• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 848 Views, 9 Comments

Wake-up Buddy - Grape-drink

Celestia wakes up Twilight with style

  • ...

Rise and Shine

The Sun did what it always did, lazily hang about the sky. It's rays penetrated through glass lighting up interiors signalling the start of a new day, but that was several hours ago. It was 10 o'clock in the morning and Celestia sat upon her throne with an impatient and disappointed scowl on her face. The usually calm and collected princess sat in silence for a few more seconds before breaking the silence with a loud groan of anger.

"Where is she? Twilight was supposed to be here ready for her departure to the Crystal Kingdom hours ago!" Celestia huffed as her personal guards stiffened ever so slightly. Celestia sat up from her throne and descended the steps down to the marble floor and began to make a bee-line for the castle library. She came to halt when she heard something weakly croak behind her.

"Princess, I-I think Twil-light is in her room s-sleeping." A guard squeaked. Celestia slowly turned her head to the guard with firey venom in her eyes. If looks could kill, the only thing left of the guard that spoke up would be his shadow across the throne. The guard could not keep his composure any longer and broke, he grovelled onto the floor shaking in his armour. The other guard did his best not the let his gaze stray, lest he be punished with his comrade. Celestia slowly approached the guard with a menacing stride with her raging complexion still glaring death at the cowering weasel of a guard before her.

"Her...," The guard looked up, surprised from Celestia's sudden change in tone- "ROOM?!" The whole palace rumbled from the shear volume, power and complete ear-rape from her angry, angsty Canterlot Voice CAPS LOCK EDITION. The sounds of a nearby tower collapsing and ponies screaming emanated from beyond the tainted glass, which was now sporting a fancy spider web crack in all portraits. The guard quickly went back to cowering.

Celestia was seething, her everything was twitching with anger and rage. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was slowly turning a violent shade of red. One of the guards claimed he heard a train whistle and steam rocketing out of her ears. Celestia flared her wings open, took flight and crashed through one of the glass windows ironically depicting Twilight's coronation.


"Your coronation, Twilight? This is bad comedy." Rarity said confidently with haute chuckle. Twilight just stood there with a dumb look across her face, which suddenly welled up with anger, but looked a lot more like she had trouble using the bathroom. Twilight then lowered her horn,

"I cast magic missile!" She said flatly. A beam of magic flew from her horn and connected with Rarity, she inflated and then burst open, spraying marshmallow fluff and Twilight's favourite books everywhere. Twilight looked up to observe her epic victory and then looked to where Rarity was once standing. In Rarity's place was a rather hunky stallion, he trotted up to Twilight with a sexy smile across his face.

"Hello..." He said, oh what a dreamboat.

"Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Everything!" She stated matter of factly with a hoof to her chest which now had several ribbons pinned against her dress, one said 'I'm da bess.'

"Then how come you had to cast magic missile?" He asked and everyone in the room roared into laughter. Twilight expression morphed into an annoyed one with an exaggerated frown. She just dim-wittedly stood there amidst everyone howling with laughter. Twilight's jimmies were rustled beyond repair.


Celestia entered Twilight's room, obliterating any and all peaceful tranquility that permeated the dust covered windowsill. She then looked at Twilight, lazily laying down in her bed, snoring loudly. She then looked to Twilight's clock on her night table.

11:45 Am.

Twilight sleeping in, skipping on her duties? I let it slip by so many times, to think she would've learned!

Celestia could not keep her anger cooped up inside her any longer. Her blood boiled at dangerously high temperatures. Her horn lit up and everything around her vicinity suddenly went red. She inhaled and bellowed all her anger all at the sleeping Twilight in the bed. Twilight jerked awake and screamed in fright at the sudden slaughter against her eardrums. Celestia continued to yell at the top of her lungs taking out all her anger and Twilight, who also continued to scream in terror. Celestia pushed out her final shout with everything she had, just forcing herself to yell with her exhausted vocal chords caused her nose to bleed.

Celestia then used her magic on Twilight to haphazardly throw her out of her bed onto the carpeted floor. Twilight landed on a pile of book and was dragged across the floor. Ignoring her guttural cries and please to stop, Celestia stormed out of Twilight's room with Twilight in tow. Twilight continued to thrash, flail and cry out in vain. Celestia did not notice or care when Twilight whacked her head on a wall.

Twilight found herself being thrown into her bathroom's bath tub. Cold water began to spray down on her soaking her pyjamas. She let out confused and saddened moan as her head was forced into the frigid stream of water along with a hoof viciously scrubbing her head. Celestia glared at her protege before her, crying in the cold water. Celestia's head was shaking with anger.

Twilight was then bound to a chair, with a sock tied around her mouth. She watched Celestia rummage through her closet, for whatever reason she wasn't particularly sure, but it couldn't be a good one. Twilight tried to cry out for the guards outside her room. All that came out was a long helpless moan muffled by the sock. Celestia eyed everything in Twilight's closet and admired that everything was organized. It made finding things much easier. Once Celestia found everything she was looking for, she slowly and creepily turned around with the attire Twilight was going to wear. Twilight stopped fidgeting with her bindings and met Celestia's creepy stare with a terrified one of her own. Celestia's raging scowl carved its way upwards into a frightening toothy grin. Twilight's eye widened in fear and began thrashing around in her bindings and continued in vain to call the guards for help.

After the little fiasco with the clothes, Celestia dragged Twilight down to the kitchen and threw her onto the kitchen counter. Twilight was crying and Celestia walked to the fridge nearby. As she was thinking about what to get Twilight for breakfa- I mean lunch.

Something easy and quick.
Lettuce, yeah.
Apples, yes...lol jk.
Bananas, oh baby.
Orange juice, yeah.
Human sperm...why the fuck not?

Celestia carried all the ingredients onto the counter and took the lid off of a blender and stuffed everything is side. The loud whirring of the blender blades howled throughout the kitchen. Twilight turned her attention to Celestia, who was standing at the blender looking at Twilight with a disgusted glare across her face. Twilight looked back with her face contorted in fear. Celestia yelled at Twilight again with the same amount of force used as before and charged towards her, with the blender in a magical grip. Twilight screamed again as Celestia forced her over a sink and then dumped its contents all over Twilight's face. Most of it ended up in her mane and dress.

Twilight was soaking and her mane was sticky from the horrible concoction of a brea- lunch drink that Celestia dumped onto her face. Her schedule and plans were all ruined for today, she had so much to do, but the only thing Twilight was doing was weeping and being heckled by Celestia towards a carriage. 4 Pilots were hitched to the front awaiting take-off, which should've been hours ago.

Celestia continued to recklessly shove Twilight towards the carriage and Twilight continued to mumble, moan and cry about plans she had for today. Celestia could not care less about whatever Twilight was going to do today. When the two reached the carriage, Celestia opened one of the doors which led to a dark violet interior. Twilight finally caught on to what Celestia was trying to do and resisted when Celestia tried to force her into the carriage. Twilight began yelling out and flailing her wings and legs to grab onto something, she managed to grab the back of the carriage and used it as leverage to pry herself out of Celestia's tenacious assault on her body, said assault was safe for work. Twilight's grip was failing as Celestia was forcing her into the carriage by her unused leg and wing. Twilight slipped and that was all that Celestia needed. Once a fair amount of Twilight's wing was inside, Celestia slammed the carriage door shut. The sounds of bone snapping filled the air. Celestia grinned from ear to ear.


Luna had just about finished her paperwork for last night mishaps. A club in the Distillery district was completely wrecked after a DJ decided it was a good idea to play this new type of music called 'dubstep' in a high class society. The snobbish patrons went berserk after the first bass drop and bum-rushed the DJ. Said DJ is still missing and several search teams are scrounging all over Canterlot.

With a final wap of quill against parchment, the paperwork was done, and Luna gave out a long yawn. She rolled up the scroll and tied it with twine, then sent it off to whoever it was for. Luna rose from her cushion and slowly shambled towards her bed. Luna relaxed as her stress has finally won the battle over Luna's ability to stay awake.

Banished for a thousand years, still can't get enough sleep.

Luna's long a much needed nap was roused by a loud yelp, which was then followed by several sobs and sniffles. Luna quickly rushed to her window to see what all the ruckus was. Luna parted her window curtains and shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight, she opened her window and leaned over the windowsill. Luna gasped in shock as a disturbing sight slapped her in the eyes.

Her sister, Celestia, had Twilight pinned against the left side of a carriage, Twilight was whimpering and the pilots stood like statues. Luna quickly retreated back into her room. She locked every door and window and cowered under her blanket.


Twilight's left wing was broken, any chance of flying was completely shot out of the sky. She cradled her broken wing with her fore-legs and whimpered, today was ruined. Twilight was in too much pain to notice Celestia shoving her towards the back of the carriage. After Twilight was able to recollect her thoughts from her broken wing, she looked up to Celestia, whose hoof was pointed to the open trunk of the carriage. Twilight sobbed and shook her head, Celestia retaliated with a death-glare and shoved Twilight into the trunk. Twilight rolled over and continued to moan in pain and cry, not noticing her hind legs were hanging out of the carriage trunk. Celestia grinned from ear to ear again and slammed the trunk shut just as Twilight shouted 'no!' Twilight's eyes welled up with tears as pain radiated from her hind legs. Everything was blurry and everything hurt. Her feelings, her wing and her legs all hurt. How was she supposed to accomplish today's tasks when she could barley walk? She wasn't, shit happens.

Celestia opened the trunk to push Twilight's legs into the trunk along with the rest of her and then closed it again, much more softly this time. Twilight could be heard crying from inside the trunk. Celestia gently nudged the carriage forward and watched it slowly drift towards the end of the take-off ramp. It managed to achieve lift-off before it hit the edge and the pilots flew the carriage north, to the Crystal Empire. Celestia gave off an over-the-top sigh. Her work was done, and she managed to get Twilight out of bed and out on her not so merry way to the Crystal Empire. Twilight was somepony else's problem now. The feeling of stress being relieved was tangible in the air. Celestia flared her wings open and her horn began to work, with her much needed bed in mind, Celestia vanished in a pop of yellow light.

The palace remained silent for the rest of the day.
Twilight was still crying in the back of the carriage.

Author's Note:

Where's the ladies' changeroom

Comments ( 9 )

Lol Luna knows what's up. :trollestia:

da bess

Note to self:get up in 05.00 or ill be DEAD.


Dear God, that was quite frankly the best fanfic I have ever read! We should team up and write a clopfic. My perverted nature, and your arousing fetishes! It will be a match made in heaven! So many titles to choose from!

Twilight's dominatrix FEATURING: :twilightblush: and :trixieshiftleft:
Spike's kinky fetish FEATURING: :moustache: and :raritystarry:
10 metres of rope, 2 gallons of lube, and a bucket of viagra FEATURING: :ajbemused: and :eeyup:

I have arousing fetishes?


Ok, my filthy fetishes, and your talented writing! You can write the boring parts of the story (the actual plot of the story), and I can do the intimate scenes. :pinkiecrazy:
I would love to turn this in to a fucked up bondage session with Celestia, Twilight, and maybe Luna.

sounds like fun, but I do not support any ships at all.
just ain't my thing to slap two characters in a lacy outfit
while they butt-fuck each other with dildos.


Well, it was worth the try, I suppose.

.... Wut.

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