bit of polish, but that's my only real contention (that and I'm not sure why Discord isn't listed as a key player in all this :applejackunsure: ). Otherwise, very nicely done. Best of luck, Apple Bloom. I think you're gonna need it. :ajsmug:

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it :rainbowlaugh: That's why whenever anyone asks me what I'd wish for under any set of circumstances, it takes me a week to give them an answer. No loophole's in this guys wishes :rainbowwild: I can't wait to see more :twilightsmile:
(Just thought of this) Wait... If Applebloom can't tell anypony about what happened, and she tells somepony, wouldn't Discord undo the wish as punishment? Oh, who am I kidding, this is Discord we're talking about, he'd probably make the situation worse :facehoof:


Good point, I'll add him to the main characters now!

Yay for stories centered around best pony and best Crusader! :ajsmug::yay: The only problem is that I think Applebloom is a bit out of character, I couldn't imagine her having that kind of fight with AJ.
Nonetheless, I am LOVING this story so far! You have caught my attention. :rainbowwild:

Oh this story is brilliant! This seems EXACTLY like the kind of thing that would happen between these two. Apple Bloom is written spot on and I love the way you write her and the other crusaders. The scene at the beginning was genius! Don't keep us waiting too long for the rest of this!

This is awesome as long as there is more focus on the relationship and activities rather than baby care stuff. Diaper changes are not interesting reading.

Amazing start to the story! Keep it up. Also, the part at the beginning was genious! :raritystarry:

This is very interesting. I can't wait to read the next chapter.

I'm with Metool Bard: this feels a lot like a canon episode from the show. It also helps that the characters sound like they would if they were to encounter such a situation. Anyone who can write Discord's dialogue well gets bonus points in my book.

Chaos, ahoy!

:rainbowkiss: omigosh I love this :raritywink: discord was drawn out perfectly :twilightsmile:


There has to be at least one instance of a diaper change or bottle feeding, if only because it'd be hilarious. It could even tie into the relationship between the two, or be brought up later as something to embarass AJ with.


It is possible to relate those events in an amusing way and have them affect the characters without taking the page space to narrate them as they happen. Baby changing mishaps are cliche and without mishaps they are boring.
And considering AJ's canonical subsistence on fritters I am not sure a bottle is necessary. It's hilarious that the most normal adult is the oddest kid...

Oh, Apple Bloom. What have you done?:rainbowlaugh::pinkiegasp::applejackconfused::facehoof::twilightoops:
Please write Moarz.


Pure genious:raritystarry:

Amazing story.
And applebloom loopholes are ur friends

I say there has to be one instance of this purely for comedy's sake. If there is an instance of diaper changing then it will inevitably be filled with mishaps (if only because one of the CMC is handling it). It must!

But if you don't wanna put one in that's fine too. :fluttershyouch:

2934435 Your profile picture scares me :twilightoops:

I'm so hooked on this it's not even funny! I didn't even know I needed this fanfic in my life until now, and it's PERFECT! :D

Moar please! I love this beyond comprehension! <3

The Dawwwwwwwness level ITS OVER 900000000!!!!:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2::flutterrage::rainbowkiss::twilightsmile::yay::trollestia::moustache::eeyup:

Saved by the Pinkie Sense. For the moment, at least. :trixieshiftright:

Having AJ keep her maturity in her infantile state is, well, how do I put this? So far, there's not a whole lot differentiating Baby Applejack from Appletini. Sure, she's a foal and not just tiny, meaning she has different needs. However, there isn't any real difference in the way Apple Bloom treats her from when she was shrunken by the poison joke in Bridle Gossip. :unsuresweetie:

I get the feeling that this is just Phase One of Discord's scheme. Things might be going in Apple Bloom's favor now (especially with Pinkie to help her out), but knowing Discord, he'll find a way to make this explode in Apple Bloom's face while simultaneously biting her in the flank. :ajsmug:

On a final note, I was always under the impression that Applejack was exposed to solid foods at a very young age. The adorable scene in Apple Family Reunion involving some missing apple fwitters comes to mind. :duck:

HNNNNNNGGGGG The cuteness! *Dies*

Oh my god, that was so cute. :rainbowkiss:

On another note, ApplePie/PinkieJack just got that much weirder.

Can't help but feel like you got the story name from my story's chapter title ;P

>Little Sister, Big Problem
>Big Brother, Little Problem

This story and this chapter are AMAZING! Wittle baby AJ! /)>3<(\ so freaking cute!!!! Can't wait for more!

You killed me with cuteness. This is my ghost typing.

when comes next chapter

Typical Pinkie Pie. I saw that coming. lol.:pinkiehappy:

Oh wow! The bottle thing:rainbowlaugh: that was awesome:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
I just can't wait to see (read) Rainbows face when she discovers AJ is a baby foul!!!:rainbowderp:
Keep it up this is so awesome and hilarious:pinkiehappy:


Can't help feel like you're just trying to plug. The chapter title is not unique, you certainly weren't the first by a long shot to come up with that particular naming schema in relation to this sort of story.

3064171 Oh really? Anything else that's similar about these two or do they just share a title? :trixieshiftright:

Well, they both have ponies.

>Can't help feel like you're just trying to plug
Son, you don't even know the half of it.


Haha, I promise it wasn't :P

That was a cute story though!

Heh, thanks ^_^

Also, while I won't go so far as to extoll how magnificent yours is, I must admit it's a pretty solid piece of work (which, coming from me, means more than you might expect). You might want to do a second pass of editing or find an extra pair of eyes to help with the small mistakes scattered in it, though.

Discord didn't close the window?!? How rude!

I was kinda expecting Applejack to have the mindset of a foal. But this'll make everything that happens to her even more awkward


More chapters please? :-)

"Hmm..." Pinkie responded. "Well I mean there's another way foals get milk, but I don't think any of the girls would..." FUNNIEST THING I'VE READ!!!!! XDXDXDXD

Excellent story, I'm loving it! Also a great Apple Bloom story as well. :)

Oh ho ho~. This is gonna be good. I knew Discord had some sort of trick up his sleeve, and this one is particularly diabolical. Then again, I'd expect nothing less from the Master of Chaos. :rainbowdetermined2:

On another note, it's not often that you see soliloquies in a story like this, let alone one as well-executed as Discord's little Exposition Corner here. Maybe it's because it was Discord, but I didn't find it jarring in the slightest. It takes real skill to pull something like that off. Major kudos. :moustache:

Nice work, Discord. Nice work.

Oh... and... you too, Twinkletail. Nice new Chapter.

You know what'd be funny? If Twilight did try to reverse this, but the spell ends up backlashing and turning her into a baby as well. Then Spike has to go through the same lesson as Applebloom.

Should've known Discord would throw a spanner in the works. But of course if he doesn't want to be turned back to stone he'll probably lift the spell eventually. :twilightoops:


Turn him back into stone HOW? Applejack, the Element of Honesty, is a baby. They can't use the Elements of Harmony against him anymore.

3218815 Princess Celestia could do it if she were forced to. And baby or not Applejack could power her element. Besides Flutershy would never approve of Discord making the spell permanent and what Fluttershy says goes.


No, there is no "could", you're saying these things are possible by fact when there's absolutely zero evidence or indication it's the truth. Try to refrain from saying unsubstantiated thoughts are reality, that'll make you much more agreeable as a person.

From all known factors, Celestia and Luna can't use the Elements anymore - and are actually not as powerful as Discord, as it took both of them PLUS the Elements to seal him the first time.

Also, Applejack is under the effect of Discord's mental-altering magic, the last time this happened she turned into Liarjack - all signs currently point to Discord's meddling interfering with the process, not to mention she can't really wear the Element at this point.

Also, the entire point of reforming him was for Fluttershy to become his friend - not his slavemistress/owner. While she should be able to curtail the worst of what he does for fear of upsetting his friend, he doesn't have to listen to her. Last I checked, he destroyed Twilight's copy of the compulsion spell. By eating it.

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