• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 13,334 Views, 1,365 Comments

Ascended - BlackWing

2 Years after the events of Monster, 1 year after the epilogue. Sequel. Firebolt fan character.

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Fastest Flyer In Equestria (21)

Fastest Flyer In Equestria

"Ready for round two?" Rainbow Dash asked as she licked her lips.

"First, we need to take care of that promise I made you. Besides, I'll need a little time to prepare, and by the looks of it, so do you." Nightshade replied as he got dressed. Rainbow blushed, smiling sweetly.

"You big tease."

Nightshade gave the sleeping Fluttershy a gentle pat on the head, whispered 'I love you', and covered her in the bed sheets. He headed outside, followed by Rainbow Dash, who was flicking her tail.

"So, what's this you said about a race?" She asked.

"We need to find out once and for all, who the fastest flyer in Equestria is." He said, the two of them flying up above the Everfree forest.

"And we're going to do that how?" She asked again.

"I'm going to fly in a straight line as fast as I can. After counting to five, you're going to chase me. Soon as you can tag me, we land right there and do it. Doesn't matter if it's in a snow bank, or on someones roof, or in the middle of a photo shoot. By the way, try not to catch me over Canterlot, else you'll probably get ripped apart by mares trying to get at me." Nightshade smiled. It was a wonderfully devious idea. A race, followed by doing it, possibly in public. That kind of thing was right up the rambunctious rainbow mare's alley. She loved it.

"Ready?" He said.

"Set." She replied.

"GO!" He flew straight, due east, about a mile above ground.

"One." Rainbow counted, watching as he flew away.

"Two." She could barely contain her excitement.

"Three." The excitement turned to horror as he started to get smaller.

"Four." It turned to anger. He wasn't going to do it at all. He was going to escape over the horizon. Not if she had anything to do with it.

"FIVE!" She yelled in a voice near the level of Royal Canterlot, taking off after him, screaming in fury as she broke the sound barrier instantly. The rainboom was felt throughout the entire forest, the vibrations of which caused a certain flaming mare and purple dragon untold delight as they shook during the act.

"I'm going to catch you, and when I do, you are going to RUT ME TILL YOU DIE!" She yelled, freaking out.

Nightshade hadn't even broken the sound barrier, but spotting the fuming mare coming after him like a bat out of hell, he too passed the speed of sound. Such a thing was supposed to be difficult, but he and Rainbow pulled it off frequently, a testament to their skills.

"I can't let her catch me yet, we've only just begun. To be fair, I'm not gonna sap her strength." He thought to himself as he accelerated. He looked over his shoulder, only to see the furious magenta eyes. If he didn't know any better, he could have sworn she had fangs given the face of unadulterated rage she was wearing. Desperate to escape, he flew faster still. He was worn out from his 'activities' with Fluttershy, so he used a portion of his immortal life to restore himself. With renewed vigor, he picked up speed.

Looking at the ground passing under him, the winding roads and rivers seemed to be a blur. They were both moving many times the speed of sound now, and all the features of the ground seemed to blur together. He was able to think very quickly, his eyes and brain being enhanced by Nightmare's remnant as well as his body. He was basically getting a full view of the entirety of Equestria in mere moments. Rainbow Dash was getting a full view as well, but only of Nightshade's behind under his flapping cloak.

"Give up! You can't escape me!" She yelled at him. Given the speed they were moving at, there was no way he could hear her. He sped up once again, passing over Canterlot. The many ponies in the city saw the figured fast approaching. Wondering what they were, numerous pegasi flew up to see what the commotion was. They didn't withing 20 feet of them before being knocked back down by the torrents of air. A one pony landed on none other than Derpy Hooves, who asked them if they would eat her muffin.

Rainbow Dash flew faster still, reaching her hoof out to grab his leg, just barely out of her reach. Her frustration, and tension, built as he noticed she was close, pulling away again. It was like he was toying with her.

'Geez, she almost got me there. I gotta keep my head in the game. She really wants it bad. Gotta keep going.' Nightshade thought to himself. He pulled away again, creating more distance between the two as they now flew over the ocean.

"Not good, I can't let her catch me here. We'll drown!" Nightshade used his powers some more, going with the overload method he used before fusing with Nightmare. His speed drastically increased, feeling the adrenaline pumping as he was chased by the rainbow madmare. Suddenly, he felt a dull, burning pain all over his body. He looked, and saw that due to the friction caused by flying at such speeds, small licks of flame were appearing on his body. He dared not go any faster, or he'd risk catching ablaze. Spotting the ocean's far shore, he flew over a mountain range, into an endless field beyond. Flying close to the ground, millions of butterflies took flight at the disturbance, being caught in draft, pulled behind him in a rainbow stream. Miraculously, they weren't ripped apart by the strong winds, rather dancing inside them.

"You. Will. NOT. ESCAPE!" Rainbow screamed. Nightshade suddenly thought.

'I have the sense to slow down before I catch fire. She doesn't. Shit.'

Looking back, he saw the licks of flame appearing on Dash's body. He screamed for her to slow down, but the speed at which they were traveling made it impossible. She screamed as she burst into flame, creating a burning, multicoloured arc across the sky. Suddenly, she stopped moving, and began to fall. Nightshade watched in horror as she fell from the sky, her feathers and coat singed black from the fire.

"RAINBOW!" He screamed, flying towards her. She was still high up. If she hit the ground, that would be the end of her. He flew furiously, tears streaming from his eyes as he scooped her up, not even 10 feet from the ground. He brought her to a nearby river, dunking her in it, trying to cool the overheated mare off. The river was from the mountains, caused by the melting of snow in the heat. It was frigid, but that didn't stop it from turning to steam as her body slid into it. His hands burned from the scalding water, but he didn't have time to worry about that now, he had to cool her off and heal her injuries.

Rainbow was in the darkness of her own mind, barely conscious. She squinted her eyes to find Nightshade, kneeling next to her. He was pouring frigid water on her, but rather than feeling cold, she felt relief. Green mists flowed from his hands, making her feel pleasant. Tears flowed from his eyes as a multitude of butterflies landed on him, covering him with vivid colours.

"Come on Rainbow, wake up! It wasn't supposed to be this way! I'm sorry! I let it get out of hand! It's all my fault that you're like this." He sobbed as he healed her wounds, desperate to lower her temperature. The relief of the cool water and him taking away her pain was so soothing, she finally felt able to move. Dash lifter her hoof, jabbed him in the arm and smiled weakly.

"Caught you."

At her sudden movement, he scooped her up in his arms, holding her close, tending her injuries even as he hugged her.

"Don't scare me like that. I thought you were gonna die!" He scolded her. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"You'd be fine, you'd still have Fluttershy after all." She said weakly, tears in her eyes. After all, he really did belong to her yellow friend, she was just borrowing him, she was just an afterthought. He was doing this for her, as a favour to the one he really loved.

"I'd be lost if I lost either of you. Fluttershy is kind, sweet, gentle, and caring, but you challenge me. You're hot headed, competitive, and make me strive to be my best. When I won the running of the leaves, all those years back, It was the proudest moment of my life. I had never competed in anything before. YOU made me give it my all. Don't you get it? I LOVE you." He held her tight against him. That was the first time anyone had ever told her that, ever since her parents passed, and it left her stunned. After several minutes, she finally was able to think again.

"You're just saying that." She said, looking down.

"While it's true that I don't love you the same way I love Fluttershy, it doesn't change the fact that you are important to me. She was kind, and she cared for me when I hurt, tending my wounds and my heart. You were brave. You stood up for me and defended me when I was weak. When you first hit me in the head with your hoof, if you had knocked me out, you would have felt guilty about it, then come and spent time with me in that jail cell. I would have ended up making that connection with you first, and I'd probably be having a wedding with you instead." He explained.

"But I didn't. What if's don't matter. You were all alone, and I left you alone. She went to make sure you were okay, while I went and had breakfast with the rest of them. You needed me, and I wasn't there for you." She cried.

"I seem to remember hearing that a certain pegasus told Gilda to 'Shut up before I come back there and break your jaw' because she was taunting me. You stood up for me, something nobody else did." He argued.

"After the running of the leaves, I was still struggling with my emotions with Fluttershy. I didn't know whether or not she liked me, whether or not I really liked her. When I beat you, you fell for me. When I saw you holding up your end of the bargain, helping me day after day, night after night, building my house with me, I saw something in you. I know that even if I lost, you still would have helped me." Nightshade continued.

"During that time, I was torn between the two of you. Fluttershy had helped me so much, and I knew I liked her, but you tried to make things better between yourself and Scootaloo. You were practically her mother. More than like, I respected and admired you. I had a very hard time deciding who I wanted to be with, and just when I thought I couldn't make the decision, fate came and made it for me, picking Fluttershy. Where I'm from, having more than one spouse is wrong. It's against everything I know, yet when you told me your feelings, saying you wanted to be with me. It was the second happiest moment of my life. The happiest was when Fluttershy agreed to it openly. Didn't you see how easily I was persuaded? I went against everything I know by having the two of you, due to mere puppy dog eyes? Everything in my head screams that I shouldn't do it, yet, everything in my heart tells me I should. I followed my heart, and I'm happy, because I love you both."

Rainbow sat there for a moment. For the longest time, they had been so stubborn and out of tune with themselves, that they had never admitted to each other, nor themselves, how they really felt.

"Your prized possession, the wonderbolt's pin. When I was trapped in stone, you put the one thing that meant most in the world to you, your dream, that you had finally achieved, and put it at my feet. We tease each other, challenge each other, strive to make each other do their best. Even now, you flew so fast that you caught ablaze, casting a flaming rainbow across the sky, you can't tell me that it was just your heat, and that it wasn't largely due to me beating you and you wanting to improve?"

"You're right. I wanted to beat you so bad, I trained every day. I don't even take naps anymore. I joined the wonderbolt's because of you. I adopted Scootaloo because of you, having her live in my home, and I was never happier. I finally started living for somepony else. If not for you, I never would have known that joy." She nuzzled close to him, and he wrapped his wing around the cyan pegasus, much the way he would with the yellow one.

"While my love for Fluttershy is full of tenderness and care, my love for you is full of passion. It's just, you never told me how you felt, and so I swallowed those feeling, hiding them away, thinking you'd never return them. You were so, brash, egotistical. Then, when I saw you with Scoots, I couldn't help but think you'd make a great mother, and secretly wished to be with you, even though I was with Fluttershy. I couldn't do it, I couldn't betray her. That was why I was so hell bent on escaping you last mating season I was around, and why I got mad when you said you wanted me. I was with Fluttershy, preparing to get married, and then the other mare of my dreams comes waltzing in, telling me to be with her? It was like a nightmare, until you pointed out that it could work. Then I dragged you to her, kicking and screaming, so you could try and make it work. I'm just glad she knew about you for so long, probably even long than YOU knew about you. I love the both of you so much, although in slightly different ways. There is nothing I wouldn't do for either of you." Nightshade said, tears in his eyes now.

"Then why did you try to get away so badly just now?" Dash asked.

"Because, if you caught me, and I hadn't tried my best, you would never forgive me. Which, by the way, you flew fast enough to catch on fire, I did not. That means you are still the fastest flyer in Equestria, and have won the race. While Fluttershy may be the cutest pony around, you're the hottest, in both meanings of the word." He looked into her eyes, much the same way he looked into Fluttershy's. They were different, but the feelings they gave were the same. She wrapped her hooves around him, placing her chin on his shoulder.

"I never knew how you felt." She said calmly.

"That's because, when it comes to emotions, I'm as bad as you are."

Dash had finally cooled down, and her injuries were healed. She leaned in, giving Nightshade a peck on the cheek, as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Well, here's where you caught me, right in the middle of this field filled with millions upon millions of butterflies and flowers. The sun was setting when we left, but look, it's rising over the horizon right now. We just flew halfway around the planet in about an hour. Perfect setting for some romance, don't you think?" He asked.

"You know, Fluttershy would love this." She said, looking into his eyes as the sun rose.

"Yeah, but she'd never be able to make it here on her own. Maybe one day the three of us can come here for a picnic or something, but until then, this is a place all our own. I didn't see settlements of any kind as we flew over." He replied.

"Equestria, as well as the griffin kingdom, are the only civilized places on this world. Celestia's sun and Luna's moon travel all the way around, and they can see everything the light from them touches. This land is unexplored. We're the first ones to ever set hoof, err, foot here." Rainbow said with a smile. She wasn't looking lusty, just content.

"An unexplored land, an open field, filled with butterflies and the sun beaming down on us. Ready for your trophy, champ?" Nightshade asked. Just as she was about to ask what he meant by that, he leaned on her, knocking her over. She lay on her back on the ground, grinning as she suddenly got his meaning, and as he undid his belt buckle.

I had broken the plot, making Nightshade be with Dash was completley out of character, because I didn't explain it at all. Serious error on my part. I hope I'm not slipping. It was an amateur mistake. The fact that I AM one doesn't help at all, because my readers have come to expect better than that. So, I went from being wordsmith to word mechanic on this chapter, I took it down and fixed it. I hope this all makes things better. I like it better. It's not as awkward, doesn't feel forced this time around, and it keeps everyone in character. The things I do for a story.

I removed the clop fic.